
what a drag!

''nick were leaving to the airport,take care of your sister while were gone.''
After that i heard my dad leaving.Wait sister?
since have i had a sister,oh since a week ago,i would be totally fine with it but why does it have to be her.She has no sex appeal,lame clothes,not to mention clumsy and were these thick glasses.I cant believe me nick Anderson the popular hot guy from wolfed high school not to mention football captain has a dork for a sister.I mean thank god its summer.ill probably show her around school in the summer,for i wont humiliate myself.
I heard my phone ring it was my boys.
''yo''i speak
''yo men dont forget the guys and me are coming over to chill at your pool.''
''yeah yeah when you coming.''
''actually were on our way.''
Great i click,i went to the shower handle my business and put on some boy shorts.
I walked out of my room and saw alex eating pancakes.
when she sees me ill bet she will blush from my looks.
she looked up and just
''hey your pancakes are in the microwave.''
that's it she didn't even blush.Come on every girl cant keep there hands off me.
Im 6'2 tall,with build up body,full lips and a handsome face with silver and slight of green eyes.How could she act normal.I mean just look at her her hair is all tangle and again baggy clothes,NO SEX APPEAL!
''hey listen my friends are coming over to use the go to your room and stay there.''
i sounded like a jerk lets see if she cry's ha that would be funny whats more funny then a dork crying.
''no thanks im going out with some friends.''
friends? she has friends.well whatever at least she will leave this house.
''whatever thats even better then staying in hear.''I walked got my pancakes and started eating while watching some football.she got up from her chair and started walking up the stairs.
just in time the door was the guys.
''hey!'' everyone said while running to the pool.
''hey men.''
''so were is that new sister of yours?''
''she is no one special a total dork.''
We were at the pool talking about girls weave had sex,the party that my men ethan is throwing tommaroww.We were in the pool for like an hour.We decided to go watch some football in the living room.The door rang i went to go open it.
it was some fine chick she has medium size dirty blond hair with bright blue eyes.Was wearing some jean shorts and a tank top with a cute leather jacket and some black converse.
''hey are you here to see one of my guys?''i asked her politely.
''hey and no im sorry im here for alex.''alex? why is someone as fine as her here for a dork.
oh i get it.
''oh so she helping you with your summer homework.''she started giggling.
did i say something funny.
''did i say something funny?''with a confuse look on my face.
''yes.''she still continue laughing..
''hey lexie!''
i turned around and saw a hot babe coming down the stairs.she has long black wavy hair with golden eye color a nice slim body.Tight skinny jeans black heels and i hate you t-shirt.who is she??
''umm who are you and how did you get in my house?''
she has this huge grin on my face.
''alex dont tell me you did this again?''asked lexie
''pft if i was dressed like this he wouldn't show me who he really is?''
''wait what do you mean.and did you just say alex.?''
''yes im alex your new sister in law,sorry i was dressed like that this is the real me,like i said i wanted to know who my real brother was.and i did,well lets go lexie everyone waiting for us.''
Im still speechless i mean my new sister is hot!from a dork to hot!damm ive sounded like a jerk to her the whole time.fuck my life.
I went in the living room after closing the door.And everyone looked quiet until i walked in and they started laughing i guess they all heard.
''so is that the dork?she is like the total opposite.''
''yeah men she is hot! i mean the hottest chick in school.''
''SHUT UP!''
''men im totally staying here till she comes back,she is so coming to my party.''
they kept on and on talking about her like she was there queen serieslly she is not that hot,ok mybe she is but ive seen better....
''men when is she going to be back its already 10pm.''
everyone seem to have left except for my best friend lucas.
''idk.''to tell you the truth im starting to get worried when i heard the door opening.
''yeah i just got home i just need to get ready.''she was talking on the phone.
''were are you going you just got here?''she looked up at me shocked then she put a huge grin in her face.
''what are you doing here?''
''what am i doing here this is my house''what type of stupid question is that.
''oh sorry yeah,ok ill be ready bye.''she totally egnore me then she hang up the phone.
''i know this is your house but i thought you will be out on a friday every other 18 year old boy.''
''she got a point there,buddy.''said lucas.
''men!you were the one who wanted to see her.''i shouted.she notice.and when up to him and sat next to him on the couch.
''what is it you want to ask me?''she licked her lips and put her left hand under her chin examining him.lucas put on this huge grin on his face and said.
''im having this party at my place tomaroww and was hoping to invite you.''
''oh you couldn't just tolled my big brother over there.''i rolled my she serisly flirting in front of me.
''yeah but then i couldn't see you sexy.''this bastard his doing this in front of me.
'oh really?''she seems happy and he tooked the chance and grabed her by the waist and put her on top of himself and they started making out,totally forgetting my presence.i coughed and she got up walked past me heading straight to the stairs.
''goodnight big brother,oh by the way a friend of mine is coming to pick me up to go just let me know ok.''
is she wild or something speachless until lucas touched my shoulder.
''she makes out like a goddess.''im back to reality now.
''GET OUT!.''
''what why i want to see her friend.''
i didn't saying anything i just grabbed him by the ear and slammed the door in front of him.
stupid bastard.
I went up to her room and just walked in with out knocking on the door she was in her underwear at the moment.
she turned and notice me and smirked.
''do you need something or would you like to keep stairing?''
did she say something.
''huh what?''she started i have never felt this way before her body is just perfect.back to reality.
''why were you making out with my best friend?''
''oh because he wanted me to.why you ask?''
''you dont even know him.''
''well i know his a friend of yours,his hot,and he seemed like he was a good kisser.''
''so you will just make out with any guy like that?''
''yeah i dont care.''she found the outfit she was looking for and was about to put it on.when i grabbed her by the waist and started kissing her neck,i nibbled on her left ear,she shiver i had this huge grin on my face.I decided to take it further my left hand grabbed her boob men it felt amazing just the perfect size for my hand.then i slipped my right arm going down her stomoch and i felt like she has the perfect 6 pack abs,then i went to her pussy and stick in my finger she started moaning in excitement.I didn't want to stop,my finger started going faster and faster,i put 2 fingers in it this time,she was shivering and moaning louder.she was loosing strength in her legs.I turned her and grabbed her by the waist on top me,she put her legs around my waist i motioned to the bed,and i started kissing her,she made the sexiest sounds,shit im all erect now!i didn't even notice that i had my shirt on i kept kissing her while one hand was unzipping my pants zipper.when she grabbed it.
''do you honesty think im that easy?''huh?
''get off me.''she was being serious my eyes were wide open of the shock of what i just did.
she started laughing like she notice.
''im sorry,i dont know what got in me.''i said with a sad face.she looked at me
''dont worry about it, i wasnt going to let it happen.''
yeah right,she was enjoying it as i was.she had her dress on it was 2 inches from her but only.
''where are you going?''
''im going to a gay club with my friend?''
is she bi or something?
''no im not bi im 100% straight.''she said answering my thoughts
''then why are you going to a gay club?''im confuse.
''my guy friend is gay and he wants me to go,simple as that.''
''you like that sort of thing.''
''well i think its sexy 2 guys kissing,and not to mention they have the funniest jokes i have ever heard.''
i heard the door bell ring.she was done getting ready,and was heading out to answer it.she turned and saw me.
''dont wait up ill be home very late.''with just that she left.leaving me alone again.
I went upstairs to take a shower men i cant believe what i just did.ugh

The next following morning i woke up with a loud sound of well its sound like a violin i think.I was following the sound were it came from and its coming from alex room.
I open the the door to her room and i see her wearing boy shorts and a sports bra swirling around dancing with her arms expanded in front of her i just could not hold in my laughter. she turned around noticing my laugh.
''i could never have taken you to be a classical person.''
I questioned her with laughter.
''well im a girl with different sides.''
she stop the music,and wiped up the swet of her forehead.
''im hungry whats for breakfest?''
''well i just woke up from that music.''
''oh so you didnt come to get me to eat why didn't you knock?''
''i dont have to knock in my own house.''
''well this is my house to and i am a girl living here,so you should respect my privacy.''
is she kidding me,what happen to that wild girl last night.
''next time knock ok.unless you want to see me naked.''she giggled.i knew it she likes me.
''i knew it you like me dont you.''with a huge grin in my face.she turned to face me.
''are you sure its not the same way around?''
''im positive.''
''hmm that seems interested ok how about we make a bet.''this totally had my attention.
''ha your own whats the bet about?''i never turn down a bet.
''who ever falls in love first with the other looses.''
''and what does the winner get?''
''the winner has to tell the loser anything they want them to do for a day.''
she is soo totally going to loose.
''your on but im not loosing.i smirked and left her room when i closed the door i heard her loud laughter.

let the games begin!!!

ugh i got up off my bed still half asleep.When i hear loud music from alexs that women,thanks to her i am fully awake.''stupid pick up your phone its ur boy lucas.'' thats my cell i recorded him as my ringtone for i would know its him calling and not some sluts who wants me to bang them.I picked up the phone.''what?''
''hey men you want to hang out me and the guys wants to come over and watch a couple of movies.''
phf movies men they just want to see''HER''.
''yeah men i dont care.''
''hey why dont u tell that sister of yours to bring in some of her friends.''
''men are you sure she has some gay friends.''i chuckle..he is scared of them lol.
''men thats even better,imagine watching some girl and girl action.'' lol this is to hilarious.
''men so far of what i know she has one female friend she is smokin hot,and a guy male friend.''
after i said that he just staid quiet.
''well im sure she has female friends just ask her.''
damm desperate much.
''yeah men whatever,bye'' i click and was heading in to the shower.
I finally finish the shower,i put on the radio while i was getting myself ready before i head
into her lair.I put on some fresh rip skinny jeans with some black Jordans,ans a black plain
t-shirt that shows my muscles. men no girl could resist me, sooner or later im going to have her begging on her knees for me.i look myself in the mirror men i look fresh.. I left my room and was heading into alex room.I just walked in without knocking and in my surprise she was already dress.She was wearing a blushing panda top shirt and some yellow skinny jeans that show her nice long slim legs.anyway and some worn out black converse and by the looks of it she has no plans to go out,wearing casual clothing.
''uhum may i help you?''she ask with a huge grin on her face i totally forgot that i was staring at her ass..
''yeah you remember lucas right?''
''yeah that best friend of your that is a hell out of good kisser.''she giggled, and i am slighlty annoyed.shit why im i annoyed.
''yeah well he wants to have a movie night with the guys and invited you,and ofcourse for you to bring in some of your girl friends.''
she stayed quiet thinking about what i said while she was putting on some red lipstick on.
men she has great full lips.Shit!! focus nick!!!
''yeah sure what time?''she turned to me.
''around 7 at night.''
''ok well ill call up my girls to see what they say but dont worry they'll say will you please get out of my room im busy.''
''yeah sure im heading out ill be back with the guys.''
''k bye brother dear.''
why is she calling me her brother???


Seriesly this guy thinks his going to win that stupid bet.Walking in my room without knocking looking all fresh..Im not going to lie he is hot!i mean you have to be stupid if you think not.
When i hear my cell ringing Hot Chelle Rae - I Like It Like That. completely leaving my thoughts behind.I picked up the cell.
''hey lexie,morning.''
''hey girlie,morning,I tolled some of the girls about hot is your new step brother,and there excited to meet him.''I cut her off.''no prob he just left my room to tell me that his friends wants to chill to meet his new sister or whatever,and tolled to invite some of my girls.''
''Excellent i notice you have a pool so why dont we have a pool party just us.''
''you seem ecstatic, lol sure just invite amy,and lia with them me and you should be enough.''
After that she agreed i was telling her about the stupid bet we made.She knows i was going to win, i mean not to brag or anything but in my old school i was the most popular girl,the girls envy me but there still pretend to be nice to me,to chill around me.but of course my real girls are just lexie,ami,and lia there flirty but not sluts.
I got up from the twin size bed and looked around my new room,i just moved like a little while ago and didn't have enough time to finish decorating this place.I looked at the furniture and they were disgusting,when i just realize my dad gave me a couple of thousands in my credit card, i can totally use that to my advantage.So i looked around my room,mentally making a list in my head of what i need.
what i need:
-a full bed with a black frame, with some cover sheets and nice fluffy pillows.
-some yellow paint for the walls-and also some posters.
-2 drawers,a full mirror in black
-a red comfy couch-2 black fluffy carpets
-some cute decorations
-and last stuff for my walk in closet to organize and bathroom supplies.
Ok so i mentally know what i need and was heading out to my honda because from the looks of it im going to need backseat space.
I went to home depot and got the paint and brushes.Then i went to rooms to go and pick out my room it will deliver in 2 days, for the paint can dry up in my room.So my last stop is to go to home & decor i got a bunch of decorations and everything i need to make my room feel more like me.Today i wasted 5 grand in everything together i have like 10 bags of stuff for my room.
I am currently pulling up my drive way when i notice nick just got home with his friends,there were just getting out of there car.Nick from the diver seat and lucas in the passengers seat.Oh and two hot friends in the back seat.they noticed me just getting out of my car.and me of course i just smirked at the boys just staring at me.
''alex were did you go?''nick asked
''i went to get some stuff for my room,surely you dont think im going to stay at home waiting for you to come home.''he seems annoyed that i hit the mark,and the guys just laughing.
''hey im noah,nice to meat you.''said a guy with baby blue eyes and brown bed hair,nicely tan body and has some muscles not as much as nick but its still good.
''hey.''i smiled my flirty smile.
''im sky.''he said while looking up and down from me.he seem like a man whore i can teach him a lesson or 2.his pretty sexy himself his seems like the football type.but with a cute baby face with blond hair and baby brown eyes.
i walked up to him and went to his face giving a flirty smile.
''hey sky you see its not rude to stair at a girl body,so keep your eyes on my eyes.''
everyone started laughing.but sky just looked at me in lust.But i just ignore him.
''hey guys i got couple of bags in my car can you get it for me and put it in my room im tired.''
they all where heading to the car to get my bags and they were shock at how many thing were in there.
they were done with my stuff.And now were all in the kitchen,just talking about the stuff i like and etc.
''oh by the way im going to paint my room in yellow so do you guys want to help me out?''
they all looked like happy puppies answering there master,they all nodded pretending not to get to happy for me to notice.i had to continue.
''and then the next day my furniture will arrive,so im going to need help in that also.''
''the guys could help with the furniture but for the painting will just be me and you sis.''he smirked,ah i see he wants to have me alone well 2 can play this game.
''oh i dont mind sweetie im going to have you all night tommaroww Hot Chelle Rae - I Like It Like That.''with this he was shocked at my comment.
''w what?''his to shock that he startle.ha!
''oh i cant possibly sleep in my room with all that paint drying ill surly die.''all the guys laughed at my comeback.
he came up to me and whisper in my ear.''i dont mind sharing my bed with you oh dearest sister.''His hot breath next to me was just almost turning me hot.but i need to keep myself in check when i hear the doorbell ring its my girls.
i got out of his embrace and went to open the door.

nick pov:

Alex went to open the im suspecting its her friends.
''hey babes!'' yealled alex.and i heard alot of giggles.
''come on in,the guys are in.''
I see 3 girls coming in behind alex.Damm there all so damm well hot.But i prefer alex she's more my type.lucas put his hand on my shoulder,telling me he saw a girl that is mine. I saw lust in his eyes when he saw alex friend i mean im not going to lie i will hit that to if alex was not in the picture.wait! what im i saying i cant possibly loose on the bet,I mean she has to come begging in her needs to me like a every girl in school.
''ok um let me introduce you guys this is lexie to my right she is my best friend.''
''hi cuties.''lexie said with a cute smile on her face.when she talked my man lucas harden his grip on my shoulder.
''hey lexie.''lucas said making her blush.i couldn't stop but chuckle.
''ok and this is lia and amy my friends since freshmen year.''
''hello''they boft said.
they were cute but nothing like alex and lexie.
lia was the shortest,but a very nice body with a very nice set of boobs,with a tanned skin tone,and average size red hair and green eyes, she was a wearing a sun dress and white flats.Amy on the other side, is only 2 inches taller then lia,with blond hair with light blue eyes and very huge boobs!!i can already tell sky going to like her..
''alright like everyone is here lets hit the pool!''sky screemed.
''umm hold on a sec.''said alex
''whats wrong?''i asked
''were going to my room to get ready,so you boys go on ahead will catch up.''
''alright,lets go guys.''
and we walked to the pool.

Alex pov:

We headed off to my room and started getting ready.
''hey girls i want to tell you something.''i said, with that i got there attention.
''you see nick is my new step brother,and i made this bet with him.''when i said that i has a huge grin on my face.the girls notice and they looked at me with hunger,they just love my silly bets with guys,i used to do that all the time.
''so whats the details.''said lia.while putting on her black/pink polka dots bikini.
''well....we bet that whoever falls in love with the other then the loser has to do whatever the winner wants for an entire day.''with that they were cracking up,then i join cause there laugh are so contagious.
''lexie you think alex is going to win.''ask amy she was already done getting ready.she had on pink strip bikini and small jeans shorts.
''hmmm idk its a close call,i can already tell she is crushing on him,but she is stubborn,she will never admit it first.''said lexie while putting her hair in a messy bun.
she was wearing a bikini with a color of crimson with black swirls on the top with some black jean shorts.And if i was a guy i will totally bang her lol..
''touche you know me well.''i said while looking at myself in the mirror.
''well what type of best friend would i be if i didn't.''
''so i saw you blush when lucas said hi to you.''i said to change the topic.
''w-what i dont know what you talking about.'' you see i might be stubborn but so is she.
''lol lexie your just to cute.''said lia.
''alright guys you know she is shy lets head to the pool.''said amy.
and with that we were heading to the pool.the guys spotted us.But i saw my dearest brother checking me out from head to toe.

nick pov:

When i heard noise of the backyard opening i turned my head and i saw all the girls coming in, they were all looking sexy.then in the back i saw alex coming outside,and i mean she was looking just to sexy i mean damm with those nice slim body,what!! is my eyes lying to me, she has 6 abs damm that just hot. She wearing a gold bikini with her black wavy hair down and nice red full lips are just to sexy.I just couldn't stop staring at her.
''big brother my eyes are up here.''I didn't notice she was just in front of me.
''yeah my bad,hey help me up.''I reach my hand up for her to help me up.She graved it,pft i smirked and she notice.I pulled her in the pool.And everyone saw the whole scene and started laughing.
''NICK YOU ASSHOLE.!!''said alex Furious . I just couldn't stop laughing.

Lexie pov:

''NICK YOU ASSHOLE.!!''said alex Furious.Poor thing she got all wet and im here with amy and lia all dry.HA! she shouldn't be stupid to go so close to the pool.And even that she went and went to grab his! i bet she did that in purpose to get his attention when he already had his attention at her.As soon she went outside she had his attention.
''there so cute.''said amy.
''yeah totally.''said lia.
The guys got up from the pool leaving those two love birds in the pool. Lucas is so sexy i mean cute dark green eyes musculer body and dark brown hair and he has this cute baby face he was wearing purple shorts.
And the two guys behind him was sky and noah i persume.There were also hot but i had my eyes on lucas.I couldn't stop but think having him my arms,giving him love marks all over his body for everyone can know his mine.I blush at the thought.
''hey beautiful''said lucas to me.And with that i mean i turned more red.I tried to hide my face in my hair.
''aww come on dont hide your beautiful face from me.'' I turned my face when i knew i wasn't blushing.And gave him a smile.He smiled back looking straight into my eyes, but all i can see is lust in his eyes,no love.Well what do you expect from a player.From what alex tolled me when they first met he started making out with her..She of course just kissed back to make nick jealous.And also he is a good kisser.
''thank you for saying i have a beautiful face,but i have no interest in you.'' i said which of course is a major lie.
He smirked at me,i mean whats up with players they smirks to much.
''oh really?i see the way you look at me.''he said to me.
''well why cant i look? when i see a guy with a nice body, of course im going to look.''
''oh so your saying i have a nice body?''he smiled at that comment.
''well you said i have a beautiful face.''i said trying to change the topic.
''yes i did.''he said.
i turned before he sees me blush,but to make it look like im not hiding.I took of my shorts.
''well if you excuse me im heading to take a tan.''I got my towel from my back.
And i started walking,i turned my head and he is checking me out.well at least i got him out of that conversation.

nick pov:

After 2 hours outside we headed inside,the girls went upstairs to get dressed and what not while me and the guys went to my room.At the moment we already had clothes on and were all sitting in the living room watching some movie i think it is called ''the crazy's''.
I was sitting next to lucas and the love seat was lexie and alex. in the floor was amy,sky,and noah.we ordered some pizza,and was waiting for the delivery.
''so i heard you and alex made a bet.''said lia to me.
''were did you hear that?''i asked,i heard some giggling from lexie and alex,i shouldn't have asked.
''should you ask?''lia said with a huge grin on her face.
''nah i have a pretty good guess now.
''what bet?''said boft noah and sky.
that's right i havent tolled them yet, i only tolled lucas.
''we betted on who can make the other fall in love with the other,and whoever losses has to do whatever the winner says for an entire day.''interfere alex.
they all just started laughing.
''why you guys laughing?''i asked them
''well because i already know who is going to win.''said noah.
''oh and who is that?''said amy,oh now she is interested in the conversation.since the movie started she has not said a word.
''well of course its going to nick who wins.''said sky and with that we high 5 in the air to that.
''what makes you so sure to that?''said lexie while she has her chin on alex shoulder.yeah thats right alex is on top of lexie,which looks pretty sexy.
''well nick here never falls in love with anyone '' says jason.
''well so has alex.''she fired back.she continue.''how about we also have a bet.''
''oh really''he had a huge grin on his face now,and i already know were this is going .
''yeah i bet alex wins and you bet nick wins.''
''your on and the loser has to do what ever the winner says for the day.''
''your on.''
''you better win nick,who knows what i can get her to do the entire day.''whisper jason to me in my ear.
''nah dont worry men i wont,this is going to be fun.''
I saw alex whisper something to lexies ear and then she got up from lexie lap.going to sky,sky notice it and alex reach up her hands for him to take,he got it and they were heading upstairs.why are they going upstairs??
ten minutes later they come back ans i see a huge grin on boft of there faces.
shit what the hell were they doing upstairs,she is mine damm it sky!!i was getting mad.and lucas notice .''shit''he said in a low voice.''men you already fell for her.''he said whispering to me.
''pft i dont know what your talking about.''then i heard the pizza and it was a good chance for me to calm down.

getting settle in

Everyone finally left home,going there separate way home.Me on the other hand was dying to take shower,i still have pool scent on me.Nick saw my discomfort and started laughing while running up the stairs.I didn't want to get in a argument with him i mean look at me im tired.I went to my room
and got my pjs,and headed to my own bathroom.1 HOUR later and i was done taking a shower and
washing my hair,i didn't even bother to untangle my hair and dry it.I just jumped in my bed under
the covers and went to sleep,letting the darkness take me.
ugh i swear that boy is trying to kill me.Oh well i cant help it,once i wake up i cant go back to sleep.That is the only thing i hate about myself.I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.
hmmmm....i smell bacon and french toast.i went running down the stairs almost tripping in the last step.I see nick is already eating his breakfast.I jumped in to my seat,aww how sweet he laid it down for me.i looked up sensing some eyes on me.
''arent you forgetting something.''a minute late and i got it.
''oh remember your helping me paint my room yellow.''
''i give up.''hahaha i couldn't hold in my laughter he is just to cute,he gets annoyed way to quick.''thank you nick.''with that he got a smile on his face. what a sucker.
so i finish my breakfast and headed upstairs to get ready.3o minutes later....
I was finish getting ready.I put on black jean shorts and a football jersey on and just some black socks not wanting to get my baby's dirty(my shoes).just when i was putting my hair on a bun,nick was knocking on my door.
''come in!!''he came in wearing a blach tshirt and some ripped skinny jeans with some black socks.
''alright like your hear already you get half the room,so i get the right and you get the left.''
i got my brush and started heading to my wall, when i was interrupted by stong arms around my waist.
''yes?''i said.
''you dont honesty think im doing this for free do you?''he said while give me soft kissed on my neck.i moan very softly,he blew on my ear,that hit the spot i couldn't feel my legs,he notice grabbed on to me tighter.I got out of his embrace and put some yellow paint on his right cheek with my paintbrush.From that i started laughing.
''oh really you think thats funny do you.''i couldn't hold it in,i started laughing harder when i notice my right cheek is cold.That dick he put some paint on me oh it is so on.
after 10 minutes of paint fighting we turned series and started painting my room.
1 hour later and we were finally done.
''finally were done,thanks nick for the help.''
i said while laying done on my floor facing the cieling.
''no problem.''then i heard a strange ringtone coming from nick cell.
''hey,umm now?,yeah alright ill be there,bye''
''hey i got to hit the streets,ill see you later on tonight.''
He said before getting up from the floor, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek,leaving me alone in my room,just well alone.

nick pov:

After i left her room i went to take a shower,to get all this yellow paint off,of me.I was finally ready i put on some skater shorts,jordins and a muscle shirt.I was looking fresh.I cant believe lucas calls me up just to go on and chill with him and 2 girls in his house,when i got a smokin hot babe in my own house.Well i guess he doesn't want to loose the bet,and i dont blame him thats why i agreed on this,he tolled me he got the head and co-captain cheerleaders must known to be the easiest girls in the whole school.I finally reached his town house.
I knocked on the door,and christy head cheerleader open the door.
''hey sexy.''she said with a flirty smile.I put my arm around her shoulder and walked in.
''hey lucas hey jazmine.ima go upstairs alright.''i said when i saw them sitting on the couch.
''alright men,have fun.''men thats the only reason why i came here.I already had sex with christy like 2 times,she had a nice body,she been cheer leading since she was 6 years old,but her boobs are fake,but thats no reason for me not to grab them.I was heading to the guest room.and she was already giving me kisses on the neck.i guess she is already horny.
''you ready c.''
she bit her tongue telling me she is ready. I pulled her on my waist she wrapped her legs around my waist and we started making out.I closed the door behind me,and shoved her to the bed.She took of my shirt,already heading to un zip my jeans,damm someone is not patient today.Well it doesent matter its not like i want to make love to her i just want to bang her.
2 hours later and we were satisfied with each other.I got up and headed to the bathroom to clean up,i saw the time and it was already 6pm.I put on my clothes and headed downstairs leaving christy sleeping.I notice that lucas was also up he was now dinking some water.
''hey men you done?''i asked lucas.
''yeah men im getting tired of her,its already the tired time i had sex with her,you want to go to the lake.''
''yeah lets go lets just leave them sleeping here.'' ''aight''
I was in my car waiting for lucas to get in,6 minutes later and he was jogging to my car.I turned on the car and was heading to the lake.The lake is were we call the hang out spot,for the popular kids,well for lucas,sky,noah,and me its were we find our sluts for the week.Its a 30 minute ride......We finally arrived and i spotted my boys noah and sky,they already got there dates.Lucas and me wear on are way when we got stopped by 2 girls.
''hey ladies.''said lucas.they giggled to that.they were cute but not sexy.They boft wear wearing sun dress with white sandles.''hey lucas,heyy nick.''you can already tell that she wants me.''hey im sorry but i didn't catch your names.''i said
''im britney.''says the one who was checking me out she has red hair with blue contacts and average size boobs.''and this is my cousin christine.''hey cousin is ok looking she had a little bit of boobs but alot of ass.Well im more a boob person anyway so i guess im going with britney.
''alright hey if you girls dont mind let me get your numbers and will hit you up the next day cause our friends are waiting for us.''
they gaved us there number and we headed of to noah and sky.
''hey guys.''said lucas and me.they nodded at our arrival.and there sluts got of from there laps,already leaving.I knew them i already did them,and they knew my room so they just bounce to sad to see my face,every girl is when they dont sstisfy me for at least 1 hour i just leave them hanging or when im done using them for my cravings.i smirked as they left.
''hey so nick you left your little sister at home all alone.''said sky.
''yeah which reminds me sky what you and alex did last night up stairs.''he started laughing
''what? tell me''
''nah men if you want to know you got to ask her,if i tell you now you will get to mad at yourself not to mention you will get embarrassed.''
''men in a good mood anyway.''
''what just had sex or something.''said noah.
''yeah how you guess.''with just that we all started laughing.
''with who?alex?''said sky.from that i just got series.i cant believe it by now i should have done her.Well i would tonight if not my pride will be died.
''nah men but im planning tonight i will.''
''right after you just had sex with some girl.''said noah.
''whats so bad about that he sometimes has sex with 3 different girls a day.''said lucas
Well i dont know i kinda do feel guilty having sex with these girls now,i can tell.....w-wwait a minute why im i feeling guilty im not even going out with her.
''hey you ok men.''said lucas.''
''yeah men my head just hurts,i think im going to head home.''
''alright men see you in the morning remember were going to help with alex new furniture.''
''yeah i know alright till morning.''
With that i left them and was heading home...45 minutes later i just arrived to my house when its 12pm.*yawn*men christy did me good today.I went to open the front door when i notice all the lights were turn off,so im guessing that alex is already asleep.shit i knew i should have came home earlier.

alex pov:

I am currently in alex bed waiting for him to come home.When i first enter his room,i was shock i mean his room is all organized and tidy up.He has red paint walls all his furniture is black and he has one wall full of movies,boy he was not kidding of collecting movies not being his hobbie.Well i wanted to have a little fun with this little arrangement that were having for tonight to see if big guy can control himself.shit if i was a guy and i see a girl wearing a sports bra and boy boxers on top of my bed i dont think i will help my self.yep that right i am currently wearing a sports bra and boy boxers.when suddenly alex door is opening up so i pretended to be asleep.
''shit,i knew it.''that is nick voice,so i am guessing he wanted me awake huh.
I was hearing noises in the background,he unzip his jeans and took of his shirt.and was sliding in his bed under the cover,when he suddenly stop.I guess he notice what i was wearing.3 minutes later he left his shocked moment.And hid under the cover,i waited for him to get comfortable.and i heard him i started with my little dirty plan...:)
''mmhhmmm ahh.''i heard him from my moans.what there are your average teenagers who has wet dreams.
''hmmm not there stop.''as you can see im pretending im having sex with nick in my so call dream.
i hear him moving,so i turned around still with my eyes close.i moved my hand up to his chest.and whisper.''hmm nick.''
''damm it alex.''
damm i couldn't hold in my laughter.i just started laughing.i open my eyes to see a very shock nick.
''did you just pretend.?''
''i dont know what your talking about.''i said trying to act all innocent.
''alex why did you do that,that was so mest up.''oh his getting angry.
''aww babe dont get mad.''i said while gliding my hand up and down softly to his bare chest.
he got my hand putting me on top of him.and i felt a little nick a little to happy.
''hmm someone is a little excited.''he blushed way.i giggled to that.
''its your fault.''he said all husky.i leaned in to him i was going to give him kisses on his neck when i notice he has love marks.
''i see someone had fun today.and still wants more fun today big brother.''he smirk,men i hate it when he smirks he just looks to damm sexy.
''is someone jealous little sister.''
i got off from his lap and went to my side of the bed,laying my head on the pillow while covering myself.
''no im not i just dont like dirty seconds.''
''i if i diden't have a little fun today it will be a completely different story then''
''maybe,now im tired,go to sleep.''
after that he gave me soft kiss on my head.''goodnight alex.''
and let the darkness take me away,from this hell whole.

Nick pov:

I woke up this morning feeling someone hand on top of my chest i looked up to see that it was alex sleeping soundly.I automatically put a smile on my face,when i thought she is all mine and of what we did last nigh.....i suddenly remember,shit i cant believe what she did,what im i saying she is not all mine,do i even want her to be all mine?of course i did,who wouldn't.
But i was suffering last night when she pretended that she was having a wet dream about me i automatically got a hard one,i was going to jerk off,but then i heard her laughing,and got so mad,and frustrated that she played me.I mean when is she going to notice,im the best guy out there for her.what im i even thinking.
I hear movements from the bed.
''good mornin''she said all sleepy.
''mornin.''with that i got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.I took a shower and brush my teeth.I had a towel on me.I walk out of the bathroom expecting alex to not be there when she has not even left yet.
''what you still doing here?''
''i wanted to wait for when you finish,to tell you that im sorry for i did last night to you.''
well that was unexpected.but i wont give in that easy.
''i also wanted to tell you our parents called me last night while you were out,that there buisness in england is doing bad,that there going to stay there for a year,but they will add money to our creedit cards to maintain the place.''
''oh ok.''after that i heard my phone ringing and knew it was the guys.
''well i should get that and you should get ready,to move the furniture.''
she nodded and got up but before she left,
''im really sorry nick.''with that she left.and i couldn't help it but stay guilty.''crap!''

After the guys came in,we started watching a movie waiting for the movers to come.after an hour watching the movie we heard a knock on the door,so it was finally the movers.We started right away after they dropped off the furniture, and damm did she buy alot of stuff,well her room is pretty big but so many shit.while getting her room done we were playing around and started joking around and i notice that sky and alex were getting pretty close.I was getting pretty annoyed when i confronted them in there relationship.they said that they were cool.and they finally tolled me what it was that they did,the other night.Noah couldn't help it but just laugh i couldn't help it but laugh cause i knew she was trying to get me jealous but it wont work after the stunt she did last night..Her room was finally finish it didn't come out bad,she had black furniture with red carpet and some sofas surrounding her plasma we did our job when she tolled us that we can go out and have fun cause all she has to do is decorate and organize her stuff we left her cause i can tell she wanted to have some privacy,like she was hiding something..

one step closer

I was on my way to the front door to leave the house when i forgot my cell in alexs' room.
''hey guys hold on i forgot my cell,just go without me i'll catch up.''
they nodded and i went back to her room when i stop in front of her room,when i start hearing some crying from inside her room.why is she crying?should i go in?maybe i shouldn't....
i stepped back to wait until she finishes crying.
''d-dad.i miss you.''
what happen to her dad?i couldn't take it anymore i walked in slowly,it seems she hasn't notice my presence cause she is still crying.I see her inside her closet holding tight to her chest a photo album.
''alex you ok?'' i startled her that she jumped up.
''w-what are you doing here?''
''i forgot my cellphone,but then i heard you crying and wanted to know if you were ok?''
''its, its my dad he died while he was racing in the championships 2 years ago.''
I didn't want her to continue talking so i went and gave her a tight hug,cause she was shaking while she was telling me what happen.when i hugged she hugged me back crying more harder.It broke my heart that she was like this.20 minutes later and she stopped crying but i notice she fell asleep..i picked her up bridal style and laid her down her bed.
''daddy...''she said.i went up in her bed to laid down next to her for she wont be lonely.
once i was in her bed,she came closer to me and buried her head on my chest.i was hearing the sweet melody of her heartbeat and fell asleep soundly next to her.

Alex pov:

i woke up,and notice i was in my bed and i also notice nick sleeping soundly next to me.
i smiled,he was sweet of staying with me the whole time,when i was crying over my dead dad.
you see the story is that my dad is a race track racer one of the best of his time,he gave me and my mom tickets to go see him in the championships 2 years ago.we were so excited it was the first time i saw him racing live.when he started racing in his 3rd lap a car crashed behind him,and with the speed he was going he couldn't control the wheel,his car flipped 3 times and not sooner and later the car was burning,i couldn't believe my eyes he died right in front of me. i didn't notice i was shivering until nick got up and hugged me tight.
''alex you ok?''he said i looked in his eyes and all i can see was concern in them.
''um yeah i am.''
''you want some ice cream?''he said with a smile to try and cheer me up.
''only if we watch happy feet togethere.''i said and with that he had a huge smile that reached his eyes.
''alright let me go get the the stuff,and you wash up.''with that he got up and i went to the bathroom to wash my face. i went downstairs to the living room and saw he was already putting on the movie.He came next to me and put his arm around me,i leaned into his chest gettin comfortable.
''thank you nick.''he kissed the top of my head.''no prob.''
with that the movie started and we started watching the movie while eating cookies and cream ice cream..yummm my fav. :)
I was cracking up throughout the whole movie and so was nick.I cant possibly tell if his being nice to me because i was crying or because he wants to win the bet.But all i can think about is nick in my arms.Just by thinking about it i wanted to do it so i tried to give him hints by placing kisses from his arm up to his neck,when i reached his neck he grab my chin and layed his lips onto mine.the kisses got deeper and more passionate by the seconds.I was now on top of him in the couch,and he had a grip on my legs moving his hand up and down,then he reach my pelvis and stop.i moved my hand and got a friendly gripped on his hair making him moan in excitement.
We boft stop to reach for some air but we didn't leave eye contact from each other touching are foreheads together.i looked into his eyes and his beautiful green eyes turned darker showing all the lust in them.I took off his shirt and seconds later so did he to me.He got up me having my slim legs wrapped up around his waist still.he started walking to up the stairs,while still kissing each other passionately,he open his door to his room with his free arm with his other hand holding tightly on my ass letting a moan escaped from my mouth.he softly pushed me to his bed,having him on top of me,we deepen the kiss fighting for dominance,of course he one.i pushed him off me for i can be on top of him.I left his lips to get some air,but my lips slowly reaching for his neck while i start grinding on him making his grip of his hands getting tighter on my waist.i reached down to unzip his jeans,when he froze to my gesture.
''are you sure?''he asked all heavy and husky.i didn't answer him i was lost in words i just bit my bottom lip,letting him know threw my eyes that my answer is yes.
he pushed me for i to be in the bottom he took of his jeans while grabbing a condom.when i stopped him.
''im on the pill.''he smirked to that but he didn't stop he grind on top of me making me moan he started kissing me biting my lower lip asking me for entrance,i gladly excepted.i didn't notice my shorts were taken off and i was with just a lacy thong that i got from lexie.i guess she had this plan.3 hours later and i was sleeping soundly to sleep in his bare chest while listening to his heartbeat.

Lexie pov:

I looked at myself in the mirror.I was wearing a red cutout mini dress with black heels,i was wearing plain make-up trying to go the natural look, my hair was in a stylish bun to the right.
Now i know what your thinking what im i dressing up for well that reason for that is lucas invited me on a date,to some fancy restaurant.When i was suddenly done getting dressed up i hear my doorbell ring.I guess its lucas,i look at the watch and he was 10 minutes early..i smile to that.I went to open the door when i see him looking all sexy wearing some black skinny jeans with a white tight t-shirt and a black vest on top of him.His hair was looking nice with jell.
''hey you looking nice i said.''
''well of course im lucas,i always look fresh.''
''mhm sure you do.''
I walked pass by him,but he catch up to open the door for me.
''thank you.''
''your welcome miss.''
i raised an eyebrow to that,but ignored his comment and just sat down in his red Lamborghini.
he got in the car,and started it.
''so what restaurant are you taking me to.'' i looked up to him and he was smiling so big that reach to his eye but he didn't answer me, he just kept on driving.ok well this awkward,he notice and turned on the radio.15 minutes later we finally reach our destination and it was breath taking.he came to my side and open the door for.I reached up to his hand,and he pulled me up.the line was huge are we going to wait it will take at least 3 hours to reach our destination. But we didn't go to line we skip the line and everyone seems to be staring.
''hey i have reservation for a mr.cullen.''lucas said the waiter.
''oh yes!mr.cullen weve been expecting you.please follow me.''
i look up to lucas and he was just smirking.we follow the waiter to the back,why are we going to the back?lucas has his hand on my waist pushing me continue walking.
when we walk in outside it was breath taking.the bushes has Christmas light in gold.and in the middle was a table for two.How beautiful having dinner outside were you can see the night stars.
this is the most beautiful date i have ever been.
''you like?''ask's lucas.i looked up to him
''im sorry no i dont.''when i said that he had this sad look on his face.
''i love.''i said slowly with that he got super happy with a huge smile on his face.
''dont scare me like that again.''i just chuckle to that on my way to the table.once seated the waiter came up to take our orders but i dont seem to see a menu.
''what would you like to order.''said the waiter.
''um there is no menu''i asked all confuse.
''no miss,whatever is in your mind you can order.''oh really well thats nice.
''ill order the regular.''said lucas
''umm ill take what he orders.''
with that he left us alone waiting for our food.
''so do you bring all the girls here to win them over to have sex with them.''
''well im hoping but your my first that i bring here to my family restaurant.''
''oh really.''with that classical music started to play in the background.
''yes really,now will you like to dance with me while we wait for our food.''
he said while he gets up waiting for my hand to grab his.
''you may.''
he reached for my hand and i glady gave it to him,i follow him to the little dance floor he has.He put his free hand on my waist,and dance the night away,well more like when our food arrives.I look into his eyes and so did he.I just couldn't help but think what is he thinking about?When i was going to ask him,the waiter came with the food,he cough to get out attention.
''your dinner is served.''
with that lucas seem disappointed that the food arrived way to fast.
i let go of his hand and usher my self to the table.I notice that lucas regular is white rice,with fried chicken,and fries.this shocked me aren't we in like a fancy restaurant or something.But then if i think back to this it is his family restaurant.
he finally sat down.''this looks yummy.''i mention.his bad mood change with a smile on his face but it did not reach his eyes.
so i just continue to my this is amazing.
20 minutes has passed and we finish eating.he coughed to get my attention.
''yes.''i said.
''i uhm.''
''what is it,what you want a goodnight sex or something.''i knew this was coming he wouldn't go all out on this date.
''no its not that,i i-just want to take you somewhere else,if you have time.''
i raised an eyebrow to his statement.
he seemed nervous to answer.5 minutes later and he finally answer.
he looked up to my eyes with hope of agreement.
''the beach.''
well that was unexpected.
''sure,i live by myself its not like someone is waiting on me.''
i live alone in a deluxe apartment that i payed with my own money.
well how do i pay this well its simple i work part time in a dance studio as a choreographer.
''good.well come on.''

Lucas pov:

Im having a great time with lexie in our dat that i prepared.
It actually surprised myself,since when have i ever went all out to impress a girl.NEVER!
you can say im one of those players type.Well you see the reason for that is my mom left my dad and me 3 years ago to run off with her younger boyfriend.leaving us behind,and the funny thing is she didn't say anything all she did is leaving a note for me and divorces papers for dad,leaving him with me in ever since then i have played with girls never taking them series.The only reason for that if for i wont get hurt like my dad,he was a wreck for a whole year.And he is still not dating.But there is something different about lexie,i just hope she see's that im not just a player.That all i need is time to emotionally prepare myself. After having myself in deep thought i didn't notice that we already reach the beach.The reason why i want to come here is because i have my own secret spot.And lexie is the first one for me to show.
Its breath taking it has a mini cave that is surrounded by trees and bushes making it hard to people notice the cave.but inside the cave is so beautiful,you can see the moon shining threw from a big hole in the top of the cave.making the moon shine in the water in the cave.It always been my place to come when i want to escape the world.
''you ready.''i said to lexie leaving my thought behind.

last day of summer!

alex pov:

I wake up in the morning,slightly opening my eyes when i notice this is not my room.
I was suddenly getting my memory back from last night.I look to my left and i see nick sleeping so soundly.What im i doing this men is my new step brother,i cant have feelings for him.Yeah i played a dirty trick on him and made that stupid bet with him but now im regretting it more and more.This is the whole reason why my mother wanted me to dress up as a dork in front of him.Im not going to lie i know im hot and guys just want me at the moment they see me,so my mom was scare same thing will happen to nick.But i cant let my mom new happiness finish.I need to be his sister not a girl who secretly has a crush on her new step brother.I quickly got up from his bed and rush to my room what im i going to do.I quickly pick up my phone to call lexie to have a 911..for me and lexie a 911 is a girls day out,the usual the spa,full course,the food court and shopping.
She finally picks up in the 3rd ring.
''hello.''she said all sleepy.and i could here the sounds of waves is she in the beach?
''lexie were are you.''
she stayed quite thinking it over.
''oh shit,im at the beach with lucas.''huh why? she kept on talking.
''well you see he showed me a place in the beach late at night and i guess i fell asleep next to him.''
''oh ok well i at least i know your ok.''
''so what happen?''she said.with concern in her voice i never call this early.
''i need a 911.''
''ok be at our spot in 30 minutes.''with that she click.out spot to meet up for 911 first is the food court knowing its to early to go to the spa.i quickly went to the bathroom to get ready.i was ready in under 15 minutes a new high score for myself.I quickly look at myself at my full length mirror and i was wearing a red sun dress with black sandles.To make it easier to take off when im shopping and when i go to the spa.I ran out of my room fast going to my bike called shine.And ran out to the food court downtown.
20 minutes and i was there and lexie was there at the entrance waiting for my arrival.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2011

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