
Chapter 1

"Alexander, wake up or you’re going to be late for school on the first day!" My mom called from downstairs.
Yes that's me Alexander a girl not a boy. Most people just call me Kenya or Alex for short. My parents wanted another boy like my older brothers, to better the chance of one of them being a leader of my home planet, Arbithea, or a protector of the higher orders, but they got stuck with me instead. Only a boy can get powers and go to the school of super naturals. The only other time a girl has actually had powers.But somehow it happened to this girl named Soverina,where she ended up having almost every power known to man, well creature, but she disappeared about 3 years ago unknown. The only thing I'm really good at is fighting and I have no idea where I got that from and I'm pretty strong for a girl especially on Arbithea where the only ones that are suppose to be stronger are the men.
I'm the only girl in my family of guys excluding my mom, which would make my brothers think they have to be extra protective over me. With me being the youngest and all, plus with our inhumanly beauty it makes things worst even though I'm 16.
"Kenya get up I'm driving and you have 20 minutes to get ready before we're late." My twin brother Kyle said.
I opened one eye to see him standing at my door holding up his iPhone to show me the time. I groaned and rolled out of bed falling on the floor with a loud thud. "Ouch I felt that all the way over here." Kyle said laughing.
Since me and Kyle are twins he can feel what I feel or know what I'm thinking unless I block him out, which is really not natural for girls to do.
I got off the floor and threw a pillow at Kyle which he easily dodged by closing the door so I wouldn't hit him. After I finished changing I walked across the hallway to the bathroom. The door was closed so I knocked and waited.
"Yes?" My 17 year old brother Trey called. "Hurry up I need the bathroom Trey." I said. The door opened and Trey walked out. "O.k. little sis the bathroom is all yours." He said ruffling my already messed up hair.
I walked in the bathroom closing the door behind me and fixing my hair. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.
"Hey Kenya." My oldest brother Simon said while knocking on the door.
"What?" I called.
"Kyle looks just about ready to leave you I thought you might want to know that." He said. Simon's 19 and had just been recently chosen to train as a protector, so he's going to be leaving back to Arbithea in a few months, sadly. After he does leave we won’t get to see him for 2 years.
I ran back in my room and grabbed my phone then ran downstairs to the kitchen and found my parents sitting at the table.
My mom smiled and handed me a muffin.
"Hey sweetie ready for you first day at a new school?" She asked. We had moved from Arbithea because of a few problems I might have caused, or did cause, but it's not like I hurt anyone.....that badly.
I smiled and nodded. And for some reason my parents never got mad at me or punished me. They always said it was just a part of growing up and they acted the same when they were my age too. But personally I think it's because I live with a bunch of boys.
"Now don't cause any more trouble, because we won’t be moving again." My dad said. I laughed and gave them a hug and walked out the kitchen into the living room with my brothers.
"Bye guys. Where's Dex and Jason?" I asked.
Dex is the second oldest and Jason is Trey's twin. They can do the same thing Kyle can do but a lot more since their older than us. Everyone but my mom and I have different powers.
"They're upstairs." Trey said. I nodded.
"Alright, can you tell them I said bye?" I asked walking out the door.
I got in the passenger side of the car and checked myself in the mirror. "Took you long enough." Kyle said putting the car in reverse.

'Yeah whatever it's not like you would have left me.' I thought to myself forgetting Kyle could hear me.'

"Actually, I was going to leave you. You can drive yourself you know." Kyle said. He smirked and backed out the driveway.
I just rolled my eyes.

"Well maybe I just want to pollute less by having you drive me to school." I said smiling


Chapter 2

The drive to school only took about 30 minutes, but we still ended up being late so we headed towards the office for the schedules and uniforms. The school campus looked really amazing, more like a college than a high school, but still amazing. We walked into the building getting lots of weird stares from most of the students. I have to admit Kyle and I do look pretty amazing considering we came from a different world and all. The only thing different about us is our size, hair, and gender of course. Kyle has a pretty muscular built figure and he's about a foot taller than me. I've got an athletic built figure, not like my brothers but still able to take anyone down. We both have freckles and eyes that change colors depending on our mood, but our normal color is an exotic green with orange in the middle and tiny flecks of blue and yellow. Kyle has blonde hair that shines even in the dark and I have strawberry-red mid back length hair.
Kyle nudged me in the side bringing me out of my thoughts. I didn't even realize we were in the front office. "Oh I'm sorry ma'am what did you say?" I asked politely while she stared at Kyle. The girl sitting at the desk looked to be one of the students with big brown eyes and curly blonde hair. She wasn't really attractive though, maybe average for my brother.
"Can you please tell me your full real name?" She said gazing at Kyle. I rolled my eyes. "Alexander Kenya Parker." I said snapping my fingers to get her attention.
"Okay." She said blankly then looked back to Kyle with a flirtatious smile.
"What's your name?" She asked Kyle.
"Kyle Justin Parker." My brother said smiling at her. She slowly looked away from Kyle and handed him two pieces of paper, uniforms, and books.
"Um, here are your things, just go sit in those chairs over there and I'll have someone come and escort you to your classes." She said. Kyle winked making her melt into a puddle and pulled me with him to the chairs. We sat down and waited on our so called escort to come.
"Why do you do that?" I asked Kyle. He looked up from his phone and stared at me.
"Do what?"
"Lead girls on but never asking them out, I understand we look absolutely amazing but come on now that's not even necessary." I say irritated. Kyle shrugged and smirked.
"O.k. well when I find the right girl I promise I won't do that anymore." He said. I stared at him to see if he was lying then nodded. "Fine." He smiled and pulled his IPhone back out.
"Excuse me are you Alexander and Kyle Parker." I turned around to find a girl with short blonde pixie hair and pink streaks in it smiling at us.
"Yea that's us, are you me and my sisters escort?" Kyle asked standing up. She nodded and smiled showing a set of pearly white teeth.
"My name’s Rose by the way." She said extending her hand out to us.
We shook her hand and followed her out the building into the school. "So what's ya'll first class?" She asked in a thick country accent turning around. I slid my books to my other arm pulling out my schedule. "Um...Science room 312." I said. Kyle looked down at his schedule and frowned. "Looks like I won't be having the first class with you sis." He looked up.
"Here let me see your schedule." I hands him my schedule and shifted my books again.
"I'll see you at study hall, lunch, and athletics, but that pretty much it." He said handing it back to me. Rose smiled sadly.
"It's o.k. I have most of my classes with you except for the first one so I can be your first friend, but I'm pretty sure you two will do just fine with friends." Rose said.
I smiled and looked at Kyle who was looking at his phone. "Okay, I'm going to show you guys to you locker and take you to your classes and after your classes are over just meet me at your lockers again." She said.
She took us to our lockers, which happened to be at the other end of school, (sadly and I don't have the slightest idea of how we’re supposed to go to our lockers and make it to class on time) and took me to my first class. We stood in front of a door that said 312 above it. "O.k. here your class and don't worry about your clothes, I'm pretty sure they'll know that your new." Rose said then smiled and walked over to the stairs. "Don't into too much trouble because now I won’t be there to hold you back." Kyle said patting my head and walked up the stairs to Rose.
I breathe in deeply and sighed knocking on the classroom door. "Come in." A male’s voice said. I opened the door and walked in having all eyes on me. "Hello you must be our new student Alexander." He said. I nodded and waved looking around the classroom seeing many different faces mostly interests in my appearance.
"Great you came just in time for the experiment we were about to, but all you have to do is watch since your new." He said.
"You can go sit in the back beside Travon." He pointed towards the back of the class. I walked to the empty seat beside a brown headed boy. I nodded and walked over to the table and sat down.
"Was sup I'm Travon you must be the new girl Alexander. You know I kind of thought you were going to be a dude not some really hot-" I cut him off.
"Yea o.k. but just call me Kenya please." I said glaring at him.
"I see, well Kenya how about me showing you around school after this class." He asked smirking. I smiled and turned towards him making him flinch because of the color of my eyes. "I don't really like your type; you know the ones that think they can get every girl in school with that smile of yours." I said. "But I will be your science partner, only because I have to." I could already tell that my eyes were red from being irritated and mad.
"I thought your eyes were green just a minute ago." Travon said hesitantly.
"No I have no idea what you’re talking about." I said innocently smiling. He shook his head and went back to texting cursing under his breath. 'Kyle I know you can hear me, and I am having the worst time of my life right now.' I thought to Kyle.
I ended up day dreaming the rest of science and didn't realize the bell had rung until someone tapped me on my shoulder. "Alexander, right?" Asked a tall skinny girl with golden locks that flowed down her back in waves.
"Um yea, but please just call me Kenya." I said. She smiled and held out her hand.
"I'm Amy, head cheerleader of Jackson high." Great a preppy, Barbie doll cheerleader. Why must I be so pretty that I attract this kind of attention? My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had gotten a text from Kyle.
'You should be nice even though she might look like a life size Barbie doll lol'
'Awe come on Kyle why must you listen to my thoughts' I texted back.
'It's not my fault you think loudly'
'That was a lame joke or whatever you wanna call it.' I put my phone back in my pocket, not waiting on him to reply.
"Who was that?" Amy asked. Nosy much miss head cheerleader.
"It was just my brother" I said a little annoyed.
She smiled. "You mean your twin brother right?" Well duh, he is the only brother that goes to this school and that you've actually seen.
"Yepp, that's him." I said picking up my books ready to get out of her annoying presence. Have I mentioned that I don't do well with people, most people.
"Well anyways I'm going show you and your brother around school tomorrow, but until then what's your next class?" She asked. I looked down at my schedule.
"Um my next class is Geography then study hall." She grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her out of the classroom. "That's my next class. You can sit beside me." She said.

We walked in the classroom together getting stares from everyone in there. "Hey Amy, who's this?" A hot guy with dark brown hair asked Amy once we sat down. He kind of had that same look me and Kyle have, irresistible. We were seated by a group of look-alike Barbie’s and jocks. "Hey guys this is my new friend Kenya." New friend.....first of all I really don't like you so right now you aren't considered my friend at all.
"What's up Kenya I had your brother in my last class." The irresistible boy with brown hair said smiling. I smirked and sat my books down.
"That's cool. What's your name by the way?" I asked him. He smiled and opened his mouth to say his name but was cut off by the teacher walking into the room. "Okay class, take out your books and turn to page 159." The teacher said. I reached down to pick up my geography book when something nudged me on my arm. I looked up to find a note on my desk that read 'My names Bryce....can I show you around school since your new and all?'
'Hmm that sound pretty cool but you’re not the first person that's gave me that offer.' I wrote then passed it back to him. I looked at him and he smiled a gorgeous crooked smile at me for some reason making my insides melt. I blushed then turned to page 159 and put my head on my hand and started to daydream.
When the bell rung I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom, hoping Amy wouldn't catch up to me. She not really the type of people i use to hang out with at my school in Arbithea. I walked down the crowded hallway then stopped realizing I didn't know where I was going. "Where on earth is the study hall even at?" I asked myself harshly."
"Do you talk to yourself often?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I spun around to find Bryce with that heart winning smile across his face. "Do you sneak up on people often?" I asked sarcastically. I turned back around and walked up the stairs like I knew where I was going. Bryce ran up beside me.
"Do you even know where you’re headed?" He asked smirking. I looked out the corner of my eye.
"Of course I do...not." I added. Stopping at the top of the stairs I frown and looked at him.
"Where's the study hall, Bryce?" I asked not really wanting his help or anyone's help for that matter. He laughed and walked back down the stairs then looked over his shoulder and said, "Well, you coming or not?"
I sighed and ran down the stairs to his side. "You better enjoy this time while it lasted." I said. He must have become really fond of me over that last period because surprisingly he draped his arm over my shoulder like we've know each other forever.
"Gladly." He said smiling then we walked off towards the library.

Chapter 3

Right when we got in the library I saw a group of people all around one table and Bryce was leading us right to it. “Ok we’re in the study hall you can let me go now.” I said wiggling out of his grip. He shrugged but didn’t go anywhere. I just rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text Kyle.
‘Kyle where are you I’m in the study hall.’ I texted.
‘I’m here sitting at the table like in the middle.’ He texted.
I put my phone back in my pocket and started looking around the library. “Who you looking for?” I jumped forgetting that Bryce was still standing beside me.
“My brother.” I said still searching for Kyle.
“Isn’t that him over there in the middle of all those people?” I looked to where he was pointing and yes, that was him in the middle of that huge group. I walked over and pushed through the group getting a lot of death stares from most of them.
“Hey Kenya I didn’t think you would ever find in the middle of this massive group.” Kyle said smiling. He was sitting at the table with three other guys I recognized as the ones that were hanging out with Amy.
“Um yea can I talk to you for a second?” I asked. He nodded then got up and followed me over to the other side of the library.
“Kay sis what’s up?” He asked. I frowned. “You sure are getting along pretty fast around here.” I said looking at the group again.
“Well yea, I mean I’m not going to walk around being all antisocial.” He said smirking.
“Anyways there’s this guy named Bryce that wants to show me around town after school so I guess he’ll be driving me home so don’t wait up for me at the car.” I said. Kyle stared at me then lifted his eyebrow. “So what you’re saying is that Bryce wants to take my little sister on a date.” He said smirking.
I held up my hands. “No, it’s not a date. I don’t even really like him, I’m just trying to make some friends.” I said.
“That’s not what I was hearing when Amy was talking to you.” He said.
“Okay whatever so yea, remember don’t wait up for me.” I said walking back to the library entrance.
“Don’t you want me to introduce you to my friends?” He asked. I stopped then turned around. “Actually I’d rather be antisocial, sorry.” I said sarcastically and walked back to the doors, where Bryce was still waiting.
"It seems your brother gets around pretty quickly." Bryce said laughing to himself.
I smiled and walked down the hallway to the front of the school.
Bryce ran in front of me and opened the door. "So where do you want to go first." he said.
"Well since I haven't been here before why don't you just choose a place." He smiled and looked away.
"Yea your right I guess I just got a little... well I don't know." I laughed and walked behind him to a black and red Camaro. "This, is your car?" I asked a shocked. "Yup, I got this baby last month for my birthday." Bryce smiled at his car as if he were sharing a secret joke with it.
"Hmm, so how old are you anyway?" I asked as he unlocked the car and we got in. He looked over at me and stared the engine.
"I just turned 17. Hope that's not a problem." I laughed.
"Only if me being 16 isn't a problem with you." I said.
"Not at all and before we get stared with that awesome tour I'm about to give you, we need to go to the football field first." He said smiling.
"Kay." I said as Bruce drove his car around to the back of the school.

He parked his car beside what looked like a locker room. Almost everything on earth is the same as it is where I came from surprisingly. Bruce gets out the car and gestures me to come with him. I shook my head my hands up.
"I'm kind of feeling a little lazy right now." I shrugged smiling. Bruce chuckled at me and just locked the door walking into the building.
"He acts like I'm going to leave or something." I said talking to myself.
For some reason I've started having conversation with myself more than often since we moved here.

After about 30 minutes of sitting in the car being bored I saw something the size of an ape moved on the other side of the football field. It almost looked like one of those moon creatures the people at my old school talked about. Wait a minute, where was it that they said those things were being sent to again? I actually think it was earth. Crap!

I tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge so I did the only thing left to do, bust his window out. I left my things in his car seeming a though I really won’t be needing them anymore and ran across the field after the beast.

‘Kyle you know those moon creatures?’ I said contacting Kyle in my mind.

‘Yea, what about them?’ He said immediately responding.

‘They’re here at this school. I just saw one of them on the other side of the football field heading into the woods.’ I said.

He didn’t respond so I just sighed and ran in without him. If he got mad afterwards then so be it, it’s his own fault.

I quickly ran through the trees getting closer to the beast but still trying to stay as quiet as possible. For what felt like 20 minutes of chasing after it, the moon creature stopped in an clearing and circled around it chanting words in which I never came to understand when I lived in Arbithea.

The creature running on all fours speed up and started to chant faster. I looked around the clearing for some sort of distraction and found a boulder sitting on the far left of me. I ran over towards it and pick it up with all the strength I had and threw it at the creature.
The boulder came down on its leg making the creature howl in pain. After its temper tantrum over a probably broken leg it stood and searched around the clearing for its victim.

While its back was turned I found another boulder and threw it at his head causing it to stumble forward. I then ran over to the smallest tree and picked it up to throw it, but the creature turned around and caught it looking straight at me.
"Um hi, such a lovely evening to be throwing trees isn't it." I said trying to build up enough time to run. The creature's face became distort as it screeched at me. I covered my ears before I went deaf from the high pitched noise.
"Okay, that was completely childish. I only asked you a question." I scuffed at the beast. It got back on all fours and started to run after me screeching louder. My eyes widened as it charged at me ripping almost everything up out of the ground.
Because I was extremely fast I made it out of the woods before it did.

I ran across the football field to Bryce's car where he stood gawking at the window I broke. "What did you do to my car?" He whined.
I ran up to him and jumped in the car. "Get in." I yelled as I saw the creature getting closer. After I noticed that Bryce wasn’t unless I gave him a legitimate reason I said it again but louder. He clinched his jaw but got in the car anyways.
"Hand me the keys." I instructed holding my hand out. He gave me the keys hesitantly and looked across the field at the moon creature.
"W-what is that?" He stuttered pointing at it.
"What, that huge beast running towards us?" I asked playing confused. "Oh that's just an old friend. We're playing tag and right now he's it." I said pulling out of the schools parking lot just as the creature was about to land on the car.

Chapter 4

I had no idea where I was going and the moon beast was tearing up everything around it. I had to get it away from civilization. Bryce was completely silent, I couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not."Bryce, I'm gonna need you to breath please," I glanced over at him quickly. "I don't need a death on my hands." 

He sucked in a huge breath as if he just emerged out of the water and held it for a couple of seconds before he fainted. 

"Are you kidding me dude, " I said. "Great!" I reached down on the floor and felt around for my phone before I found it.

I decided to call Simon since he knew how to destroy these things."Hey how's school-" he started.

"There's no time for that." I said frantically.

"Kenya, what's wrong? Where are you?" Simon

 "Simon those moon beast are here, on Earth, and they're chasing us." I turned down a dirt path that looked like it hadn't been used in years. It was so uneven it made Bryce gain consciences.

 "I'm on my way, just try to get somewhere safe." Simon said then hung up.


Bryce looked behind the car once he realized what type of situation we were in.

"Hey," I said to get his attention. "I'm about to make a really sharp turn so you might want to hold on." Bryce gripped his seat and closed his eyes. Like I said, I turned sharply around a tree, jerking the back end of the car. I stepped on the gas a speed through the woods losing the creature.

 "You can open your eyes, I've lost it." I said to Bryce. He opened his eye but kept his tight grip on the seat.

"Um, I hope you're okay with your car being sort of ruined." I said to Bryce. He didn't answer. It's a good thing he won't remember any of this after we erase his memory. It's one of the many powers my dad has that comes in handy with me. Bryce started to ease up a bit seeming as though he hasn't seen the creature yet. That was probably the worse move he could've made, because right as I was  about to turn so I could find a way out of the woods the moon beast jumped out of the trees and flipped the car. 

I'm positive the car did about four  flips and there's a wonder how we could've gotten out without any broken bones, or even dead. Once I finally came to, I realized the car had landed upside down against a tree and also that I was still alive.

 "Bryce, you still alive." I asked looking over at him. He mumured and opened his eyes to look over at me. "Good, i dont needa death on my hands." I flipped myself back over and kicked the window causing it to shatter. "What are you doing." Bryce asked bewildered. He flipped out of his seat.

 "How else are we suppose to get out ." I stood up and straightened my clothes. "Duh." He crawled out after me.

 'Kenya, we've found the moon beast. Are you okay.' I heard Kyle in my head. Oh now he wants to answer.

'Yeah I'm okay. It flipped the car that me and Bryce were in, and we just got out.' He didn't reply for a while so I reached back into Bryce's car and grabbed my phone.

 'Stay by the car I'm coming to get you.' He replied.

I walked over to Bryce who was sitting down leaning against the his broken car. Sitting down in front of him I looked him over to see how much damage he had to his body. He had a long cut that went down the side of his face that was bleeding and across his shoulder blade. His pants were ripped and showed all the other cuts that were bleeding on his legs. He also had a gash across his chest from when his window had broken. The rest of what I couldn't see was probably starting to bruise. I'm surprised he's not freaking out or even mad about his car like I thought he would. Probably in shock or something.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked. He took a deep breath and looked up at me.

"What are you?" He more than demanded. His expression changed from confused to scared to angered. "I'm human..." I said, unconvincing. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped short as his eyes moved to look at something behind me. I turned around and saw my brother driving towards us. Standing up I offered my hand to Bryce who brushed it away and helped himself.

 Kyle screeched to a stop and quickly got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. "What on earth were you thinking!" Kyle yelled at me gripping my shoulders and shaking me. "What else was I suppose to do! You didn't answer me!" I pushed him off of me. "This new planet has gotten you drifting away from me and we haven't even been here a full day!" I could see the anger leaving his face as every rushed word came flying out of my mouth.

 "We need to leave." He said. My breath hitched as I felt a wave of worry and regret hit me like a gust of wind. I had no idea where it was coming from until I looked at Kyle's face. The regret and worry I was feeling was coming from my brother. It was one of the powers that we were suppose to share if I were a boy, only I wasn't able to do anything like this before. This isn't normal, I knew I was different but not like this. I don't know what's happening anymore.

I stared at my brother bewildered, not knowing what to do. "Kenya?" Kyle asked. I came out of my trance and quickly got in the car so that I could go home .

  The drive home was silent.  I never turned to looked at my brother or Bryce who was seated in the back, looking clueless. I stared out the window into the never ending woods that we passed. In the reflection I could see Bryce looking in between Kyle and me. I could tell he was frightened and had no idea of what was going to happen to him. I almost felt sorry for meeting him, but then again we were going to alter his memory so that it only seemed that he got into a car accident.

 I hadn't looked to see what type of condition I was in, because I was a always a very quick healer, so whatever cut or bruise I had would be gone the next day. When my parents found out about this, it never fazed them. Sometimes i think my parents know something that they don't want to tell me, but I would always brush it off. 

 My left temple was bleeding from when my head smashed into the window and starting to dry a little. My arms were scratched like I'd been attacked my a dog and already starting to heal. My knees were scrapped and so were my knuckles from the one-on-one I had with the moon creature. All the minor injuries were healing now while the gash in my head would take all night.

'Kenya?' Kyle asked in my head. I could still feel the heaviness of worry and regret from him.

'Kenya, look I'm sorry I didn't answer back the first time and got angry with you for runnins off.' I didn't reply.

'It was my fault you ran off in the first place. This wouldn't have happened if I had went with you.' He said.

He was silent for a while and when he realized that I wasn't going to reply he didn't say anything else.

Chapter 5

She ran through the woods not caring for the branches and twigs that snagged at her body. She was fluent and quick, dashing through the trees as if she were born in the depths of them. It was too easy and she knew it. She could feel his hard cold stare weighing her down from the balcony that he had planned to kill her on. She could sense his hateful and unloving heart. His broken will and trust towards everything he cared for had long gone and now running from her only living family member, she knew that her death would be brought on under the commands of his. So she ran as far and as long as her wiling legs would take her.

Chapter 6

I could see Trey and Jason standing outside waiting for us. Just as I was about to turn away my vision blurred. The edges of their bodies were quivering as if there were some type of shield around them. I tried to focus my eyes, but it only got worse and contoured their faces. They weren’t twins anymore. 


They didn’t even look related.


 “Kenya!”  Kyle yelled. I jerked my head towards him and my eyes started to focus again.


 “Yeah, I’m uh…sorry.” I said nervously. Bryce stared at me confused, so I gathered my nerves and looked Kyle in the eyes. “I was daydreaming.” Kyle stared at me for a few more minutes before turning into the driveway.


Bryce stayed in the car while we got out and had not planned on moving anytime soon.


I walked to the front door where Trey and Jason were standing and hesitated before going inside. 


“Honey?!  Are you okay?” My mom came rushing towards me, searching every inch of my body. I looked at her and noticed that her outline was quivering just as my brothers had outside. 


My breath caught and I quickly stepped to the other side of the room before she could do a second pat down. “Is there something wrong?” She took a step closer, in which I reacted by moving farther away. My dad coughed and gave her a looked I’d never seen before. 


“Arissa, give her some time. She just fought a moon creature. I think she needs some rest.” My mom’s face brightened as if she just understood some inside joke, which is exactly what I think is going on. 


The front door opened with my brothers and Bryce entering. “I’m going to my room.” I looked at Bryce’s puppy-like face, lifted my chin, and started up the stairs.


 “Call me down when you’re finished.” I said and slammed my door.


Bildmaterialien: Image found on Google made by Nirrimi Firebrace
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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