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Hi:3 Ok so PLEASE READ THIS! I'm not able to talk on here, so no social time what so ever...sorry. If you want me to update, or have questions about my book, than yeah, I'll reply. BEWARE: We may have an issue if you like horror/creepy things, than I may fall in love*_* Tell me a horror story, and I'll laugh all day.Anyway, how is life? I'm well xD Otay, so about myself, huh? Hmm....let me see...oh, well...I can be shy. In middle school, I had such a shy problem that I would skip classes, and ect. I'm still not so confident. I can be a great friend, though. I don't have many but doesn't mean I don't have any. I'll make sure your safe, and treat you right *-* Ok, I am also a nerd. I play w.o.w (use too) aq, AQW, call of duty (done with it) HALO (also done with it) guild of wars (bored of it) tara raising ( wizard 101 (playing it but kinda kid-ish) and ect. I'm so the "creative" type. I love art. I do graphic, manga/anime, and hipster art. I am a geek as well...otaku fan...oh, there was something else that I wanted to say...>.< Oh, my sense of style! Ok, well, i'm more of an hipster (why do ya think I do hipster art?)/indie/emo kinda style. Yeah, I used labels but just on me. So you have no right to say anything sense I'm using the labels all on myself>:D Oh my, my looks...I knew that was coming...v.v I am getting those cute over sized glasses or contacts. I have an 18'in brown/red/black hair...ok, I lied, I only have like a 15'in long hair. I am sadly tan, but I wanna be pale. We all have what we don't want. I'm 5'7 and I'm like a freakin' twig. So what they say. I'm beautiful<3 and I think everyone else is, too, hehe:3 Ok, well gtg bye, bye
  • Englisch
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Stephan K. Hide
Stephan K. Hide
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S. K. Hide
S. K. Hide
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