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Perspicuous Edition 2014
- Englisch
- 20634 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 884
Over the years,the Sultanate of Oman has witnessed radical changes in its legal system through varied laws and the interpretation of the laws.
With special emphasis on the Oman labor law, this book delves into certain radical amendments in brief from 2011 to 2013 in the fo... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Sultanate of Oman, Law, Employment laws Oman, Strikes Oman, Henrietta Newton Martin, Legal Consultant Oman, Lawyer Oman, Elsela Legal Book stacks, Labour law Oman, Industrial laws Oman, Part I Oman law, Henrietta's book on Oman Labour Law-Simple easy to read edition, Newton's Book on Oman Labour law-simple easy to read for common man, recent Amendments To Oman Labour law 2013, Henrietta Newton Martin's simple interpretation of new labour law amendments
4,99 US$
Parallele und praxisnahe Darstellung des Ertrag- und Umsatzsteuerrechts
- Deutsch
- 45357 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 763
Die Reisekosten sind mit Wirkung vom 1.1.2014 neu geregelt worden. Es kommt entscheidend darauf an, ob es sich um Auswärtstätigkeiten handelt oder um Fahrten zwischen Wohnung und Betrieb bzw. erster Tätigkeitsstätte. Eine beruflich veranlasste Auswärtstätigkeit (= Geschäftsre... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Reisekosten 2014, Reisekostenreform 2014, Reisekosten, Entfernungspauschale, Erste Tätigkeitsstätte, Bewirtungskosten, Buchführung, Fahrtkosten
9,99 €
By Henrietta Newton Martin
- Englisch
- 4901 Wörter
- Ab 12 Jahren
- 502
- 1
The book ‘Rudiments of Humanitarian Law’, is an easy to read edition. The basics enumerated in the book can be easily assimilated and digested by students of International Humanitarian Law or even general readers of the theme providing them a common insight on the subject. ... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: International Humanitarian Law, Law of wars, Armedconflicts, Law, International Law, Battle of Solferino, Henry Dunant, Weapons, Nations, India, Oman, Prisoners of war Civilian Battle, International Human Rights, Geneva Convention 1949, Hague Convention, Martens clause, LieberCode
4,49 US$
First Edition 2015 ( Part 1 of Five Part Series)
- Englisch
- 9697 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 394
Welcome onboard the first edition of this ‘easy -to –understand’ introductory series on human rights. This book is the first concise edition of the five part series on the subject. It is carefully crafted to bring it to the level of understanding of first time readers on th... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Human Rights, International Human Rights, meaning of human rights, nature of human rights, origin of human rights, wars, armed conflicts, UNO, Rights, duties, Legal theory and Jurisprudence, HUman Rights Act 1993, Kinds of Human Rights, Civil and Political Rights, Natural Law, religion, Modern Theories of law, UDHR, World Wars, OHCHR, Human Rights Organisation [mehr]
4,49 US$
- Lettisch
- 76951 Wörter
- Ab 16 Jahren
- 370
Referendum and Popular Initiative in Latvian is a guide to theoretical and historical aspects of referendums and popular initiatives in Europe and particularly in Latvia. It contains in-depth analysis of legal framework and functioning in practice of the institutes of direct democracy in Latvia.
Stichwörter: direct democracy, referendum, popular initiative
2,99 €
Insurance and compensation schemes in Europe
- Englisch
- 10339 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 297
The issue of Medical Liability in Europe has been intensively discussed since a long time, and it needs revision to come to a harmonisation. In June 2008, the Council of Europe’s Public and Private Law Unit (DG-HL Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs), in co-... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: medical law, liability claims, Arzthaftung, Medizinrecht, insurrance, Versicherun
3,49 €
Selected papers 2004 - 2008
- Englisch
- 18153 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 279
The Book The collection of five given papers and presentations from conferences between 2005 and 2008 are discussion papers. The perspectives of the essays are based on biomedical ethics and legal reflections. The papers were presented on important international conferences ... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: biolaw, law, bioethics, ethics
1,99 €
- Englisch
- 29388 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 273
This research analyses the rights of an accused person stipulated in the 1995 Constitution of Uganda (as amended), Statutes of the Parliament and the Ratified International Instruments. The research also focuses on how the constitutional rights of an accused person have been ... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: law, criminal law, kiiza smith, the teeparkots inc. publishers, system, rights of accused, rights, court, law books
2,49 US$
- Englisch
- 7160 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 199
A guidebook you can use as a tool for learning a better awareness of Bankruptcy. The different chapters of Bankruptcy, history of bankruptcy, and bankruptcy today. Requirements about bankruptcy, as well as personal stories. Learn the history of bankruptcy, the factors of debt... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: bankruptcy, bankruptcy help, debt relief, bankruptcy advice, credit restoration tips
2,99 US$
- Deutsch
- 3383 Wörter
- Ab 14 Jahren
- 188
Eine Madhab ist eine Rechts- bzw. Methodenschule. Bereits in der Frühzeit des Islam haben sich vier sunnitische Rechtsschulen etabliert: die hanafitische, malikitische, schafiitische und hanbalitische Rechsschule. Im vorliegenden Buch geht es um die Entstehung dieser Schulen und ihre Methoden?
Stichwörter: Madhab, Mezhep, Koran, Sunna, Idjma, Qiyas, Konsens, Analogieschluss, Scharia, Maqasid, Urf, Abu Hanifa, Hanafiya, Imam Malik, Malikiya, Imam asch-Schafii, Schafiiya, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Hanbaliya, Djafar as-Sadiq, Djafariya [mehr]
2,99 €