
Love Poems

Love poems in free verse about the eternal topic of love, requited and unrequited love, love at a distance, suffering, hope, passion, dreams, longing, happiness, and all that love actually is and always will be: The most beautiful emotion, that you could ever feel!

I gave my heart and soul into these poems and now I'm offering them to all of you, who can relate to them, feel them and identify with them. 

I dedicate all of my poems to each soul in love, especially to my lovely husband.

With Love,

To You

The Rain

It’s raining…

I don’t know where I am going

nor why am I going there,

when I don’t have you.


The rain wets my hair...

Raindrops are falling on my face...

I’m walking through the puddles,

through the mud...


I’m striding,


Where are you?


I can feel your smell...

I’m hearing your voice…

Hello! I’m here!

Look at me!


I’m striding,


towards eternity...


It’s raining…

Don't Bow Your Head

Don't bow your head in front of me!


It hasn't disappeared, what was done,

it isn’t forgotten, what was said,

nor will it ever be.


It will, just,

over time, probably,

hurt less.


Your face will, possibly, slowly fade

overshadowed by someone new,

more realistic,

more sincere,

and more deserving.


Give me back the lost days of thinking

about something, that never could be.


Don't bow your head!

It gets even harder...


Look at me

and say that, what was incomplete.

Think of forbidden

and dream, as I do.


Don't bow your head…

You can’t run away!


Tell me,

have you ever loved so much

that it hurt

and you couldn’t say a word...


Give me back the most beautiful days

that went by in dreaming about impossible,

and tell me then:


Do you live happily

as I dreamed it?

What Makes Me Sad

I am ashamed

these words to say,

because they mean too much.


Why are you so far away?



I am here, waiting for you.

I am


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Zorica Savron - All rights reserved
Bildmaterialien: Zorica Savron
Lektorat: Studio Vergil
Übersetzung: Zorica Savron
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.04.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-0592-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedicated to each soul in love, especially to my lovely husband.

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