Guillaume Mwambas Gruppen
- 3.394 Mitglieder
- 3.945 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Jeden Monat Kurzgeschichten-Wettbewerb. Es gibt Bücher von BX-Autoren zu gewinnen. Und ein Essay-Wettbewerb. ✏️ Im Zentrum unserer Gruppe steht das Schreiben und Lesen von Kurzgeschichten aller Art, aber auch das Geben von Hilfestellungen und Tipps zum Schreiben. Please Enter. ▶️ Falls Ihr über BX-Wettbewerbe i... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 6. März 2025, 20:01
- 2 Mitglieder
- Offene Gruppe
My faith journey is a journey of gratitude. It is a life of ongoing dependence on God. It is a journey of thanksgiving, praising God for joy and abundant love, and his steadfast presence in sorrow, despair, and fear.
Writing From the Heart
- 55 Mitglieder
- 20 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
This group is a group ONLY for people who write from the heart, not for people who write for greed. I even have a quote about it. "Writing is my passion; I will not let anyone get in between my passion and me unless it's my family or the LORD Himself. I have no care for the fact if anyone likes my writing or not... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Mai 2018, 19:59
Ask the Experts!
- 112 Mitglieder
- 61 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
So you're writing an epic story, and your main character has found himself aboard a massive ship. All is going well- until he gets into a gunfight with a fellow crew member and is dealt a life-threatening gunshot wound, and must be treated quickly... or die. Except that you know nothing about ships. Or guns. Or how... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Mai 2018, 20:09
The Advice Column
- 28 Mitglieder
- 18 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
This group reaches out to people in need by offering helpful advice. It doesn't matter what the problem or issue is, financial, romantic, family, religious, friends - there are no boundaries, feel free to raise the issue and let us help you work it out!
We also look at hypothetical issues and weigh in on the best way to handle them!
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Oktober 2019, 15:55
- 7 Mitglieder
- 1 Beitrag
- Offene Gruppe
THE WESONTION GROUP: A GROUP OF ALL NONFICTION TOPICS is, basically a group with all nonfiction topics discussions and others.
Letzter Beitrag: 7. Mai 2018, 20:12
Art Writers
- 629 Mitglieder
- 602 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
ArtWriters is your final port of call where you can finish those books and put a bit of spit and polish on them. We offer advice on, illustrations, book covers, video teaser, photography, 3D art. This group will be dedicated to help our members develop their shop window, so if you have something to offer or you wa... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 17. Dezember 2023, 13:36
Christian writers
- 55 Mitglieder
- 18 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
We welcome any Christians into this group... Don't worry if your not Christian... We give pointers and any other things we can do to help you with your books or problems in life. We also are a very fun group and not always talk about books but we will also chit chat about other things too!!!! Please join!!!
Letzter Beitrag: 4. November 2020, 10:48
Read Me
- 296 Mitglieder
- 333 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
Welcome to Read Me! The Group is about books promotions. Promote your books freely and get others opinions about your books. and its also a place for opening any subjects and relax. Have Fun!
Letzter Beitrag: 9. Oktober 2019, 04:18
Teen Writers
- 561 Mitglieder
- 667 Beiträge
- Offene Gruppe
If you are aged between 12 and 19 please feel free to join this group. On here you can be yourself and discuss whatever your heart desires. Ideas are available on here, help with covers/Book titles and characters, is that all? No. In this group we are of course teens so music,art and basically life in general plays... mehr lesen
Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 19:01