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Just finished chapter 3! It was a little difficult near the beginning. I had to figure out a transition but I powered through. That's it for tonight though! Tomorrow I will edit chapter 3 then start 4. My goal is at least one chapter a night.

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I don't know if you guys could tell, but I am addicted to this manga called Killing Stalking. I'm in love with it! You all should go read it. If you don't like gore or any of that, then I wouldn't recommend this to you. But if you enjoy fucked up relationships and all that then go right ahead!
credit: Koogi (Author of Killing Stalking)

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Haha, forgot to mention this, but I am most likely going to forgot I started to work on those books. I thought about it for a little bit and decided that those books were not going to be finished anyway. I'm just going to start fresh. My short book, "That One Guy" will stay be here because I actually finished that one. This book will be longer and hopefully is waaaaay better and improved than that one! :)

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Hey guys! I know I haven't been on in a while, I know, I'm sorry. I've been busy and things have been going on. I'm back now and I have really good ideas for books. The main reason why I haven't been on is because I haven't really had any great ideas for books but now i'm getting back on track with that. I am working on one book right now it's called "Sweet Serial Killer", the other I haven't started yet. I'm taking it one... mehr anzeigen

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Okay, I'm still working on all the books at the same time, but I've been busy int he actual life because... You know, Christmas is coming up. Well for me that is.
I'm kind of getting bored with some of the books I'm already working on.... I don't think they're good, that's why. Anyway, because of that, I decided to start working on, yet another, book! It's called "Suicide Note". Yes I know... Can't judge a book by it's cover... mehr anzeigen

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Working on a new book! Three at once. Phew... Let's hope this comes out well! The third book I'm working on is, "More Than Dead". I'm getting father on it than the others. I'm trying to get them all done and published... I'll try and get them done soon!

1 Kommentar
Gelöschter User

bet it will

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Okay. Everything's good guys. I've given up on "Dangerous" I keep writing it to where things go too quickly. I NEED DETAIL! So I'm working on "My Angel Girl..." and"Seven Minutes in Heaven." Right now they're good, but I don't know if I'll give up on it or not. I'll keep working. :P

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Thank you for also also adding 'No Place Like Hell' to your favourites :D

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I just got my heart broken recently, as in today, so I may not get on here as much for a while until I get over the guy, Sorry Love you guys.. Later <3

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I stopped working on all the books I have been... Now I'm working on one book this time called.. "Dangerous" because the others turned out kind of fast and dumb... So I'm going on details in this book, and going slow. Heop you all enjoy...

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