

This world is caged and broken, those that live in it, see or ignore the truth, but some engage with the broken trying to break free from this cage. Few have made it, yet most become the broken themselves. This place cage island, filled with souls lost in their own tide, is Nevermore. Humans, people uncaged know it yet only to be seen as paradise to them. The Leaders keep what’s underneath sealed away, never seen the light of day, but we only see the dark that covers the prisons walls. Yet the leaders let us out once a month, to show what lies close yet so far away from our reach.

Everything is set in stone, and blood that is spilled for each one that tries to break loose. They control with fear yet the anger from us grows more and the temptation to being free unleashes one day. Many have followed yet only one survived out of us. The Leaders punished us, showing no mercy to those that tried to escape or helped out the escapees. The fury in their eyes spoke with such harshness that we know, the one that fully escape from here won’t be able to be free for long. After all this one was their favorite yet the favorite of another. This another came upbringing death to those that oppose, Aron Shanks. The one that escaped this wretched place, in hopes to finding what’s left, that Nevermore hasn’t already taken.

Passing through many cities, changing cloths, and appearance to keep the leaders that are chasing confuse. They never knew this one’s name just number 103269, which was carved into the right shoulder, expect now instead a black dragon, mixed with chains while a wolf circles around and over the dragon has taken its place. This is mostly hidden with forearm length sleeves or longer depending on what this one likes to wear at the time. Only one item has stayed the same if the leaders catch it that is, a silver celtic cross, that is normally hanging from the neck which is the only connection to the family that has been left behind. It seems that others begin to find this one, and follow with refusal to leave their side. With the finding of them is where this starts. Together this group has found many things and survived many encounters, well at least that what the others believe.

Chapter 1

The rain pound onto the dead grounded roof and windows where shadows pass by quickly, movement could be seen but no one could tell if it was a police officer or one of low life criminals. The darkness inside seems so dead, unlivable but there are couple few inside one cell waiting to be let out since after all these are normally the homeless or individuals that caught an officer on a bad day or they were just bored. Among those few, stare through the cell window feeling a little bit of rain hitting them, but showed no recognition of it bothering them. One inmate was leaning on this person as well seeking warmth while the cold chill air continues to bite its way through the other occupants inside the cell. The one watching the rain silently turns their head towards the cell door, their cold silver blue eyes stare at the clock as it reads ’11:50 am’ telling them it’s going be a bit more before their release. A flash releases around the cell along with a roaring crackle thunder, shaking some inmates resolves a bit, lighting up the slim harden body of the person who turned their attention back to the window. Their black short hair gleam and shine a bit, while the rest of their body looks cold harden steal with a tight black shirt along with black pants.

Another flash and crackle of thunder came much louder than the last one causing the inmate that was sleeping soundly to awaken who grip onto the person beside them since it startle them a bit till the sound of clanging keys caught all their attentions, they watch the cell door open revealing an officer being much taller than the other inmates inside “Aron Shanks, your free to go.” His voice bombed speaking as if they were against letting that person out.

The one that was being cling onto at the moment, got themselves free from the inmate and stood up “Finally.” They spoke in a melodic tone as they step out of the cell and followed the man who was the one that put them there in the first place, just for sleeping on steps outside a building which was such an annoyance to them.

A small annoyance sound of some type escapes from the officer as he leads the person to the front office “To think they let you go girl, is a disappointment.” He spoke sounding angrier at himself then her. “You shouldn’t be sleeping in such places you know.”

Aron shrugged at the officer showing uncaring since after most people mistaken her gender so it wasn’t a problem most of the time. The cold chill air seems to disappear but it was still surrounding Aron as if it was a part of her. “What do I have to do before leaving here?” she asked being a little impatient with the hope of leaving without being notice by others.

“You just got to fill out and sign a couple papers then you can leave since you already paid.” The Officer said in a matter of fact tone since it seemed he has done this a lot which could make him the lackey to the other official police and officers around. The girl following him made no other noise as she notices someone else in front of them, and come to a dead stop.

The air blackens around Aron’s eyes, while they stare at the chained black, red knee level coat with a cross and chain symbol in the middle of the back that symbolizes Nevermore, teeth clenching, fingers digging into the palm of her hand begging to bleed out. The officer was about to question what cause the girl to stop, but she started following him again, he could feel pressure coming from her body as it leaked out, shrugging along he leads her past the Man from Nevermore then gives her the forms to sign and fill out. This causes a briefly touch of hands which Aron quickly snatches the clipboard of forms and starts filling them out while the Officer just shakes his head with confusion of how cold yet warm her hands were.

All Aron could think of and feel while filling all the information about the ‘fake her’ was the times before she came to this side of the ocean, she takes a quick glance over to the man who seemed familiar from Nevermore yet she couldn’t place a face or name to this body covered in chains and black coat expect one person but that one had already left the island before she escaped. Those memories flash on and off a few times while her hand moves swiftly writing all she can, so she can leave and get out of the city. Before finishing the forms a feeling of dread crosses her veins, she looks up to see a pair of gold curious eyes staring at her, followed by a soft smile towards her.
Arons hands clench more almost breaking the pen that’s between her fingers till the officer blocks her, which almost startle her since all her concentration was on that one person “You done yet?” The officer said impatiently staring at her.

“Yes.” The words came out quieter then she was hoping them to, but she ignore it and hands over the clipboard which after a quick look over the writing of hers, he motion for her to leave now that it’s all done properly, and also hands over her bookbag before she leaves.

She didn’t have to be told twice to leave, Aron’s body moves away from the officer once taking her bookbag and goes out the door ignoring as much as she can of the intense dead stares she felt. Stepping out into the down pour rain, she looks up and smiles, in only the rain all her worries disappear for a moment, which she didn’t waste anymore time to leave this city, taking the fastest route she could afford she heads west on foot walking towards the nearest train station.

It didn’t take that long for her to finally reach the train station, the mass amount of people rushing in and out was a huge connection the train was near. Aron quickly buys her ticket then moves into a bathroom changing her cloths since the ones on her smell a bit. Looking into the mirror after she finished, she quickly fixes the red tie of hers, straightens the black forearm length collar shirt and smoothes out the black chain shorts. A couple people inside the bathroom stare at her but not too long since she moves out of the area and heads to her designated train before anyone could linger and stare at her.
Upon entering the train that was heading to the mountains of England she could feel a pair of eyes so familiar and kind that she didn’t bother turning around, went straight towards the back of the train and enters and enclosed booth. It was a little spacey and nice which meant she didn’t have to worry about any other people entering her booth, which the door to the booth opened up. Turning around a pair of soft brown eyes stare into her cold silver blue eyes. “Hello Tina.” Aron said smiling softly at the brunette wearing a white blouse and black pants that was sticking to her body from the rain outside.

The brunette seemed uneasy but Aron knew not to judge her appearance which means Tina was mad at her for something “Leaving without me?” Tina asked quietly crossing her arms across her chest standing strong while trying to not let her worry come and sweep her off her feet.

This caused Aron to feel both the worry and bothersome annoyance flowing through her ‘friend’ standing tall yet about to crumble any minute if she says something insulting that is, “No, I knew you’ll follow once you caught me leaving the police station, which I got pulled into that annoying jail cause someone, locked me outside my own apartment.” The amusement was hidden in her voice as she watches Tina shake her head, and run her fingers through her shoulder length hair.

Watching her friend curiously Aron finally sat down and looks out the window awaiting Tina to sit who didn’t bother to say anything else but kick Aron’s shin before sitting down. The blow was soft and unnoticed but it only caused her to smile a little more and look over at her grumpy friend who had their arms crossed and ignoring Aron which even both of them knew won’t last for long since after all it was Tina who seemed to always admired her which she never fully understood, but knew Tina was needed to stay with her since she couldn’t bear to lose someone else in this time and age. With those thoughts and emotions swiftly arriving yet at a standstill Aron’s eyes closes into a deep slumber hoping softly nothing happens while her body rest. Looking over at her, Tina stares calmly at Aron’s position as she sleeps knowing full well her cold friend was going have neck pains later on if she wakes up before the trip to Yorkshire Dales which was going to be a long one at that…….

Heavy winds zipped passed the train as it heads to the first hour of travel, most people are asleep or moving about the cars of the trains. Everything was still and quiet for a couple mins till the conductor himself spotted a red blinding light “Stop the Train!” he yelled at his young co-conductor, who jumps from his seat and pulls on the breaks. People in deep slumber became the awaken along with Aron who jolted up from her seat both her and Tina wonder what in world was going on which them both weren’t the only ones.

Outside the group of personal watches silently as the train came slowly to a stop and the fully stop nearly touching the man holding the red blinding light in his hand, which he smirked and order a couple of his men to go and search the train, with the train lights and darkness around only themselves know who they are, the couple personals get onto the train and goes to the conductor ordering him to continue the journey and they were part of the law.

Back over with Aron and Tina they shuffle a bit in their booth knowing whatever stop a train wasn’t good, which a couple minutes later both of them are sent to the floor as the train started up again. With Tina on top of Aron made both of them curse, Aron grumbles underneath Tina who quickly gets up then they hear doors opening and closing quickly. They look at each other than to the door which curiosity got the better of them both as they take a quick peek outside the booth

Aron looks to the side to spot the one thing she wished she didn’t spot, and moves back into the booth, and also pushes Tina inside then shuts the door quickly without making it bang. She could sense Tina’s worry looks at her as she moves around the booth gathering their stuff together and tying them up to one of her wrest so they wouldn’t get lost or disappear with the plan she had in mind “We need to leave.” Aron spoke quickly and short to the point while trying to not let her voice strain while the memories of the person with the white and blue line knee length coat and symbol of Nevermore on their back begins to slowly resurface of the time back then.


Texte: All work is done by the Auther
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.11.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is to the amazing group of friends and family that have become very important in my life

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