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Please write the second book of No Regard

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Hallo Lil`Ly,

falls Du es mal mit guter erotischer Literatur versuchen willst, kann ich Dir
meine beiden erotischen Romane über Chloes Abenteuer empfehlen.
Lies ruhig mal rein. Du findest sie hier:

LG Isabelle

Chloe – Metamorphosen der Begierde Chloe erlebt wieder eine Reihe von Initiationen, von denen sie vorher nichts ahnen konnte. Ihr Geliebter lässt sie in der dubiosen Praxis eines Psychotherapeuten hypnotisieren und übergibt sie dann...
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Du magst Fantasie? Liebesgeschichten mit Verzweiflung, Angst und Leidenschaft? Dann guck doch einfach einmal in eines meiner Bücher rein :) Magst du es nicht? dann ignoriere den Post einfach :)

Mein weitestes Buch ist:

Der klappentext:

Erst musste ich zu meiner Mum ziehen, die mich eigentlich hasste. Und dann zogen wir auch noch zu ihrem Lover! Es... mehr anzeigen

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My kitty loves me so much, he wants to lay on my lap-top while I write! Hard to tell him no, he's so cute I wish he could type for me! :)

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I'd say this book is well done.. I like my books medium rare. Just kidding! I love it.
Good books.. Noodle salad ;D

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lol! Thank you FireDancer, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I have the sequel coming out in a few weeks, If you loved this one, you're in for a treat with the sequel. :)


Cool.. I love treats!

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Putting my sequel "No Remorse" on hold while I write a Romance story for a contest, join the Romance group if that's the kind of material you like to write and enter the contest it end September 30 I believe. Check it out under groups! 10 days or so away, but it can be long or short. ;)

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Thanx for accepting my FR!!! XP

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thanks for having me as your friend! :)

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Welcome XD

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Been busy writing the sequel to "No Regard" I invite you to read the first in a series, if you like "No Regard", you'll love "No Remorse", my goal is to have it available in approximately 3 weeks. Would love some feedback please!

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Welcome to Bookrix, and I love Vampires! Lol


Thanks, I hope you get the chance to check out my book, I think you would really like Red, he's one of my favorite characters!

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