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Hi, Bek, hope things are going okay for you. I haven't heard from you lately so thought I would connect. Will 'chat' more soon. Elizabeth

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Hi, Bek. I just sent you a note. Look forward to more of your work! In friendship, Elizabeth

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Hi Rebekah,
Well done with the last BOW. I like that you write in a variety of voices. I guess ten years as a social worker gives you a big pool of ideas to pick from. I also see you like historical fiction. I have a self-published historical romantic fiction entitled 'Glanum' on Amazon, its also on Lulu.com along with 'For The Love of Money'. You should try self-publishing, its almost free and great fun to see your work in... mehr anzeigen

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Congratulations on your contest win. It really is a good story.

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susanbowes (aka: Forcechild)

Hello down under. Welcome to bookrix. Know you're gonna love the site. Check out my stories when you get the time.

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I so appreciated your kind words and have now uploaded Book Two of Feast, Famine, Fulfillment. Three more to go..... Valerie