User „words“

Es wurden 15 User für den Suchbegriff „words“ gefunden.

User (11)

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Toxic Words
Toxic Words
  • Englisch
Hello and YOLO^.^ Otay, so I'll just type in some of my character traits I guess...:P I'm caring but in my own way. Serious towards other except my family, but just my family. I don't lie, unless if its a small ones. Sometimes I lie without even realizing it. My style is "Indie" sweaters, with ripped up short shorts and tights with pattern in it and some combat boots, plus oversized glasses. People ask me is i'm a hipster/emo chick. So that's what I'll describe my style as. I'm confident (sometimes) but when it comes to meeting people, or anything with school, I'll end up crying... I'm slow, or at least I think so. I do study a lot, though:3 Ok...maybe not a lot...I have a dark humor, and yes, I'll laugh if you tell me a glory story v.v I honest can't help that issue of mine. I once got this cute guy or make that two cute guys yelling out and pointed, "Deviled Child! She'll hope you all die!" It was dumb...I am a loner. It's very hard for me to make friends, but it don't mean that I don't have any. It's probably because of my active imagination. I'm proud that I at least "have" imagination, though<3 Ok, now ya know me alittle bit. Hope you read my books and enjoy^.^
Queenly Words
Queenly Words
  • Englisch
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angel of words
angel of words
  • Englisch
King of Words
King of Words
  • Englisch

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