Gruppen „email“

Es wurden 5 Gruppen für den Suchbegriff „email“ gefunden.

Gruppen (5)

Book Covers
Book Covers
  • 28 Mitglieder
Need a book cover. Join this group and please ask. All commissions are free. Post what you need, if someone responds, message them your email, FaceBook, or whatever and have the send you the cover. HAVE FUN! KEEP WRITING
Book Cover Requests
Book Cover Requests
  • 145 Mitglieder
Come one, come all! If you can't quite get the cover you want, put in a request or ask one of our friendly admins to create one for you! Make sure that you post: 1. Ideas you want for the cover 2. Title and a authors name 3. Desired design (colours, mood e.g. happy, sad) 4. You can also email through an image that you may want turned into a cover (ask any one of us for our email address) We will be thankful if you do NOT post any X-Rated books on the booklist or request X-Rated covers. Remember though, we do have lives, so if you're request isn't met in an amount of time please don't get angry at us. We'll work hard to make every request fulfilled when we can.
  • 5 Mitglieder
New and not so new For people who want to share there work and bring together idea's and concepts, we all have published and wrote our work but what about if we work together and form projects either in music, documentaries,blogs you name it please check out my profile user laura patricia kearney and if you want to co-write with me drop me an email read my free blog and free ebooks and lets co-write on a new project
  • 1 Mitglied
WHAT DOES L.A.P.D. DO? We launch your Final retail ready book to all groups within our BOOKRIX community and they pay directly to you- the author via your bank account, or western union. (direct to the author.. you wrote it you should get paid for it right away! It's your hard earned work) We believe that this forum should be your first money earner if you've signed up with BookRix! If we have done our job, please- only then will you donate 20.00 dollars in U.S. currency to our little group working on your behalf (per book). BookRix is a great forum to practice self reliance and we have the numbers in this wonderful forum to start off such a program that can grow to be a great boon for all our BookRix authors, thus we have created this group just to give our BookRix members a kick off on their trek into the world of writers and getting immediate cash to help them out along their journey into the world wide web! We are open to suggestions. Email me at: God bless us all! ; ) To submit your retail ready books only... you must have a email and must activate your "hangouts" so we can first get all your information and book ready for its' first launching on BookRix once it meets our guidelines (that it's truly retail ready).
Rezensionen und Bloggen
Rezensionen und Bloggen
  • 2 Mitglieder
Hallo ihr Süßen :) Wir sind gerade dabei, unseren Verlag zu gründen, den LetterArte Verlag. Im Zuge dessen haben wir auch einen Blog ins Leben gerufen, den wir dafür nutzen wollen, unsere Leser auf dem Laufenden zu halten, aber auch, um anderen Indie-Autoren die Möglichkeit zu geben, sie und ihre Werke vorzustellen. Sinn der Sache ist eigentlich, dass wir die Werke von anderen jungen und Inide-Autoren lesen und auf unserem Blog, unserem Insta und unserer Facebook-Seite rezensieren und verlinken. Als "Gegenleistung" freuen wir uns natürlich über ein Like der Facebook-Seite und ein regelmäßiges Lesen unseres Blogs (bloggen tun wir über Literatur, unsere Werke, eure Werke, Kollegen, Filme und über alles, was irgendwie damit zu tun hat :)) Wer also Interesse hat, der schaue doch bitte einfach mal vorbei :) Finden könnt ihr uns, wie schon gesagt, auf Facebook, Instagram und auf Blogger - alle Links und Kontaktinfos findet ihr in meinem Profil, genauso wie meine private email-Adresse. Liebe an euch und hoffentlich bis bald, Zola
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