Alle Suchergebnisse „Entertainment“

Es wurden 183 Ergebnisse für den Suchbegriff „Entertainment“ gefunden.

Bücher (174)

The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
Rafael Sabatini The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
  • Kurzgeschichte
  • Englisch
  • 73702 Wörter
  • Ab 18 Jahren
  • 2
  • 0
The kindly reception accorded to the first volume of the Historical Nights Entertainment, issued in December of 1917, [mehr]


  • Historisches
  • Englisch
  • 73578 Wörter
  • Ab 18 Jahren
  • 2
  • 0
Rafael Sabatini (29 April 1875 – 13 February 1950) was an Italian/English writer of novels of romance and [mehr]


The Historical Nights' Entertainment
Rafael Sabatini The Historical Nights' Entertainment
  • Abenteuer
  • Englisch
  • 104146 Wörter
  • Ab 18 Jahren
  • 2
  • 0
When Rafael Sabatini is mentioned most people think of high adventure, sword-fighting and damsels in distress. This isn't [mehr]


The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
Rafael Sabatini The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
  • Abenteuer
  • Englisch
  • 73586 Wörter
  • Ab 18 Jahren
  • 2
  • 0
Rafael Sabatini (29 April 1875 – 13 February 1950) was an Italian/English writer of novels of romance and [mehr]


The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
Rafael Sabatini The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series
  • Belletristik
  • Englisch
  • 72323 Wörter
  • Ab 18 Jahren
  • 2
  • 0
Rafael Sabatini (29 April 1875 – 13 February 1950) was an Italian/English writer of novels of romance and [mehr]


User (5)

  • Englisch
Dream Realm Entertainment
Dream Realm Entertainment
  • Englisch
Dream Realm Entertainment/Vault Pictures Studios is an Independent company that produces music, video, and print work. Usually film, comics, web, and entertainment related.
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Gruppen (3)

Humor - Entertainment und Satire
Humor - Entertainment und Satire
  • 65 Mitglieder
ich begrüße alle, die etwas Humorvolles zum Posten haben und die Welt zum Lachen bringen möchten...
Bookrixian Marauders
Bookrixian Marauders
  • 67 Mitglieder
"Fun beyond measure, is a Marauder's greatest treasure." Bookrix is an amazing site. We've got books to read, lovely people to chat with, but three things are missing: entertainment, Entertainment and ENTERTAINMENT!! it lacks colors and joys, so I thought we should make a game platform where bookrixians can interact and get to know each other. With different word games . . . like virtual truth & dare, I've never had . . . , and things like one-shots, short scenes on prompts, and other stuff. Plus knowing each other better, and making friends. Putting penalties on games like reviewing a book or editing it, and stuff like that. It'd be an interesting way to make works well-known. You know, a better way of making people read your written works! So, I and my co-admins whole-heartedly welcome you to this black hole of fun! I made the group, but it is in your hands to make it fun! So, why the wait? Join the group, and get started! Here are the admins: (I'll edit it when I can. And Pettigrew is banished, so we have 6 Marauders) 1.James Potter aka Prongs: Abigeal 2. Sirius Black aka Padfoot: Enok 3. Remus Lupin aka Moony: 4. Fred Weasley aka Rapier: Arianna Waters 5. George Weasley aka ______: 6. Edward Remus Lupin aka Teddy: (I'm leaving the Marauder name for George blank. The one who comes up with the best gets the post.
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
  • 29 Mitglieder is on the hunt for fresh meat in the form of sci-fi short stories. This is one of their biggest entertainment projects ever and ANYONE can enter! 1st Place – The 1st place winner will be a part of an international online writing project 2nd Place - $75 Amazon gift card 3rd Place - $75 Amazon gift card -Your story MUST: 1. be between 600-1000 words in length 2. be set in the year 2020 3. have a harsh, uncompromising future 4. be located in an urban/city environment 5. contain robots 6. NOT contain non-human creatures/aliens (robots are the exception) How to enter: Link your completed short story in the contest entry thread by September 1, 2013. Judging and Prizes: An independent jury will determine the 3 winners. The .de side of BookRix is also taking part in this contest in a separate entry thread therefore, only 3 winners will be chosen between the English and German communities of BookRix. If you have any questions regarding this contest, please contact member, lila2,
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