panties of fate

User: a.writer
panties of fate
John Warner has the power to do anything he disires.
He changes the history of humankind without the slightest thought.
How fate has a way of tying up lose ends.

panties, cross, jesus, fiction, fantasy, genie, wish, wife, car
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

That cracked me up. Remind me to avoid those clever genies next time.

Good one.


2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

The points you raised are valid and I will make due corrections.
Thankyou for taking time to detail them.

I am new to writing this being my first story and I hope to write more.

As for the Us Flag question
It goes with the Us flag background and avatar :p
I do have family in America who live in Chicago

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks mark for the feedback.
I wanted a double twist and I am happy you enjoyed it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Neatly packaged and thought out as it draws ideas from several genres and then invents a new one of its own.
Funny stuff, and i recomend that anyone who likes something a bit different, with a sense of humour give this a read.
Well done,
Kade. :)

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