Alle Suchergebnisse „food“

Es wurden 696 Ergebnisse für den Suchbegriff „food“ gefunden.

Bücher (687)

Rising Popularity of Fast Food
Ummed Singh Rising Popularity of Fast Food

Pros and Cons of Junk Food

  • Kochen
  • Englisch
  • 9392 Wörter
  • Keine Altersempfehlung
  • 89
  • 0
Junk food tastes good that's why it is mostly liked by everyone of any age group, especially kids' [mehr]

Stichwörter: food, fast food, cooking, health, body make perfect, rice and food, costly food, biryani food, junk food, food is good an art, mixing food, vegetable, kitchin, house food, out of food, poor food, rich food, medium food, [mehr]

2,49 US$

Guide to Preserving Food
William Arnold Guide to Preserving Food

A detailed beginner’s guide on how to safely can, freeze, smoke, salt, dehydrate and ferment food at the comfort of your

  • Kochen
  • Englisch
  • 3869 Wörter
  • Ab 3 Jahren
  • 34
  • 0
An overabundance of fruits and vegetables from a bountiful garden or bulk shopping spree at the farmers' market [mehr]

Stichwörter: preserving food without freezing or canning, preserving food at home, preserving food without, preserving food kit, preserving food items, ball preserving book

2,99 US$

Food Psychology
Brian Wansink, Jacob Staples Food Psychology

Hungry Human Brain Q&A

  • Psychologie
  • Englisch
  • 1431 Wörter
  • Keine Altersempfehlung
  • 1005
  • 9
Forget everything you knew about food: studies show that it’s not what or how much we eat that [mehr]

Stichwörter: food, psychology, nonfiction, study, informative, facts


Clean Eating and Food Bowl Cookbook
Baking & Cooking Lounge Clean Eating and Food Bowl Cookbook

Healthy Cooking For The Whole Family With Over 600+ Clean Eating And Food Bowl Recipes

  • Kochen
  • Englisch
  • 145260 Wörter
  • Keine Altersempfehlung
  • 35
  • 0
Clean Eating and Food Bowl Cookbook: Healthy Cooking For The Whole Family With Over 600 Clean Eating And [mehr]

Stichwörter: clean eating, clean eating recipes, healthy cooking guide, whole foods recipes, natural ingredients cookbook, fresh food recipes, nutrient-dense meals, unprocessed foods cookbook, clean eating meal plans, wholesome cooking, raw food recipes, organic ingredients guide, minimally processed meals, clean eating diet tips, fresh produce cookbook, homemade meals, clean eating snacks, no sugar recipes, [mehr]

6,99 €

Crochet Food Potholders
Claire Byrd Crochet Food Potholders
  • Hobby und Handwerk
  • Englisch
  • 4846 Wörter
  • Keine Altersempfehlung
  • 202
  • 0
Cooking requires ingredients and equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment is the potholder. Without potholders [mehr]

Stichwörter: potholders, crochet, knitting, crocheting, crochet patterns, knitting patterns, arts and crafts, kitchen, kitchen supplies, cooking, food, silverware, decorations, hobbies for women

0,99 US$

User (3)

Micton Food-Hub
Micton Food-Hub
  • Englisch
Keine weiteren Ergebnisse

Gruppen (6)

Daughters Of The Elements
Daughters Of The Elements
  • 4 Mitglieder
Welcome to the Elements Club! Here, we are allowed to talk about anything, food, drink, school, life, friends, good book finds... Basically everything. GOSSIP, mostly. Have fun!
Group about anything and everything
Group about anything and everything
  • 13 Mitglieder
we can talk about nerdy stuff, food, animals, and basically anything appropriate. Hope You Join!!!!!!! ~We all are crazy, some just more than others~
story updates
story updates
  • 1 Mitglied
this group where i update you on my new chapter and book (foxy) hi (me) where are the other animatronics (willam) there talking about how they dont eat food like humans do
Cook Book
Cook Book
  • 33 Mitglieder
This group is not just for recipes. It is for people who just want to cook something up.Whether it is good food, household hints, or just some fun things to do. Also, on the more serious side of things, How to fix those disasters that happen like; What to do with leftovers. and how to bring Stale doughnuts back to life.
  • 10 Mitglieder
Keksfetischisten und Kuchenliebhaber, Süßigkeitenfanatiker und Food-Junkies! Tretet ein in diese herrlich sinnlose Gruppe und lasst uns die Revolution des Essens starten! Lasst uns in den Kampf ziehen, gegen die Zimtsterne und für unser Kuchenrecht einstehen! Es ist völlig egal, ob ihr ein Mensch seid, oder nicht, welche Sprache ihr sprecht, oder ob ihr euch mit Klicklauten verständigt, ob ihr grün und glitschig seid, oder klein und knallpink... Tretet einfach ein und schaut, was draus wird ;D
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