Guillaume Mwamba
Guillaume Mwamba
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Sharela Koch

Hi Guillaume, I would like to inform you about my new bookrelease this week:

OUT NOW! #Bookrelease :-D

My book "Sharela's Diary - A Christian's every-day life" got professionally translated into English and will be available in bookstores soon!

Enjoy reading!

I am looking forward to hearing your opinion on my book. If you like it then feel free to recommend it and tell others about it.

Sharela's Diary von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen Sharela is a young Christian and Blogger from Germany. In this book, she talks about her life, honestly and openly: about living your faith, searching for God and loving your neighbor. Using a pen name she shares her life without exposing her friends and family. This book combines amusing anecdotes from her every-day life with thoughts about God and the world and her most popular blog posts from the past four years. Feel welcomed by your next-door Christian!
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Guillaume Mwamba

Awesome way to Sharela Koch

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Guillaume Mwamba

John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Guillaume Mwamba

Subtitle Prologue:

After Lucifer fought God, God permitted Lucifer to go and test His faithful children even unto the point of death. Lucifer is free to tempt God’s faithful Christians to sin, especially the Cleanliness family. Sam Cleanliness is God’s Ordained One. God chose him... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

Hello. You wanted to join our group......? XD

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I'm sorry...I couldn't help it. But I mean, she's right. XD

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Lmao, Paganism is a type of witch craft, a good type of witch craft. There are different umbrella terms that go with it, like Wiccan and other fun names, just like how Christian is technically also an umbrella term. Pagans aren't all that bad, usually all witches have a bad wrap... mehr anzeigen

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