Split Personality

Split Personality
My dad is getting remarried,and not just that im getting a new sister in law,and she looks lame.But here is the best part there going on there honeymoon the whole summer leaving me with that dork.or so i thought.

new family, friends, party's, love, sex, bet
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“She stood in the deep, dark woods, breath shallow and cold prickling over her skin despite the hot, heavy air. She took a step back, then two, as the urge to run fell over her.”
Naomi Bowes lost her innocence the night she followed her father into the woods. In freeing the girl trapped in the root cellar, Naomi revealed the horrible extent of her father’s crimes and made him infamous. No matter how close she gets to... mehr anzeigen

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I read a few pages and really like it, but there's like, a lot of editing mistakes, but other than that AMAZING

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hey , please update teh book is a great book i would love to read more ..... please however spell check and edit the book

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wait come bakkkk . plsss update dont leave us hanging . its been like 4 years nowww ):

1 Kommentar

i know right

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