
User: selivia
Even when there is nothing happening, there is always something going on for a college student. A 30-day record in the life of one young lady reveals forgotten memories and discovers a lost relationship.

diary, shape shifter, change, love
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Thanks Felix, Evercaptivating.
I feel as if I have made a small accomlishment to draw you out of your safe zone Pat, and thanks for sticking with it Stephanie to follow the tumble of memories into the action.

3 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a very long 30 day entry...and worth every page.
You have done such a great job, at least for me:) I think I mentioned, this isn't my genre of choice, but the way you narrated; the range of emotion; the tender caring; the tight plot--I loved it! And someohow this entered twice! Oh well, I'll just vote a second time then:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a very long 30 day entry...and worth every page.
You have done such a great job, at least for me:) I think I mentioned, this isn't my genre of choice, but the way you narrated; the range of emotion; the tender caring; the tight plot--I loved it!

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I’ve started reading a few pages, and it shows that you’ve hard work on this diary. Keep it up!
I'll give you my final comment after I finish reading your e-book. Have a great weekend!

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thank you for reading and I hope you will come back when the Diary competition opens for submissions.

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love story...won't say anything more - it would give away too much info...just to say I loved it..p

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