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Hi just read the nearness of you. Loved it :)

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" Megan Brewer "
Very lively written and so understandable for not a native speaker like me. As a German I am reading now a novel, written by Elisabeth George, she is so professionel, but she has used hundreds of unknown words. " In The Presence Of The Enemy". Difficult! 636 pages
by the way; it's hard work to pick up. But back to Your story: I like too to write in a form
of a diary. ( "Neuropa" means " New Europa ") It gives... mehr anzeigen

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I saw your reply on my pinboard... but it's impossible, you look good in every single picture! :D

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If that's you on your profile picture, then just know that you look utterly beautiful :) I'm in love with your hair & its softness! ;)

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Hi! I loved reading your book 'Meagan Brewer.' It was Fantastico! Anyways I'm not sure if your interested but as I read about your favorite books you seem to like Jane Eyre. Also Anne of Green Gables.I honestly never read them but I did read the mother daughter bookclub series by Heather V. Frederick. They have many connections to Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. Even the book names are similar to the books of those authors. You... mehr anzeigen

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Reading your Carry me Away- I thought you might be interested in my short one, Shifting Stacks. Have a good day

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while looking for "The Shack" I saw that you liked it. I can not find it on here. Do you know if it is? If so can you send it to me, if not do you know where online I can read it for free. I have read it in the past, a friend of mine has it, but I would love to be able to read it any time. Thank you and God bless.

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Just stopping by to say hi and hope all is well! Hope your summer is turning out to be a beautiful one!


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