

   The things that lurk in the dark…


       You shouldn't walk alone in the dark when there are things out to get you. Nicki finally realized this one night but has she learned her lesson?


(This is on a short story that I wrote when I was younger and I revamped it a little. Critiques welcome. Thanks for the read! Enjoy!)

It's Coming


It’s Coming 


         Nicki walked down the damp and foggy path heading home. It was cold, dark, and windy outside on a dreary Friday night. She wrapped her arms around herself and quickened her pace, getting nervous as the fog grew thicker. She’d just come from her friend’s house where they’d spent hours talking about the horror movie they saw earlier in the day to commemorate the impending fear that Friday 13th brought upon everyone in town. To them, it was something of a legend that had been passed down for generations, of the “mysterious happenings” on this specific date.  Nicki herself was never one to show any emotion towards such ridiculous folklore. But on a night as disturbing as this she had a reason to be a little more cautious.


         She could see her house in the distance as she continued down the narrow sidewalk. Not a few moments later she felt something brush against her shoulder as a dark figure dashed passed her and disappeared behind a streetlamp farther up the path. She hesitated and glanced back and forth only to be confronted by the suffocating thick white fog from before and the flickering streetlights.


“Hello?” She whispered reluctantly.


“Who’s there?”


In response, the street lights began to flicker rapidly and blow out followed by the single light on her front porch brightening as if it were beckoning her home. She stood, paralyzed in fear. She could feel a presence looming over her. Nicki inhaled sharply. Not knowing what to do, she fixed her gaze on the light post above her. There, contorted around the blown light was a noticeably dark shadow-like figure. Its menacing inhuman grin and blood-red eyes pierced through her, feeding off the fear that it could sense shooting through Nicki’s body. The creature's smile seemed to exceed beyond its face, showing sharp, ragged, teeth filled with a dark and empty void.


Nicki forced her body to react as she took off down the street towards her house only to trip due to the lack of response from her legs out of sheer terror. She began to crawl along the ground trying to get away from the creature as its crawls ripped at her flesh, spilling blood.


“Somebody please help me!”


She screamed out to anyone that could hear her, but the town seemed to be deserted. Her fingertips started to bleed from clawing fiercely at the ground hoping to break free. The creature released its bone-crushing grip ever so slightly as if it were toying with her, hoping she would run away. Nicki took the chance to scramble to her bloodied feet to stumble and limp towards her house. She frantically sifted through her keys glancing over her shoulder to find the creature smiling and staring at her from where she left it. Fumbling the key into the lock she pushed through the front door, locking it behind her. 


Tears streaming down her face, she sprinted up the stairs to her bedroom locking that door as well. She begins to bawl harder, her body full-on shaking from fear and panic. Her cries were interrupted by the echoing rings of her bedside phone. Unsure whether or not to answer Nicki picked up the phone.



“Hello, Nicki are you okay?” Her mom’s voice broke through, but it seemed far away.


“Mom,” Nicki whispered. “Mom, you need to come home right now. There’s something chasing me.” She wheezed out.


         The other end of the phone went silent again before the sound of static disconnected the phone.


“Mom…hello, are you still-”


She was cut short by loud banging and then a crashing noise coming from downstairs. Nicki went mute as she slowly set the phone back on its hook. Something else crashed, but this time it was closer to her room. She ran and hid in her closet, crouching in the farthest corner as she listened intently for any more sounds.


After a few moments, Nicki took a short sigh of relief thinking the entity had left, suddenly she heard heavy footsteps booming up the stairs, which seemed to shake the foundation of the house. Her breath hitched as the steps became louder stopping at her door. She couldn’t help but start bawling because she knew this was it. The door handle jiggled furiously then suddenly stop.


“Nicki?” The voice belonged to her friend, Jason.


“I called you a few times to make sure you’d made it home safely from my place, but you weren’t picking up, so I decided to come and check on you.”


Nicki slowly made her way out of the closet.




“How did you get in? Did you not see what the hell was out there?” She asked.


“Nicki…? What are you talking about? Let me in.” He sounded frustrated.


“Jason, I’m serious. How did you get in here, I locked the front down! There’s something in the house with me!” Nicki said.


“Look, just let me in Nicki.” This time Jason's voice was deeper and sounded inhuman.


Nicki knew something was wrong and backed towards the window.


“Come on sweetie, let me in .” This time it was her mom’s voice.


“Nicki…Nicki…Nicki.” Jason’s voice came through, and then her mom's, and then something sinister.


The house started rumbling and the door shook. Piercing screams that sounded like lost souls in agony sounded around her. The room started to burn as Nicki cried and screamed yelling ‘Go away’ over and over again.


         The door exploded open, and the creature came rushing at her with full force, everything went black as they collided, hurling her through the window.




“Nicki, wake up. It’s time for school!” Nicki’s dad yelled down the hallway.


The alarm clock was going off and the early morning sun was beaming through her bedroom window. Nicki glanced over at the clock and calendar on her nightstand.


6:10 am October 16th, 1989    


Nicki breathed out of relief.


“It was just a dream. You’re okay.” She reassured herself.


         She rolled out of bed and walked to her bathroom. As she stood in the mirror and looked over her face she noticed it started to bleed from scratches surfacing on her skin.


“No, no, no, please, no.” She pleaded, clawing at her face.


She ran back to her bedroom, locked the door behind her, and began pacing back and forth with her head in her hands. Something wasn’t right. The sky grew darker and time went in reverse. She frantically looked at the calendar on her nightstand.


10:23pm October 13th, 1989…Friday


She turned towards the window as if something were calling her.


There, standing outside under the light of the moon with a bleeding grin displayed across its face was the entity. It mouthed something that the wind seemed to carry over to her.


“It’s Coming.”

Thanks for the read!

Hey babes,


It has literally been like ten years since I've been on here, 'cause you know life catches up with you, but I'm trying to work my way back into things. Thanks so much for the read on my short story that I just finished revamping.


All criticism welcome, as I am trying to better myself and get back into the groove of writing. Don’t be too harsh on me though, it’s been ten years!


Feel free to comment with any critiques in the comment section of the book!


Thanks Babes ;)


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2012

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Revamping of a short story I wrote when I was thirteen, but a more updated version.

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