Gruppen „offer“

Es wurden 7 Gruppen für den Suchbegriff „offer“ gefunden.

Gruppen (7)

Group Moderators
Group Moderators
  • 35 Mitglieder
This group is for moderators of groups on BookRix to exchange ideas, ask questions, solve moderating issues and offer suggestions to each other.
Fix und Fertig
Fix und Fertig
  • 77 Mitglieder
Der Wettbewerb ist abgeschlossen, die Buchliste der Gruppe wurde gelöscht. Das gedruckte Buch ist unter wie folgt erhältlich. 1. Special Offer, exklusiv für beteiligte Autoren. Berechtigungsabgleich erfolgt nach Bestellung. Der Sattelbote Equitanische Anthologie ISBN 978-3-8482-2043-4, Paperback, 240 Seiten, ¤ 15,90 2. Regular Offer: Der Sattelbote Equitanische Anthologie ISBN 978-3-8482-2043-4, Paperback, 240 Seiten, ¤ 19,90
Fantasize your Imagination
Fantasize your Imagination
  • 17 Mitglieder
Make your Imagination brighter or even darker with this group. Give your books odd or simple endings. Fantasize your words with dragons, fairies, gryphons and centaurs. Make your book the most interesting one you have to offer.
Art Writers
Art Writers
  • 630 Mitglieder
ArtWriters is your final port of call where you can finish those books and put a bit of spit and polish on them. We offer advice on, illustrations, book covers, video teaser, photography, 3D art. This group will be dedicated to help our members develop their shop window, so if you have something to offer or you want to get involved, come and join and say hello to Meli and the gang
Scribes of the Round Table
Scribes of the Round Table
  • 30 Mitglieder
***NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ENTER A CONTEST!*** Come one, come all! For those who are sorely missing the BookRix contests, go no further! Managed by a group of experienced and practiced users, we offer contests, advice threads, and book swaps for anyone who is interested. As opposed to money prizes, we offer skill contests with prizes that can be invaluable to the aspiring author. Contest prizes offered include: ~A revised book blurb ~Book cover ~New title suggestions ~Book trailer ~First chapter/Prologue review ~Character/plot enhancement And more to come! All are welcome to participate and discuss their works and the works of others.
The Dyspraxia Campaigner
The Dyspraxia Campaigner
  • 2 Mitglieder
I named myself as personal journeys. Like to keep my name private. Recently, I have written a book about dyspraxia. I am myself affected by the condition. Anyone aware of dyspraxia? There is a lack of recognition and awaresss about the condition. I am sharing my knowledge and experience about the condition. Please take a moment to read the book and offer you feedback.
Encouraging comment swaps for your writing
Encouraging comment swaps for your writing
  • 37 Mitglieder
Are you are in the process of writing something and need some extra encouragement/ support? If you are prepared to offer the same to other writers, but sometimes don't know what to say, or don't like writing long reviews, the review form below takes minutes to fill in but can be all that takes to inspire others, and yourself, to get writing again. This group is for the POSITIVE encouragement of others to write. It takes a lot of time, patience and courage to write and publish something online, so let us all be supportive! What to do. Post a link to your story, and then check the list, or other's review forms, to find a story that you would like to comment on. Copy and fill in the review form below, and then paste it in the group for the writer to see. The writer will then review your story in return. REVIEW FORM (Asterisk shows parts that MUST be completed) * Well done for writing and publishing (write the name of the book/story you have read here) on Bookrix, which can be found at (copy the link to their story) I really enjoyed reading chapter (Write the number of the chapter here if the writing was in chapters) * The thing I enjoyed most about what I read was... * I loved the part in the story when... * In this chapter, my favourite character was .... because... * I would love to see...happening next in the story/chapter Any other optional comments: (NOTE: Any suggestions for improvements (NO nit picking please!) should be written like this : Your story would be even better if you......) I have also written a story called..., which can be found at... I would really love it if you could comment in the same way on my work. Many thanks (write your name/penname)
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