Does God Ever...Dance?

Does God Ever...Dance?
Does God ever dance? And what is dancing? but simply a time when a heart fills to overflowing and the emotions take on feet.

God, dance, love, hugs, thank you, forgive me, baby
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Wichtiger Beitrag

This little piece was ever so sweet. I wanted to dance... the words you wrote were dancing! Loved it.

3 Kommentare

So very glad you liked my piece. and yes, let's all dance...Elizabeth =;-)

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I love the line -What is dancing, but simply a time when a heart fills to overflowing and the emotions take on feet.
Nice one.

1 Kommentar

Thanks Isobel. A bit of dancing could cure what ails us, most of the time...for, how could your feet move if your face reads grumpy, how could you follow the music if hatred leads your heart, and how could the notes even start your dance if your mind is already closed to the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
petra michelle

is so whimsical! The title definitely drew me in, but what really made me howl was the Sassy Seniors' Luncheon! Wa do, Elizabeth! ;)

Loved it! Yes, He'd be laughing too! :))

Wichtiger Beitrag

An interesting read voicing a smart and strong message to all human beings.

1 Kommentar

Thanks Olfaphilo, for the read and comments, I value every one. Elizabeth

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Gelöschter User

I'm not much for religious things in a big way but I do have a number of friends, some of them quite religious and less so who discuss their beliefs with me because I am willing to listen and learn. One thing of note is one religion where demonstrations of anything informal are not considered "good" religious behavior. I guess this is the puritanical mode that comes out in some of the more extreme religions where dancing,... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

YES, YES, Marion. When I wrote this piece, I felt I had suddenly seen the whimsical side of God, for I do think he enjoys a good joke, and delights in having a sense of humor. Thanks for all you've said. Elizabeth

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your piece does provide food for thought. It is delightful!

1 Kommentar

Thanks, Patricia,for the read and your comments. If you have a moment, please read what I wrote about the history of this piece; this is detailed in one of my replies on the book page of this work. Elizabeth

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