
Chapter 1: White Eyes

Twisting and turning in her bed, Justine awakens from a nightmare. She turns on her nightlight as she hears a thump walking towards her bedroom. "Mom, Dad?" As the thump rushes faster and closer to her room, she crawls underneath her bed, the lights go off. She grabs a flashlight beside her and flicks it on, a creepy girl appears with white eyes, Justine drops the flashlight in fear and it flickers off, then Justine screams. Lying in a hospital bed, with an IV and computer monitor bedside, Justine awakens. Justine glances across the room and spots the creepy girl with white eyes and she screams. "Help! Help!" The computer life line starts to appear slowly and her nurse rushers to the room and yells, "Life line is on!" Doctors and nurses rush into the room and attempt to resuscitate her, but fail.  "And then what?" Brenda asks. "She dies," Gregory answers. Gregory opens the door to the Rye manor. "This is where she lived, the Rye family abandoned the beautiful manor within only 1 month of her death, they say Justine roamed the place," Gregory continued. "So what about White Eyes? I am sure she have a true identity, maybe we can search the manor for clues about her," Brenda says. "I brought a Ouija board, we can use it to communicate with White Eyes. Gregory responds, "I am sure the hospital is the best location." Brenda asks, "Which hospital is it?" Gregory replies, "I have no idea, maybe we can reach out to a real estate agent and ask for more information about White Eyes ." Brenda hesitates, "We don't need to get anyone involved, it could be dangerous." Gregory takes the Ouija board out of the box, then kisses his cross chain around his neck, the glare hits Brenda eyes, and Brenda suddenly turns into a creepy girl with White Eyes. Gregory yells, "Let her go! It is me you want." Brenda turns back, but is frightened as Gregory opens up the cross around his neck and sprinkles holy water at his feet for protection. "Brenda, you're back," She runs and hugs Gregory close, but faints in his arms. Gregory picks her up and starts praying as rain falls between the cracks of the old molded ceiling. Brenda opens her eyes and says, "Gregory, we have to get out of here." She slowly stands and they run outside as the sunsets. Gregory says, "White Eyes is finally gone, she wanted to get rid of the manor, where she once lived,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Bildmaterialien: Skyler Ewing
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2024
ISBN: 978-3-7554-6573-7

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