
First Time In California


Characters: Liz

Liz’s Little Brother



Drake’s Little Brother






Hi, my name is Elezebeth Porsche, but people call me Liz, Beth, Lizzy, or Eli. Mom, my brother, and I, just moved here from Jersey to Cali (short for California).You might wonder were my dad is.Well, he left when I was two, so...yeah. We don't speak of him.
I'm a little tall and have blonde hair, pouty lips, green emerald eyes, and a figure most girls would kill for. But hey-just because I’m hot, does not

mean I’m stuck-up or a slut, so think again! Anyway, I have never kissed anyone, before so, that would make me a virgin.
My brother is 5 years old and he looks like a boy-version of me. I worry that he's so cute, he's gonna turn into a player one day. My works at a big ad agency in Cali, so we're rich and I'm stuck here with her.

"Mom, I’m finished unpacking!" I yelled down stairs.

"O.K, sweetie! Come down stairs I have to talk to you!" She yelled back.

"O.K!" I replied. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I had on blue skinny jeans and a top that says, 'Don’t Stare, Just Keep Walking’, my hair is in a side ponytail, and I'd put on a little mascara and eyeliner. I don't need a lot of makeup because I'm a natural beauty.

I ran down stairs. My mom was sitting in the living room.

"Starting tomorrow you will be attending Alameda High School-"

"But Mom-"

"No buts. You will behave. Do you hear me?"

"Now go and unpack."

I stomped back up the stairs. I can't believe she's making me go to that stupid school! I’m so angry! Do you see my face? Does it look happy? I don't think so! A.H.S IS THE SCHOOL FOR RICH, STUCK-UP SNOBS! I guess I'll just have to cope. I just have to face the fact that I’m going to A.H.-GOSH! I can't even say it!

I was standing nervously by my first hour class. I was late. I already had my schedule and everything. On my way to first hour, I bumped into a girl named Chloe Davenport, she was really pretty and nice, best thing was she wasn't a slut! So now I have a friend! I walked in the classroom to see Chloe was in this one. Instantly, the boys started checking me out. Typical boys. The girls gave me murderous looks. Typical girls. All except a few. Something tells me the ones that gave me the looks were the sluts. They wore skirts so short they could be called underwear! I gave the teacher, Ms.Lunderbeans, my late slip and sat down.

"Well Elizebeth, welcome to the class. We have rules here and if you don't follow there WILL be consequences!" She yelled. I could tell me and this teacher are not gonna be best friends! Especially since she spit on me and fussed at me! I pouted.

"Yes Ms. Spit-A-Lot-I mean Lunderbeans.” The class started laughing. I gave her a big salute. The class started laughing again and Ms. Spit-A-Lot-yeah, that's gonna be her name from now on-face -started heating up.
"CLASS BE QUIET! LISTEN LITTLE GIRL YOU WILL NOT COME IN MY CLASS AND MESS WITH ME!"I took some ear muffs out of my book bag and put them on, so I won't have to hear that! I look at Ms. Spit-A-Lot.

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, DO YOU HARE ME?”Is all I heard. I took off the ear muffs.

"Huh what you said?"



"Good, now take your seat!"

"Yes, Ms. Spit A-Lot." I could feel heat from her body. Instead of yelling again, she groaned. Second and third period went by quick. Now I'm in the cafeteria, looking for Chloe. She is sitting at a table with four boys and one girl. I walked over to the table and sat down next to her.

"Hey Chloe!” I said.

"Hey Liz!" She responded. At the sound of someone clearing their voice we turned.

"So Chloe who is this?" A boy with brown eyes, that made me want to melt, brown hair, and a muscular body said.

"Well Drake, this is my friend Liz."

"Liz, this is my bro Drake.” We both said hi and shook hands. As soon as our hands touched I felt a shock go through where he shook my hand, I guess he felt it too cuz' he quickly moved his hand back too and blushed.

(Drake's POV)

I introduced the rest of the guys.

"This is Andrew, the momma’s boy, Andrea, his girlfriend, Drew, the player, and Phil, the charmer." He said while we shook hands. Drew winked at me and I blushed.

She's beautiful; I can't believe she's the friend Chloe has been talking about. I bet right now I'm drooling.

I wiped my mouth, sure enough I was drooling. I quickly recovered myself. I could see she was drooling too. At that, I smirked. I would give up everything to be with her, me being a player and breaking hearts, I would give up in a heartbeat. I mean just look at her, her soft hair, even though I never touched it.Her pouty lips that were soooo kissable. Her figure-Just thinking about it gave me a hard on!

"So, um, Elizabeth, we were just talking about how we were going to, um, go over to my house and chill. Want to join?"

"Um, sure."

"O.K, good."

"Oh, wait, where do ya'll live."

"It's okay I can drive you home in the afternoon."

"Excuse me, I have to let my mom know."

"Oh sure."

The grin on my face covered up 85% of my face. YEAH! WOHOO! I get to drive Elizebeth home! In yo' face!

How I looked when I asked her

(Liz POV)
I CAN'T BELIVE HE'S DRIVING ME TO HIS HOUSE.I hope we get his car alone or better yet he kisses me. I wonder what his lips feel like on mine. I bet they're soft. (sigh dreamily) He's so sexy! Did I just say sexy? What am I thinking he's my BFB(best friend's brother), I can't like him. He probably thinks I'm ugly.


First Boyfriend

First Boyfriend

(Still Liz's POV)
After school Drake drove me to his house in his new Mitsubishi. I actually did get a car alone with Drake.

"So tell me about yourself." he said

"I'm 17, my favorite color is emerald green. Um, my favorite band is Blood on the dance floor

"No way, mine too! My favorite song by them is Scream for My Ice Cream!

"Oh. My. Gosh! I love that song, but it's not my favorite one though. It's Innocent High.

"That's a good song too."

"At least we have something in common."

"Yeah I guess we do." I said smiling.

(Author's note). Blood On The Dance Floor really is a great band ! Look them up sometime! Post what you think about them in Comment at the bottom of the book.

By now the ride is over. And we're heading inside. I also found out that everyone lived with Drake and Chloe. They have a really big house too.

After the guys showed me the house, Drake brought me to his room. It was really cool!

Suddenly we were really close. He leaned my chin up and his head down, and brushed his lips on mine. They were so soft! He hardened the kiss. I moaned. He wiped his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I eagerly gave it to him. I massaged his tongue with mine. This time he moaned. Right now, I wanted to rip his shirt off, but we don't know each other that well, so I told my hormones to calm down.

"I really like you.” he said against my lips befpre pulling away for air.I blushed.

I really like you too." I said.

"You're a very good kisser.” I said. He smirked.

"Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Bet you had a lot of practice.” He said. I blushed.

"No! Honestly you’re my first."


"Yeah, and don't be so shocked.” I said and punched his arm. He kissed me thoroughly. So thoroughly my legs started to go weak. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously


"Yeah, you're beautiful.” I jumped on him and kissed him hungrily.

"I guess that's a yes." He said never breaking the kiss.

"Shut up and kiss me" I said

First Date

First Time Dating

(Drake's POV)
Today I'm taking Elizebeth to an amusement park. I’m very nervous because it's our first date. I walked up to the house and knocked at 6:00.Few seconds later Elizebeth came to the door looking HOT! She had on dark skinny jeans, a shirt that says “DON’T even think about it have a jock boyfriend”, and black Adidas.I laughed.

"What, you don't like the shirt?" She said looking sad. “I bought it just for you."

"No, no, no I just think it's funny. If I didn't know you and you wore that shirt, I would back off immediately."

"Good that's what it's supposed to do." She said smiling.

"You're ready?" I said.

"Sure." She said. All night we had fun! Well, not all night because the park closed at 10:00, and she had to be back home by 9:00.Time goes fast when you’re sleeping, and doing something. Right now it’s 8:30, time to go. I drove her home, but it was only 8:45.So we made-out in the car till exactly 8:59, and then she left so she would be on time.

(Liz POV at school)
I looked for Drake in the lunch room. I spotted him at the table next to the window. I walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hi Drake!” I said

"Hi Elizebeth!" He said back. I was so happy to see him. Sometimes I think he will dump me for someone better. My milk was spoiled so I went to go get another one.

"Look everyone it's the school slut!" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and the school's slut, Stacy, was pointing at me.

"Puh-lease." I said. “You’re the biggest slut I know. I heard you have a person for every day of the year.” She gasped and walked over to me. "You bitch!" She said and slapped me. I looked around and everyone was laughing, except Drake, he had murder in his eyes. I was about to leave, but I heard someone say something. I turned around to see Drake behind me. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"She's the slut?" He said. “Really? You actually expect people to believe that? Everyone knows that it's you."

"Liar." She said. “You’re just trying to defend her." She smirked smugly.

"Oh am I now...alright. Who here believes that she is the school's slut?" He said pointing to Stacy. Everyone-even her minions- raised their hands. She ran out bawling her eyes out. I was still in shock. I can't believe he stood up for me like that. I was beginning to think I was falling for him.

He leaned down and kissed me tenderly. “Are you alright?" He asked looking concerned.

"Now I am I said." I leaned up and kissed him. We heard cheering all around the cafeteria.

First Fight

First Fight

"Alright. Don't go anywhere." I gave her a good-bye-for-now kiss.

(Liz's POV)
This cute guy came up to me and just started flirting out of nowhere.

"Hi sweet thing. I couldn't help wondering if you have a boyfriend." He smiled a smile that would usually have a girl melt at his feet. Any girl, but me.

"That's none of your concern." I shot back.

He looked shocked for a quick second, but tried to play it off.

"Feisty one aren't ya'? I like fiesty; very sexy." He gave me what was supposed to be a sexy smile, instead it made him look like he was M.R (mentally retarded)

(Drake's POV)
I returned from the bathroom to find Liz talking to some prick. It looked like he was flirting and Liz just stood there listening. My blood started to boil. I walked up to the prick and tapped on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" I said.

"Who wants to know?" He fired back.

"Her boyfriend!” I said pointing to Liz.

"Oh, sorry dude, I didn't know." He walked away. I walked Elizebeth back to the car in silence. Once we were inside, then I spoke.

(Liz POV)
I could tell that Drake was mad at me for not telling that dude I had a boyfriend. I waited for him to blow up. It surprised me how calm he talked.

"Why didn't you tell that prick that you had a boyfriend?” He said.

I shrugged nervously. “I guess it just slipped my mind."

"Slipped you mind?!?! How could something like that slip your mind?!"He said furious.

"I don't know?! It just did, okay!" I said.

(Drake's POV)
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I was still furious by the time I was done. I couldn't stand the thought of Elizabeth being with anyone, but me, and her not telling a boy who was flirting with her just made me more upset.

"What if it was me? I would've told!" I said.

"I'm sorry!" She said and started crying. My anger was gone in one breath, just like that.

"Elizebe -"

"Just take me home." I drove her home. During the ride it was a sad silence. When I got there I pulled into the driveway.

"Look Elizebeth-." Instead of listening she ran out the car and into her house, crying.When I got home I felt horrible.

"What did I do?" I said out loud. "I'm such an asshole!" Chloe came out of nowhere.

"What are you talking 'bout bro?" She said.

"I made Elizebeth cry."

"You did what? I thought you two were happy?"

"We were." I said.

"Tell me what happened." I told her what happened at the beach.

"You asshole! You made her cry over something like that?"

"Yeah, but I didn't mean to. Plus I already know I'm an asshole. Didn't you hear me say it a few minutes ago?"

"You better make this right." She threatened.

"Or what?" He said.

"You know what." I gulped, hard.

"Stop...I can't breathe." I said out of breath.

"Where did you put my doll?" Chloe said.

"Nowhere" I said. Chloe put my head back in the water for 10 seconds.

"Please...please ,stop."

"Where is it?!" She said.

"Under... the pillow.... on the couch." I said. She held my head in the water for 5 second then pulled it back out.
This is how I looked

"Don't touch my stuff again." She hissed. End of flash back.

"You wouldn't dare." I said.

"I would."

"Alright no need to make to make drowning threats!"


*******the next day
(Drake's POV)
I walked up to Elizebeth's house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered.

"Hello may I speak to Elizebeth?"

"I don't think that's a good-."

"Mom who is it?" said Elizebeth walking down the steps. When she saw me she froze.

"Mom, can you give us a minute?"

"Sure sweetie." She walked upstairs.

"What do you want?" Elizebeth said coldly

"To apologize."

"It's a little late for that, don’t you think?"

"I'm so sorry. The only reason I acted like that is because. I can't stand to think of you being with another person, but me. I realize that I overreacted, but look at it from my point of view. What if Stacy came up to me flirting and I didn't tell her I was with you?"

"I wouldn't like it."

"Exactly, and that's how I felt" I said. She ran into my arms.

I'm sorry." She said.

"I'm sorry too" I touched my lips to hers and she stood on her toes deepening the kiss.

(Liz POV)
I can't figure out why Stacy never messes with me anymore. With the scene in the cafeteria she should actually mess with me more. I wonder why?

First Breakup

First Breakup

(Liz POV)
Today is Drake and I anniversary. Today I was supposed to go over to his house for a special dinner. Little did I know that what I was going to see, was going to break my heart? So I walked to Drake house and I saw two people in his car. I looked closer. It was Stacy! Who was the other? It was Drake! And he was making out with that bitch! How could he? The bastard!!!I walked up to the car and crying and said with a fake smile on my face.

"Hi Drake! Hi Stacy! Having fun! Oh and happy anniversary Drake! Where through and I hope you get Herpies! And to think that I thought I was in love with you, what a shame. Well, bye!" Drake and Stacy both looked shocked. I walked away still crying.

"Wait Elizebeth!" I heard from behind me, when I was back in my driveway. It was Drake. He must have a lot of balls coming after me. He grabbed my elbow. I slapped him, hard.

"Don't touch me...ever!" I said.

"I can explain!" He said.

"Yeah, explain my ass!" I said and ran in the house crying. I slammed the door and locked it. Prick!

(Drake's POV)
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Why did I agree? It was only to protect Elizebeth. I rang her doorbell and no one answered. This process repeated for 30 minutes, until she answered the door. As soon as I opened my mouth, she slammed the door in my face. I knew this would happen. I thought on the way home and I got an idea.

(Liz's POV)
I took a walk to clear my head. I had to get Drake out of my head. Just saying his name makes me want to cry. I thought he loved me. That stupid piece of shit. I wish I could just run into his arms and all would be forgiven. But of course that won't happen. It’ll never happen. Well, I should be heading back home. When I got there I went up to my room, and saw a letter on my bed. I opened it and it read

"Dear Elizebeth,

Right now you might think I'm a prick, bastard, and stupid piece of shit. Well I am. I deserved what I got. But please note I did it for a good reason...well at least it seemed like a good idea at the time. Here it goes. Have you ever wondered why Stacy hasn't bothered you again? Well it's because of me .Stacy said that if I didn't make out with her once a week for a month, that she was going to make your life a living hell because of what happened in the cafeteria. It was my fault for making her cry, so I felt guilty. But I don't care because I feel even more guilty for making you cry. Twice. I thought I was protecting you, but I realize I was hurting you instead. I’m sorry, and I love you!


I ran down stairs and to my mom's room.

"Mom, I’m spending the night at a friend's house."

"O.K. sweetie. Be careful” I ran to Drake's house and knocked on the door. But instead of Drake answering the cutest little boy I've ever seen, besides my brother answered. He looked like a younger version of Drake.

"Hi Elizebeth meet my little bro." He said coming to the door.

He and my little bro would get along great.

"Hi little man! How old are you?" I said.

"Hi Ewizabeth! I'm owy five.” He said still getting his words wrong. My bro does too.

"You’re so cute!" I said picking him up. He blushed.

"You're pwetty too!” He said.

"Thanks. Why is this the first time I've seen you?" I asked.

"I live with Daddy. But I didn't know pwetty girls were here. Drake didn't tell me." I giggled.

"Can you give me and Drake a minute?"

"O.K." He said walking out.

(Drake's POV)
"I'm sorr -" My lips slammed to his hungrily. He kissed me back eagerly. I pulled back and slapped him.

"That's for being a bastard, prick, and piece of shit." Unexpectedly I slapped him again.

"And that's for breaking my heart." I said.

"And this is for fixing it." I kissed him again, this time slowly, but still hungrily. Then slow turned to fierce, and the next thing I knew we were in his bedroom, both naked. He stared at me. I started to feel self-conscious.

"You're beautiful!" He said. One hand grazed my nipple and I bit my bottom lip to keep in a moan. He cupped my breasts and slowly suckled them. Heat slid into every part of my body. I moaned softly. He started leaving kisses from my jaw to my stomach and back to my lips. God this felt amazing! He laid me on his bed. He went to the bathroom and returned seconds later with a condom on. I wrapped my hands around his sex and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Then suddenly I had the urge to sing Sexting by Blood on the dance floor. He pushed me back on the bed and opened my legs. He crawled in between my legs. I could feel his sex on my center.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked.


"This might hurt, but I promise it'll get better."

(Drake's POV)
I started singing Sexting by Blood On The Dance Floor. Elizebeth laughed and song along with me. I kissed her deep then entered her and the pulled out. Over and over and over. I let out a moan.

(Elizebeth POV)
He entered me and pulled out over and over and over, sending waves of heat and pleasure through me. God! By now me and him had stopped singing. I came to a release and he soon followed. But he didn't stop; he just kept up the rhythm, until I came again and again and again. This time I let out a moan. I felt his muscles bunch as he came to a release, the he collapsed on me and groaned. We slept for a while then I had to go to the bathroom.

"Drake I have to go the bathroom." He got off and I went.

(Drakes POV)
Shit! When Elizebeth went to the bathroom, I noticed that the condom had broken. But I'm not going to tell, I don't want her to worry. I’ll only tell if it's necessary.

First Time Cheating

First Time cheating

(Drake’s POV)
Well Elizebeth is now one-month Prego. When the condom broke a month ago I got her Prego. Now we are both in my room naked.

"Please, I need this Drake."

"I can't it's too weird. It feels like I'm crushing the baby." I said.

"But you’re not." She said.

"I know, but it's like my penis is right by his face." I said.

"Listen, I know it does, but the doctor said it's normal, and that it should be better because I'm more hormonal."

"I'm sorry, but I can’t. I want to, but I can't."

"Then I'm leaving!" I was shocked. She must be really horny.

"Maybe I'll take Drew up on his offers." She sneered.

"I don't care. Atleast you'll be out of my hair." I retorted.

"I was kidding." She said.


"Don't even lie!" She stormed out the house, living me to think about my actions.

(Elizebeth POV)
It's been a week since I stormed out the house. I was still a little pissed, but I missed Drake. I walked up to his house and knocked. I waited outside door anxiosly. Soon after Drake opened the door looking like shit.

"Hi Drake what happened?" I asked worried.

"You are what happened." He hugged me tightly.

"I...can't...breath." I said and he let me go. He looked angry.

"Do you know it's been a week since you've called.”?


"Did you know that I was worried sick? I didn't know what to think! Once I actually thought you died! You’re carrying our baby, didn’t you think I'd be worried!"

"I-I'm sorry. I had no idea."

" It's alright as long as you're safe.” He hugged me again. I grabbed his face and slammed his lips to mine."

"Hey where are you going?" I asked him.

"To get some more shampoo."

"What am I supposed to do?"

Hey, I have a movie in my room want to watch it?"

"O.k." I said. I walked up to his room and he put in Friday, starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker. Before the movie started he went down to get some pillows for my back. I really never noticed how good he looked until now, for some strange reason. He pressed play. The house was empty except for Drew and me. That fact made me uncomfortable. Even his parents were gone. Suddenly, he kissed me. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help it. I kissed him back. He’s an amazing kisser. Few minutes later, our clothes were off and he was on top off me.

"I need this." I said.

"I know you do.” He said. He entered me and I moaned into his mouth. Suddenly Drew's dad opened the door.

"Wow...sorry. Hey Liz heard you were Prego...with my son. Well bye, have fun." He closed the door. I pushed Drew off me and got my clothes.

"I should've stopped it. Why didn't I stop it?" I ran out the house to my house. I couldn't face Drake after what just happened.

(Drake's POV)
"You did what?!?!" I kicked Drew's ass. When I was done I spit on him and ran to Elizebeth’s house.

"Elizebeth open up!!!" I yelled. Her mom came to the door.


"You might want to leave the house." I said rushing past her to Elizebeth's room. I knocked.

"Elizebeth open up." I said softly. She opened up right away and hugged me. I pushed her away.

"Don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry-"

"Shut up! I don't care, now you're gonna listen to me! Sit down and don't talk." I said harshly.

"Here's the deal I know why you did it. You were horny because I won't have sex with you. But that doesn't make what you did better. What you did was shocking, evil, self-centered, and heart breaking. Out of all the girls that I've slept with right now, you’re the worst. At least they didn't cheat on me...with my best friend. Think of the affect It will have on us. Two friend that have been together every since third grade, have to split because of one mistake. I'm gonna ask you a question and you're going to reply truthfully. So when and how did ya'll stop?"

" I am so-"

"Did I ask that." I got up and locked the door.

"Your dad came in and saw us after he first entered me."

"Great, it’s good that you two stopped before you came. But it's bad that my dad had to snap you out of it. Now answer this truthfuly. What if he hadn't of came in? What would have happened.”?

"I would've had sex with Drew." She cried.

"I know you would've." I snarled." I need time."

(Elizebeth's POV)
"I need to remind you who's in charge." He said.Instead of him leaving he kissed my hungrily. I instantly responded. I never felt this way with Drew. Too bad I just realized that.

"Now tell me who the better kisser is?" He said still kissing me.

"You." He removed both his and my clothes.

"I need to show you whose boss." He said entering me. I moaned.

"Who's the boss?" He said in between thrusts.





"You!!!!" I yelled when we reached our climax. He fell on top of me and inhaled my scent.

"Now here's how it's going to go down. You and I are gonna get our own apartment. Since it hurts that anyone else, but I can give you that kind of pleasure. And you will not go to my parents’ house where Drew will be living, until I give you the o.k. It’s probably going to take a while for me and my parents to forgive you. So until then I will come over here and you are not allowed to be at my parents’ house, or near Drew. Do you hear me?" He said.

"Yeah, and Drake?"


"I really am sorry." I said. He looked at me.

"I know, but that still doesn't make it better." He went to sleep on me like that, while I stayed up and silently cried all night. I can't believe what I did. Bitch much Elizabeth? What more I can't believe is that Drake forgave me...well at least he said he forgave me.

"Drake, I have to go pee." I said trying to get from under him. He woke up instantly and rolled off of me. In the bathroom I silently cried. This is going to damage our relationship. Little did I know Drake was crying right outside the bathroom. I walked out and he quickly wiped away his tears. When I saw his face I knew he had been crying.

"Drake what's wrong?" I said frowning.

"Well it still hurts, what you did. And I forgive you, but it will take me a while to forget what you did. So promise you'll never do it again." He said.

I waked up to him, still naked, kissed him deeply and said, “I promise I'll never do it again." I said. That must've assured him because next he said,

"You want to be on top or bottom." He said. I giggled and said top. He fell back on the bed and I quickly climbed on top. Over the next few minutes I licked him everywere, and I do mean everywere. After I licked, he suckled and plucked.

"Mm!" I moaned loudly. “You really are the best lover I've ever had!" I said when he stuck his finger in my core. He stopped, kissed me deeply with so much passion that I realized, just then how much I hurt him, and exploded. I became a sex-crazed machine. Tomorrow were going to hear a scolding about our love-making, watch and see. That night we had crazy, wild, erotic, and passionate expand not just on the bed!" I thought with a giggle.


Liz and Drake got married after college. They bought a house in New York. Drake has his own construction company and Liz is a nurse. I don't know what else to tell you except to check out my other books. LOL:) but plz do. Thanks for reading XD!


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2012

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