


 There is a saying, "Fight fire with fire!". It's an old school saying that implies using the same or better strategy against one's opponent. It's an expression I had heard my father use several times as I was growing up. I never realized at some point I would actually put it's meaning to practical use. Thank you Dad, for always having sound advice.-Silvia

Chapter 1: Changes

It was two days past my eighteenth birthday the night I was murdered. Though it is my natural inclination to want vengeance, I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. The problem is I love the man that murdered me. He was everything to me, I trusted the man I thought he was. A part of me now realizes I was in love with a facade, an image he portrayed himself to be. When I look into his eyes, I see the man I fell in love with when I was alive, and in those moments I feel love in my heart for him. Suddenly I am jolted into the reality that he deceived me and ended my young life. In taking my life he has cursed me to a world I have never known. He is here now, guiding me through my new life in death. I find myself confused and scared, yet he is here comforting me. He says he loves me, and has made his claim on me for eternity. I loved him in life, but in all honesty, I do not know if I can love him in our life of the undead. 

My world is so dark, my eyes are extremely sensitive and having difficulty in adjusting to darkness. The only time I can see is during the darkest hours of night. With time my eyes will adjust and eventually I'll be able to take in more light. Though the beauty of a sunrise and sunset used to bring tears to my eyes, now sun exposure would simply turn me to ashes. Sadly, I will never be able to feel the sun on my face again.

My body moves with such grace and ease that I find myself defying gravity at will. Any physical movement is effortless and uses very little energy. My strength and agility is amazing, I find myself becoming somewhat obsessed with what I am physically capable of. I was very athletic when I was alive, fitness was always a passion to me, now I feel that passion has been unleashed.

My appetite has changed dramatically. I have a relentless craving, deep within me for blood. Pure, thick, warm, sweet blood. Just the mere thought of this substance causes me to salivate profusely. When I was alive, I would sometimes crave chocolate, but nothing as severe as the need to quench my desire for fresh blood.

I will no longer shop for food at a grocery store and cook my meals. Instead I will venture into the night like a predator on the hunt, seeking out and stalking my prey in cunning stealth, waiting for that perfect moment and then, when all is perfectly aligned I will strike and kill. I will take what I need, what I crave most, the substance that sustains me, blood. I did not ask for this life of the undead. I cannot be anything other than what I am, therefore I will kill because that is what I must do to perpetuate, and I will do it with no regard.


Chapter 2: The Last Morning of my life

I woke to a tap on my bedroom door, "Silvie, be down in ten!" my mom called out from behind the closed door.  "Okay, ma, I'm up!" I replied.  I glanced at the clock it was 7 am, Saturday morning, two days after my eighteenth birthday. My room was filled with light, making the process of getting up early easy. I threw on my undergarments, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt. I brushed my hair back quickly and pulled it into a ponytail. Grabbing my Adidas, I headed downstairs, mom was by the door waiting in her cute, pink jogging suit. Sitting on the bottom stair I put my shoes on and tied them. While I did, I suggested we take the long route this morning. I hadn't heard from Ty since the eventful night of my birthday, two days ago. I was feeling angry and needed a little extra challenge today. Mom, being the great jogging partner that she was, felt the need as well. This was our favorite thing to do together. Something we shared in common was eating healthy and staying fit. We had been jogging together, rain or shine, every weekend since I started high school. Four years into our habit, something we would continue until the day came that I moved away, at least that was the plan.

My father had passed away from pancreatic cancer when I was thirteen. He was a great man, worked hard all his life, and even up to the very day he died, he was selfless. His biggest concern was leaving us behind. He was in so much pain at the end, not wanting to let go, he gave the fight of his life, not for himself but for his wife and daughter. My mother and I held his hands in the last minutes of his life, begging him to let go and find peace. It wasn't until we told him we would be okay, that his love for us would carry us throughout our lives, that he was finally able to give up his last breath. I will never forget the peace that had come over his face as he passed into the next realm. It was as if he saw something so beautiful words could not have described it, one last slow long exhale and then, he was gone. I loved my father. I love my father.

My mother never remarried, she had no desire to find anyone else. My father was her soul-mate, no one would ever take his place. One day they would be together again, she found comfort in this, and remained faithfully bound to him in his death as she had in his life.

I was an only child, since the age of thirteen it was just my mother and myself living together, creating routines and a lifestyle that suited both of us and in time the pain of our tragic loss eased up. We never fought or had an unkind word to say to each other, even if we didn't agree, we respected each others opinions. We both had a good sense of humor and found laughter to be a powerful antidote to depression. We liked the same programs on TV, enjoyed the same music and often broke out in spontaneous crazy dancing. We would grab what ever we could find to mimic a microphone, and sing to each other with the expertise of a trained, professional entertainer. We both liked to keep our surroundings clean and organized. We enjoyed light flooding the house, bright flowers, and coffee with biscotti's. I loved my mother. I love my mother.

Chapter 3: Rude Awakenings

Twelve o'clock midnight, the gaudy ornate grandfather clock chimed, awakening me. On the twelth chime my eyes jolted open. My sub-conscience had taken me to a favorite time and place on the ocean. I could smell the salt air, I could feel the sea's mist on my face, hear the waves crashing against the rocks, and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I was seven years old, my father and mother were helping me build a sand castle. We were laughing as dad threw cheese puffs into the air while the sea gulls snapped them up with skilled precision, before they could even hit the ground. Suddenly there was a loud noise that caught our attention, confused we looked at each other, my mom and I were terrified, my father wrapped his arms around both of us and kissed the tops of our heads, by the third chime he had dissolved, leaving my mom and I holding each other, on the seventh chime, I felt my mother disappear, leaving me alone with my fear. I closed my eyes tight, at the twelfth chime I opened my eyes abruptly and found myself gazing into the eyes of Ty.

Ty was a very strikingly handsome man. His eyes were the color of brushed, polished copper, framed by long, thick dark eyelashes. I often found myself lost in them. His hair was dark brown, wavy and he wore it in one length, parted on the side, to his shoulders. He was twenty, 6'2" and had the build of a well toned athlete. I had met him when I was sixteen, and even though he was two years older than me, we were immediately attracted to each other. We spent all our time together, and for two years, we built a relationship based on love, trust and abstinence. We found a comfort with each other that few couples find. Though it was challenging to both of us, we exorcised self-control out of respect for each other and agreed not to engage in sexual activities until I turned eighteen. Two years of restraining one's self from a burning desire creates a passion and anxiety that is overwhelming. By the time my eighteenth birthday came, I was completely ready to give myself to Ty. That was then.

This is now. I looked deep into his eyes as he laid next to me and without saying a word, he pulled me tightly into him, wrapping himself around me. I felt a great comfort come over me, as he gently brushed my naked skin with his hands. He brought his mouth to me, kissing me deep, pulling me closer, the passion shot through me like a wave. I had to feel him, all of him, in every part of me. Forty minutes later we showered together, and prepared ourselves for the nights banquet.

My wardrobe no longer consisted of an array of pretty colors, jeans and t-shirts with logo's on them. Black was the main staple of my wardrobe, and every item was a reminder of the seduction that took my innocence and my life. Fine with me, I am not that sweet little girl anymore. I will wear the black corsets, the long sheer robes edged in black lace, black satin and velvet, garter belts, thigh high boots, four inch stiletto's and whatever else a seductress would wear, after all everything was hand-picked by Ty. Each item was given great thought as he visualized how I would look wearing it. This is what Ty expects of me, I am the object of his love, lust and desire, Fine! I will play my roll, and I will play it well. 

He looks me over, slowly walking around me, he comes up behind me, pressing against me, he rubs his hands from my waist up to my breasts that are busting out of their bustier. I meet with his approval as he whisper's my name into my ear. "Silvia". He sends a chill down my spine with just one word. He takes my hand and in a flash we become the night. We have vaporized, in the vampire world it is referred to as vapping or having vaped. Almost instantly, the night releases us and I discover we are at the edge of a large city. One, I don't recognize. 

I feel an excitement I have never experienced before, I am anticipating the hunt, welcoming it with no fear. I hear a man rummaging through a garbage can in the distance, I begin to step towards the mild commotion, Ty grabs my arm, shaking his head "No". He whispers, "Be selective, we are what we eat". Embarrassed by my impulse, I calm myself and wait for his lead. His ears shift to a near by park, a young couple are making out in the park. He smiles and licks his lips. He glances at me with delight in his eyes as he takes my hand guiding me along the edge of trees in the park, the couple unaware of our presence. Ty gently kisses my lips, "Learn to be patient." he whispers. I shake my head in agreement. We wait. My thoughts drift. 

Chapter 4: The Pain of Recollecting

My eighteenth birthday mom, Ty and myself went to dinner in the city and then out to the Opera to see "Les Miserables". It was amazing and quit frankly a night I will never forget. We arrived home around eleven, mom excused herself and retired for the night. Ty and I laid down on the couch watching some old classic and eventually drifted off to sleep with me lying in his arms.

I woke up to him gently rubbing his hands all over me as he kissed my neck. I turned to him and began kissing him hard, deep and with more passion than I had ever had before. I felt nothing was in the way to stop us from giving in to what our hearts had been desiring for a very long time. We looked deep into each others eyes, both of us knowing it was time. Nothing needed to be said. I slowly got up and took his hand and quietly led him upstairs to the privacy of my room. It was 2 am.

He was so gentle and caring, not wanting to hurt me, but the pain did come as he entered me for the first time. I let out a small gasp of pain as he slowly pushed pass the barrier, he stopped and held himself in me, kissing my forehead he whispered, "Relax baby, it won't hurt as much". I tried to relax, and little by little, I felt myself wanting more. It didn't take long for him to release himself into me, both of us exhausted passed out for a brief period of time. He was awaken by me rubbing him. I needed more of him. He accomondated me, satisfied me and shortly after he finished the second time, he kissed me and left me to sleep in blissful slumber.

I didn't see or hear from him for two days, until the night he came back for me and sucked the life from my body, declaring me his forevermore. 

I felt a sudden surge of anger shoot through me as it jolted me back to my harsh reality. I no longer felt any sense of patience, I wanted blood, I would not be stopped. Not by Ty or anyone. I felt my teeth transition into fangs in the blink of an eye, and with no hesitation I swooped in on the couple sitting at the picnic bench together with their backs towards me. I was upon them without a sound. I grabbed the young man's head and in one swift motion I twisted his neck, breaking it instantly. Before his girlfriend could even utter a sound I lunged for her throat with blind fury, burying my fangs into her jugular vein as I covered her mouth with my hand to muffle her cries. I greedily sucked her life away as I felt her go limp. I paused only for a moment to see Ty at the throat of the man I had killed with my bare hands. I smiled at him, but he did not return a smile, instead he hissed at me in disapproval. At that moment, I didn't care, I got what I wanted, and had no remorse in doing it. We finished our feast and returned to the night as swiftly as we had come.

Chapter 5: A Lesson in Patience

Ty and I returned to our lair. The windows were completely boarded up from the inside to keep sunlight out. It was like living in a tomb. I looked around me, everything was dark, drab and morbid. Spider webs had taken over every corner, the dust had been accumulating for years. How he aquired this place I didn't know, what I did know was, I could not exist like this. He had told me that instinct showed him the way here the instant he was transformed. Why couldn't his instinct guide him to someplace not so deplorable? Thoroughly disgusted, I turned to him and said, "Honey, you need to fire your housekeeper!" He said nothing, his back to me with his arms spread out on the fireplace mantel, looking down into the cold, barren fire pit. His silence irritated me, I spoke up, "Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?" Angrily he spun around, fire exploding behind him as his arms shot out in a forward motion and without so much as touching me I flew backwards crashing into the wall with full force, and there I stayed pressed against the wall as he was instantly standing inches from me. The blow knocked the air out of me, as I struggled for breath he lightly brushed his hand along my cheek. Looking straight into my eyes he calmly said, "Silvie, you must learn patience, never let your emotions run you, it could mean the difference between life and death." I thought about this for a second, "Ty, we're already dead." He shook his head, "No my love, we live as the undead, none the less...we live". He pinned my arms to the wall and kissed me intensely, biting my lip lightly drawing a tiny bit of blood, he licked it. Grabbing me from my position on the wall, he threw me wildly onto the bed. Completely at his mercy, his anger at my insubordination fueled his assault on my body. I found myself excited by his sexual ruthlessness. I wanted more. My craving for blood being satisfied, I found I now had a new craving.

After an hour of our sadistic tryst, we laid there in the silence of darkness. Ty spoke up suddenly, "If you want to fix up the place, it's yours to do as you please." I said nothing, I just rolled towards him, pulled the black satin sheets over us and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 6: The Tree House Incident

I woke up the next night crying uncontrollably. I had a night terror, which is far worse than a nightmare. A nightmare doesn't evoke intense physical emotions like a night terror does. I had dreamed about the torment of my mothers grief. I watched as they laid my coffin in the ground. She was surrounded by close friends of hers and mine, everyone was grief struck. A line formed as each threw a red rose onto the coffin that had been lowered into the ground. My mother's rose would be the last and final to be thrown in. As she approached my grave, she looked into the depths to see my coffin, open and empty, it was more than she could bare. She fell to her knees, clinging to the rose, and broke down. Her best friend Deidre, knelt down next to her, they clung to each other, my mother beside herself, looking for any form of strength to get her through this moment. Diedre grasped my mother's face in her hands and with tears in her eyes, she said, "Reese, listen to me, I know you're absolutely heartbroken, but darlin' you have to let go, you have to say good-bye, come on we'll do it together." My mother shook her head in compliance, trusting her friend to help her get through this insufferable loss. Deidre and her husband Mitch, helped mom up. Mitch helped her keep her balance while Deidre took mom's hand with the rose in it, together they held it over my coffin. I heard my mother whisper to me, "Silvie, where are you baby-girl? I miss you so much, I won't make it without you and your father." Then I watched as she released the rose, everything seemed to suddenly move so slowly as the rose finally made it's resting place into the white satin bed of my empty coffin. She turned back into the arms of Deidre and fell apart all over again. The grief I felt from everyone, especially my mother was overwhelming, I cried without holding back until my own sobs woke me. 

Ty tried to soothe me, but he couldn't. I needed my mother, I wanted to comfort her and let her know I wasn"t exactly dead, I was undead. When I expressed this to Ty he told me I couldn't, that she wouldn't be able to accept it. "You don't know my mother Ty!" I yelled at him. He sighed heavily, "Silvie, would you want your mother to know what you are, do you think she could handle the idea that you kill for blood?" At him saying this to me, I saw red! "You son of a bitch, you made me what I am, you did this to us, her pain is because of  you!" I got up and dressed into something dark and mysterious. Ty was trying his best to calm me down, I dashed into the bathroom for some privacy knowing he would at least grant me that. Away from his watchful eyes I vaporized into the night.

I found myself in the tree house my dad had built for me when I was a little girl. I came here often when I missed my father, I felt closer to him here, than anywhere else. I sat alone with my thoughts, I knew I couldn't just run to my mother while she lay sleeping in the house. I didn't know what to do, so I sat there on the floor, pulled my knee's up to my chin and began to sob. Suddenly warm comforting arms cradled me as I heard a familiar voice. "You'll be alright Silver, fight fire with fire." It was my father there with me. I turned, "Daddy?" in a flash he was gone. As quickly as he had left Ty showed up. "I thought I would find you here." He picked my distraught body up and held me in his arms. I didn't fight him, I needed to be held. He looked into my eyes, knowing my pain,"Not like this baby, we'll figure something out together, you'll be alright." 

Chapter 7: Gaining Control

My father had been there, I felt him, I heard him. He was the only one who ever called me "Silver". I decided not to tell Ty, how could I trust the man that murdered me? I pondered what my father had meant, "Fight fire with fire", what was he telling me? Was he telling me to beat Ty? Everything within me was pushing me to be the best I could be at what I was. For some reason, being a vampire came easily to Ty, he had powers I hadn't formed yet and he had been a vampire only two days longer than I had. I knew I could learn things from him and become everything he is and more. I felt skeptical of his professed love for me. If he loved me, knowing the life he is condemned to, then how could he condemn me to the same? This is the most selfish of acts. Love is not self-seeking. My hate for him was building. I found myself holding Ty in contempt. I will keep it locked deep inside and when the time is right I will have my vengeance, and make right that which has been wronged. I would have him teach me everything he knows, perfect it and beat him using his own strategies against him. How ever long it takes, I will learn to be patient, Ty, to the likes which you have never seen. I will "Fight fire with fire" dad and I will do it with no regard.

I found I was soothed by these thoughts. I dried my tears, I would begin by tucking my emotions away. Ty's advice to me had been good, "never let your emotions run you". I felt strength building inside me already. I looked over at Ty who was reading a book, "The Seven Wonders of the World." I crawled on my hands and knee's and put my head in his lap, like a puppy. He lifted his book and smiled at me. "What is it Sil? I know you want something with that irresistible look on your face." I smiled back, "Baby I'm feeling the need for seafood." He laughed, "Seafood it is then, Atlantic or Pacific?" I thought for a second, "Surprise me" I said and winked. He took my hand as we vaped into the night and found ourselves on a fishing boat in the Atlantic ocean. It was dark, but I could see as if it were day. The sea was churning up and down as massive waves slammed over the edge of the boat. Nearly capsizing it with each hit. It was nearly 100 miles to the nearest shore. Their radio damaged, they couldn't send an SOS. The crew of 6 was in the midst of a hurricane, one they would not survive.

 One by one we took them out, unaware of our presence, partially draining them of their blood. They would survive our attack to the point of losing conscientiousness, ultimately drowning would be their fate. In a twisted way we showed them mercy. A moment of surprise, a sharp pain to the neck, and then they would black out. They would not feel the panic and torment of suffocation that comes with drowning. Nor would they be cursed to life as the undead, only those who die of blood loss from a vampire would become a vampire themselves.  

Chapter 8: A Good Friend

Reese woke up to Deidre opening the curtains instantly flooding the room with light poring in from the early morning sun. "Wake up and smell the coffee!" she said in sweet, cheerful tone. Reese pulled the covers over her head, trying to hide from the light, and the cheeriness of her friends voice. Deidre chuckled, "Oh no dear, that's not how this is going down, you're getting up, now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, but one way or the other you're getting up!" Reese ignored her. Deidre stood at the foot of her bed with her arms crossed knowing this was going to be a bit of a battle. "Okay then, don't say you weren't warned!" Reese wasn't sure what her friend had in mind, but knowing her friend, she braced for impact. Deidre pulled the bottom of the blankets up to expose Reese's feet, in one quick motion she grabbed one of Reese's ankles tightly and began tickling her foot relentlessly. Reese, who had extremely ticklish feet, tried kicking at her with her other foot, Deidre jumped up on the bed, flipping herself around, straddling both legs and continued her tickle assault, now on both feet, "Well? You gonna get up? I could keep this up for hours, I have the entire day to spend with you, and I'm all hopped up on caffeine, so what's it gonna be Reese?" she teased. Reese was laughing and crying at the same time begging her to stop. "OK! OK! you win! I'm up, for God's sake I'm up!" 

Deidre got up and went over to Reese's drawers, grabbing her undergarments, a pair of sweat's and a t-shirt, she threw them on the bed where Reese was sitting on the edge looking forlorn. "Okay doll, take a shower, get dressed and meet me downstairs in fifteen" she said sounding like a drill Sargent. Reese looked over at her friend who was standing at the door with her hands on her hips. "Sir, yes sir, Permission to use the toilet first sir?" Reese said sarcastically while saluting. Deidre responded matter of factly, "You may, but I'm not wiping your ass for you, I have my limits!" Reese snickered, rolled her eyes and muttered, "Jesus Christ!" Deidre reiterated, "fifteen minutes!" and left the room closing the door behind her.

It had been three weeks since Reese discovered her daughters disappearance and blood on her bed, the detective assumed she had been murdered and her body taken. With the sudden disappearance of Ty, he was a key suspect. With no bodies and only Silvia's blood as evidence of foul play, they had no leads. Ty was fatherless and his mother too drugged to care about his whereabouts.

Fifteen minutes later Reese headed downstairs to find Deidre standing at the door with Reese's jogging shoes in her hands. She held them out to Reese, "put them on!" she ordered. If none of this had happened, Reese and her daughter would be jogging together right now. Reese crumbled. She lowered herself onto the bottom stair, the same place Silvia always sat to put her sneakers on, her head dropped to her knees, she began sobbing, "I can't, I can't do it without her, I can't do it alone, don't you understand that Deed?" Reese was the only one who called her "Deed" everyone else either called her "Dee" or "Deidre". She knew how hard this would be for her friend, but she knew it was important that she do it. Deidre knelt down, face to face with her friend, "Reese, look at me darlin'", Reese lifted her head from her knees, tears rolling down her face, Deidre looked into her friends eyes and wiped the tears from Reese's face. "You can do this, you're going to do this and you won't be alone" Reese's eyes flooded again, and her temper flared slightly, " I will be alone! She's gone, she's not here, do you see her? 'cause I don't! What are you telling me, that her spirit will be jogging with me? Geez that's comforting, I can just pretend she's there jogging right beside me, maybe we can have a conversation together, laugh and carry on just like always! Before long I'll be known as "the crazy lady that laughs and talks to herself while keeping fit" This was our thing, I can't do it alone!" Deidre let out a heavy sigh, " Are you done? I'm not sure where you went with all that, but I was trying to say you won't be alone 'cause I'm going to jog with you". Reese looked at Deidre and for the first time and realized she was wearing a jogging suit, which she had never seen her friend wear in all the time that they had known each other. She suddenly busted out laughing! Deidre was slightly taken back, " Oh come on now! How hard can it be? It's the same as walking basically, only faster!" Reese was now on the floor laughing her ass off! She calmed down enough to say, "Deed, you never ran a day in your life, if you ran to the mailbox I'd have to call an ambulance!" With that Deidre opened the door, jolted out running to the mailbox and back. She stood in the doorway bending over Reese, who was still on the floor watching her crazy friend prove her point, she put her hands on her knees, panting slightly, "Come on Reese, for the love of God please don't make me carry you while we jog!" She picked up Reese's sneakers and handed them to her. Reese took them, "Okay fine, every Saturday, no excuses, consider yourself in training, deal?" Reese held out her hand towards Deidre, she took it and they shook, "Deal!" Reese put her shoes on and then showed Deidre some warm-up stretches

Twenty minutes into their run, they came up to bench that had a beautiful view over looking the mountains, "Okay Deed, let's take a break and get a second wind before we head back." They sat there catching their breath while taking in the scenery.  Reese smiled as she thought about her friends sacrifice, she reached over and gave her a big hug, "Thanks Deed! You're a one in a million kind of friend!" Deidre patted Reese's arm that was wrapped around her neck, "You would do the same for me girl" she said quietly. They both sat there in silence for a while, looking at the majestic mountains, blue sky and a few streaming cloud patterns, formed by planes, that resembled long straight fluffy white ribbons.

Chapter 9: The Student Becomes the Teacher

As the weeks flew by, I spent my time honing in on my new founded skills, pushing myself beyond anything I ever thought possible. Ty was beginning to worry that I was over-exerting myself. He wanted to put training on hold until I came to my senses. I called him a "pussy", which really pissed him off. He attacked me with full-force, fully intending on putting me in my place. However, he had made one fatal error. At first he was the aggressor, each blow he threw at me, I defended. His trickery, I could read, I could anticipate each move he was about to make and thwart his advances before he could make them. There was a transition that took place in the attack, I had gained the upper-hand and began attacking him, our rolls changed, I was now the aggressor and he the defender. Pinning him to his back, I straddled him, our fangs exposed, our eyes as black as night, rage boiling in our veins, glaring down at him, I taunted him, "You broke your own rule Ty: Never let your emotions run you! It could mean the difference between life and death!" and with that I bore my fangs into his neck. 

The agonizing moan that came from him sounded like a feral beast. The sound excited me, I bit harder, wanting something, needing something, but not his blood, I wanted him, I lusted him. He was arching his back, lifting me up with him each time he did, his panting was fast and heavy. I reached down with my hand and felt what I desired from him, letting him know what I wanted. I extracted my fangs from his throat, as soon as I did, he grabbed the mass of hair on the back of my head tightly, bending my head back, fully exposing my neck, violently pulling me to him, he bore his fangs into my throat. The pain sent ecstasy shooting through every nerve in my body. Like wild beast we sexually violated each other until we both collapsed. Completely spent and in desperate need of sound sleep, legs entwined, a black satin sheet haphazardly draped across us, we said nothing, within seconds we were in deep blissful sleep.

Chapter 10: The Redemption

Chimes, I kept my eyes closed, and counted, it was midnight. I slowly opened my eyes, I could see a blurring vision of red. Focusing, I realized I was looking at a red rose lying on Ty's pillow. I picked it up and smelled it. A rose smells the same when your alive as it does when your undead. I looked around the room, Ty was nowhere to be seen. I called out his name, no answer. I decided to take a long, hot bath filled with bubbles scented with sandalwood and vanilla, one of my favorite scents. I soaked for a good long time, occasionally adding hot water to keep it steaming. I laid back contemplating my thoughts, the concern for my mother and her grief, Ty's significance and responsibility to my plight, and what my father had said to me. "Fight fire with fire."

Somehow, I needed to comfort my mother and soothe her grief, Ty needed to be held accountable for what he had done to me, and the devastation he caused. I could end his undead life, and send him into oblivion, but the thought saddened me, there was a part of me that loved him, needed him and craved him. I didn't know how far I was willing to go to wipe the slate clean. One thought kept creeping up, "what if he really does love me?" I truly wanted him to love me with all his heart, but how could he strip me of my innocence, deceive me, murder me, and destroy my mothers life if he truly loved me. Everything I know tells me this is not love. I needed to know the truth and that would determine his fate.  

I climbed out of the tub, dried myself off and exited the bathroom to dress, as I did Ty was standing at the foot of the bed, looking handsome as ever, "I have a surprise for you Sil" he said as he stepped as aside and ushered my attention to the bed with his hand. On the bed was a beautiful light blue gown, sleeveless, with a Cleopatra style circular collar incrusted with rhinestones that sparkled like diamonds. It was long and sleek, with a fitted waist and a modest slit in the back for walking ease. Next to it was a pair of matching light blue stiletto pumps with a respectable three inch heal. It was absolutely beautiful, and so very different to everything else I owned. I'm sure my expression was that of "awe" gauging by the smile on his face. I looked at him in disbelief, "What's the occasion?" He walked over to me, brushed a wet strand of hair from my face and calmly said, "you're going to visit your mother". I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek. "How am I going to do this? Do you have a plan?" I asked him. He did, he had a good plan. He explained to me that if I have a brief encounter with her while she is in a deep state of sleep, she would think it to be a dream and would be able to handle it. "Give her the comfort she needs, help her overcome her grief, and let her live her life, dropping in time to time to check up on her" he said reassuringly. It was a plan I could live with. I anxiously dressed. When I had finished with my hair and make-up Ty examined me in the same manner as always, walking around me looking me up and down, this time he didn't look at me with lust in his eyes, I saw adoration in his beautiful copper colored eyes. He stroked his fingers ever so gently along my jawline and whispered, " My Silvia". He took my hand as we disappeared into the night.

Chapter 11: The Reunion

The house was dark, I listened to the silence, the familiar silence of what used to be my home. Ty and I stood at the bottom of the staircase. I started quietly walking up the stairs, I turned and noticed Ty hadn't moved. "Aren't you coming with me?" I whispered, feeling somewhat nervous. He held out his hand to me, I took it, "Sil, this is something you have to do alone, you understand right?" I knew he was right, I nodded my head in agreement. "I love you" was all I said and with that I let go of his hand and made my way to my mothers room.

I quietly opened the door, though it was at the darkest time of night, I could clearly see my beautiful mother sleeping. Her head rested on her pillow and as I approached her I could see the strain on her face, even as she slept. She was laying on her side facing me. "Mama, I'm here" I said slightly above a whisper. She stirred, without opening her eyes, "Baby-girl, it's too early to go jogging sweetie, go back to bed." I smiled, "Mom, I'm not here to jog, I'm here to tell you I love you and I miss you." Her mom opened her eyes, tears immediately swelling in them, "Oh Silvie! I'm dreaming aren't I?" she said reaching out to me. I knelt down and held her hand, we hugged each other long and hard, both crying from overwhelming happiness. "Mom, I came to tell you that everything is going to be alright, I know you're hurting, but you'll find your way, mine and daddy's love will get you through." I released my mother and stood up, "I'll come back from time to time to check in on you. I want you to live a good life mama, please mama, do it for me" Reese looking up at her daughter said, "You look so beautiful Sil, I miss you so damn much, I wish this wasn't a dream." I smiled gently at my mother, "Lay down mom, I'll tuck you in like I used to." Reese laid her head back down on the pillow as Silvia tucked the sheets up under her mothers chin, she bent down and kissed her mom's cheek. "I love you mom", Sil said with tears in her eyes. Reese closed her eyes, "I love you too Baby-girl, see you in the morning." I knew my mom wasn't fully awake, and that was how it needed to be. I knew I had to keep it brief before reality could set in. I closed the door to my mother's room, and quietly detoured to my old room. As I looked around a harsh reality set in, I was no longer the innocent girl that once occupied this room. Everything about it was a contrast to my life now. Before exiting, I looked down next to my bed, I picked up what had caught my eye and left my old room.

I made my way down the stairs to Ty who was waiting for me. I placed the item I had taken from my room and placed it on the bottom step then I  looked up at Ty as he held out his hand, I took it and we were gone. 


Chapter 12: Hell's Pit

Silvia and Ty stood outside of a dark, sinister looking building adorned with gargoyle statues with glowing eyes that emulated guards on each side of massive wooden doors with a large iron rings as a handles. A faint boom of a deep bass rhythm could be heard coming from behind the closed heavy doors. I turned to Ty, "Music? Ty are you taking me dancing?" A sexy smile came across his face, "I thought you could use a little night out on the town!" I loved to dance, he knew me well enough to know that if I went home I would just have a little pity-party with myself, I needed to get my mind off my mother's grief." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks baby!" He hooked his arm around mine and escorted me across the street, we climbed up the gray, stone steps that were covered with a red carpet. The music getting louder with each step closer, he reached for the iron ring and pulled the door open, the music raging, the beat hard and fast. I could feel it vibrating through my bones. I grabbed his hand and pushed through the crowd to the center of the dance floor. The whole room was alive with people bumping and grinding to the beat that seemed to be seducing everyone. I found myself intoxicated with passion and lust. Ty rubbed himself against me from behind, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist matching my rhythm as we came as close as we could to having sex, without actually having it.

One song, became another, and then another, I began to feel dizzy. Ty sensed this and took my hand leading me to the bar. "Two loaded "O" Positive's" he said to the bartender as he held up his hand signaling with two fingers. "What kind of place is this Ty? Where are we?" I asked him wearily. He took the two small vials from the bartender and handed me one. "It's called "Hell's Pit", it's in a small province that was deemed condemned after a nuclear accident that occurred a while back. Nothing alive comes here, so here we are. Bottoms up!" he answered. We clinked our vials together and in one gulp consumed the shot of rich, crimson blood. I instantly felt better. In fact I hadn't felt this good in a long time. My energy skyrocketed. I felt a clarity I had never experienced. Suddenly an awareness washed over me and I felt eyes penetrating me from behind. I looked at Ty, confused, his face lost all expression, except his eyes they had turned black and grew into slits of intensity focusing on whatever presence I felt behind me. I slowly turned my head.

Chapter 13: The Confrontation

I turned to see a face I recognized back when I was alive. Adam Jennings. We had gone to the same school together, though he was two grades ahead of me. We were good friends until he wanted more than that, I was sophomore, he was a senior. I wasn't wanting to take our relationship to the level he wanted and had to sever the friendship which broke his heart. Had I not met Ty, I would have considered being his girlfriend. I was sad that we lost our friendship and even sadder when I learned he had moved away.  I often thought about him, I even had dreams about him over the years and I always wondered what had become of him. Now he stood here before me, sharing the same thirst for blood as I, and by the look on his face, blood wasn't his only thirst. 

"Hello Silvia" he said with a certain sadness. I felt uncomfortable, but tried not to let it show. "Hello Adam, have you met my boyfriend Ty?" They stared each other down, neither saying a word. It felt too awkward, something was wrong, the tension between the two was intense. Finally Adam's gaze turned to me as it did his expression softened. "I'm glad to see you Silvie, but I'm sorry to see you here" Adam said, then he looked back at Ty, "Your selfishness knows no boundries, does it? You piece of shit!" Adam said with venom in his voice. I looked at Ty not understanding what Adam meant by that comment. Ty stepped in front of me, shielding me from Adam, "I know what you want Adam, you're not getting her, she belongs to me." I held onto Ty's arms firmly, I could feel how tense his muscles were, he was expecting a battle. Adam laughed, "You think you can stop me? You don't deserve her. Give it up Ty, you're no match for me, I killed you once, if it weren't for Silvia, I would annihilate you here and now!" Adam retorted. Adam and Ty were about the same height, Adam had a stalkier build, maybe twenty pounds more muscle mass than Ty. I knew Ty had incredible strength but I recalled Adam was a star-athlete back in high school. I was worried. Especially since I had just learned Adam was the one who had murdered Ty. 

In a flash Ty grabbed Adam by his throat sending them both shooting threw the crowd, Adam's back slammed into the cement wall causing chunks to explode everywhere, Ty's grip still on Adams throat. Suddenly Adam disappeared, only to materialize behind Ty. He kicked Ty completely through what was left of the wall. The crowd was parted like the Red Sea, Adam turned, facing me, he walked toward me swiftly, while everything else seemed to be in slow motion, the only sound I could hear was my own rapid breath. He came closer and closer, his head down, his eyes black with intensity burning into mine, I was paralyzed. He reached his hand out, about to grab me, when suddenly the music blasted, causing me to jump and cover my ears, at that same moment Ty grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him back from me, Ty looked at me, "Go!" he yelled. I couldn't leave Ty behind, I had to do something, in one swift motion I hiked-up my dress and kicked Adam in the face as hard as I could. His head jolted backwards slightly, only to stare back at me with a smile on his face. "Very impressive my dear!" he said and then he grabbed Ty who still had a hold of him and flipped him over his head into the air across the bar shattering bottles of blood. I  watched in horror as Ty lay covered in blood, I turned to Adam just as he lunged for me. Everything went black. 


Chapter 14: Captivity

My thoughts came to me before I opened my eyes, partially because I was afraid to open them for fear of what I might see. My first thoughts were of Ty, I knew he would recover from the confrontation with Adam, but he will drive himself to madness worrying about me. He'll find me, I know he will. I have to stay strong, be smart, soon my love, we'll be back together soon. I slowly began to open my eyes. The room was dim yet glowing at the same time, flickering shadows hid much of it but I could tell it was very lavish and modern. I was still in my light blue gown, though my shoes were removed, I was grateful that was the only thing removed. The bed was high off the ground and massive. An ivory damask comforter covering it. It was a beautiful four post bed made of cherrywood, sleek, and smooth wood which matched the other furniture in the room. Across from the bed was a black marble fireplace with a small fire causing shadows to dance around the room.

I slid myself off the bed and quietly headed for the door, just as I got to it a voice coming from a shadow in the corner of the room softly said, "You won't be able to get out my dear, I'm sorry." I turned towards the voice recognizing it as Adam's. I kept my composure, "Why are you doing this Adam?" I calmly asked him. He stepped out of the shadows moving slowly towards me, stopping a couple feet from me he looked into my eyes and said, "Because I love you Silvie" he made a motion to hold me, I stepped back, "No Adam, I love Ty, please take me back to him now." He stepped closer, I stepped back against the door, he closed in the gap between us. "Silvie, you will love me in time." Not really having a choice I stood my ground, "No Adam, I will never love you, you're the one who took Ty's life from him." He took a step back, "Oh I see, you won't love me because I killed your love, yet you love the very man who took your life from you?" Tears swelled up, a part of me knew he was right, but still I felt love for Ty. "Adam, you can't force someone to love you, just as you can't help who you fall in love with, Ty loved me so much that he couldn't live an eternity without me, he did what he did for the sake of love." A slight smile came over Adam's face, knowing his next words would hit home, "No Silvie you can't help who you fall in love with, just as I fell in love with you years ago. So many nights I watched you sleep, I could have taken you at anytime with one bite, but I couldn't do that to you because I loved you so much, I knew it would destroy your world. The idea of living an eternity without you was unbearable, but I would do it before ever hurting you. Yes, I killed him, I had my reasons, had I thought it through I wouldn't have. Ty selfishly gave into his carnal desire for you, because he doesn't love you like I love you. What he did was for his own sake, what I did was for the sake of love." I stood there feeling defeated, I could feel the anger starting to rise. I was angry at Ty, I was angry at Adam, I felt myself clenching my fist. Then I remembered what Ty told me, "don't let your emotions run you", I unclenched my fist. "At one time we were friends Adam, but now I hate you, I will never love you. NEVER!" I took a step to move past him, as I did he grabbed my wrist, then the other and pinned me to the door, pressing against me, he forced his mouth against mine, I resisted, he forced harder, my knee shot up between his legs rendering him to his knees, I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, but the door wouldn't open. I knew I wouldn't be able to escape, there was no where for me to run, I rested my head on the door as I heard him begin to laugh. I closed my eyes tight. Awaiting my fate.

Chapter 15: Desperation

"Where would he take her?" Ty yelled out. No one had any information to offer him. The crowd had begun to disperse with the sun about to rise on the horizon. "This is far from over, she is mine dammit, I want her back! Someone knows something! he yelled out in desperation. One of the bartenders who was cleaning up came over to him, "Look, he broke a code amongst us, you don't steal another vamps mate. Like you said someone knows something, try coming back tomorrow night when there's a full crowd, that's the best I can suggest for you buddy. The guys in here quite a bit.  In the meantime go get rested up and heal, I suspect you're going to need your strength". Ty rubbed his hair back with his fingers, exhausted he patted the bartender on the shoulder, "You're right, thanks Mac, I'll see you tomorrow." Ty vanished into what was left of the night.

The house was dark, quiet and lonely. The walls felt as though they were breathing her name. Ty walked over to the fireplace, placing his hands on the mantle, he held his head down and mournfully cried. "SILVIA" he screamed out, tormenting himself for letting him take her from him. "I'll end you Adam, I'll find you and end you, you will cease to exist, if you hurt her, or touch her..." he couldn't bring himself to utter another word. His thoughts were too painful. In anger he ran his hands furiously across the top of the mantel, sending candles and crystal figures flying across the room and shattering against the wall. 

He showered, put on his black silk pajama bottoms and climbed into bed. "I'll find you Silvie, somehow, someway I'll find you, you belong to me." He said aloud and then drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 16: Hospitality?

Adam stood up slowly, regaining his composure "Well, I can see this is not going to be easy, and that's okay, I love that you're a fighter, it suits you well" He came up behind me, my forehead resting on the door, he gently pulled my hair back from my face, my eyes still tightly closed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you Silvie, I love you." He stepped back, "Feel free to use the tub, it's yours now, everything you see is yours. Clothes are in the closet and also the drawers. Make yourself at home, after all it is your home now. I'll leave you to do what you want, get some rest. Just so you know, there is no way you can leave this room without my permission, there is a spell on it, so don't even bother trying, you'll just get frustrated. There's a bell on the nightstand should you need anything, just ring it. I'll be checking in on you so you don't get lonely. Okay Sil, I think that covers it for now. Any questions before I leave?" I turned to face him, "No, I think you covered it all, thank you Adam and good-night." I said coldly. He leaned in towards me gently clasping my face with his hands, tilting my head down, he kissed the top of my head. "Good-night my love" and with that he was gone.

 I looked in the drawers and found a modest white gown, the panties however, not so modest, white, lace, g-string. "What? No granny panties?" I thought to myself.

I opened a door that seemingly would be the bathroom. I flicked on the light to expose an enormous bathroom with a huge sunken marble tub with a step that led down into it. The bathroom was flawlessly clean. The counter-top was white and gray marble that matched the tub, and had two sinks carved into it. The shower was of the same marble and could fit a dozen people in it. There were a total of twelve shower heads at various intervals. The floor was black marble that shined like Orion's belt. Everything about the bathroom reflected taste and wealth. I turned the water on to fill the tub, when it was almost filled I lowered myself in, that's when I noticed sitting on the edge of the tub was a container of sandalwood and vanilla bubble bath. "Well there's a big surprise" I thought to myself as I unscrewed the container and poured it in under the running water filling my senses with a familiar warm, calming scent. I let the tub fill completely, turned off the facet, laid my head back and cried for Ty. God how I missed him, I hated that I would have to sleep without him by my side. "Be strong", I told myself while telling Ty at the same time in my mind.

I must have drifted off to sleep at some point, when I woke the water was no longer hot. In fact I was chilled. I climb out shivering, grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I pulled on the scanty panties and the nightgown, and headed for bed. As I reached to pull down the comforter I noticed there on the pillow, was a red rose. At some point Adam had come back into the room, I had left the bathroom door open, I shuttered at the thought that he may have been watching me. I took the rose, walked across the room, threw it into the fireplace and watched it burn. Like a zombie I turned and headed towards the bed, by the time my head hit the pillow I was out. 

Chapter 17: The Healing Begins

Reese woke up earlier than usual. She lay in bed vaguely recollecting her dream, trying desperately to piece it together. She thought of how beautiful her daughter looked, her flawless pale skin creating a sharp contrast against her bright blue eyes and long, dark brown hair, accentuating her features beautifully. She looked so grown up and elegant in the light blue gown that fit her slender form beautifully. She thought of how soft and loving her voice was, she remembered her telling her everything will be alright, that her and her dad's love will see her through. She cried, not from sadness, but from joy.

She felt sure her daughter had been there in her dreams to comfort her. "We held each other, I can still smell her, I smell sandalwood and vanilla, how can I smell her favorite scent, if it was a dream?" she thought to herself. "Am I dreaming now?, how can I smell her?" she began to feel frantic, she got up and ran to Silvia's room. She opened the door, Silvia wasn't there. "It was a dream" she said out loud and then closed the door.

She decided to head downstairs and start the coffee as she reached the bottom stair she gasped, she felt as though her heart dropped to the step before she did. On the bottom stair was Silvia's Adidas', she picked them up held them tightly to her chest, she smiled, then cried and finally, she laughed. "Okay, Sil, okay, you were here, thank you baby girl, thank you." Reese set the shoes back down on the step, turned towards the kitchen and started her regular routine. The healing process was underway. Reese would be okay.

Chapter 18: A Ghost Story

The morning was bright and sunny as Deidre walked up the steps to see Reese standing at the open door in her jogging suit with a big smile on her face. "Well good morning smiley!" Deidre said joyfully, seeing as this was the first time she saw that smile since her daughters disappearance. "Yes, yes it is!" Reese replied holding her arms open to welcome her friend. She gave Deidre a huge hug, rubbed and patted her back. Deidre was suspicious, "Okay, what's going on?" she said playfully. Reese smiled, "Oh nothing, I just had a visitor last night is all." Deidre was taken back, "what do you mean? who?". Reese motioned for her to come in, "I'll tell you about it over a cup of coffee." 

The women went into the kitchen, poured their coffee and sat at the table. Reese proceeded to tell her of her encounter with Silvia. Deidre listened intently, "you know I heard that loved ones often appear in a dream to let you know they're okay. Do you think that's what she was doing?" Reese nodded her head as she sipped from her cup, " yes, but it was more than that, she was actually here." Deidre felt slightly unsettled, "Sweetie, don't do that to yourself, maybe she appeared in a dream, but how can you say she was actually here?" Reese got up and motioned for Deidre to follow her, "I want to show you something" they walked out of the kitchen, "you see I thought it was a dream too at first when I woke up, but then I realized I could smell her favorite fragrance. I ran to her room, nothing. Then I headed downstairs and look..." she pointed to the sneakers that were on the stair step. "Those have been in her room by her bed until this morning." Deidre's hair stood up on the back of her neck. "She was here!" Deidre exclaimed. Reese nodded, "I know, right?" Reese and Deidre held each other and rocked back and forth chanting together, "she was here, she was here, she was here!" Deidre stopped and looked at Reese, "do you think she'll make another appearance?" Reese looked down at the shoes, "She said she would check in from time to time, so I just have to wait and see I guess, I hope next time I can think more clearly, there are so many things I want to say to her." Deidre said," Well, don't interrogate her, you know how you get, afte rall you were an attorney!" Reese laughed, "You're right, I wouldn't want to scare her away" Reese bent down and tied Deidre's shoe, "Double knots! Double knots! Now let's go kick some ass!" Deidre followed her out the door, happy for her friend and how much Silvia's encounter helped her.

Chapter 19: Introducing, Red

Ty awoke feeling weak, he knew he needed to feed. He took a cold shower trying to stimulate his awareness. He quickly dressed and vanished into the night to hunt down his victim. It wasn't long before he found one. She stood on the corner alone, her usual spot, awaiting her next proposition. Ty approached her, whispered something into her ear, she smiled and guided him to a deserted alley. As soon as she came to her "secret place" she turned to Ty, her green eyes widening in total surprise. Before she could scream, Ty lunged for her throat digging his fangs into her, her would be scream becoming a moan. It would be the last sound to come from her alive. She chose to be a promiscuous whore with the life she had been given, now she would be given a second chance living as the undead. He quickly drained her life blood from her, feeling the life grow in him.  He wasted no time, he finished and wiped his mouth with his hanky, and immediately headed to "Hell's pit".

 The place was loud and crowded, the previous nights chaos had been cleaned up, but the damage to the wall was still there. Many of the same vamps that were there last night, were here. Several came up to Ty and offered to help him any way they could to get his mate back. Apparently Adam was well known, but viewed to be somewhat arrogant and mysterious. He had many acquaintances but no real friends. No one seemed to know where he dwelled. The only place anyone had seen him was here at Hell's Pit. He was getting no where with information.

A quirky little vamp with fiery red hair, thick black rimmed glasses and buck teeth named "Red" suggested Ty come every night until he shows back up. "Hey man, I know damn good and well, he'll come back here. This is the hot spot, it's the only place you can get Nitro in your drink, and man how he loved his Nitro, the dude was here almost everynight, just long enough for a shot, he never really hung out." spraying spit all over as he talked. Ty took out his hanky and wiped his face down, "Jesus buddy, Thanks, I already took a shower!" he chuckled. Red slightly was embarrassed, "Ya, sorry man, it's these damned teeth, they're like a launching pad for my spit" he replied, this time covering his mouth. "No worries Red, no harm done" Ty felt kind of bad for the little vamp, the whole thing was kind of creepy, the idea of a vampire with buck teeth and poor eye-sight. 

Red was right. This was the only establishment that offered Nitro infused blood. It was the vampires drug of choice. It could be found on the black market, on the streets, but it was risky. The wrong mixture of chemicals could weaken a vampire and leave them vulnerable. A vulnerable vampire is an easy vampire to kill, Few are willing to take that risk. Knowing Adam, he'll be back, too arrogant to not come back for his fix and too arrogant to buy anything less than the best.

"Red you're a genius!" Ty grabbed his face and kissed his forehead. "Come on Red, we've got some planning to do." Red smiled a ridiculously crazy smile, "I just do the best I can with what the good Lord has given me!" he proudly retorted. Ty and Red went back to Ty's to plan and statigize.

Chapter 20: Sexual Lust and Blood Lust

Adam stood over Silvia, watching her sleep. "Such an dangerous angel, you'll either love me with all your heart or you'll be my demise" he thought to himself. He very carefully pulled the blanket back wanting to see more of her. She was in such a deep state of sleep that not even an earthquake would have awoken her. He examined her, admiring her gentle curves. Though the white nightgown was somewhat modest and covered her, she had turned while she slept and the gown had crept up over her hips leaving her buttocks exposed. He walked around the bed to get a better view, his lust beginning to take over. He took off his shirt and proceeded to slowly and carefully climb into bed with her, still not waking her. He laid against her, spooning her. He placed his arm around her waist and felt the flat of her tummy, amazed she hadn't woken up yet. He decided to push the envelope so to speak, see how far he could go. He ran his hand up her stomach, until he reached her breast. Touching her with the slightest of touches. He lightly pinched her nipple, as he did her legs shifted slightly and she let out a quiet moan of pleasure. He had to stop himself. A vampire's passion and lust is intensely adrenalized. If he didn't stop now he wouldn't be able to at all.  He carefully climbed off the bed, pulled the blanket back over her, grabbed his shirt and headed for the door, just as he got to it, he heard her mutter "Ty", she was mournfully calling for him in her sleep. He closed his eyes in agony, he opened the door and then slammed it hard behind him. As the door slammed the noise jolted her awake.

I leaped into a crouching position on the bed, my fangs instantly exposed, my eyes changed to black, ready to pounce. I looked around me and saw nothing out of order, the room hadn't changed and I was alone. Relieved, I relaxed my posture and returned to my regular form. Whatever it was, was gone now. 

I rummaged through the drawers and closets for something to wear. "Jesus, don't these people believe in jeans?" I said out loud to myself. I looked for the ugliest thing I could find. There was nothing, everything was stunning in one way or another. "Damn your good taste Adam!" I thought to myself. I narrowed my choices down to a simple little black dress. I had found some black opaque tights that had small white skull and cross bone symbols on them, and heavy black boots with a thick two inch heel that laced up the front and strapped at the top with a silver toned buckle. Everything fit perfectly ofcourse. Though there was enough make-up on the vanity to open a beauty store, I applied only mascara, and a natural toned lip balm. Keeping it simple, trying not give him the wrong impression. 

All the stress and tension of the situation drained me. I was trembling, knowing I needed to feed. The thirst for the hunt was starting to get to me. I felt trapped, like a caged animal. With each passing minute the need intensified. I refused to ring the bell. An hour had passed. I began to violently shake, the need for blood was overwhelming. "Don't you do it, don't you ring that God damned bell!" I told myself. The room was dark except for the fire that was flickering, casting shadows that looked like demons on the wall. I was feeling like I was losing my grip with reality and began to hallucinate. The walls began to close in on me, shadows trying to devour me. Terrified I hid myself in the darkest corner I could find, shaking to the point of near convulsions. I couldn't take it, I needed blood, still I refused to ring his little brass bell. I began to scream  out, "I hate you! I fucking hate you! You hear me Adam, I fucking hate you!"


Chapter 21: Nitro-Infusion Overdose

Adam could hear her screams of hatred towards him. He went into the walk-in cooler and grabbed two of the precious red vials, and warmed to the perfect temperature. The fortunate thing about being wealthy is you can pretty much buy what ever your heart desires. In Adam's case, he had enough "O" Positive blood and genuine Nitro infused blood vials to last months when kept at the correct temperature. 

He entered her room and heard her crying in the corner, as he approached her, his heart sank. She was in such agonizing despair. She had a terrifying look on her face, one of fear, anger and sorrow all at once. Her deep blue eyes had turned to black, she had bared her fangs at him. Wanting to attack, but not having the energy to do so. As he knelt down beside her, she saw the red vials in his hand, she looked into his eyes, pleading with him. "Silvia, do you love me?" he asked her with a slight smile on his face. She hid her face with her hands, and screamed in agony. "Silvia, just tell me you love me, and the blood is yours" he pleaded with her. She shook her head no vigorously, "I can't Adam! Please don't make me! I don't love you, I'll never love you!" He lifted his hand beneath her chin and looked into her eyes, "Sil, I told you, you'll love me in time. Even if it's a lie right now, just say the words, I just want to hear you say you love me" he said softly. 

I had to have the blood, I wouldn't survive without it, he gave me no choice, I had to play his game. Suddenly it was all clear to me as I bottomed out in the pit of my insanity, I knew what I needed to do, "fight fire with fire". I calmed myself, and formed the words in my mind, looking at the vials of blood, I reluctantly muttered, "I love you." Adam shifted my head so our faces met, "Not good enough, Look me in the eyes and tell me you love me." How I hated him, "I'll play your game you sick fuck!" I thought to myself. I thought of Ty, and how much I loved him, with the image of Ty's copper eyes in my mind, I was able to sound convincing, "I love you". Adam smiled, "That's my good girl" he said as he popped the cork of a vial and held it to my mouth, I tilted my head back as he poured it's thick, warm, sweet, sticky substance down my welcoming throat. Immediately I stopped shaking and the shadows stopped taunting me. My eyes returned to their deep blue tint, my fangs retracted, I felt better than normal, in fact I felt thoughly energized. I looked at Adam grateful for the blood he supplied me, yet angry at his tactics. "Thank you Adam" I said with sincerity in my voice. "My pleasure love" he replied. "I'm sorry I made you say it, someday you'll tell me you love me and actually mean it" he said sadly.

I looked away wondering how such a small amount of blood could be so effective. "Adam, what's in that vial?" I asked curiously. He held up the other vial looking at it in the light of the fire, " It's "O" Positive infused with Nitro, do you know about Nitro?" he inquired. I shook my head no. "I think I had a shot of it at Hell's Pit though, I drank something that had some interesting effects on me" I admitted. He held the vial up, turning it up and down watching the thick dark crimson substance glide back and forth. "Would you like a booster shot?" he asked me. I wasn't sure what to expect, since one brought me back from the pits of despair, what would another one do? "What will it do to me?" I asked him. He popped the cork, "just make you feel really good, you don't have to if you don't want to though, it's up to you" he said nonchalantly as he handed it to me. I took it and looked at him wondering if he was up to something. The scent was intoxicating and made my mouth water, ignoring my better judgment, I slammed it down my throat. Immediately, the room began to spin out of control, "My God Adam, what did you do to me?" I started to panic, I tried to get up, as I stood I felt myself going down but Adam caught me. He swooped me into his arms and sat in the love seat in front of the fireplace, cradling me. "It's okay, Sil, don't fight it, the more you fight it the stronger it's hold is, just relax honey" he said trying to calm down my panic. I felt so far away and could barely hear his voice, I tried to focus on it though, and as I did I felt I was slowly making my way back to my own body. "That's my girl, relax, just breath, nice and slow, that's my girl, nice deep breaths, come on love, I'm here, just follow my voice baby." I felt myself drifting back into my body, I  kept listening to his voice, so gentle, comforting and loving. I slowly opened my eyes, I lifted my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him to me, wanting his mouth on mine. We kissed with a deep loving passion, he felt so good I didn't want the kiss to end. I loved the way he felt in my mouth. Slowly we parted lips, I looked into his brilliant, polished copper eyes and whispered, "I love you".


Chapter 22: Conspiring and Consolation

Ty and Red were tossing ideas back and forth. Red had a friend who knew a vamp that manufactured synthetic Nitro. Apparently the guy was notorious for producing some bad batches. "Okay man, let's look at some of the obvious. Dude-vamp has been hanging out with us undead for like two years right? Well tell me why the only place anyone has ever seen him is at Hell's Pit? Most everyone knows who he is, but like no one knows anything about him other than he is rich and arrogant and has a scratch to itch via Nitro. There's got to be something there is all I'm sayin' man" Red expressed, making a good point. Ty nodded in agreement, "That's definitely something to think about, maybe he's hiding something about himself and doesn't want anyone getting too close, except for my woman ofcourse, that son of a bitch!" Ty responded, starting to get a little rattled.

Red desperate to come up with something jumped in, "Look maybe I can have my buddy get some of that shitty shit, we can poison him with it somehow. Then he would be weak enough for you to kick his dude-vamp ass to oblivion!" Ty shook his head, " That's too risky, If I kill him not knowing where Silvia is, I might not ever get her back. What if he has her chained up? I don't know, I don't know what the hell he is doing to her? The thoughts that run through my mind are unimaginable. Do you think he's taking care of her Red? Do you think he would hurt her?" Red answered immediately, " No way man, I don't think he would hurt her, he doesn't want her to hate him, ya know man?" Ty appreciated his response, "Thanks Red" he said quietly. Red walked over to Ty who was standing in his usual thinking spot, in front of the fireplace, and patted Ty on the back "No prob man" Red replied. Red came up with another idea, "What if we were able to poison him before he vapes back to his dwelling, he would be vulnerable, then maybe your woman could finish him somehow? I don't know Silvia, but I can't imagine that you would be with anyone that wasn't a fighter or a thinker. Besides most women are plotters and schemers, she's probably got a better plan than anything our two neanderthal brains could come up with. Hey,what's that saying?, oh yeah, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" for real, right man?" Ty chuckled, "Red you have no idea how right you are. She's the strongest woman I have ever known, strong in mind, body and spirit, all I can say is you don't want to piss her off. Ol' Boy has no idea what he's gotten himself into, he has himself a tiger by the tail, Thanks Red you've done it again, hey, did anyone ever tell you you're a genius?" Red laughed, " Well there was this one guy that said something like that!" Ty wiped the spit off his face, "Jesus Red, either I'm going to have to get some rain gear when we hang out or you're going to have to do something about those teeth!" Red chuckled, "Well ya know man, I was thinking braces would be kind of sexy?" Ty shook his head, "I can't decide which image suits you best Red, You with braces or you without braces, either way you're fucked!" he teased him. 

The great thing about Red was his ability to humiliate himself just so someone could have a good laugh. He loved to joke about his own infirmities. It was his way of making his physical defects work for him, rather than against him. Ty enjoyed his company, the way he thought and talked was intelligent yet entertaining. You couldn't look at the guy and be mad at him, he looked like a character out of a comic strip, everyone loved Red. Unfortunatley, he hadn't caught the ladies eye's yet, though he worked on it, things weren't going well for him. He wanted a mate, he was lonely, possibly his main reason for trying to help Ty was his understanding of loneliness and how unbearable that feeling was. To have someone to love and be loved by them and then have them taken right before your eyes, was unimaginable to Red. Ty needed his mate back and Red would help him anyway he could to make that happen. 

Chapter 23: Extreme Self-Control

The Nitro had dilated her pupils leaving the iris a mesmerizing thin blue ring. Adam looked deep into the black abyss of her eyes wanting to lose himself in there forever. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, she smiled sweetly as he did. He had never known anything so beautiful, her soft skin was flawless, her face perfect, her lips luscious, her body strong, lean and perfectly proportioned. He wanted her. Wanted her to belong to him and him to belong to her, he was lost in her and lost without her. His obsession was dangerously twisted as his mind struggled with his love for her and his desire for her. He knew she did not love him, the influence of the Nitro drug was twisting her reality and he knew this. Still he could so easily have her at this moment.

He pulled her into his chest, gently rubbing his hand down her smooth dark hair. She nuzzled into him, savoring the love he was radiating. She unbuttoned his shirt to expose his well built chest, she began gently kissing, licking and nibbling him. It was more than he could bear. He lifted her head to kiss her, he gently traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, and lightly pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. So soft, so loving, but he needed more, he kissed again, harder, exploring her mouth with his tongue, he felt his want for her growing to uncontrollable levels. Her fingers entwined in his hair, pulling steadily and deliberately, she too was wanting more of him. He effortlessly picked her up off the loveseat while they were still locked in a passionate kiss. He lowered her onto the bed.

She looked up at him with a desperate need in her eyes that matched his own desperation. He removed her boots, and tights. He gently lifted her torso to unzip her dress and pulled it over her head ever so slowly. He unhooked her bra and slid the straps down her shoulders, exposing her breasts as he removed it. She lay before him completely naked, except for her black lace g-string panties. The warm glow coming from the fireplace softly illuminated her body. The vision of her beauty drove him wild. He could no longer consciously protect her from himself. Regardless of the fact that she didn't love him, he would pretend that it was him she was making love to, that it was him who she would freely give herself to, that it was he who she loved and he would have her in this way with no regard.

He grabbed her panties and without anymore hesitation, he slid them down her legs. She was breathing hard and fast, slowly shifting her legs over each other, twisting herself seductively, as if she was in some kind of hypnotic trance. She reached out for him as he stood over her, watching her want him so desperately. Removing his shirt he climbed on the bed beside her and began massaging her body, every inch of it. The sensation of his hands on her skin was erotic, she moaned with pleasure and arched her back, begging him to give her want she needed from him. Just as he couldn't hold out another second, she moaned "Ty".  

He stopped, he couldn't do this to her. He loved her to damn much.  How he wished it was his name she called out, but it wasn't. He got up off the bed, picked up his shirt and put it back on, without looking back he walked to the door to leave, he turned the door knob and began to pull the door open. Suddenly he felt his body being slammed against it, forcing the door shut. Her body pressed hard into his. She grabbed his wrist and pushed his arms over his head against the door. She licked high on his shoulder blade and bit into his thick muscle. He shrilled in esctacy. "No Silvia, you don't know what you're doing!" He yelled trying to reason with her. She flipped him around, and began kissing, licking and nibbling his chest, working her way down his stomach to her ultimate destination. He grabbed her by the hair on both sides of her head. Pulling her head back away from him, "Silvia, honey, look at me, I'm not Ty, I'm Adam, look at me!" She hissed at him, then grabbed the waist of his pants and pulled, ripping them apart like they were paper. "Ah shit! " he shouted out loud. She wasn't going to stop and he couldn't let her continue.  

He grabbed her up, holding her tightly as he bit into her neck, waves of passion shot through her. While he continued to hold his fangs into her, he vaporized them to a room in the basement. The room had cement floors and walls, it was bland, ugly, and cold with a arsenal of chains, weapons and torture devices. He held her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around him, completely caught up in the pleasure he was bestowing upon her, completely unaware of her surroundings he was able to chain her to the wall. He retracted his fangs from her, while he stroked her hair, he unhooked her legs from his waist, as she lowered them to the ground, she tried to reach out to him as he slowly backed away just out of her reach, her movement stopped by the chains. She didn't understand, she began to struggle against them.

Angry, filled with lust and desire, bound by chains and naked, she looked beautiful. "Silvie, I'm so sorry my love. I want you so desperately, but not like this. I want it to be special between us, I want it to be real. I want you to want me, to need me and to love me forever. Please don't hate me" he said gently to her, feeling the tears swell.

She looked into his warm brown eyes and began to sob. "Why are you doing this to me Adam?" she cried out confused as she slid in and out of reality. He wiped a tear from her cheek with his finger and touched it to his tongue, tasting her sadness, "Oh baby, I'm sorry, maybe you'll understand someday" he said sadly. And then he was gone. 

Chapter 24: Waking Up In Chains

I woke up sitting on the cement floor, leaning against the wall, with my wrist shackled to chains. I don't know what happened and how I ended up here. I didn't know what Adam had done to me. I was cold, naked and alone. The last thing I remembered was talking to Adam about Nitro. I drank the second vial... Wait, I remember the room spinning, Adam caught me, I think. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, I shouldn't have taken that second vial, that was stupid! Why did he chain me? Did he rape me? God I hate him. He must have known that second vial would do something to me. He must have planned it, why else would give me two vials of Nitro? I needed some answers, I was starting to drive myself crazy trying to piece something together with nothing to really go by. "Adam!" I yelled as loud as I could. "Adam! Where the hell are you?" He appeared suddenly right before me. 

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked as if I had just gotten over a cold. "What the hell do you mean? I'm freezing, I'm naked and I'm chained to a wall, what's your idea of "feeling better", 'cause if this is my "better" than what the hell was my "worse"?" Adam chuckled, "I don't think you want to know what your worse was!" I frowned at him, not amused, "Yes Adam, I do want to know, I want to know exactly what happened." He reached for a key hanging close by and unlocked the shackles on my wrist. "Let's get you cleaned up, warm and comfortable first, then I'll tell you everything you want to know love" he said sweetly. He took my hand and we were back in my room.

Instantly I started feeling warmer, he sat me down on the loveseat in front of the fire and wrapped a blanket around me. "I'll run a nice warm bubble bath for you, sound good?" he offered. I kept my eyes on the fire and nodded my head in agreement. When he came out of the bathroom I watched as he pulled out some white panties and a matching bra and laid it on the bed, then he went into the closet and came back out with a long, simple white dress with spaghetti straps. The long skirt flared at the bottom which was edged with a white scalloped crocheted hem. He held the dress in one hand by it's hanger and a pair of white sandals, in the other "Sil, this okay?" he asked as if we were husband and wife. "It's lovely!" I said looking at him with a big grin on my face, as I looked away I immediately disposed of my smile. Like I give a damn about fashion right now? I thought to myself, annoyed.

Adam came over and sat by me, I continued to stare into the fire. I could see out of the corner of my eye he was looking at me. "Stop starring Adam, it's not polite!" I said to him without moving my focus from the fire. I tried not to giggle as I saw him stick his tongue out at me from the corner of my eye. "Adam, please I'm not in the mood" I said looking at him seriously. "Oh come on, it was a little funny, admit it!" he said. "I will not! It was stupid!"  I snapped at him, agitated. "It's okay Sil, I'll leave you to take your bath, it should be ready in a little bit, I'll be back in an hour and tell you what happened last night." he sounded so hurt, it made me feel bad. "I'm sorry Adam, I don't know why I'm so agitated, well, I mean other than the obvious, but I shouldn't have snapped at you for that" I said as I looked into his eyes sensing some relief in them. "It's the come down off the Nitro, it's natural that you're a little irritated" he said as he stood up and kissed the top of my head and vaped.

I relaxed in the tub, thinking of Ty and how much I missed him, hoping he was trying to find me. "What if he wasn't even looking for me?" I thought to myself. I wondered how long Adam thought he could keep me contained? Eventually, even he must know, I would find a way out. I got out of the tub, dried myself off and dressed in the clothes Adam had laid out. I walked back into the bathroom and sat at the vanity, I brushed my hair, braided it to one side and applied some mascara and lip balm.

It had been an hour, Adam was sitting on the loveseat in front of the fire, watching me as I emerged from the bathroom. "Your simple, flawless beauty amazes me Silvie." he said admiring me. I smiled and replied, "Well you're an easy crowd to please". He smiled back and patted the seat next to him, "Come on, I know you're curious" he said gesturing for me to join him. I was curious that's for damn sure, so I eagerly complied and sat next to him, "Okay start from the beginning and tell me everything, and don't leave out any details, or make stuff up either" I said looking at him skeptically. He chuckled, "Jesus Sil, where's the trust?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow, "For Real?" I said in comical disbelief. He hung his head, knowing I had a point. "Never mind, just go on" I said letting it go. Adam took a deep breath, slowly letting it out and began.

Chapter 25: True Colors

Hells Pit was hoppin' as usual. It had an excellent reputation with the vampire community. The entertainment never failed to deliver and with Hell's Pit being the sole distributor of Nitro infused blood, every vamp frequented the establishment often. "Quality" was the nightclubs main interest. Only the best bands played there, the venue was extravagant, the surroundings and environment comparable to the finest nightclubs in the largest cities, yet here it was in an abandoned zone, living large, hugely successful. The electricity in the forty block radias, nearly the entire city, was generated by an elaborate solor system, powered by the sun a vampires worst enemy. The water was powered by massive turbines from a rapidly flowing river near-by that pumped throughout the entire provience. Sustaining the abandoned city while remaining completely off the grid.

Ty ordered a loaded "O" positive and slugged it down, energized and anxious, he watched and waited. Red pulled up a stool next to him at the bar, after getting the bartenders attention he ordered the same for himself. "Here's to determination" Red said as he held up his deep crimson drink and slammed it down his throat in one shot. Ty seemed distant, his eyes affixed towards the dance floor, watching couples in their erotic dance, remembering that last hour with Silvia. His eyes roamed, then he noticed a voluptuous, scantily dressed vamp with long, straight, shinny, black hair moving seductively to the intoxicating rhythmic beat. He watched intensely, his eyes black, his mouth watering, she seemed to hold him in some hypnotic trance. Red looked over at him, noticing something had caught his eye, he looked to see what was holding his stare captive. He found the source and realized Ty was lusting. Red clicked his fingers in Ty's face and waved them trying to get his attention without success, Red put two fingers in his mouth and tried to whistle "Frsssst", his pathetic attempt spraying Ty with spit directly in his face. "God dammit Red!" Ty yelled at him as he grabbed his hanky and wiped his face down. "Yeah, oh jeez, hey man, sorry 'bout that, my bad, it just seemed like you were a little distracted ya' know?" Red responded feeling bad. Ty snapped, "How about you don't worry about it Red! Fuck! What are you my chaperone now?" His reaction seemed pretty harsh. Red stood up, "No man, I'm not your chaperone, I'm just the dumb-ass who's trying to help you get your love back while you're busy lusting over someone else. Fuck man, maybe you need a chaperone!" Red fired back, defending himself. Red turned and left the bar.

Ty didn't stop him, he just went back to watching the voluptuous beauty dance. She noticed him watching her, starring her down with a deep lust in his eyes, she smiled seductively, now she was dancing just for him. Teasing him, taunting him. He found himself gravitating towards her, their eyes locked, he put his arm around her waist, pulling her into him, rubbing against her matching her provocative movements. One song blending into the next, three songs later they made their way to the bar where he learned her name was Chantel. He order two loaded "O" positives, one for her, one for himself, as soon as they downed the enhanced concoction he grabbed her hand and led her out into the night, finding a private area he satisfied his sexual desire with her.

Chapter 26: Reason and Accountability

Adam began explaining what had happened after I drank the second vial, "You stood up, and started to go down so I caught you and carried you to the couch while I held you. The way you were looking at me was so..." he thought about it for a second and then continued, "Anyway, we kissed, you wanted me, you said you loved me, but I knew it wasn't me you were desiring, you looked so beautiful Sil", he paused and took a deep breath, "You're not going to like this part" he said, then continued. "I took you over to the bed, I wanted you so bad you have no idea, and yes, I took your clothes off, it was getting pretty heated, then my conscience appealed to my better judgment and I had to stop myself. I went to leave the room and before I could open the door you pounced on me, you ripped my pants off trying to have your way with me." I listened intently and was believing everything he said, up to the part where he said I ripped his pants off. I busted out laughing, "Oh come on Adam! I ripped your pants off?" He replied with a quick answer, "Yes!" I paused for a second, "Are you telling me that I raped you?" I asked him. "Well, you tried" he responded. I couldn't stop laughing. He got up and walked over to the door, grabbed something off the floor and walked back over to me holding up his ripped pants, "OK Sil, look at the pair of ripped pants!" he said with a huge smile on his face. "You could have ripped those off yourself trying to get to me, and how do I know that you didn't?" He took his shirt off exposing his beautifully yoked chest and abs and turned around, "Then how would you explain this?" he said pointing to the fang marks on his meaty shoulder. "I suppose I did that to myself too, right?" he said more serious. I looked at him shocked and speechless. He put his shirt back on, "Oh and just for the record honey, if I had "gotten to you" you would definitely know" he smiled and winked. I looked away embarrassed. "You were so out of control with yourself, I had to distract you by biting you, which you really liked by the way" he said with a cute grin, "and that's when I took you to the basement and chained you so you wouldn't do something you would regret. I didn't know what else to do except restrain you. I'm sorry love that it came down that way, I really am" he said with sincerity.

I raised my fingers to the bite mark on my neck and touching it I could feel its soreness. I studied him for a moment, knowing he was telling the truth. "Was I really that bad? I'm sorry I tried to rape you Adam" I chuckled a little thinking how ridiculous that sounded, " I never thought of myself as a rapist before, was it the Nitro? Does it do that to everyone who has a couple shots?" I asked him. "No. It was designed to enhance the neuro-receptors in the brain allowing an increase in the amount of endorphins that can be created. I think because you already naturally produce more endorphines on a regular basis, just with exercise the second vial of Nitro was too much, you overdosed on endorphins so to speak. I hadn't taken that into consideration when I gave you the second vial, I just expected it would give you a little rush, so I'm sorry, everything was my fault really, and don't worry, I'm not mad at you for trying to rape me" he said teasing me. He made me laugh, "Stop Adam, that sounds horrible!" I said as I pushed him. "And don't think you're off the hook for stripping me down either!" I reminded him. "Oh come on Silvie, I've done much worse to you than that!" he said joking, yet not at the same time. "Wait? What do you mean by that?" I inquired. "Oh boy, well I guess we might as well get it all out there" he said reluctantly. "The second night you were here I climbed into bed with you, you were sound asleep, I don't know what came over me, just being around you does something to me, it's so hard to keep my hands off of you, do you hate me now Silvie?" he asked concerned. "Jesus Adam! what the hell is wrong with you? You're like a damn pervert, I can't even sleep without being violated by you? Did you do anything? You know, like touch me or something?" I asked wanting to know details. "I spooned you and I may have touched your breast" he said trying to make light of it. "May have? Well did you or didn't you?" I asked demanding the correct answer. "Yes, I definitely rubbed my hands up your tummy and felt your breast and lightly pinched your nipple" he said as if he were confirming a less offensive action. "But that's all I did, and I stopped myself, can I help it if you're so damn irresistible to me?" he said in a lame attempt to defend himself. "In fact, we should stop talking about it, 'cause I'm kindof getting a little worked up thinking about it, you have no idea what it is you do to me Silvie, it's torture!" he pleaded. "Okay Adam, okay, just try to think of something else, visualize a flock of midget vampires on mopeds chasing down a circus clown" I suggested. "That won't work, I find that rather sexy" he said trying to sound serious. I looked at him, shook my head, and said, "You have issues!". "Tell me about it!" he replied as we both laughed.

It must have been hard for him to control himself to the extent that he did, I gained respect for him for being able to do so. I wanted to hate him and felt I wasn't being loyal to Ty for not hating him. I sat next to him, and had listened while he told me the of the events that had unfolded, all the while thinking how incredibiy handsome he was. His eyes were dark brown, warm and soft. His hair medium golden brown, not too short, not too long, cut and styled to perfection. His face was smooth, but manly. He had a strong chin and high cheek bones. His eyebrows were full, but not bushy and straight which gave him a look of determination and intelligence. I cursed myself for admiring him. No, I couldn't hate him, and found that I was actually enjoying his company,just like I used to when we were friends. 

"Hungry?" he asked. I was starting to feel a little weak, "Yes, but should I be concerned?" I said, not trying to sound ungrateful. "No baby, don't worry I have the pure stuff without any additives, sound yummy?" he happily replied as he stood up. I looked up at him, "I miss the hunt" I said sadly. He knelt down in front of me, looking into my eyes, "Sil, you'll hunt again, I promise you. Hopefully, we'll be hunting together, but for now, the vials are the best I can offer you." He kissed my forehead, I didn't flinch, or move my head away, I allowed it, and I liked that he did it. He left to retrieve dinner for me. I sat there alone with my thoughts realizing, I liked Adam. 

Chapter 27: Confirmation

Red watched from a distance as Ty and the woman on dance floor had left Hell's Pit and ducked around the corner. Red followed them siliently as they went down a dark alley and made their way into an abandon wherehouse. The couple was completely unaware that they were being followed. 

They found a tiled room, with large open showers, bathroom stalls and sinks. Possibly one of the cleaner areas of the disgusting building. Ty wasn't really caring about cleanliness and took her into the huge tiled, out of commission shower, he had one thing in mind.  Red who had snuck into the bathroom and into a stall was perched up on a toilet. Listening. He heard everything, at one point he peeped up over the stall and could clearly see that Ty was doing her from behind. He had seen and heard enough, disgusted he vapped himself into the night.

In his lonely one room apartment Red paced the floor back and forth. "I'm such a fool!" he said to himself. "Silvia's lucky dude-vamp took her away from that guy, he's a real piece of shit" he said, talking outloud as if he was having a conversation with someone. Red was lonely, maybe having conversations outloud with himself took some of his loneliness away. "She hasn't been gone three nights and he's got his pecker in someone else, I really don't like that kind of stuff man. That ain't cool. I ain't helping Ty-guy no more, why the hell would I help him get her back when he's not even loyal to her?" Red was pissed. "Fuck this, I'm out of here man!" With that Red went on the hunt for a kill. The last thing some poor old homeless guy saw was a Red haired, vampire wearing heavy black rimmed glasses with buck teeth lunging for him. The old guy's last words just before Red burrowed into his neck..."What the fuck?" 

Chapter 28: The Truth Hurts

Adam returned with two vials of "O" Positive. "Why does this feel like deja vu?" I said jokingly. Adam smiled,"I thought we'd dine together, if you don't mind that is?" he said tenderly. "That's fine, I have no problem with that" I replied. He uncorked the vials and handed me one, "bottoms up!" he said, and we poured the liquid down. I felt refreshed. "Thank you Adam" I said handing the empty vial to him. "My pleasure, thank you for dining with me" he responded looking into my eyes. I could see the love for me in his eyes, a look I had never seen in Ty's beautiful copper eyes.

"Adam why did you kill Ty?" I asked him, a question that had been on my mind since I learned he was the one responsible for Ty's transformation. "If I told you Silvie, you'd be very angry with me. I want to be honest with you, but I don't want you to hate me, so I think it's best if I don't tell you, I don't want to hurt you" he said sincerely. "Look Adam, I need to know the truth, even if I get mad at you. I would be even more angry at you if you don't tell me the truth" I said sternly. He thought about that for a minute and knew she deserved to know the truth. "Okay Sil, this is going to hurt you. I'm telling you sorry in advance and know that I mean it from the bottom of my heart" he said as he brushed a strand of hair from my face neatly placing it behind my ear. "Go ahead, I can handle it" I said like a young girl about to get a shot from the doctor.

Adam stood up and stoked the fire, his back to me. "I love you so much Sil, when you broke off our friendship I was devastated. After my family and I moved away I was hanging out at a park by myself one night thinking about you, I always thought about you, I tried to do things to get you off my mind, but I couldn't. No one was around and out of no where I was attacked by a female vampire, I died that night, but I was also liberated. I was able to visit you while you slept, I did that often, almost everynight. I wanted to bring you with me so desperately, but I couldn't do that to you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, that you were happy. Sometimes I saw you with Ty, heard your conversations with him. I knew you were saving yourself for him because you loved him and he told you he was saving himself for you until you turned eighteen. For two years I watched you, wanting nothing but happiness for you, I was happy that you had found love while it tormented me at the same time because it wasn't with me. I followed Ty one night when he left your house and go to some other girls house. I saw what he was doing with her, Sil. I saw it with my own eyes, he deceived you. The next night was your eighteenth birthday, I saw what happened, I watched him take your innocence from you. He lied to you, he betrayed you and I hated him for that. When he left your house I followed him, I was so angry that he had deceived you I couldn't contain my anger, I attacked him and bit into his neck, and left his dead body in the open where the mornings sunlight would dispose of him. The sunrise was less than twenty minutes away. He must have transformed before the sun came up, I didn't know he had escaped. Two nights later when I came back to check on you, I was too late, you were gone and I knew he had gotten to you. I wanted to protect you from him and I failed" he said with deep remorse in his voice. The whole time he was telling me this he had been looking into the fire. He turned to me and said with tears in his eyes, "Please forgive me Sil, I'm so sorry."

I sat there with tears pouring down my face, I got up and walked over to him, I stood there for a moment starring him in the eyes. The part of me that was angry with him took over and I slapped him hard, he took it, feeling he deserved that at the very least. He looked deep into my pain filled eyes, "I'm so sorry Silvie" he said mournfully. I put my hands gently on each side of his face, and kissed his lips. I felt the tenderness in his lips, I felt his love for me through his kiss and as our lips parted I said," I need to be alone, I hope you understand." He ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it back from my face. "Of course, will you be alright Sil?" he asked. I gave him the best smile I could muster under the circumstances, "I'll be fine Adam, I just have a lot to digest, ya know?"I replied. "Okay Sil, good-night, I love you" he said. "I know you do Adam, good-night" I said with a sad heart. Adam grabbed the empty vials off the end table, walked across the room and stopped before opening the door. He turned to me and said, "You're safe now Sil, you know I would never hurt you, I will always love you and only you" he opened the door and left.

I stood there thinking how much truth was in what he had just said to me. I knew without any doubt that he loved me, would never hurt me, and if need be would even kill for me. I had never felt so safe and loved, except by my father. I curled up on the loveseat, mesmerized by the fire. I knew Adam had told me the truth, Ty had deceived me. I had question his love for me so many times, and Adam just confirmed my suspicions, Ty clearly did not love me. I was nothing but a possession to him. A mere object. Though my heart was hurting, I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be. I now had clarity. I knew where I stood with Ty and Adam. It was crystal clear. I would come to love Adam, I knew this in my heart. I would seek out my revenge on Ty and destroy him, this I also knew in my heart, and I would do it with no Regard.

I put on a nightgown, climbed into bed and prayed I would either have dreams of hunting Ty down and killing him or dreams of Adam holding me in his arms, loving and protecting me. I would have welcomed either one gladly. I quieted my thoughts, I could hear my dad's words, "Fight fire with fire" as I drifted off to sleep. 

Chapter 29: Flashback of Love and Pain

Adam thought back to the days when Silvia and him were alive and good friends. In high school Adam was the the "jock" that every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with. Though he was very popular and well liked, he never really gave anyone the chance to get close to him, except Silvia. If he wasn't playing sports he would hang out with her. They often went to a favorite fishing spot on the river nearby the high school. It was calm, peaceful and untroubled. They would fill the air around them with laughter and giggles, telling each other their hopes and dreams of the future. It was at this place Adam had fallen in love with her, it was also the place where she had broken his heart. He sadly recalled the day it happened.

They were sitting on the river bank together, he had given up fishing for the day, Silvia persevered. He quietly watched her, thinking about how beautiful she was, she just starred ahead awaiting a nibble. "Stop starring Adam, it's not polite!" she said still looking straight ahead. He stuck his tongue out at her, as he did she started laughing, "I saw that!" she said. Adam laughed, "So what ya gonna do about it?" he said as he tickled her neck with a long blade of dried grass. "This!" she said dropping her pole and pouncing on him, grabbing under one of his legs with one arm and around his neck with the other then clasping her fingers together putting him in a "cradle" wrestling hold, a move he had taught her. Of course he let her play, he very easily could have escaped her grasp, but he liked her cute little attack on him. "Okay Sil, I give up! You got me! Please let me go!" he teased her. "Not until you say it!" she said taunting him. "Say what?" he asked laughing. "Who's your daddy?" she replied, "Say it! Who's your daddy?" she teased. "You are Sil, you're my daddy!" he said laughing his ass off. "Not good enough! It didn't sound like you meant it!" Silvia spouted back pretending to sound serious. "Okay, so it's going to be like that is it?" he said breaking free of her hold. He grabbed  her, flipped her on her back and straddled her, pinning her arms down. "Now who's in charge?" he said with a smile as he looked into her eyes. "Okay Adam, I give up! You're in charge! You're in charge!" she said giggling relentlessly. "That's right little girl, now tell me...who's your daddy?" he said in a serious tone. "No! I won't say it!" she said back to him laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes. "Yes you will! Say the words Sil, Tell me, tell me now, who's your daddy?" He held both her wrist together with one hand and started tickling her armpit. She couldn't take it, she began twisting and squirming beneath him unable to escape his tickling assault. Finally giving in, "Okay! Okay! Stop tickling me, You're my daddy, You're my daddy!" she busted out laughing. He stopped tickling her and returned to pinning both her arms, "Not good enough, you didn't sound convincing!" he said mocking her. "Adam, please I said it, what more do you want from me?" she pleaded with him. He leaned down and kissed her, she welcomed it briefly and then stopped. "No Adam! please stop!" she said softly. "Why Sil, don't you love me?" he asked her gently as he looked into her eyes. "I love you as a friend, that's all I can give you right now" she replied sadly. " I love you Silvia, I want us to be more than friends" he admitted. "Adam, I don't feel the same way, I'm sorry. I love you, but not that way, not yet, please try to understand" she pleaded with him. Adam let her go. He got up, brushed himself off and grabbed her pole and began reeling it in. "Adam, please don't be upset" she said watching him being far too quiet. "Silvie, I can't take it, I love you and want to be with you, if you don't want to be with me, than we need to go our separate ways, I can't just be your friend anymore. This is the moment of truth. It's all or nothing!" he said taking a stand hoping she would give in. "Okay Adam, if that's the way you see it, than I guess it's nothing" she said sternly, annoyed that he would push her like this. She stood up, grabbed the pole from his hand looked him in the eyes and said "Good-bye Adam, it's a shame you have no patience, it just cost you a friendship" angry, she turned and walked away from him. Both being too stubborn to give in to each other, they went their separate ways.

The pain from that day had never left him. It was a life lesson for him, one thing he came to learn and learn well was patience. After he had transformed he would come to her while she slept, speaking softly to her so as not to wake her. For two years he watched over her, how much he loved to be near her. He could have taken her with him at anytime, but his love for her was too strong. He would want her to be willing, but he knew she didn't love him enough to give her life to him. If this was the only way he could be near her, then so be it. He would dwell with her in her own happiness, in her own life that she would make for herself and he would be with her in the shadows while she slept until the day her life would expire. Being near her was his heaven while at the same time, his hell.

A peaceful calm came over him. She was here with him now, fate had given him a second chance. He would be patiently awaiting the moment she was willing to be his. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of holding and loving Silvia, protecting her from all harm.

Chapter 30: The Dissolution of a Friendship

Ty woke up agitated. He was thinking of Adam and how much he hated him. He would go to any lengths to get his Silvia back. He missed her desperately, she was his prize possession and Adam had stolen her from him. He wanted to kill Adam more than anything. He knew Adam was more powerful than he was, finding a way to annihilate him would not be easy, but with Red's help he might stand a chance.

Ty arrived at Hell's Pit and searched around for Red, but Red was no where to be seen. Ty made his way to the bar and ordered his usual "loaded" drink. It wasn't long before Ty found himself surrounded by several female vamps, He ordered rounds of Nitro blood for his private party in the back lounging area and indulged in seductive interludes with three women rubbing against his body. The atmosphere was filled with loud music, beautiful vixens and debauchery. As Ty laid back enjoying his sexual escapade he opened his eyes and saw Red standing at the door watching him. Ty smiled, and waved Red over, Red just shook his head and turned to leave. Ty instantly approached Red saying, "Red, I've got them warmed up for you, come on over bud, I bet you could use a little vamp pussy". Red was disgusted. "You just don't get it man, I'm not like you "bud", I actually give a shit about people, you know what dude, you're on your own, I won't waste my time with a piece of shit like you!" Ty grabbed Red by the throat, "You're nothing but a little circus freak anyways, even the whores don't want you, don't ever look in my direction again, I'm done with you!" Ty let go of his grasp around Red's throat. Red regained his composer, "I'd rather be a circus freak with no one than a man who had someone that he took for granted by being disloyal, man I don't hate you, I pity you" Red said calmly as he turned around and left. Ty stood there for a second, thinking about what Red said, "what the fuck do you know" he muttered to himself as he turned to rejoin the whores who were anxiously awaiting him.

As Red made his way through the crowd, someone tapped his shoulder. Red turned to see the most beautiful face smiling at him he had ever seen. To anyone else she was just another face in the crowd, she had a plain quality about her, and a certain sadness in her big green eyes, even when she smiled. "Don't let him get you down, I think you're adorable" she said pinching his cheek. Red adjusted his glasses and gave her a big toothy smile. He was nervous about getting attention from the female kind but he felt strangely at ease with her. "Thank you kind lady and who might you be?" he said politely. "My name is Delilah, recent addition to the world of the undead, pleased to meet you and what might your name be?" Red took her hand and kissed it, "Pleasure to meet you Delilah, Red here at your service!" She smiled, "My aren't you the charmer!" They walked outside into the night air and found a bench in a nearby park and talked into the wee hours of the morning, just before sunlight they bid each other farewell and vaped into the night. Someone had finally found Red. 

Chapter 31: The Truth Shall Set You Free

I slept peacefully and was feeling more energetic than usual. I took a shower, applied some make-up and got dressed. I had found a gorgeous teal colored dress that was semi-short, coming to mid thigh. It was made of a soft, stretchy material with long fitted sleeves, the top wrapped around creating a draping effect that swept across my chest, leaving a slight bit of cleavage showing, giving the dress a subtle, sexy elegance. I slipped on a pair of high heel black, strappy sandals with a delicate silver buckle at the ankle. The dress fit  me flawlessly, and was very comfortable, no doubt about it Adam knew my taste, it was something I would have bought for myself.

I walked over to the nightstand, picked up the little brass bell and rang it. Before I could even set the bell back down on the nightstand Adam appeared. "You Rang?" he said sounding like Igor addressing Dr. Frankenstein. I chuckled, "Nice impression Igor!" He smiled, "You look absolutely beautiful Sil" he said in admiration. "Thanks Adam, you look quite handsome yourself" I said returning the compliment. He was sensing something was off. "Silvie, are you alright?" he asked with concern in his voice. "Of course I am, why do you ask, don't I look alright?" I replied. "Well, you seem just a little too bright eyed and bushy-tailed considering your whole world came crashing down on you last night, I mean shouldn't you be a little teary eyed at the very least?" he responded. I just shrugged my shoulders, "It's really quite simple Adam, you gave me clarity to the situation and confirmed what I've been questioning for some time now. Ty clearly doesn't love me. I feel nothing but hatred for him, I won't waste one more tear on him. I'll have my moment when I seek vengeance against him, and believe me when I say, I will. Just knowing each night that passes is one more night closer to the moment when I wipe the slate clean. In the meantime there's you. No one has ever made me feel so loved and safe except for my father, how can I not love you for that. Long ago you asked me if I loved you, I wasn't ready to love you the way you wanted me to, I'm ready now. I love you Adam" I said as I walked up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him to me and kissed him. 

They closed their eyes as they lost themselves in a moment of blissful passion for one another. Her lips felt so soft and tender against his. Their tongues entwined, the sensation built as did the intensity of the kiss itself. His hands glided down the soft fabric as he felt her gentle curves beneath. He could feel her hands tenderly rubbing his back muscles down his spine.

Adam opened his eyes to see Silvia's still closed, he slowly stopped and began to pull away. As he did she opened her eyes, wondering why he had stopped. "Silvia, do you really love me or are you just toying with me?" he asked in a serious tone. I looked into his eyes and saw his confusion."Yes Adam, I do love you" I said as I drew myself closer to him, resting my head against his chest. "Why would you think I'm toying with you?" I softly asked him. "Aren't you mad at me Sil? I completely invaded your privacy, saw things I had no business seeing. I should have left you alone, forgotten about you, then you'd be at home right now with your mother enjoying your life, I messed everything up for you Sil, how could you ever possibly forgive me for that?" he said sadly.

I pulled away from him, grabbing his hand I led him to the loveseat in front of the fire. As we sat down I turned to him and said, "Adam, you saved me. If things had gone differently I would be at home right now with my mom, but I'd be living a lie. I'd still be loving someone who was not who I thought they were. You've been put to the test time and time again and have come out a righteous man. Everything you have done, you've done out of love for me. I know you feel guilty, but you have done nothing that requires my forgiveness. No Adam you have saved me, and I love you for it" I said to him with conviction.

"Sil, you know I've never been able to trust people. Out of everyone in the world you're the only one I ever let in. Do you realize the responsibility that comes with that? If you tell me you love me and I find out that you don't, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" he asked. I thought about this for a second, Adam had always been well liked, very popular but also very guarded. He trusted no one, and though he never told me why, I was sure he had his reasons and knew he would tell me why he was that way when he was ready to. In the meantime I didn't push him. I knew he was feeling extremely vulnerable and I understood why, one night I'm screaming how much I hate him and suddenly I'm telling him that I love him. I could see why he wasn't ready to let his guard down. We needed a plan so I could begin to regain his trust.

"Adam, why don't we take it slow and court each other like they used to in the olden days?" I suggested. He shot a big smile at me, "You mean like go on dates?" he asked with a certain excitement in his voice. "Yes, we could date each other, you know, get to know each other all over again, what do you think of that idea?" I replied. "It's a great idea Sil, but you can't leave here yet, it's not safe and I'm not going to risk losing you a second time" he said looking me straight in the eyes. I knew this wasn't going to be up for negotiation, "What do you suggest then?" I asked. "Well, this house is huge, though it's not really a house, it's more like a castle, actually it is a castle. I've been wanting you to see it, so maybe we can use each room as a new place to go on our dates? Would that be alright? he asked. "That would work, I think I'd really like that! Adam, I've noticed that everything around us screams wealth, even the clothes, which by the way, you have really good taste, everything is so beautiful. Anyways, how did you acquire this kind of lifestyle?" I asked curiously. Adam stood up, "Ah! Now that is an excellent topic for our first date, "how Adam the wayward vampire became a tycoon practically overnight!" he said making grandioes gestures with his hands. I giggled, "Oh boy, I can't wait to hear this story! So when are you going to ask me out?" I asked him anxiously. "Well, I have some preparations to make first, so why don't we meet up at midnight, and not that what you''re wearing isn't stunning, but I'd like to request something long and formal, if you don't mind my love" Adam said looking at me with those sexy, soft, dark brown eyes of his. "Anything you want Adam, I'm really looking forward to this! It would be nice to have a change of scenery, besides the dungeon!" I said jokingly as I got up and walked to him, giving him a great big hug. "Thank you for loving me" I said and I gave him a sweet little peck of a kiss on his cheek. "I do love you Silvie, so damn much, thank you for letting me, I'll see you at midnight" He kissed me on the cheek and then he was gone.


Chapter 32: Seeking Sound Advice

Adam had business to take care of with Miranda, his business associate. Though it was Miranda who was responsible for Adam's transformation he had the utmost respect for her. She took him into her world, taught him their ways, trained him and made him into a powerful, very skilled vampire. She discovered his strengths and nurtured them. Discovering he was an avid chemist, she set him up with his own laboratory and any materials he needed at his disposal. When he was alive, he was attending a junior college and majoring in chemistry. Adam's desire was to eventually become a chemist and work for a major pharmaceutical company. He achieved even greater heights in his life of the undead, than he had in the living world. Not only was he a successful chemist, he discovered Nitro Infusion.

Miranda was a high priestess, as well as the sole proprietor of Hell's Pit. Miranda and Adam made a fortune together when they teamed up with what each had to offer the vampire world. Business in the vampire world works the same as in the living world. How a vampire attains money is virtually the same, labor, sales, and sometimes thievery. Vampires live by many of the same rules to keep a sense of order. Vampire thieves of the living world are not respected and are shunned. Stealing from another vampire is punishable by death. Killing another vampire without probable cause is also punishable by death. There is a high court and in the vampire world, one is guilty until proven innocent. If one cannot prove their innocence in a reasonable amount of time, death is administered by sunlight exposure, turning one's body to dust, expelling them from existence. This process is referred to as Obliteration.

Adam entered Miranda's estate and was greeted with a kiss from her on both of his cheeks, she was always happy to see him. He had become her favorite and most successful protege. "Adam, darling so good to see you" she said with a big, beautiful smile. "Miranda, you look lovely as always" he replied as he held her hand and kissed it. "So tell me Adam, I heard from good sources, you tore up my establishment and stole another vampires mate, is this true?" she asked him, cutting to the chase. "Yes, it is true, and that is why I came here, I need your guidance on this matter" Adam responded, not knowing what her reaction would be. "Adam I am sure you had your reasons, perhaps even justifiable ones, but without any facts I cannot condone your actions. We, as a society, cannot afford the luxury of taking whoever strikes our fancy if they are bonded with another vampire. The witnesses do not know the details behind the scenes, they only know what they saw with their own eyes, and to them it appears that you picked a fight with a vamp who obviously doesn't match your strength and stole his mate" she paused for a moment, "This mate you allegedly stole, shes the one you've been keeping in your heart all this time, isn't she?  How did she come to be in our world now?" she inquired. Adam shook his head affirming her question, "Yes, sadly and happily she is here" he replied looking down. "Adam, I know it is hard for you to trust, but you came to me for a reason, I suggest you tell me what is going on so I can best help you. This cannot be just swept under the rug, vamps want order, they need order. How would it be if they see you about not having answered to this. You need the freedom of having your named cleared. You owe that to yourself as well as your prospective mate. The slate needs to be clean." She finished and waited.

 Opening up was very difficult for him, but he knew he would have to put his trusting of Miranda to the test. She was there the moment he had transformed, she heard him cry out the first thought that came to his mind, "Silvia!". She knew the pain, torment and anguish that comes from leaving someone you love behind. She showed him mercy, taking him in under her wing, even though it was her fangs that had ended his life and the possibility of him ever spending his life with the woman he loved. He had accepted the idea that he and Silvia may never be together, but he wasn't willing to let her go. Adam rubbed the back of his neck to try and ease the tension he was feeling. "I loved her so much, I couldn't take her life from her and bring her into our world. So I watched over her and discovered her boyfriend, Ty, deceived her, took her innocence and ultimately took her life. I killed him out of anger and thought I had destroyed him, but somehow he escaped, two nights later he sucked the life out of her and took her, when I went back, she was gone. I knew it was him that took her. Weeks later I saw them at Hell's Pit, I confronted him, he attacked me, I struck back and took Silvia. No one knows my dwelling, so she is safe there. I told her there is a spell on the room and she can't get out without my permission. She hasn't tried to vaporize or she would find out there is no spell. I had locked the door and that's the only thing keeping her prisoner. We had a reckoning so to speak and she knows of Ty's deception, she now hates him and wants to annihilate him, and I know sooner or later she'll figure out she can leave of her own will. If she does, what if I'm not there to protect her? What if something happens to her? Through all of this, she says she loves me. We agreed to take it slow, build trust and learn each other all over again. I want to trust her, but you know how I am with that. I can't lose her a second time Miranda, I love her far too much to go through that again. I would thrust a stake into my own heart before I lose her again" he told her with intense sincerity.

Miranda had lived in the world of the undead for hundreds of years. She was wise and well respected in the vampire world. She had countless experiences that gave her insight and taught her patience in situations, where as novice vampires lacked the wisdom it took to read a situation and be able to predict the outcome. Miranda had listened to Adam state his case. She completely understood his position and found his explanation to be worthy of his actions. "If his character is as you say it is, then he will undoubtedly expose himself for the philanderer that he is. No decent vampire will respect that and they will turn against him and understand your part in extracting Silvia from a mate who is disloyal. There are exceptions to taking another vampires mate, and this qualifies as one. The problem I fore-see is Silvia's vengeance on him, if she should be successful in his demise, she will have to prove she had probable cause. This is easier said than done. She will be confined until the first full moon of her captivity, at which time she would have to stand in court and plead her case. She would need credible witnesses in proving her actions were justified. I strongly suggest you gain some intel as to the persona he is portraying to the vamp community. I would also recommend you go about this incognito to avoid another confrontation with him. One more thing Adam, I know it would give you great pleasure to destroy him yourself, which would be understandable, however, Silvia needs her vengeance, this is between her and the one who deceived her. If you were to take that from her, she may never forgive you for it, regardless of your intentions. Allow her to wipe the slate clean, then and only then, will she be free to love you completely" Miranda advised. 

Adam had listened to her insight and her advice appreciatively. He took her hand, "Thank you Miranda, you have been most hopeful. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date" he said to her as he winked and then kissed her hand. "Good luck Adam, I'm sure it will all work out, I'll do what I can to help you" she said. Adam vaped.






Chapter 33: A Sweet Exchange

"Red, how long have you been a vampire?" Delilah asked him curiously? Red pretending to count on his fingers, "Oh man, ah let me see, like some two hundred years, give or take a year or two" he replied with a goofy smile. "Why don't you have a girlfriend, or a wife? Are you one of those players that have a whole string of girls waiting on the sidelines?" she said in a serious tone. Red started laughing, "Me a player? Oh Delilah, you're hysterical! Man I've been considered a lot of things but you're the first to think of me as a player!" he said chuckling. "No, really Red, why don't you have a woman? You're absolutely charming!" she said fluffing his fiery red hair. Red removed his glasses, " Here honey, I think you need these more than I do!" he said as he put them on her face. Her vision completely distorted as she tried to look at him through the thick glasses. "Jesus Red, you're as blind as a bat!" she laughed, " Ha! Get it "blind as a bat!" Get it Red, get the correlation? she said amused by her own joke as she handed Red his glasses. Red smiled, "Beauty, brains and wit, a triple-threat girl eh? Red laughed as he put his glasses back on.

Delilah thought for a second, "Hey, I thought vampires were suppose to be the epitome of superiority, wouldn't that include good eye-sight?"she asked him. "No man, that's Hollywood stuff, whatever condition you were before you transformed is how you are after the transformation, with bonus features though. Like you have the ability to gain super strength, power and superior skills if you train, too much sweat involved for me, really I'm just more of a lady's man!" he said as he winked. Delilah playfully pushed his shoulder," I knew it! You are a player!" she teased. "Yeah, man you got me all figured out! No, really if you want to know the truth, I never met anyone, besides you, that I would even consider being with" he said in a serious tone. "Are you telling me that in two hundred years I'm the first woman that you've been interested in?" she asked him. "Well, yeah, I mean, um, yeah. Is that alright Delilah? Like hey man, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can get out of your hair" Red told her feeling quite vulnerable. Delilah gave him a big hug, "Come on you big silly guy, don't be all bashful with me! If you haven't noticed I really like you Red. I think you're the greatest guy I've ever met. Others might see you differently than I do, but I wouldn't change a thing about you. I love your crazy red hair, your thick glasses and goofy buck teeth, but what I love most about you is your heart and how you stand up for your convictions. That takes a real man. You stood up to Ty, knowing he could kick your ass, but you didn't let that stop you from setting him straight. I was so proud of you even though I didn't even know you, I think I might have fallen in love with your heart that very moment. You are the kind of man I always hoped would love me one day. I went through a lot of men to find you Red, do you think  you can forgive me of my past?" Red smiled gently, a beautiful smile filled with pure love for this woman who had opened her heart to him. "Hey there sweetheart, your past is just that, your past, it's all behind you now. Where you go from here is what truly matters. You're kind to ask me to forgive your past, but that's not my place love, you have to forgive yourself for your past and look towards your future, a future I would love to be a part of" he said and then gently kissed her as tears rolled from her eyes.

Chapter 34: Our First Date

At twelve midnight Adam knocked on my door. "Come in" I told him as I stood in front of the fireplace. Adam opened the door and poked his head in, "Gud eve-aning!" he said in his best Igor impersonation. I laughed, "Good evening Igor, I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you, I'm waiting for Adam" she teased. Adam stuck his head back out and shut the door. He paused for a second and knocked again. "Come in" I said giggling as I rolled my eyes. Adam opened the door, "Avon calling!" he said this time impersonating a woman's voice. "Oh for God's sake Adam! Get your ass in here!" I yelled at him while laughing at the same time. Finally he came in, shut the door and began walking towards me, suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks, "My God, you look absolutely beautiful Silvie!" I had found a long slim, black halter-style evening gown encrusted with tiny sparkling rhinestones all over it. The shoes I wore were a high heel pair of black satin stiletto pumps. I felt like royalty. I had put my hair up in a loose bun and left some strands out in the front that framed my face. I applied a little more make-up than usual, still keeping it simple though. I had applied black liquid eyeliner and mascara. For my lips I chose a deep, rich crimson. Though I would have liked to have seen what I looked like, it was true, vampires can't see their own reflection. I do know that I felt like I looked beautiful. "Thank you Adam" I said as I walked towards him. He took my hand and kissed it, never losing eye contact with me, it was very sexy. Adam wore a classic black tuxedo, with tails. His vest, shirt and tie were a crisp white, his shoes a shiny black. He looked extremely handsome. His brown eyes seemed darker than usual, making his medium brown hair appear lighter. "Adam, you look really handsome tonight" I told him sincerely. "Thank you Silvie" he offered me his arm, "Shall we?" he asked. I hooked my arm around his, "We shall!" I replied, and we were gone.

I looked around me absolutely mesmerized. The room was huge and lit up with hundreds of candles. It appeared to be a ballroom. The floor was an expansive, richly toned hardwood that shined exquisitely, reflecting the light of each candle. The ceiling was two stories high and had three enormous crystal chandeliers hanging from it evenly distributed. One in the center and one on each side all lightly dimmed. There were columns that reached from floor to ceiling placed at the openings of the four double door entrances. One side of the room was predominately glass windows that opened to the veranda. I said nothing for a long time as I stood in awe taking in my surroundings, Adam watching my reactions the whole time. I walked over to the windows and looked out into the night sky. It was exceptionally dark and I could see millions of brilliant stars twinkling. I turned to Adam, "Oh Adam, I've never seen anything so amazing, it's absolutely breath-taking" I said in total astonishment. He smiled gently, "I'm glad you like it because it's yours too. Everything I have is yours. I love you Silvia and I want to share everything with you, including eternity" he said as he lifted my head to kiss me. Oh how we kissed, so lovingly passionate. I was completely lost in the moment when suddenly, a lone violin began to play a haunting melody, soon after a cello joined in and together they created a captivating harmony. Adam and I slowly danced, both of us captured in a melodious trance. As the two instruments came to a crescendo an entire orchestra joined them. "Adam it sounds like they're right here with us" I said to him as we continued to dance. "One day I hope to have a ball in here with a real orchestra, but until then nothing but the best, a top of the line, state of the art, computerized sound system!" he replied. "I wonder what Count Dracula would think of the technology these days?" I asked jokingly. "Actually, he was quite impressed" he said in a serious tone. I stopped dancing for a second and looked up at him, "Nu-uh!" I said hoping he was joking. " I let him check  out the system, he pushed some random button and Queen's song "Another one bites the dust" came on, he didn't like that one too much" he said trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably. I hit his shoulder, "Stop teasing me, that was terrible!" I said laughing. We danced a little while longer until Adam suggested we go sit out on the veranda and take in some night air. "But aren't you afraid I'll escape?" I asked him. "Nope, you can't, not without my permission. I put a spell on you" he said with confidence. "What, and now I'm yours?" I said in reference to the song. "Yep" was all he said as we walked hand in hand out to the veranda and sat down together in a swinging loveseat and stared into the night sky. We had left the doors open so we could still hear the music, we sat comfortable in the silence between us for a moment, just enjoying our surroundings.

"Adam, why don't you tell me your "rags to riches" story" I said to him curiously. Adam looked at me and said, "Okay, here goes...I was born a man of humble beginnings..." he begun dramatically. "Oh my God Adam! Why don't you just get to the part where you became disgustingly wealthy" I said laughing as I interrupted him. "Oh fine, deprive me of my limelight! Remember when I told you I was attacked by a female vampire?" he asked. "Yes, I remember" I replied. "Well for some reason she took pity on me and took me under her wing. Miranda taught me skills, powers various supernatural abilities. I'm what is referred to as a "Vampire Elite". Anyways, she discovered I had an obsession with chemistry, you know how I always wanted to do something chemistry related. Well she set me up with my own laboratory and anything I needed. It wasn't long before I made an incredible discovery" he paused, "Are you ready for this Sil?" he said keeping me in baited anticipation. "Yes Adam, I'm ready, what did you discover?" I said sitting on the edge of my seat. He leaned over and whispered in my ear "Nitro-infusion" he said proudly as he tried to remain humble. "You're the creator of Nitro-infusion?" I said in disbelief. "Yours Truly!" he said pointing at himself with a smile on his face. "Adam, I always knew you were smart, but I had no idea your brain was this big, I'm impressed" I said blown away. "That's not all, Miranda is the sole owner of Hell's Pit, I gave her exclusive rights to the distribution of Nitro-Infusion, her nightclub is the only place you can purchase it. So you can imagine what this has done for her business, together our business's have made a fortune. I go into Hell's Pit regularly to test for quality control. I also created an antidote that counter-acts the effects so I don't end up addicted. It does happen and the antidote is available for those who let their usage get out of control.  Before you got here I either spent my time in the lab, watching over you or stopping in Hell's Pit for brief periods of time. No one has a clue that I am the owner and creator of Nitro-fusion. "That doesn't surprise me, you've always been very guarded. Do you think I'll meet Miranda some time? Is she gorgeous, should I be jealous?" I asked him, feeling slightly insecure. "Yes, you will definitely meet her, and yes she is very beautiful, but she is not you so you don't need to be worried in the slightest!" he replied.

I threw my arms around him, "Oh Adam, I'm so glad we're back in each others lives, even if you were destitute, it wouldn't matter. I'm just happy we are here in the same place, at the same time. I'm sorry I ever let you go that day, I was afraid we were getting too close. Your ultimatum gave me the chance to bail out and I did because I was too scared to take a risk. I missed you so damn much, I wanted to call you and tell you I changed my mind so many times, but I was too stubborn. When I met Ty, for a long time I just used him to replace your absence. I had so many dreams about you over the years, and now I understand why. They were always wonderful dreams Adam, and now my dreams are coming true, here you are, sitting right next to me. You were right, you said I would come to love you in time, and I have. Thank you Adam for saving me, I love you" I said "Come on love, let's go have one more dance before I take you home" he said and then he laughed, "Wait, you are home". I giggled, took his hand as he led me to the dance floor. We danced a couple more songs and then he took me back to my room. We kissed, said good-night to each other and he left. I changed into a dark blue satin chemise, climbed into bed, reached over and rang the bell.



Chapter 35: Shunned and Pissed

Ty walked into Hell's Pit, like he had each night since Silvia's abduction. His determination wasn't out of love for her, it was more of an obsession to him. It was as if someone had stolen his '68 Convertible Corvette in front of his eyes. He wanted it back. Most of the vamps had offered what they could to help him retrieve his mate. They sympathized with him, understanding how he must feel being over-powered and having his mate taken from him. Each night that passed, fewer fellow vampires approached him. He made his way to the bar and had difficulty in getting the bartender's attention. His frustration growing he angrily slammed his fist down on the bar, finally the bartender made eye-contact. "Loaded "O" positive" he growled. The bar tender served him without saying a word and went back to his business. As Ty turned and looked around him, it seemed like everyone had their back to him. He saw Red and a woman that looked vaugely familiar talking and laughing at the other end of the bar. He watched them for a while, noticing that not once had Red look over at him. He was intentionally being ignored by Red. "Circus freak!" Ty mumbled to himself as he looked around the dance floor hoping something interesting would grab his attention. He saw Chantel dancing with a vamp he didn't recognize, she looked over at him, seeing that he was watching her. She wrapped her arms around the man and engaged in a long exotic kiss. She glanced back to Ty and sneered at him, as if to tell him she had found something better. "Fuck this place!" Ty said outl oud and left Hell's Pit in a huff. Once he was out of the building he vaped into the night and was gone.

With anger and a bad attitude fueling him, he found himself in Central Park hungry for a kill. The park was vast, but there was always easy pickings. Any time of night people could be found there. The loaded concoction gave him incredible energy, awareness and boosted his already keen eye-sight and hearing. It wasn't long before he had his target.

A gang consisting of four punks were tagging a bridge in a dimly lit area of the park. He watched and observed, no one else was around, the opportunity for a strike had made itself known. For a novice vamp to take on four people was risky, but he welcomed a challenge. He calmly walked towards the gang as if he were out for some late-night stroll. The hood-rat's heard the intruder and turned to him, "Hey holmes, isn't it a little past your bedtime?" one of the four spoke out. Ty didn't respond, he just kept walking towards them. "Hey muther-fucker, someone asked you a question!" another one said. Again he didn't respond and stopped as the four circled him. His iris's had already turned black and his fangs were exposed. The young men could now see something wasn't right with this guy. "What the fuck is with your teeth man? What are you one of those vampire posers?" one punk said. " Hey Dracula, you vanna suck our blood homey?" another said mocking him. They moved around him like buzzards circling the dead. He heard the sound of a switchblade knife being whipped open. "You want blood muther-fucker, I'll give you some blood" said the punk with the blade as he quickly lunged for Ty. In one swift motion he grabbed the punk's wrist with one hand, abruptly stopping the knife an inch away from piercing his heart. A slight smile came over Ty's face. With his other hand he slowly took the switchblade out of the guys hand. In a flash he twisted the punks arm behind his back and plunged the knife deep into his ribs. He let out a fatal moan and dropped to the ground. One down, three to go. Another attacked, attempting to throw a roundhouse kick to Ty's head. He caught the leg in mid air, snapping the knee forward as though it were a twig, the punk laid on the ground, writhing in pain. Two were left standing, one jumped on his back getting a choke-hold on him, as the other tried to attack him from the front. Ty bit into the guys arm, he shrieked in pain and released his hold as Ty reached over grabbing him by his shoulders and flipped him over his head into the air, while he simultaneously kicked the one in front of him sending him flying backwards, the two colliding with each other, both of them spilling to the ground. One got up and ran, the other tried to get up without success, Ty looked over to the one with the broken leg who was still coherent, but in agonizing pain. "Hey homey! You're going to love this!" he said excitedly as he knelt down to the punk who had jump on his back and violently bit a chunk out of the hood-rat's throat. "What the fuck are you?" the guy with the broken leg screamed. Two down,two to go. Ty didn't bother sucking blood, he wasn't there to feed. He just wanted to kill. "I'm just some guy posing as a vampire up past my bedtime" Ty said in a nonchalant tone. "Hey, I'll be right back, I think your buddy may have gotten lost, don't worry though, I'll find him!" Ty said to him as he vaped right before the hoodlum's tear filled eyes.

The one that had ran off, didn't get too far. He kept looking behind him, to see if he was being chased. Hoping that he had gotten away, he slowed down to catch his breath. He looked behind him as he still was moving forward, just as he turned to look ahead, he plowed into Ty. His eyes widened as Ty without hesitation, grabbed him by the shirt with one hand, bit into his neck, ripped out his jugular and spit it into his face. Ty picked him up and carried him back to his friend, throwing his dead, limp body to the ground in front of him. His friend looked at the gruesome bloody sight. Three down, one to go. Ty smiled, "See, I told you I'd find him!. He looked up at Ty, accepting his fate, "Well, what the hell are you waiting for you piece of sh..." his final words becoming an unfinished question as Ty finished him off. 

Chapter 36: My Patient Teacher

Just as I had set the bell down Adam appeared at the foot of my bed wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms. "Is something wrong Sil?" he asked sounding concerned. "No, nothing's wrong, I was just wondering what you were doing?" I replied knowing it was a silly question. Adam smiled, "I was just getting ready for bed, why?" he asked curiously. His muscular chest, abs and arms completely distracting me, I didn't answer right away. "Sil? Hellooo? Are you in there?" he asked waving his hand between us to get my attention. 'Oh, yeah, I'm here, sorry, I was just thinking..." I said almost forgetting why I called him here in the first place. "Love, are you going to tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours or do I have to use telepathy on you to find out?" he chuckled. "Can you do that?" I asked in earnest. "Yes, I can on certain people, but it's very draining" he answered. "Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you, I was hoping you could give me a crash course in Vamp 101. I want you to train me to become an "vampire elite" like you" I said excitedly. "It would be my pleasure to teach you everything I know. I was taught by the best, so I feel confident that I could train you well. But you would have to commit yourself to my training and do exactly what I say, none of that head-strong Silvia stuff. You must learn submission in order to learn dominance. Do you think you could handle that?" he said in a serious tone. "Absolutely one-hundred percent! When can we start?" I asked with enthusiasm. "We can start right now! Your first lesson is obedience. Kiss me" he said, giving me a direct order.

Pulling back the comforter, I slowly climbed across the bed like a cat stalking it's prey, keeping eye contact with him. I raised to my knees, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him to me. I closed my eyes and kissed him deep and long. He wrapped his arms around me, picked me up and held me tightly as we locked ourselves in a kiss. He slowly guided us down to the bed, lying partially on top of me. My hands roamed over his body, exploring the muscles on his back and arms, the definition and firmness tantalizing my senses. He was beautiful, not just his physical attributes, but more importantly, his heart. There wasn't anything about him that didn't love me. I wanted to feel that kind of love towards him, I wanted to, but something was holding me back.

He explored the softness of my skin and the shape of my curves. Our lips parted for a moment, "Silvie, you're so beautiful, I love you so much" he said tenderly. "I was just thinking the same about you Adam" I said as I looked deep into his eyes. "You don't love me enough yet Silvie, not yet, but you will and I'm waiting for you until I have your complete love, you do understand don't you?" Adam said somewhat sadly. I nodded my head affirming I understood. He climbed of the bed and walked around to my side. He pulled the comforter up, under my chin, tucking me in nice and snug and kissed my forehead. "We'll pick-up on training tomorrow and afterward I'll take you on another date if you'd like, sound good?" he asked. "That sounds perfect, I can't wait, Good-night Adam, I love you" I said looking up at him and smiling. "Good-night beautiful, I love you, sweet dreams" he said as he brushed my cheek gently with his hand and then he was gone.

Chapter 37: Unsettled Business

I laid in bed thinking about what Adam had said about me not loving him enough yet, I knew he was right. He wanted the kind of love between us that doesn't fade or tarnish. He wanted the kind of love that never dies. The passion between us was clearly there, our chemistry together meshed beautifully. We communicated with each other as if it were second nature, whether causally chatting, discussing something important or even angry, we could both freely express ourselves, regardless. I loved Adam years ago, I just didn't have the maturity to understand it then. Now that I have him back in my life I will come to love him the way he wants me to, because it is the way I want to love him.

I have unsettled business tainting my heart, clouding my thoughts and judgment, I find the only solution is closure. I can only free myself through retribution. The only verdict being total annihilation. I know Ty would never let me go, he was far too possessive. As long as he lived as the undead, I would never truly be free. It is my debt to collect, and mine alone. It would be by my hands that Ty would meet with his demise. 

I will be patient, I will learn all that Adam has to teach me and when the time is right I will seek out and destroy Ty and have my vengeance. I drifted to sleep with visions of blood and love, dancing in my head.

Chapter 38: The Ruins

The next evening, Ty wasn't wanting to go to Hell's Pit. He was beginning to feel unwelcome there, and decided to be low-key for a night. Adam hadn't shown up there as of yet, and chances were he wasn't going to any time soon. Unfortunately for him, he was craving Nitro infused blood. Remembering what Red had told him, he decided he would buy some off the street and take his chances. He needed his fix.

He vaped to a run-down, ghetto part of the abandoned city, certain he could find someone trying to make some cash selling the knock-off drug. In this particular area you could find the lowest form of vampires, the ones who were shunned by the respectable vamp community. Pimps, whores, dealers and thieves dominated the four block square referred to as "The Ruins". It consisted primarily of old store fronts, dozens of two-story apartment complexes, a couple mechanic shops and a several warehouses. Nearly every window was busted out, boarded up and every square inch tagged in spray paint. Debris flew freely through the streets, there was clearly no care or attention given to this area within the last decade. If you were there for trouble, you'd find a stake in your heart before you could blink an eye, but if you were a paying customer you were treated like royalty.

The Ruins was run by a vampire clan known as "Shadow Dwellers". They were the authority on who could be there, and what their role was in their domain. Their law was very basic, do what they tell you, when they tell you and how they tell you to do it, or be obliterated. The hierarchy allowed the Shadow Dwellers to exist simply because they kept the riff-raff localized and handled their own matters in their own ways freeing up the high courts' time for more important matters.

As Ty wondered down the block, he was approached first by a small female vamp in whorish attire. Her face had sores and her cheeks sunken in. Her dirty blond hair matted with dreadlocks. She had bright red lipstick plastered on her lips far exceeding her lip line. Her blue eyes dull and lifeless only to be accentuated by the layers of old mascara smeared around them. Ty wondered how the hell she was able to attract anyone. "You looking for a date handsome?" she asked him as she rubbed her boney hand up his chest. "No sweetheart, not tonight, actually I'm looking for some Nitro, you know where I can get some beautiful?" he said flirtatiously in an attempt to get what he wanted from her. "I'll escort you right to the man, if you hook me up with a shot big daddy" she said as she winked. "Lead the way girl" he replied gesturing for her to take the lead. "Right this way, he's down the street here a bit, you can find him there anytime of night. His name is Joe Joe. That's his first name and last name. Isn't that funny. Joe Joe" she laughed. He doesn't like it when people shorten his name, so don't just call him Joe, you have to call him Joe Joe. Okay doll?" she told him seriously as if warning him of a real danger. "Got it, Joe Joe, thanks for the tip, by the way, what's your name?" he asked her, not that he cared in the slightest. She smiled at his interest in her, "I'm Lu Lu, but you can call me Lu, I won't get mad. You gonna tell me your name handsome?" she asked. "Ty, short for Tyler" he said as they approached a huge, biker looking vamp with just about every bit of him covered in tattoo's. "Hey Lu, I see you got you some company tonight eh?" the large vamp said in a surprisingly kind tone. Lu giggled, "I wish Joe Joe, he's a handsome one" she said licking her bright red lips. "He's actually here for you baby, I just made sure he got to the right hands ya know?" she said. The big vamp held out his hand, "Joe Joe at your service, what can I do you for there partner?' he said as Ty and him shook hands. "Pleased to meet you Joe Joe, the name's Ty. I'm looking for Nitro, I heard I could get it down here, am I talking to the right guy?" he asked slightly nervous. "Oh yeah, I'm your guy, runs forty-five a vial, guaranteed to give the same effects and more than the real deal" he told him as he pulled a vial from the inside of his leather vest. "How about I get two of those, I promised the young lady, I'd hook her up" he said nodding to Lu. "No prob man" as he pulled another from his vest. "Here's a hundred, keep the change Joe Joe, thanks I'll probably be seeing you around" he said as he handed him the hundred dollar bill. "Hey Ty, can I ask you a personal question?" he said. "Sure" Ty replied. "You look like the respectable type, why you come here and not Hell's Pit?" he asked curiously. "Let's just say I'm not a church goer, they seem to be a little too high and mighty for my likings" Ty replied. Joe Joe chuckled, "Yeah, I know what you mean man, fuck those judgmental assholes! Don't let the bastards get you down man!" Joe Joe advised. Ty handed Lu a vial, thanked her and vaped into the night.


Chapter 39: Cold Justice

After chatting with Joe Joe for a while about how crappy business was going for her, he tried to give her some words of encouragement. "Hey Lu, don't be so down, things will pick up for you, everyone goes through a slump for time to time, just hang in there girl. I'll do what I can to send some business your way" he said truly caring about her. She was like a little sister to her, and he was like her big brother, he always looked out for her. She smiled and said, "Thanks Joe Joe, you always know what to say to make me feel better", she gave him a big hug. "I'll see ya 'round big guy, I gots to go take me medicine" she said holding up the vial. "Take care sis!" he called out as she walked away.

She went back to her nasty one room apartment. With no electricity, she used candles as everyone did in the ghetto. She lit one next to her filthy mattress on the floor and sat down on the edge of hit. She uncorked the vial and slammed it down. At first, it gave her a rush of warmth, she smiled, enjoying the effect of the knock-off drug. She felt a tingling sensation dancing across her skin, at first it was slightly tickllish, then the feeling intensified, she looked down at her arms and was suddenly horrified at what she saw, her skin was covered with black beetles trying to burrow into her flesh. She screamed, she jumped up, they were all over her. She tried knocking them off, she couldn't get rid of them, they were biting her all over, trying to eat their way into her skin. She panicked and ran out the door screaming, running to the only person she knew could help her. Joe Joe heard her screaming from down the street, he ran towards her as she ran towards him. "What is it Lu, what's wrong?" he yelled as they nearly collided. "Get them off me! Help me Joe Joe, get them the fuck off me!" she screamed. He saw nothing on her. She was fighting herself wildly, trying to get rid of whatever it was she thought was on her. He realized she was hallucinating. "There's nothing there baby, you're just having a bad trip" Joe Joe said grabbing and holding her, trying to comfort her. "Joe Joe, make it stop, please, make them go away!" she cried out desperately. "Okay baby, I got to get the antidote. Can you wait here for a minute?" he asked urgently. "No, don't leave me here alone, please" she replied terrified. Several vamps had come out of there dwellings to see what the commotion was. "Joe Joe, we'll stay with her while you get the antidote, go on, she'll be fine" a young misfit vamp named Damien said. Joe Joe didn't have a choice, where he was going he couldn't take anyone with him. "Okay, make sure she's safe until I return, don't fuck with me, got it?" Joe Joe said sternly not trusting the young vamps. "They're going to stay with you Lu, I'll be right back baby" he said, not even waiting for her response, he vaped.

Damien, Pritchard and Mike were class A fuck-ups, if there was an opportunity for them to be evil, they would welcome it. The three stood there eying Lu Lu, she was shaking almost convulsing. She sat herself down on the sidewalk leaning against a building in the dark shadows. She held herself, looking up at the three, she was scared and knew they were trouble. "Hey Lu, you know what would make you feel better? If you suck my dick" Pritchard said as he unzipped his pants. "Cover me" he said looking at his two comrades. He stepped directly in front of her as she tried to hide her face with her hands, shaking her head screaming. He grabbed her by her dreadlocks lifting her head up, "Suck it!" he commanded as he shoved it in her mouth. Her eyes turned black, her fangs elongated and in blind fury she bit down viciously, flinging her head back and forth like a wild animal, severing his penis. He screamed in agonizing pain as he fell backwards blood gushing from his crotch. Immediately the other two changed into their vampire forms and began attacking her. She covered herself as they began violently tearing at her, suddenly the attack stopped and she was left sitting there in complete silence. She lifted her head and saw the three laying next to her, each one with a stake through their heart. Dead. She looked across the street and saw a member of the Shadow Dwellers with his cross bow. Justice had been served. He walked across the street towards her. "Are you all right?" he asked coldly. She nodded, "Joe Joe went to get me the antidote" she said. Just then Joe Joe appeared, "God dammit! I knew I couldn't trust those punks, I'm sorry baby, here, take this" he said uncorking a vial containing clear liquid as he helped her guide it to her bloody mouth. Immediately she felt better and started sobbing. He held her and patted her back. "It's okay Joe Joe, you had to go, you didn't have a choice" she said trying to comfort him knowing he was feeling guilty. Joe Joe turned to the Shadow Dweller still standing there, "Thanks man, if it weren't for you..." he said. "Take her to Thea, she'll clean-up her wounds, just leave the bodies out on the street, they're not going anywhere, the sun will dispose of them properly," he said almost sounding tedious. "Thank you sir, we'll do just that" Joe Joe said as he picked her up and carried her to Thea.

Thea was a doctor in her living life, she chose to live in "The Ruins" to help the lessor kind. She was well respected by all vampires. She was often called upon by the respectable vamps as well. Many referred to her as "The Mother Teresa" of the vampire world. She was expecting Lu, and met them at the door ushering them inside. It was a hospital type setting, clearly the cleanest establishment in The Ruins. Joe Joe set her down on a stretcher while Thea tender to her wounds. Vampires usually heal faster than the living unless they are unhealthy, which Lu was extremely unhealthy. "I'm going to keep her here until she's healthy. We're looking at least a couple weeks to get her up to par" Thea said to Joe Joe. "Oh that will be great Doc, She needs some TLC" he said as he smiled at Lu. She smiled back at him, still feeling weak and torn-up. "If you want to stay with her until sunset, that would be fine, you can sleep in the bed next to her, she needs to bathe so we'll be back in about twenty minutes" Thea said with her hazel eyes smiling. "I'd like that Doc, they gave me the rest of the night off" he replied. She pulled a wheelchair around for Lu, helped her in it and whisked her out the door. Joe Joe hopped onto a hospital bed and rested his eyes, thinking about Ty, hoping they would reach him in time.

Chapter 40: Alexander Crane

A tall dark figure appeared in Ty's liar. He wore a long black robe with a hood which covered his head. He slowly pulled down the hood exposing his lustrious silver hair. He was stiking, his eyes a brilliant copper, framed by dark, perfectly shapped eyebrows that contrasted his manacured silver goat-tee, his skin, though pale, glowed flawlessly. He features strong and masculine. He looked around the room, it was dark except for the light cast from the fireplace. He listened, honning in on the sound of running water. He approached the source of the noise coming from the bathroom, pushing the door completely open he saw Ty crouched in the corner of the shower. Ty was incoherent, his head slumped down, feeling a presence he looked up and saw the figure, he moaned and slumped his head back down. The water hitting Ty was freezing, as the figure turned off the facet. The man uncorked a vial containing the antidote, tilted Ty's head back and poured it down his throat. Ty began to gain his reality. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" he asked somewhat annoyed. The man threw his a towel, "Get dressed" he said gruffly as he walked out of the bathroom. The antidote worked almost immediate, and Ty was able to function as usual. He quickly dressed, and headed out to the room were the man stood waiting with his hands spread against the fireplace mantel, starring into the fire.

Ty stood there quietly, observing him. The man felt his presence and turned to Ty. "My name is Alexander Crane, I lead the clan known as the Shadow Dwellers in the Ruins. It was brought to my attention that you were one of two people that received a tainted batch of Nitro. I knew you were in need of the antidote, so I came" he stated. "Not that I'm unappreciative, but it seems odd that you yourself would make a house call, besides how would you even know where to find me?" Ty asked baffled. "Telepathy, I have a direct link to you" he answered. "I don't understand, how is that possible?" Ty asked. "Twenty-three years ago you were an experiment. I wanted to see if it were possible to conceive a child part vampire, part human to come into their own powers without awareness or influence of the super-natural world. If you'll forgive me, you turned out to be a huge disappointment. You took on primarily human characteristics. You weren't interesting enough for me to engage my time with. I am aware of your circumstances, being defeated by Adam and having your mate taken from you. You're weak and pathetic, but as my seed, I feel a certain obligation to assist you. I can teach you the skills and abilities to make you powerful, but frankly, I don't know if you have what it takes to become a vampire elite" he said rather coldly. Ty stood there, taking it all in, feeling very small. "So I grow up without a father, who by the way, turns out to be a vampire and have a mother that can't function because of her addiction to heroine, and you're disappointed in me? What chance did I have? You must have known what I went through as a kid, seeing men come and go, feeding my mothers addiction, while some were kind enough to give me fatherly attention by beating me. Where were you then? What does it take to earn your interest? Why are you here now, why bother giving me the antidote? What's in it for you?" he said bitterly. "Let's just say I'm interested in making amends" Alexander replied. Ty laughed, "I don't buy it, but I'll go along with it, Dad" he said sarcastically. "Do you know where Adam is keeping Silvia?" Ty asked. "No, Adam is illusive, he is under the protection of the High Priestess Miranda. Therefore he cannot be touched without, shall we say, a war on our hands. It would serve you well to understand, you have lost Silvia" he replied. "Silvia belongs to me, whether you help me or not, I will get her back" Ty said his anger showing. Alexander laughed, "Maybe the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree after all" he said. "I'll teach you everything I can, what you do with your power will be on you, it will be your fight and no one else's. Do you understand?" he asked sternly. "I wouldn't want it any other way, besides I'm use to fighting my own battles, I've had to do it my whole life" Ty replied with venom. "Follow me, we start now" Alexander said as he vaped, Ty, honing in on his telepathy he created a link between their minds and followed his fathers trail.



Chapter 41: Vampire Elite

The days rapidly turned into weeks as Adam diligently taught me warrior combat and skills I didn't even knew existed. The training was grueling, but I gave everything I had to master it. We spent hours perfecting speed, agility, and accuracy. He taught me how to manipulate space and time, to levitate, to disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye. I learned I could shapeshift into various animals and even change my human- like appearance into a completely different looking human. He built up my tolerance to silver by adding minute traces in the blood vials that I drank, which at first weakened me as if working out with weights strapped on. By gradually increasing the dosage of silver I was able to over-come it's effects to the point that it had no effect on me whatsoever. He taught me how to walk through fire unscathed. My mental strength and clarity increased dramatically as did the strength of my physical being. He taught me how to use various weapons such as throwing stars made of silver, bo staffs with sharp blades on the ends, cross-bows and throwing knives also made of silver. Adam marveled at my eagerness to learn, my tenacity and perseverance. He knew why I needed this training, he knew he would not be able to prevent my vendetta against Ty, so he would teach me using every bit of knowledge he had to prepare me for the inevitable. We never talked about it, we didn't need to. It was always evident to me that we were on the same page when I trained and he would refer to my perpetrator as "he". Countless scenario's of "he will came at you like this" or "when he grips you like that". We both knew the "he" was Ty.

Adam was all about balance, we always finished off the night with a date. We would get cleaned up and meet each other in my room, and he would show me a new room in the castle. One night we walked the grounds and I could see the outside of the castle. It was amazing. So enormous that it would take months to see every room, that's a lot of dates, which was fine by me. At the end of each date he would bring me back to my room and leave long enough for me to change into my nightclothes, climb into bed and ring the bell. He would tuck me in and read me a story until I fell asleep, kiss my forehead and leave me in blissful slumber. Adam and I had taken our relationship to a whole new level. We talked about so many things, and got to know each other better than ever. We would kiss and hold each other, but the romance was put on the back burner until things were settled and Adam knew what it would take for that to happen. He patiently waited, as did I. 


Chapter 42: Gaining Intel

Adam had tucked Silvia in, read her a story and kissed her good-night, she was sound asleep. In his chambers he shapeshifted into an older man with dark hair and graying side-burns. His face rounder, his brows slightly bushier, his eyes still a dark brown as this was the one thing that never changed when shapeshifting. His physique more heavy set, with a bit of a round belly. He wore black slacks and suspenders, a white shirt with a bow-tie and shinny black shoes. He looked nothing like himself except for his eyes. "Incognito" he said out loud to himself remembering Miranda's advice. It had been weeks since he left the castle, dedicating his time to Silvia and her training. It was a demanding task that he was happy to manage. Their time together had been extremely productive and fulfilling. He knew the time was drawing near for her and her pursuit to free herself. It was time he did some intel at Hell's Pit. Know your enemy, their habits, their lifestyle and those who they keep company with. His plan was to find out any information he could, and hopefully encounter him personally, without him being aware that it was Adam he was encountering. He was prepared and had two hours before the sun rose. Without hesitation his destination, Hell's Pit.

He walked into the nightclub that was just as lively as the last time he was there. Same crowd as always, and ofcourse new additions as word gets out of the clubs' quality and Nitro-infused blood exclusivity. Adam looked around as he walked up to the bar, no sight of Ty anywhere. He ordered a loaded "O" Positive, to check on the quality, since he was there anyways. Downing the concoction, he was satisfied as always. Good to know the production was carrying on well without him as per instructed. Miranda had several proteges that she offered as his assistants, who had proven their worth and earned his trust.

He struck up a conversation with a couple vamps sitting at the bar next to him. "Damn good stuff!" he said out loud, so as to get their attention. A male vamp sitting next to him overheard his enthusiasm, "No shit! The guy that invented that is a fucking genius!" he said in response. Adam held out his hand, "Horrice Whitmore, good to meet a fellow Nitro lover" the two shook hands, "Vance Cook, pleasure, this is Gilda my lovely wife" he replied introducing him to the woman next to him. Adam reached over and shook her hand. "So maybe you guys can fill me in on the who's who in here since I'm new" Adam inquired. They knew everyone and Adam knew it, he had seen them every time he had come in there. They were well liked by other vamps and known to be gossips. They pointed out various vamps and told a little bit about each one. Gilda began talking about a new love interest for an unlikely vampire named Red. "I mean the poor guy is a mess, but still he finally found love, good for her to see past his appearance ya know?" she told Adam, though it wasn't the kind of information he was looking for he pretended to be interested. Vance spoke up, "I got to give it to him, he stood up for himself against a vamp bigger than him" he said. Adam looked over at Red who was being dramatically animated while telling a story, everyone around him was laughing. "No kidding?" Adam commented. Gilda leaned over to Adam, "Yeah, he was trying to help this guy get his mate back, she was taken about a month ago in this very bar. Well, turns out the guy's a real piece of shit. A couple days after she was abducted, Red catch's him with his wick in some honey off the dance floor, I guess the next time Red see's him, he's in here getting rubbed down by some whores, Red called him on it, he grabbed the little guy by the throat and threatened him, Red stood his ground, said something to him that backed him down. Delilah saw and heard it all, I think she fell in love with Red then and there. Quite the story huh?" Guilda smiled in delight. "So what happened with this guy?" he asked. Vance spoke up, "He hasn't been seen in weeks, word has it he fled to The Ruins. After the incident with Red we all shunned him, it didn't take long for everyone to figure this guy out, he wasn't very discrete" he said. "What about his mate or the vamp that stole her? Have you heard anything about them?" Adam inquired. "No one's heard a word, they haven't surfaced. But if you ask me he did her a favor, no one really knows much about the vamp that took her other than he comes from wealth and he's kind of snobby. Some vamps are pretty guarded, it takes them a while to warm-up to other vamps, usually it's because they have something to hide. All I know is, I hope he's treating her right, ya know?" Vance said sincerly. "Yeah, I hear that one bud, I wonder why he would take her to begin with?" Adam asked trying to get as much information as possible. "When the confrontation took place here that night, Adam seemed to know both of them, apparently they had a past together. Ty and his mate, I believe her name was Silvia, they were recent additions, I know Adam has been around a couple years, I spoke with him briefly a couple times, but he was usually in and out so fast, no one ever got to know him" Vance finished.
Adam looked at his watch, "Well my friends, it looks like the night is nearly over, I thank you for the good company, I'm heading out before I turn to a pile of dust!" he said as he shook both of their hands. He was satisfied with the information he had gathered, he left Hell's Pit and returned to his dwelling. Within minutes he was back to his normal appearance and in bed, he drifted off to sleep thinking of Silvia until his thoughts turned into dreams of her as always. 



Chapter 43: Mission Accomplished

Ty had exhausted himself in training trying to impress the father he never knew he had. Alexander's training didn't include pats on the back for doing a good job, or words of encouragement. Instead it was a barrage of constant belittling and insults. Alexander pushed hard, he was relentless and when Ty failed he was punished with pain induced by mental torture. It was a ruthless display of training through negative re-enforcement. Ty was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake by accepting his fathers offer to train him. He found himself hating the man with a passion. 

He had been given a room in his father's dwelling located in The Ruins. He was allowed to hunt in civilization, but was forbid to go anywhere into the province other than The Ruins. His training was nightly, between ten pm and four am Weeks had gone by and he felt that he had achieved enough training to go his own way. Bottom line was he didn't want to be subjected to his father's scrutiny any longer. He wanted to go back to his liar, he wanted to work his way back into Hell's Pit, but most of all he wanted to destroy Adam and get Silvia back in his bed. He was certain Adam had made an appearance by now at Hell's Pit. He was anxiously needing resolution. Even though Alexander told him he wasn't ready to take Adam on, he thought differently. The training he received gave him confidence in himself that he had never experienced before. He decided he would tell his father tonight he would be leaving.

Ten o'clock pm Ty met with his father as scheduled. Ty nervously spoke up, "I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your teaching and training, but it's time for me to get back to my home" he said trying not to shake. "If you leave here you're a damn fool, all the time I put into you will have been a waste. You have no idea what you're doing. You're still as weak and pathetic as the day you came here. You may as well thrust a stake into your own heart and get it over with, at least you wouldn't be humiliated on the way out by Adams hands. Do what you will, other than my time you wasted, I don't really care" he coldly replied. 

Ty's blood was boiling, he didn't know who he hated more Adam or his father. He turned to walk away and vanished, suddenly he materialized behind his father, he instantly placed him in a choke hold and stabbed him in the back piercing his heart with a stake in one swift motion. Catching Alexander off-guard. Falling to his knees, he reached around and felt the stake as Ty slid around to face him. "Burn in hell you son of a bitch, I fucking hate you!" Ty yelled, tears rolling down his face. Alexander grabbed hold of Ty's shirt with one hand and ripped the stake out of his back with his other, healing instantly. He held the bloody stake up between Ty and himself. He looked into his father's eyes, waiting for his father to thrust it into his heart. Alexander starred back thinking of all the incessant teaching and intense training. He had pushed him relentlessly with one goal in mind, to incite absolute hatred. Mission accomplished. Alexander smiled, releasing his grip on Ty's shirt, "You're ready, my son, you're ready" he said gently patting Ty's cheek. 


Chapter 44: Battle Ready

When Adam came to my room the next day, I could tell he had something on his mind. "What is it Adam?" I asked him curiously. "Well, it's definitely something" he replied. "Are you going to tell me what's going on in that handsome little brain of yours or do I have to use telepathy?" I said smiling. "Okay, here goes. Last night after you went to sleep I deguised myself and went to Hell's Pit to do a little intel. I found out some interesting information" he said pacing back and forth. "Okay, you have my attention, go on" I replied very interested. "Apparently Ty has been shunned by the respectables' and hasn't been seen for weeks, word has it he's dwelling in The Ruins. You know about The Ruins?" he asked. "No, I've never heard of it, and why is he being shunned? what did he do?" I inquired. "The Ruins is the ghetto of the province, only the lowest forms dwell there" he said purposefully dodging my question. "What did he do Adam?" I asked sternly. "He lost respect by blatantly fraternizing with female vamps" Adam replied not knowing how I would react. "Good. He's fucking around when he should be out looking for his mate. No wonder he was shunned, now everyone knows what a piece of shit he is, that is definitely to our advantage" I said actually pleased by the information. I heard Adam release a heavy sigh. "What? Did you think I would break down and cry or something?" I asked somewhat sarcastically. "I wasn't sure how you would take the news, but I must say I'm proud of you for taking it this well!" he said as he gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away, "Look Adam, let's get one thing straight. I need to settle this. You and I both know why I diligently trained. I told you I will destroy him, and that is exactly what I intend to do. It's time for you to release me so I can take care of unsettled business. I can't move forward until I wipe the slate clean. You need to trust me and let me go" I said looking him straight in the eyes, with conviction.

Adam turned and walked to the fireplace and stoked the fire. As he starred into it he spoke to me, "Everything I have taught you, the skills, wisdom and the physical training have all been for the moment you confront Ty. I know it is your battle, which is why I didn't take that from you and finish him myself. I believe you are ready for this. I want to be there with you when you annihilate him, not because I don't think you can handle him, I know you can, but I need closure too. He hurt the one person I love, if I can't have a hand in his demise, than I'd at least like to witness it." I walked over to him and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me tightly to him. "I love you so much Silvie, I wouldn't let you go if I didn't trust you" he said gently looking into my eyes. "I love you too Adam, I wouldn't go if I didn't trust myself. I want to spend eternity with you, but I want to do it of my own free will, not because I'm forced to" I replied sincerely. Adam smiled, "So far you have Silvie, you've stayed because of your own free will" he said. "What do you mean? What about the spell keeping me here?" I asked confused. "Technically, there never was a spell, although I did lock the door, but you could have vaped at any time. Subconsciously, you just didn't want to, even at your worst" he replied. I was shocked. I didn't realize until this very moment, that here with Adam, the whole time, is where I really wanted to be. "Well isn't that curious?" I said, more of a statement than a question. I laughed. It all made sense, I didn't love Ty, I loved Adam, I always had and I always will.

"Let's get ready and go out!" I said beaming. "Where would you like to go?" he asked smiling. "Hell's Pit!" I replied with enthusiasm. "Should we go incognito?" he asked. "Hell no, we're going as Adam and Silvia, the most bad-ass Vampire Elite couple in existence" I replied wholeheartedly. "That's the spirit!" he said laughing. 

We both got ourselves ready. I didn't know if I would run into Ty, but I prepared myself in case I did. I dressed for battle. I wore a long, beautiful black velvet cape with satin lining. Concealed beneath I wore black leggings, black shinny combat boots and a black Kevlar reinforced vest that contained pockets holding various weapons. In my personal arsenal were throwing stars and knives, both made of silver. I had various stakes, as well as the mother of all stakes, fifteen inches long, three inches in diameter that tapered down to a sharp point and was made of solid silver. Had I not built up an immunity to the effects of silver, I wouldn't have been able to so much as carry it in my possession. Though the other weapons made of silver may weaken him, they wouldn't kill him. An important cognizance to remember when strategizing a battle is knowing your enemy's strength's and weakness's. In the event he also had built up an immunity to silver, the only other means to destroy him would be by sunlight. A silver stake completely through the heart will instantly kill the average vampire, but I knew Ty well enough to know he would never settle for being average. I knew the only way to completely finish him off, would be to drive the silver stake completely through his heart, rendering him long enough for the sun to finish him off, turning him to ash and I would do it with no regard.

Chapter 45: Respect

As we entered Hell's Pit, every head turned in concession, you could hear vamps talking over the loud music. No one seemed offended by presence, in fact, many nodded greeting us with acceptance. We made our way through the crowd, unfortunately I didn't see Ty anywhere. We made our way to the bar, "Would you like a loaded "O" positive, one would be fine, and it will heighten your senses" Adam asked me. "I'd love one, in fact I could really use one" I said anxiously. Adam didn't even have to order, the bartender handed him two vials "Good to see you Adam, two loaded "O" positives, on the house!" he said. "Thanks Mac! It's good to be back! I see you haven't let the place go to hell since I've been gone, no pun intended!" Adam joked as the bartender chuckled. "Well I try to fuck shit up, but the crowds keep coming!" Mac replied. Mac leaned over the counter closer, "Miranda was in, she set things straight, said your actions were justified, and if and when you come in, treat you with the same respect I would treat her. I spread the word, you have the respect of everyone in here. Ty is not welcome, he's been shunned, so you probably won't see him around, just so ya know" he confided. Adam nodded, popped the corks on the vials and handed me one. "By the way, this is my Silvia, the love of my life, Silvie, this is Mac, the man in charge of Hell's Pit" Adam said introducing me. "Pleased to meet you Mac" I said as he took my hand and kissed it, "The pleasure is mine" Mac said respectfully. "Silvia, let's drink to an eternity of love and prosperity!" Adam said with a sexy smile on his face. "I'll drink to that!" I said as we clinked our vials together and slugged the crimson liquid down. I immediately felt energized, my senses tingling. Adam was feeling the same effects, he purposely hadn't taken the antidote wanting to experience a heightened awareness.

A little red headed, comical looking vamp approached us with a pretty, if not plain looking gal holding his hand. "Hey Adam, I've seen you in here before, many times actually, but I never introduced myself before. I'm Red, and this little beauty is Delilah" he said extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Red" he said shaking his hand, then he held Delilah's hand and kissed it, "It's a pleasure dear" Adam said to her. "This is my beauty, Silvia" he said introducing me. We all talked for a while and when Red was comfortable enough he told Adam and I his experience with Ty. "I didn't know man, I was such a damn fool. I thought you were the bad guy at first, I'm really sorry man, I should have gained the facts first ya know, instead of assuming?"  spitting as he said it. Adam smiled and wiped his face with a hanky. "Oh shit, I'm sorry about that man, it's these damned teeth of mine!" Red said, spitting again as he said the word "sorry". Adam and Silvia laughed, they both instantly liked Red. "Baby, I wouldn't change a thing about you, I wuv your cwazy widdle teef!" Delilah said squishing his face in her hand, puckering his lips as she planted a big old kiss on them. Adam and I looked at each other smiling, both of us reading each others minds, "How sweet are they?" I thought to Adam. "Almost as sweet as we are!" he thought back. I realized Adam and I were communicating with our minds with incredible clarity. I smiled at him with a raised eyebrow acknowledging our telepathy. "Only use it if necessary, otherwise it will drain your energy" he said leaning over and whispering in my ear. I nodded. Red, Delilah, Adam and I talked for a while, some of our conversation was serious, some was hysterical, we were having a great time, and I was feeling quite content.  Though I stayed on guard, feeling strongly something was going to happen and it was going to happen tonight!


Chapter 46: Showdown!

It hadn't taken long for word to get to Ty that Adam and Silvia were currently at Hell's Pit. Even a weasel can have a rat. He had been waiting for this moment, he had prepared for it, the moment had come to annihilate Adam and retrieve his prize possession, his Silvia. Ty wasted no time in making an appearance.

I watched as the crowd began to slowly part, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I knew before I could see him, it was Ty. I didn't bother looking at Adam, I could see in my peripheral vision he was aware as well. The crowd had completely parted, and there he stood. Though the music was loud, I blocked it out. I looked at him and saw him for what he was, a parasite. Standing opposite of the room he looked into my eyes, "Come to me Silvia, you belong with me" he said audibly. I slid off the bar stool and stood my ground. "You deceived me, in the living world and the world of the undead, you stole my life from me, I now see you for what you truly are, I do not belong to you anymore, not that I ever did" I said coldly. Ty glared at Adam, "He's brainwashed you Silvia" he said and then he looked back at me, "Come with me now, and we'll sort this out later" he beckoned me. "No Ty, it's over, you betrayed me. We finish this now with your blood on my hands" I said as I whipped my cape back exposing my arsonal of weaponry. Within a millisecond and with precise accuracy, four silver throwing knives, methodically struck their target. The crowd backed away in a rush. In a flash Ty snatched the knives that had struck the four corners of his chest, with two in each hand he threw them with matched precision, deliberately striking Red and Delilah, two knives each, directly into their hearts. I watched in horror as the two innocent's fell to the floor. Adam dropped down to Red and Delilah, neither was responsive in anyway. Adam stood, wanting to step in, his fist clenched, "You're finished here Ty, all traces of you will be wiped from existence and the world of the undead will be a better place for it" Adam said, clearly about to spring, I put my hand on his shoulder. "Can you do anything for Red and Delilah?" I asked him using my thoughts. "Yes, but I need Miranda, and I won't have any strength afterward, you'll be completely on your own, but if I don't help them, we'll lose them forever" he replied in thought. "Do what you have to do to save them, I'll be alright. I love you" I told him in my mind with confidence.

I slowly sauntered to Ty with no fear, holding eye contact with him as I did. He watched me cautiously, not knowing what to expect. We stood face to face, he brushed a strand of hair back from my face and gently placed it behind my ear. "Come with me my love, my Silvia" he said as he held my hand and gently rubbed his cheek with it, closing his eyes remembering intimate moments they had shared. "I'm here Ty, I'm here for you, I've come here to destroy you" I said as I yanked my hand away. Ty took a step back in disbelief. He looked at me with shock that turned to intense hatred. "You betrayed me. You think you won't pay a price for your betrayal? You've made a catastrophic mistake baby-girl" he said with utter venom in his voice. I had the silver stake hidden in the back of my vest, I had carefully grabbed hold of it with one hand, with lightning speed I thrusted it into his heart, but it did not hit it's target. Ty had vaped before it could strike. I looked around quickly, Ty was no where to be seen.

I looked at Adam who was transfusing his own blood into Red, a beautiful woman next to him doing the same to Delilah, I assumed it was Miranda. I knew using telepathy on Adam would drain him more, so I didn't communicate with him as I needed to act fast. I vaped to Ty's lair. Nothing, he wasn't there. I thought for a second," Where would he go? The Ruins?" I didn't know where that was, so that would do me no good, and then I suddenly got a sickening feeling, something he said wasn't right, he never called me "baby-girl" my mother was the only one who ever called me that. I still had the silver stake in my hand. Knowing exactly where he was, I vaped, using a supernatural skill I could visualize Ty standing over my mother's bed, in slow motion I could see him transform, his eyes turning black, his fangs elongated, I could see him leaning down towards her throat, the closer I got the clearer the vision, just before he could sink his fangs into her I materialized right behind him, with both hands I thrust the silver stake into his back piercing his heart. He made no sound at all as he arched his back in shock and unimaginable pain. I grabbed a hold of him before my mother could wake and vaped to the first place that came to my mind.

Chapter 47: The Third Vial

When Miranda had been summoned by Adam through telepathy, she didn't hesitate, she arrived at Hell's Pit instantly. With a wave of her hand she silenced the music and the crowd. She saw Adam kneeling over Red, infusing his own blood into him. The process requiere's insertion of blood transfer through the fangs and into the veins. Following Adams lead, she knelt by Delilah, lifted her limp arm and finding the thickest vein, she plunged her fangs in and began the transfer. It would take the blood of a Vampire Elite to bring them back. This process was intensely draining and would nearly cost them their own existence. They would heal, but it would take time they didn't have, Adam yelled to Mac, "Mac, bring us two vials of Nitro stat" he said and then turned to Miranda, "drink it, it will help us heal quicker" he said knowing now was not the time for either of them to be vulnerable. Miranda nodded. "Where did they go?" she asked, "I don't know, but she won't quit until he's dust!" he said smiling. He knew she didn't have time to communicate, nor did she want to drain him. He knew her so well. 

Red began to come around, "Hey! Welcome back to the undead buddy!", Adam said. "Delilah, is she? Is she alright?" Red asked as he saw her lying next to him. He reached out to her, "Delilah, honey, please come back, please baby come back!" he pleaded, "What's wrong? Why isn't she coming back, shouldn't she be awake by now?" the little red headed vamp pleaded in desperation with Miranda, "Be patient Red, give her a minute, her veins are smaller than yours, it just takes a little longer is all" she said compassionately. Red's eyes were filled with tears, the thought of losing her was unbearable. "Delilah, please baby, come back and I'll marry you. I'll make you the happiest vampire wife that ever roamed the world of the undead, just open your eyes baby" he said as he held her hand. Her eyes sprung open "Can we have a big wedding, and take our honeymoon in the Bermuda Triangle? I always wanted to go there" she said with enthusiasm. Red grabbed her in his arms, as they sat on the floor, "Anything you want honey, I love you so much! Hey does this mean you'll marry me?" he asked. "Of course I'll marry you, I thought you'd never ask!" she replied. There wasn't a dry eye in Hell's Pit at that moment and everyone began to clap and cheer as the two kissed while Red cuddled her in his arms. 

Adam and Miranda had already began to heal thanks to the help of Nitro-infused "O" Positve. Adam stood and helped Miranda up. "Go home Miranda, you've been a tremendous help, but now you need to heal and protect yourself" he said as he kissed her hand. "Very well Adam, I'm glad I could help, keep me posted" she said and then kissed both sides of his face and vaped.

Adam looked down at Red and Delilah, "Jesus, why don't you two get a room!" he said smiling and shaking his head. They both looked up and laughed realizing they were completely making out on the floor in front of everyone. "Oh Geez, sorry man, it's these damned teeth, they drive her wild, I can't keep her off me!" Red replied and gave Adam a wink. Delilah giggled, "Isn't he the cutest thing ever?" she said pinching his cheek. Suddenly they both realized Silvia wasn't around. "Hey Adam, where the hell is Silvia?" Red asked in a panic. "I don't know, but I have to find her" Adam replied sounding concerned.

The sun would be coming up soon, very soon. Adam needed to do something, sitting and waiting was not an option. "Mac, give me another!" he shouted. Ordinarily Mac would never serve three Nitro's to anyone. Two was a maximum limit. Mac didn't question him, he gave him the third vial, "Thanks Mac" Adam said and he slammed it. It felt as if his spirit levitated out of his own body. His eyes grew dark, his fangs exposed. He commanded his spirit back to his physical being. Once his spirit and body reunited, he gained absolute clarity and focus. He was able to connect to Silvia, not wanting to use telepathy that may weaken her, he was able to manipulate his mind inside of her and see what she saw. He saw in front of her the limp body of Ty with the point of the silver stake sticking out of his chest as she leaned him against a tree by the river. She turned around to see the sun just about to peak over the rolling hills, then she turned back to Ty. He knew exactly were they were, instantly he vaped.




Chapter 48: Fight Fire with Fire!

I sat Ty's limp, unresponsive body down against a tree making sure the sun would strike him the second it rose over the horizon. Sunrise was just moments away, and I could feel my skin heating up as I turned to look towards the east as light crept up rapidly into it's beautiful glory. How I missed seeing a sunrise. I looked back at Ty, wanting to watch him burn, knowing I too would have to burn to witness this delightful vengeance. I found myself paralyzed. With each passing second my skin grew hotter and hotter. I watched as smoke began to slowly consume Ty, I looked down at my own arms, they too were beginning to smolder. I thought of what my father had said to me that night in the tree-house, "Fight fire with fire", it all seemed ironic to me. Any second we would both be consumed in flames. I thought of Adam, how much I loved him and how I desperately wanted to spend eternity with him, no matter how hard I tried, I could not move. My own vengeance had drained me, I no longer had the strength to vaporize.

I looked around me remembering all the time Adam and I had spent here years ago back when life was innocent. I wanted my last thoughts to be of Adam and I fishing and laughing with each other. I had sadly accepted my fate, as I felt my skin begin to spontaneously combust, a blur came over me and everything went black.


Chapter 49: The Master's Chambers

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me, I didn't know where I was. The room was enormous, elaborate and pristine, confused I rolled over and found myself starring into beautiful, soft, loving, warm brown eyes. Without hesitation I grabbed a hold of him and began sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. He held me tightly and gently rubbed my back he soothing me. "It's alright baby, it's finished, you're safe now" Adam whispered softly. "He's gone right? Forever?" I asked weeping. "Yes Silvie, you turned him to dust, no one has the power to come back from that" Adam said confidently. "Adam, I couldn't move, I wanted to come back to you, but I couldn't move, I couldn't even reach you with my mind, I had nothing left, I felt myself begin to combust, how did I survive it?" I frantically asked. "After consuming three bottles of Nitro I was able to tap into you, not through your mind, but through your sight. I was afraid telepathy would drain you and I knew you needed your strength, so I found another way, looking through your eyes I could see what you were seeing. I recognized our place by the river, I got to you just before the flames did. I grabbed you up and vaped us both back here in one fell swoop. You've been asleep for three days and two nights. That's what it took for you to heal, I knew you'd be alright though, you're the strongest woman I've ever known" he said as he kissed my head.

Suddenly I thought about Red and Delilah I quickly sat up "What about Red and Delilah, were you able to bring them back?" I asked panic stricken. "Oh those two love-birds? Yeah, they're getting married. It took near death to get Red to ask her! I think it was his proposal that brought her back!" he said chuckling. "Thank God they're alright" I said thinking. Adam looked at me, knowing I had something on my mind, "What?" he inquired. "Oh nothing, I was just thinking" I answered still thinking. "Oh for God's sake woman! What are you thinking? You know what I'm capable of don't toy with me!" he said trying to sound fierce with a smile on his face. "I was just imagining a ring on my finger is all" I answered sounding somewhat melancholy. "We can do that, what would you like, turquoise, ruby, emerald or maybe sapphire to match those beautiful eyes of yours?" he said teasing me. "Who's toying with who now? You know damn good and well what kind of ring I want!" I said smacking him on his shoulder. "Fine then! I'll get you the finest mood ring money can buy!" he said turning on his back and resting his hands behind his head. "Ugh! Never mind! I'm going to go take a bath, where's the bathroom in this Hilton hotel room?" I asked exasperated. "Hilton? Honey, we far exceed Hilton quality! This is our room, in our castle, and our bathroom is right around the corner!" he said laughing at me. "My aren't we special?" I said back sarcastically. "Adam what about my clothes and things?" I asked. "They're in the drawers behind you and in your personal closet next to the bathroom, I moved you out of your old room, this is your room now, I hope you don't mind" he said. "You hope I don't mind? Adam, I've been wanting to share a bed with you for a long time now, I think you know that, right?" I asked while wanting him to know where I stood with my feelings for him. "Not nearly as long as I have wanted to share a bed with you, now go take your bath, and then get your ass back into bed. Our bed! We have something that needs to be settled" he said aggressively. A surge of excitement shot through me, I felt truly free, free to love Adam the way he wanted me to, the way that I wanted to love him. I would now give him everything, with no remorse.

Book II: No Remorse

Silvia and Adam, shape their undead lives together as Vampire Elites, taking on forces that seek to destroy them. Their love for each other will surpass the tests of time as Silvia disappears without a trace. Adam will move heaven and hell to find her at any cost. The respectable Vampire Community come together as their existance is threatened and team up to create a mass army to get Silvia back to her rightful place, by Adam's side. 

Lust, greed and vengence set the pace in a ruthless dark world where only the strongest vampires with the greatest powers will survive. An unlikely charactor turns rogue, sending shockwaves through the respectables. Hope of Silvia's return deminishes, and morale drops to an all time low. Though all around him seems bleek, Adam never gives up on his quest to find his one and only love. Will his strength and determination drive a silver stake through the heart of evil itself? Or will evil prevail leaving death, destruction and ashes in it's wake? Will Silvia be destined to become the unwilling bride of evil? Or will Silvia and Adam conquer thier own destinies, tipping the scale in the age-old battle of good vs evil? Only time will tell.


Texte: Carolyn Barber
Bildmaterialien: I make no claims to Cover Image, extracted off of Google Images
Lektorat: Carolyn Barber
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.09.2014

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