Guillaume Mwambas Freunde



  • Deutsch
  • 8 Bücher
  • 9
Md. Raiful Islam Sujon

Md. Raiful Islam Sujon

  • 22 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 6 Bücher

Born on the 26th of January, 2003, in the vibrant city of Khulna, Bangladesh, Md. Raiful Islam Sujon is a dynamic and multifaceted artist whose talents span the realms of writing, acting, and musical artistry. With a magnetic presence and a creative spirit that knows no bounds, Sujon has carved a unique path in... mehr lesen

Angela Pundschus

Angela Pundschus


  • Deutsch
  • 49 Bücher
  • 147

Ich wurde, in den sechziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts, als waschechte Hamburgerin geboren. Durch die Annahme eines Jobangebots in Bad Homburg mutierte sie 2004 zur Teilzeithessin. Sie selber sagt über sich: Alt genug, um eine Vergangenheit zu haben aber noch viel zu jung, um an das Ende zu denken. Das... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Hey, I love writing books in my free time. Right now I am working on some poems which I hope to publish soon. I have a cat named sonic - my brother named him, not me, just saying. I played the clarinet for 6 years and the Piano for 3 years. Out of the 2 instruments, my fav is the piano. In addition, my favorite... mehr lesen

Blood Rose

Blood Rose

  • Englisch
  • 2

The voice of a ballerina breathes life into a vampire. Opposite worlds collide and connect more than they should. Here’s a tale of a love triangle, family drama, death, revenge, and a new found home.  

Diamond J.

Diamond J.

  • 30 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 15 Bücher
  • 20

My name is Diamond J. and I have been into creative writing, since I was 17 years old. 



  • Englisch

Hello, Hola! My name is Kaylie. I am a twenty-something year-old CisFemale from the US. My hobbies include watching YouTube, Reading comics, learning WEBDESIGN coding, drawing temporary  doodles, surfing the web and writing (typing), sometimes. Thank-you, good-bye!

PS Publishing

PS Publishing

  • Englisch
  • 9 Bücher
  • 22

PS Publishing understands that not every book is the same. With a variety of self-publishing services, and affordable rates, we custom design a package for your individual needs.  Some of the services offered include:    Content Edit   Alluring Front Cover Design With Captivating Details   Electronic Proof Copy... mehr lesen

Alexander Borodin

Alexander Borodin

  • Deutsch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 6

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