

-Mary Claire Garcia
But she knew the only three words that she yearned for and ached for were the only thing that can fully heal her.
Year 2013 a new virus has engulfed the whole world. Only few were infected by the virus but it was enough. It was sufficiently enough to start an apocalypse. The virus made its hosts almost inhuman. Their senses were enhanced. Their physical abilities rivalled world champions. But the worst of all, they had the ability to suck life from anything and anyone. With just a touch and the will of their mind, they can spread a poison that can disintegrate anything and turn it into dust in just a matter of seconds. The life would transfer to them and make their sanity intact. The virus would kill the host if the host would not take life from anything or anyone else. There were hosts too who had viruses so strong which sucked life even without touching. But the payment was to feed it more lives or else it would eat the host’s sanity and kill it painfully. The virus was officially called the “Reaper Virus”. ”Reaper” from “Grim Reaper” the skeletal figure carrying a large scythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood. The name “Grim Reaper” was chosen because it was also said that he was Death himself. The virus was not contagious but then there was also no cure found. The maker and the spreader of the virus’s identity could not be found yet he calls himself the Mad Hatter.
The governments in the whole world knew they can’t kill every host for both young and old alike were infected. They resolved the “virus-which-can-turn-you-to-dust-by-the-host” by letting all prisoners escape in the whole world. They gave them collars that can never be removed with trackers in them. They weren’t free. They were just prey for the predators. The Reapers were given their own headquarters that was larger than the White House and wages higher than a corrupted official makes in a year. They were given levels of how strong their viruses were. Their tattoos stated their level. Level 999 were the strongest and the most dangerous. The Reapers were given luxury and privilege. They weren’t hunted but instead they became the hunters. But they also became killers.

The sky was void of light except for the occasional flash of lightning. The rain was pouring down heavily as though it was going to already wash away the filth of the earth. Camael Ashraic lazily looked at his window as another lightning struck the dark sky once again. Camael looked like the prince of darkness himself with his attire and looks. He had hair as black as a raven’s feathers and his bangs reached his eyes which made him look like a naughty prince of the night. His long black lashes framed his green eyes that looked like they had once belonged to a cat. His lips looked irresistibly kissable too. He was tall and his body was what girls usually call “smoking hot”. He was wearing his favourite black fur jacket and he was lying comfortably on the sofa. He didn’t look like the president of the “R-Council” but he really was. Someone knocked on his door interrupting his lazy thoughts. The door opened and he looked up. It was his pitiful assistant.
“What is it?” he snarled.
Rick looked like he wanted to faint already. He was a Reaper too but a very low level one so he was stuck in duties. He was also very frightened of Cam. Cam was a level 999.
“They sent the ‘Angels of death squad’, sir. I wasn’t able to stop their decision. It was only one lowly prisoner bit there was no other squad nearby, sir. I-“
“Enough! Where are they right now?” he said, his eyes flashing.
“They’re chasing him right now. Here’s the t-tracker, sir” Rick handed the tracker to Camael.
“Give me five infected dogs too. That puny human wouldn’t be enough for her,” he commanded.
“Yes, sir,” squeaked Rick. Rick ran away as fast as he can and carried out his orders.
Camael sighed and looked at the tracker. He went to the parking lot and looked for the truck. As he opened the door to the driver’s seat, the dogs at the back barked more loudly than ever. He ignored them and seated himself on the driver’s seat.
“My darling angel, please hold onto your sanity for a little longer” he whispered with an amused smile.

She can sense him. He was still running but it didn’t matter. She was a Reaper and also a level 999. Her comrades sensed him too. The Angel of death squad consisted of four members. One member rarely came but he was excused since he had council duties.
“I’m getting tired of the chase. We’re all soaking wet so shall we end this game already?”
The one who spoke was Mirabella. She was the elder sister among Tanya’s two companions. Mirabella looked like a soaked runaway model. Nevertheless, she was beautiful. It was rumoured that the virus made its hosts flawlessly beautiful because of its abilities to quickly heal its hosts too. She had long caramel coloured hair and dark brown eyes that looked like it can lure you to the abyss itself.
“I’m getting starved too. Everstone, should we feast on him now?” asked Iris. Iris got her sister’s beauty too. She had short dark brown hair and straight bangs that made her look like a doll. The colour of her eyes was lighter than her elder sister but they both had the same carefree smile on their face.
Tanya nodded. No one dared call her by her first name. Those who did were never heard of again. But there was one person she had allowed to call her ‘Tanya’. If she was alone she could have had her fill despite the distance. But she wasn’t and she knew she had to share. They ran beyond human speed. They caught up the prisoner running for dear life. The three huntresses looked at each other and their eyes held a silent signal to finish the pitiful man. They touched him and in a second he was turned into dust.
“Let’s go back now,” said Mirabella. Her cheeks looked flushed and her eyes were bright and full of life.
“I wish to take a hot bath because of this hunt,” purred Iris her voice carrying off a contented tone.
They both looked at Tanya. She looked pale and she was breathing hard. Her pupils were dilated and she looked almost inhuman. She touched the tree beside her and smiled. She turned the tree to dust. The siblings realized what was happening to her and pounced on her at once.
“Get off me or I’ll turn the two of you to dust too!” she screamed with a smile plastered on her pretty face.
“You’ll get us into trouble if you turn this whole forest into dust, Everstone,” replied Mirabella. Even though there were two of them they were having trouble controlling a hungry level 999 girl.
“Please try to wait for a little while, Everstone. I’m sure the authorities would realize their mistake for sending us to only one prisoner,” pleaded Iris.
They heard the sound of an approaching car. The car stopped and the next thing that they heard was approaching footsteps and sounds of several dogs.
“It must be for her. Don’t falter your control on her, Iris”
“She’s too s-strong, Mira”
They wrestled Tanya while screaming for help to hurry up.
“Get off her. You girls can go now. I’ll handle her,” said a voice above them.
They looked up and fear flashed in their eyes. They hurriedly ran away. Tanya was breathing hard. She was still lying on the ground. Then she looked up and focused her eyes on the one who spoke.
“Cam, you’re late”
Cam smiled at her comment. She was still beautiful despite her crazed state. He gave her the dogs and watched as she turned them to dust one after another. She finally stood up after the last one. Her long white hair was in a mess but she still managed to take his breath away. She was small but she had delicious curves. She had long white hair and electric blue eyes. Her complexion was white as the snow and her lips always made him stare too long. Her confidence showed in her smile and she looked like the Ice Queen herself. She had colour on her cheeks too and her full sanity was back again. She walked towards him and her long black boots made him think of-
“You like what you see?” she teased, interrupting his thoughts.
“Yes, I like it very much,” he said. She laughed and he decided he wanted to hear her laugh more.
“Have you eaten already, Cam?” she asked as they walked outside the forest.
Her worried tone made him smile. He took her hand and helped her get inside the truck.
“Cammie, I know you have duties but you should take more care of yourself,” said Tanya. Tanya looked away. She only used ‘Cammie’ to him when she’s being serious and…sweet to him. He pulled her towards him. Her face inches from him.
“You worry too much, Tanya. I’ve already had my fill. If you don’t believe me, I’ll just prove it to you,” he whispered.
He kissed her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. Life flowed between the two of them. There wasn’t taking but only sharing. It was as though two souls were dancing a deadly dance with each other. She sat on him and he hugged her closer to him. Her clothes were still wet from the rain and from pure male instinct he wanted to make her hotter at once. He kissed her more deeply and she made mewing sounds that made him want to take her there and then if she wanted him to. She broke away first. She licked her swollen lips and looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes. They were both breathing hard and she was still sitting on him.
“You’re a good kisser” she whispered to him with a smile.
“I practice a lot”
She rolled her eyes. They went back to headquarters.
“I’m going to my room now. Good night, Cammie”
He kissed her before she could protest.
“Good night, Tanya. Give me a call if you wish for company, “said Cam with a wink.
“I still want to keep my chastity, Cam. Get company from someone else”
“That reminds me…I forgot to tell you something important,” he said worriedly.
“You’re still a virgin?” she asked jokingly.
“It’s actually more important than that, princess”
She wanted to roll her eyes again.
“I’m going to turn the headquarters into dust right this second if you don’t tell me what the hell it is, Cam,” Tanya said sweetly.
“We’re going to school next week, angel”
It really was worse than a virgin Cam with killer kisses. Hell.

It was going to be the very first time for her to go to school. She was nervous as hell and prayed desperately for her tutor to arrive and say there was no way they were going to send a Reaper to school with the other normal kids. But she was going to be late already and she knew the siblings would annoy the hell out of her if she would make them late. She was relieved when she learned they would be in another room. But she didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing for Cam to be in the same room with her. What if she accidentally turned everyone to dust?
News about the hot transfer students travelled fast even before they reached their own classroom. No one knew they were actually Reapers. Tanya felt everyone’s eyes on them as she and Cam went inside their classroom. The teacher asked for their introductions and they complied. She had never felt more alone in her whole life. She was a killer but she still felt loneliness. Cam left her like a hot coal and went off to make several friends and flirt with several giggling girls. She thought he was just trying to enjoy himself so she didn’t really mind him even when he was already French kissing a girl while everyone was distracted watching a documentary film. But when she tried to talk to him he walked away from her and surrounded himself with his newfound friends. He didn’t even glance at her the whole day. The siblings ignored her too even when she was desperate for anyone to accompany her and talk to her. She tried to talk to one of her classmates but everyone ignored her. She heard Cam instructed them to do so. So he was playing games with her again. Damn sadist.
“She looks weird,” said a girl with contact lens. Tanya knew they were talking about her.
“Her hair looks disgusting,” replied the girl’s friend.
She couldn’t bear it anymore. She walked towards them.
“Ignore me if you want but don’t you dare talk about me,” said Tanya.
The girls laughed. Tanya wanted to turn everyone to dust but she knew it would be wrong so she stormed off instead. It was lunch time yet she was not in the mood to eat. She went to the library instead. The library was beautiful. It was made in Victorian style with the cathedral ceiling, stained glass windows and mossy grey bricks. It made her smile. The only place she liked in the whole school was empty. Perfect. She wandered in the library. Searching for nothing particular but just enjoying her surroundings. She loved the sense of peace in her newfound sanctuary. Cam would never go here. She settled on a seat near a stained glass window. Tanya yawned. She knew there wouldn’t be classes in the afternoon because of a teachers’ meeting or something and she didn’t want to be stuck inside the classroom with Cam and his followers so she didn’t worry if she would fall asleep in the library. There wasn’t even a librarian in it! Luck was with her. She yawned. A quick nap would be completely harmless to do, right?
Everstone Orphanage. The children were playing and laughing with each other. Then a strong wind came and the girls fought to get their dresses in control while the boys chased their bonnets. The wind stopped and the children laughed. Everyone was playing again except for a small girl with long white hair and brilliant blue eyes. She was breathing hard and her pupils were dilated. Her knees dropped to the ground and a boy watching the pretty girl at his window shouted to everyone to go to the girl. The children ran to the girl’s side not knowing what to do so they shouted for help. Then the girl suddenly screamed and everyone turned into dust. Her breathing went back to normal and she began to cry. The adults came running and she began to cry more.
“Wake up! You’re having a nightmare!” said a voice.
The speaker shook Tanya waking her up from a dream of her past. At first she thought it was Cam and she wanted to get his hands off from her but there was something different about the voice. The voice was nostalgic and caring. She opened her eyes and looked at the speaker. His face was inches from her and they both looked surprise. He had silky blond hair and brown eyes that looked amber in the sunlight. He had broad shoulders and obviously looked taller than her even though he was sitting in front of her. He was the complete opposite of Cam. If Cam looked like the prince of darkness, the boy who woke her up looked like Apollo himself.
“I’m not sorry for waking you up,” said the mysterious Apollo-lookalike with a smile.
He had a dimple. He really was good-looking. She blushed.
“What are you doing here?” asked Tanya.
She finger-combed her hair and realized that they were alone in the library. He ignored her question but instead wiped the tears from her cheeks. If he didn’t do that she wouldn’t have known she was crying.
“Are you alright now?” he asked still regarding her with a cute worried look.
She nodded.
“I’m Raphael Warren. May I know your name, sleeping beauty?” he asked.
She blushed. Damn his dimple and his Apollo-looks.
“Everstone,” she replied.
“First or last?” he asked.
“Last,” she replied and got up to leave.
“He’s looking for you,” said Raphael.
That got her attention. She turned around and faced him.
“Did he send you?” she asked.
“He sent everyone. I’m glad I’m the first one who found you,” said Raphael.
“What do you want?” she whispered.
He walked towards her and she went to her favourite battle position. Both hands in karate chop position, feet apart, knees a little bent, and eyes that give off predatory aura. He ran towards her. She attacked. He blocked her every move and she knew he was really strong to block level 999 attacks. She didn’t stop. Succeeding punches, karate chops, kicks and yet Raphael was not even breaking a sweat! He wrestled her and pounced on her. They both hit the floor and he was on top of her. She could not move. She stopped fighting and knew it was pointless. There was no way she can turn him to dust and say it was for self-defence. That would ruin her. She looked at him straight in the eye and blushed when he smiled innocently at her.
“I won’t give you to him,” he whispered then hugged her.
When the hell did her life get so out of hand? Two can play in this game, Cammie. She hugged him back.

“You haven’t told me your first name yet,” said Raphael.
They were at a café and it was her first time to be inside one. Her life had only revolved around chasing criminals and turning them to dust ever since she had become a Reaper. He was sitting beside her. They were in a booth squeezed in one sofa. He had refused when she told him he can just take the sofa in front of her but instead sat beside her.
“Tanya,” she whispered.
“So the sleeping beauty’s identity is the queen of faeries,” said Raphael with an amused smile.
She was surprised. It was the first time someone had known the meaning of her name. It was a name she had chosen for herself. Every Reaper was required to change their names. Her cell phone vibrated. It was time for her to feed. She stood up. Raphael looked startled.
“I need to go,” said Tanya.
“I’ll drive you,” offered Raphael.
“No. I…have somewhere else to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she replied quickly and ran off.
She went outside running and disappearing away from Raphael’s view. His cell phone rang and he answered it.
“Sir, the laboratory’s empty. The bastard got away again when we got there. But he left some computers and we hacked into them. We know his plans now. You were right. He wants the girl.”
“Damn it! So…any more info you got?” asked Raphael.
“He developed a sort of anti-virus serum. We can’t understand it much yet but… all we know is that it’s not to cure the Reapers. The serum sort of… makes anyone who drinks it…immune to the Reapers for a short while.”
Raphael cursed and began to run to where Tanya ran off.
“So the Reapers would be defenceless against his guys?” he asked.
“Yes, sir and if we’re not mistaken…he’s ordered his guys to get the girl right now”
“Send me the team. I need backup. I’m at…the old park right now. Tell them to get their asses here right now,” he ordered.
He placed his cell phone back in his pocket and searched for Tanya.
Tanya looked at the message in her cell phone again. The message said that the prisoner was at the park but she couldn’t sense anyone. Was the message wrong? Minutes ticked by and she got worried. Any longer and she might accidentally turn the whole park to dust. She ran and tried to control the fear bubbling inside her. Her instincts screamed at her that something was wrong. She knew that but she didn’t know exactly what. She knew it wasn’t Cam’s prank either. He loved tormenting her but he cared for her when it came to her needs as a level 999 Reaper. She knew he wouldn’t let her die despite his sadistic nature. She decided to call headquarters. There was no signal. This never happened before. Then she heard footsteps. But she hadn’t felt any presence! She didn’t care. She was hungry and she wanted to meet her meal with open arms. She ran towards the sound despite the bad feeling gnawing at the back of her mind. Then she saw them. It wasn’t her meal and there were several owners of the footsteps. They were all wearing a Grim Reaper mask and fear was tearing her apart.
“Give up, girly. He wants you and there’s nothing you can do,” said one of the masked people.
There were dozens of them and she knew she was outnumbered despite her abilities.
“Who wants me?” she asked watching the masked people carefully. They were so close to her already. They laughed.
“The Mad Hatter of course! The one who made you, girlie!” they laughed.
She had heard that the one who made the virus called himself “Mad Hatter”. She smirked.
“I’m sorry but…I’m not in the mood to have tea with him,” said Tanya.
They charged towards her. She willed herself to turn them all to dust but they were still running towards her. Her eyes widened. Nothing was wrong with her ability. All the plants turned to dust except or them! For the first time, she suddenly felt she was the prey. She ran. Two caught up to her and she fought with all her strength. Then all the masked people restrained her. She did what every girl would do in her situation. She screamed.
He heard her and ran towards her screaming. Then he saw them. He fired shots and some went down and several didn’t. She barely saw Tanya’s bewildered expression. He ran to her side and realized they had injected drugs to her. She fainted and fell on the ground. He continued to fire shots to them and the masked people fled. He called his backup to chase those who escaped. He carried Tanya in bridal style. Her eyes were closed and she as having a hard time breathing. He sat down on a bench and laid her head on is lap. Raphael then took some tablets from his coat.
“Tanya swallow them and you’ll feel fine again, okay?” he whispered then made her swallow the tablets.
Her breathing returned back to normal and her cheeks regained their colour. Her eyes were still closed but he knew she was just trying to recover from the drug. He brought her to his home. Sunlight poured above her and she knew at once that she wasn’t sleeping in her room. Her room was always covered with dark heavy curtains. Her head ached and she groaned. Her cell phone was ringing so she answered it.
“Tanya, where are you right now?!” the speaker shouted.
It was Cam and her head was still fuzzy.
‘I…don’t know. Some masked people attacked me yesterday, Cammie,” she murmured.
“Are you alright now? I’ll fetch you wherever you, Tanya,” said Cam with pure worry.
She smiled. Cam really was just a sadist but she knew he really cared for her.
“Don’t worry. I think I can go back by myself. And…by the way, those who attacked me were immune to our power”
Cam cursed and asked how she got away. She remembered it was Raphael who saved her and she didn’t even know how to explain it herself.
“I’ll tell you later. I don’t know all the details ‘coz they drugged me.”
“Fuck them. I’m the only one allowed to bully my Tanya. Get back here at once and be careful,” he said.
“I’ll tell you everything later. Bye, Cammie”
“Bye. I care for you, Tanya. Take care of yourself.”
“I know,” she whispered then hung up. But he didn’t say he loved her.
She took on her surroundings and she realized she was in Raphael’s bed. His room was neat and orderly. She got up and heard the sound of cooking. The smell almost made her mouth water. She found him cooking with his back to her. She secretly admired the view of his butt.
“I should have woken you up with a kiss, sleeping beauty”
She blushed and was thankful he could not see her face. He had the face of an angel but he was quite naughty.
“You’ve got some explaining to do, Raphael Warren,” said Tanya.
“I saved you. End of story, Tanya,” he replied.
“Bullshit. You had a gun and if I’m not mistaken I think you even called for backup. Tell me or I’ll turn your whole house into dust right now, Raphael,” she threatened.
Her stomach growled and he turned his face to look at her with an amused smile.
“Fierce girls need to eat too, Tanya. I was just teasing you. Eat first and I’ll tell you later,” said Raphael.

“Mad Hatter wants you. Have you heard of him?”
She nodded. Every Reaper wanted to meet the Mad Hatter either to thank him or kill him. She was the latter.
“We think he needs you because you’re a level 999. We think he wants to build an army of Level 999 Reapers so he needs you. But since only you and your director are the still only living level 999 Reapers, he’s pursuing you,” explained Raphael.
“Who’s ‘we’?” asked Tanya.
He looked as though he was hesitating at first but her angry stare made up his mind.
“Have you heard of the group ‘The Abyss’, Tanya?”
“There were just rumours that I heard. I didn’t really believe on them. The Abyss is an officially high government organization that protects the Reapers and protects the innocent people from Reapers too. Am I right?”
Raphael nodded.
“We had a recent incredible discovery too that would surely benefit us all, Tanya”
She raised an eyebrow. He showed her some blue tablets.
“Instead of consuming the prisoners, we have invented a tablet that can substitute them. They work and I’ve given you some when you fainted,” said Raphael.
Tanya’s eyes widened. There can be hope for soulless people like them?
“When will you distribute them?” asked Tanya.
“Right now since I’m going with you to Ashraic,” he replied and surprised her.
“Why were they…immune to my virus?” she asked.
“I’ll explain to you as we go,” he replied.
They arrived at headquarters and Tanya panicked inside. How would the president of the Reapers’ Council react to Raphael? She dreaded to know. They entered the meeting room and waited. Minutes went by and silence enveloped the two. Raphael squeezed Tanya’s hand and smiled. She blushed and looked away. Then the door opened and Cam looked as though he wasn’t able to sleep. He saw Tanya and ran towards her.
“Tanya, I’m so glad you’re alright!” he exclaimed while he hugged her tightly.
He suddenly kissed her on the lips and she dared a glance to Raphael’s direction. He was watching them with a curious look! Cam broke away first and looked at Raphael. The two were both beautiful and frightening to behold. Both had the same confidence as the other.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” asked Cam as he slipped an arm around Tanya’s waist.
“I’m Raphael Warren, the president of the Abyss,” replied Raphael without fear at all.
He explained everything to Cam and finally it was finish.
“I give you permission to distribute the tablets. I’ll protect her myself so don’t get close to her anymore,” said Cam as Raphael got up to leave.
Raphael smiled and went to Tanya’s side.
“I think it’s her choice to decide who’ll protect her,” said Raphael.
Raphael suddenly kissed her to her surprise. He looked at Cam with a challenging look and urged Tanya to open her mouth so he can insert his tongue. Tanya made the mistake to moan and he was able to dance with Tanya’s tongue. Raphael broke the kiss by licking her lips and went away with a satisfied smile. Why the hell were people suddenly doing anything they want with her?! She ran off to her room for fear she would get kissed again. Damn them all. She closed the door behind her and stripped to shower. She was still blushing fiercely and her heart was still beating fast.

The next day everything drastically changed. People greeted her and smiled at her. They were so extra nice to her that she knew it was all Cam’s ploy once again. She opened her locker and was surprised to see an envelope inside. There was no name of the sender and she knew she was going to be late so she decided to read the letter in the library later instead.
Dear Locket,
I know you are startled to see your real name here but please don’t worry. I am still alive and I assure you that no one blames you for what has happened in Everstone. I am hiding my identity for now because it seems that I am naturally immune to the virus and the Mad Hatter wants me. Hopefully, I can catch him before he catches me. Be careful on whom to trust, Locket. He is on the move again and I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe. If you wish to answer my letter just place it at shelf 309 in the library. I had always loved you and will continue to do so.
A blue rose was enclosed inside the letter. A blue rose that reminded her of the greenhouse at Everstone that only grew blue roses. She used to secretly steal blue roses there with Anthony when no one knew. She smiled at the memory. Tears were forming around her eyes. Anthony was her first love when she was still a young girl and was still untouched by the virus. But was the letter even real? There was a large chance that it was a fake but she didn’t care. She was still going to reply to it.
Are you really Anthony? When can we meet?
She quickly placed the strip of paper in shelf 309. Then she heard footsteps. Was it perhaps Anthony? She did not know. Because of the virus her memories were a bit distorted so she wouldn’t recognize him by sight.
It was Raphael. A part of her wished he was Anthony. She heard someone else coming in. It was a girl with curly blond hair that was obviously a product of expensive salon treatments. She was attractive and her clothes screamed of wealth and style. She went to Raphael’s side. The girl obviously had her eyes on him. Well she wasn’t the only one.
“Raphael darling did you need something here in the library?” she asked in a sultry voice.
“Mitch, this is Ever. Ever this is Mitch,” said Raphael.
He didn’t notice the poisonous looks the sweet Mitch was shooting off to Tanya. Tanya felt uneasy. What was she to him? She shouldn’t care but she was troubled. And why did he make her last name sound like it was her first? Did he know that she only wanted people calling her by her last name? He really was strange and very intriguing.
“Hello. I and Raphael have known each other a long time now. Are you his new friend?” she asked with fake sweetness in her voice.
She knew that what Mitch really wanted to say to her was: “Back off, bitch. I’ve known him longer than you. Try to become more than his friend and I’ll kill you” Tanya smiled and went out of the library. Her good mood had evaporated. She heard Raphael following her. She didn’t stop walking. He pulled her to him and she was forced to look at his gorgeous eyes.
“I didn’t bring her along believe me. Mitch just followed me inside. She’s not special to me, Tanya” he said.
She looked at him coldly.
“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Raphael. We’re nothing special either. Now let me go so you can go back to Mitch before she follows you again,” said Tanya.
She didn’t know why but there were emotions inside her bubbling that she never felt before. How strange. Raphael looked surprised and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He hugged her.
“Tanya, you’re jealous. I’m sure you won’t believe me but you’re very special to me. I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered.
“Jealous? What’s that?”
“Hmm it’s when you feel possessive about something you think that is yours because someone else wants to take it”
“But…you’re not mine,” whispered Tanya without looking him in the eye.
She wanted to melt to a puddle if it was possible. She heard him chuckle.
“I’ve always been yours and will continue to be, “he said.
He kissed her with both hunger and gentleness that surprised her. She kissed him back and felt safe with him. He really was like an angel sent to her from Heaven. But an ugly thought cannot be forced out of her mind: Is he the one you truly want?

“Sir Ashraic, he has arrived,” said Cam’s level 1 Reaper.
“Send him to the main office”
“As you wish, master”
Cam sighed. Of all the times the Level 997 would come was now. The bastard really had great timing. The Mad Hatter wanted to kidnap Tanya and he planned to protect her at all costs even if it meant more association with the Abyss president. His door opened and he put on his best poker face.
“Damien, take a seat”
The Reaper chuckled. He had silky light brown hair. He was tall with broad shoulders and his dimples appeared when he smiled. His glasses suited his captivating grey eyes perfectly. Damien looked like he materialized from every girl’s dirty dreams.
“State you reason for staying in this territory, Damien. You’re a high level so we must ensure your safety and all your needs here,” said Cam forcing politeness to run through his words.
An amused smile crossed Damien’s face.
“I like it here?”
“You lie. You’ve never liked it here. I want to know the truth. Your visit here is too sudden and you have not even stated when you would leave,” said Cam.
Damien sighed.
“Is Tanya here in this territory?”
Surprise flitted on Cam’s face. He nodded. Damien irritated him but he was as close to a friend if he ever had one. Was there new danger to Tanya?
“I wish to marry her”
“You’re joking, right?”
Shock filled him. He knew Tanya was special to Damien but he didn’t realize the feelings were serious.
“I’m not. I’ve loved her from the first time I had laid my eyes on her. She’s the only one I want and I want her to know that. Hopefully, when I leave this territory it will be with her already,” explained Damien.
Fury enveloped Cam. Such ugly feeling not fit for the sadist he was. He stood up.
“She won’t go with you, Damien,” he growled.
Damien merely raised an eyebrow.
“Isn’t she just your toy, Camael?” asked Damien.
“I’m glad you know that. So you’re here to steal her away from me?”
“Seems like that”
“There’s someone else who wants her. He might have won her already”
“You’ll let that happen?” Damien asked.
“It’s none of my business. I am not the man for her.”
Damien stood up and proceeded to the door.
“And he is?”

Someone knocked at her door. Tanya furrowed her eyebrows. She was having trouble solving a Math problem that made absolutely no sense to her and someone had to interrupt her. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and panties. The t-shirt covered only the middle of her thighs but she didn’t care. It must be the dear old maid bringing her favourite cake. She smiled. Her life had been stressful lately and she badly wanted something sweet and sugary to eat. Yum! She opened the door. It was not her favourite maid bringing her a cake. It was Damien in front of her. She wanted to shut the door and grab some shorts. But she could not even move. It was months since she had last seen him and he was still hotter than ever. Besides Cam and Raphael, she had also let this one call her by her first name. She blushed.
“Tanya,” he whispered her name like a caress.
He kissed her and she felt all her worries fly away. Was she being a complete whore? She wasn’t in a relationship so it would be alright to be kissed by three different guys, right? And when had she ever worried if it was alright to kiss? Since Raphael came, her mind said. She wasn’t letting her worries ruin the mood. She kissed him back. They both went inside her room still kissing. She opened her mouth and their tongues entwined. She shucked off his jacket and pushed him to her bed.
“Damien I missed you so much!” she exclaimed.
“I missed you too, love” said Damien and pulled her atop him.
“I want you so much, Tanya”
His eyes were filled with so much desire for her and she knew she must stop.
“I…told you guys already, right? I only want to have sex when…I’m with someone I love. I…meant I want a serious relationship, Damien. I’m sorry for being such a tease,” she said uneasily.
“Do you know the reason I’m here, Tanya?” asked Damien gently.
She shook her head. He smiled and hugged her.
“I’m only here for one reason. I came here for you. I’m in love with you Tanya and I want to marry you. Cam was really angry when I told him. I’m sure we both feel the same about you but he still wouldn’t admit it to himself,” explained Damien.
Damien was in love with her? She must have heard wrong. And what’s with the marrying thing? She suddenly wanted to press a reset button. Her life had become so complicated and emotions she had never felt before bombarded her. It was so perfect before. It was just her and Cam lazily enjoying life as a Reaper. And now Raphael, Anthony and Damien had come. Even the Mad Hatter was after her. She didn’t believe what Damien said about Cam. Cam was just a sadist and also her very close friend. She only viewed herself as a play thing for him. There was no way the prince of darkness had feelings for her, right? But she still…hoped.
“Damien I-,” she began.
“I’m not asking for an answer right now. I’ll make you fall in love with me, Tanya,” Damien said then kissed her on her forehead then left.
Night finally came. Because of the tablets, she hadn’t left her room all day which was something new to her. Worries flooded her so she didn’t eat dinner and settled for an early sleep instead. She was already in a hazy dream state when her senses told her something was off. She was a Level 999 so her senses were extremely sensitive. Then she saw a smiling Grim Reaper’s mask on top of her. Instincts kicked in and she tried to attack the terrifying Halloween incarnation in front of her. But her efforts were in vain for an electric current ran to her body every time she moved. A collar was placed on her neck. She knew the collar. It was known as a torturing device and also widely known used by kidnappers. She tried to scream but she was quickly gagged. She looked around and filled with dismay to find at least ten masked people were inside her bedroom. With all her might, she tried to turn them to dust but they must have taken some sort of temporary medicine. Instead, the floors, the walls and the ceiling crumbled to dust. Her room was far from the main building but she knew there was some sort of security alarm set off when facilities were turned to dust. Well, she hoped there was.
“Hell! She’s going to turn the plane into dust! Someone inject her already!”
Someone injected her and she was filled with drowsiness. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Cam. She was a Level 999 and there was no way she was going to let herself be captured. Tanya pictured Cam. Where would he be right now? Would he be in his room? Yes, he would be and she knew Cam always slept with the rising of the dawn. He would be sitting on his soft black couch looking at his stained-glass windows turning his roses to dust again one by one. She smiled despite the overwhelming danger. Cam was a Level 999 as herself but he never went anywhere without a weapon. His room was filled with every weapon imaginable! Cam! Help! They’re here! Then she sent her last remaining strength to the virus and willed it to turn anything to dust to where Cam was. To where she thought Cam was. Then she blocked out.
Cam enjoyed sapping life from roses. The life was rich and pure and also had the taste of red wine. Yum! He had tried to make Tanya like his hobby too but she only said that she didn’t intend to become a sadist like him too. He smiled bitterly. So many had suddenly come to take away his sweet ice angel. He didn’t have a clue on what to do. The jealousy was killing him but his feelings were all messed up. Then his stained glass windows all turned to dust. He suddenly had the view of moon and trees. The power wasn’t from him. He was sure of that since nothing flowed back to him. A Reaper had turned his treasured window to dust! Who had the nerve…?! Then Cam realized there was only one person who did have the nerve and the power to do so in the distance. There was only one person who knew he loved his beautiful window. Then he felt it. The virus shrouded him with the feeling of danger and a plea for help. Then the virus left. He quickly took his two favourite pistols and ran through the darkness with inhuman speed. His feelings were suddenly clear. He would not let anyone take Tanya from him.
Tanya woke up with a head ache. She looked around and thought she was already in hell. No, she wasn’t in hell. She was in one of the Panic rooms in Headquarters. Someone was sleeping on the floor. She instantly recognized Cam’s raven black hair. He had saved her! She breathed a sigh of relief. Tanya then got up from her bed as quietly as possible. She then spread a blanket on him. He looked like a beautiful black cat sleeping peacefully. Her heart ached. Was it really possible for this man to have feelings for her? She also had feelings for Raphael but it was more like the feeling of peace and safety she found him. Like an angel that can free her from the sins of the virus that had completely eaten her. But her heart was never fully taken by him. While the feelings she had for Damien was more brotherly. Well, she never had siblings so she really wasn’t disgusted with incest. Camael Ashraic played games with her but she knew his soul like the back of her hand.
“Thank you, Cammie,” Tanya whispered then bent her body to kiss him on the lips.
He kissed her back. His beautiful green eyes looked at her with glee. He rolled and she was suddenly the one lying on the floor. The kisses became more passionate and their souls linked once again.
“I thought I was going to lose you,” Cam said with so much possessiveness that her heart ached.
“You would never lose me, Cammie,” Tanya whispered.
Then all her fear and worries bottle up inside her crashed down her. She began to cry and her sobs rocked her body. It was hard to breathe but she couldn’t stop even the ugly sounds from her. Cam hugged her tightly whispering her reassuring words. But she knew the only three words that she yearned for and ached for were the only thing that can fully heal her.

Tanya went to shelf 309 and was not surprised to find a letter waiting for her.
It’s too dangerous.
She breathed a sigh of relief. She had made up her mind already.
I know and I’ve changed my mind already. It’s best that we do not meet anymore. Thank you for worrying about me and also for your feelings. I had loved you too very dearly but things change, people change and feelings change. I’m sorry. Be careful of the Mad Hatter he is not to be underestimated. Goodbye, Anthony.
Tanya wondered where Anthony was. Because of the virus, she wasn’t sure if she had even crossed paths with him. She shook her head. She should not concern herself with him anymore. She sat on a chair and wondered what Cam was doing at Headquarters. He was absent and she also did not want to see Raphael. After realizing her feelings for Cam, she had promised to herself that she wouldn’t let anyone else kiss her but him. Tanya felt guilt eating her. Raphael had been so kind and sweet to her and she must have led him on. She should tell Raphael that she only wanted him as a friend. But he was so gorgeous if she was not careful she might surrender to his kisses again! Tanya sighed and swallowed some pills. The pills made her feel in control and gave her some life source. But she needed the thrill of the hunt. She was a Level 999 and a natural predator! She stood up. Tanya knew there were some gardens behind the school. She smiled. It was time for her to turn things to dust again.
Camael Ashraic looked coldly at Mad Hatter’s goons. They were all terrified of him. He could feel, taste and smell their fear. He smiled. He was the king of torture of all kinds and he would use every torture imaginable just to find and kill the Mad Hatter. I would find you, bastard. You have no right to even touch a piece of Tanya’s beautiful hair. He had taken off their masks and their clothes. He had them completely shackled to the walls. He had just taped their mouths so there was still a little noise filling the dreary room.
“So let’s play a game, boys. I ask a question and you give me an answer. If you can’t answer or I think you’re just fooling with my head, I’ll make you regret you’ve crossed paths with my girl,” Cam said.
He went to his captive#1.
“Where is Mad Hatter?”
The captive did not answer. Cam shrugged his shoulders.
“So you want to play hard-to-get, huh?”
The captive looked at him confidently and Cam smiled at him.
“Suit yourself”
Cam sliced off the captive’s cuticle then pulled one of the nail off. He took off the tape. The captive screamed.
“No answer? I’ll chop off your whole hand, man”
He had twelve more captives to torture. He smiled. I’m the Red King here, Mad Hatter…
Tanya looked at the remains of the tree she had consumed. The dust was blown by the wind as quickly it had turned to one.
“Have you run out of the tablets?”
She turned around and found Raphael looking at her. She could not decipher his expression.
“I still have some of them. The tablets are fine but I still feel it’s…not enough,” said Tanya.
“Monster,” he whispered.
Her eyes widened and before she could understand what was happening, he had injected something to her left arm already where her pulse veins were. She collapsed on the floor and fought to breathe. Tanya looked up at Raphael to see him kneeling down to look at her. He was smiling…serenely at her.
“A-Are you working w-with-,” began Tanya. She found it hard to even speak.
“I’m not working with anybody, Locket,” he whispered.
No. It cannot be.
He nodded his head his angelic face still had the peaceful and contented smile on.
“Those tablets I gave you were all poison and don’t worry I made sure the tablets were only distributed to you. The tablets indeed had a small amount of life source in it but had several drugs in it to delay your hunger again and again. If you try to consume something else than the tablet, the poison will spread more to your whole body including all your vital organs. The drug I injected to you was the activator. Right now even though you’re a Level 999, your virus is almost dead killing you with it,” he explained to her.
He pulled her hair and she wanted to scream from the pain but she was too weak to even do that. Tears rolled down her cheeks despite her efforts to stop them. Anthony was Raphael. Both became a special part of her life. So her confusion was not necessary at all. Raphael had never loved her. Because of her, Anthony lived just to kill her. Her heart pained her more than the poison.
“You do not have the right to include Everstone in your name. Nor do you have the right to even say it. You deserve to turn to dust like what you’ve done to them but I did not choose that for I want you to feel pain. Die, you disgusting murderer!” Raphael mocked her.
She wanted to tell Anthony that she really did not deserve to be forgiven. She wanted to tell him that he was her first love. She wanted to tell him to go to hell and eat his fucking poisons himself. She summoned all her remaining powers from her virus. She cannot even turn the grass at her feet to dust! But she was a Level 999 so she was not going down without a fight. Well, technically she did fell down without a fight. She needed backup. Tanya remembered that Reapers sort of had a link because of the virus. All she needed was a Reaper nearby. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Was there another Reaper besides her and Cam? She opened her eyes. There were actually two Reapers besides them! She hoped that the two didn’t want her dead too.
Camael called Damien from his phone. He had successful results minutes ago. Damien picked up from the first ring.
“I’ve got Mad Hatter’s lair,” Cam said.
“I’m going with you!” shouted Damien eagerly.
“No. I just called to tell you. I’m leaving now with my best Reapers.”
“I’m a Level 997, you fuck!”
“You’re not needed. Take care of yourself and good luck with her,” said Cam gently.
“You sound like you’re saying good bye, man. If you don’t come back, I’ll really steal her from you”
“Take care of Tanya”
He hung up. A Level 999 like himself was needed in the mission. Some things were needed to turn to dust without touching them.
Damien cursed. His friend was going to the battle field without him. He sighed. He knew who Tanya really loved but and who Cam really loved too. He knew it was hopeless but Cam was never good about his feelings. He was just too scared to say what he felt from fear of being mocked. Damien needed to know where the lair was and tell Tanya. The guy might not ask for help but sometimes he himself needed it. He ran to his garage. His driver saw him and settled on the driver’s seat.
“Where should I drive, sir?”
The car rode off. He tried to imagine where Cam would put his torture room.
Mirabella and Iris ran as fast as they can. Someone was trying to kill Everstone. The link was used only for extreme cases of emergencies. They saw her collapsed on the grass with a gorgeous boy looking at her with the happiness of an innocent child.
“That’s Raphael. He’s a very popular guy and I heard he’s the president of the Abyss too,” Iris said.
Mirabella went to attack position and her younger sister did too.
“I don’t care who he is Iris. I still want to earn the right to call Everstone by her first name and our squad would not be complete without her. She eats a lot but she’s very interesting and I’m sure we’re dead if Ashraic finds out she got killed with us on the territory,” Mirabella said.
“He looks tasty, sis”
Mirabella nodded and they ran with inhuman speed and attacked him. Raphael blocked all their blows with ease. Then he attacked the two of them. The two sisters suffered a number of injuries and hard blows.
“But you’re not a Reaper!” gasped Mirabella.
“I work out”
Iris shot him on the stomach and he went down.
“But you’re still just another human”
Raphael died quickly.
“Where did you get a freaking gun?!” Mirabella screamed at her younger sister.
“That’s not important. Let’s heal Everstone,” Iris said.
They rushed to where Tanya was. They both touched her hand and concentrated on eliminating the poisons from her body. It took them very long because if they were not careful, her organs would be the ones eliminated instead. Tanya did not regain consciousness so they transferred their life sources including the life source of the garden too to her. Finally, Tanya awoke.
“You can call me Tanya,” she whispered weakly and hugged them both while she cried.

It was an ambush. He expected nothing less and that was the reason why he brought a number of Reapers but he forgot something VERY important. They were Reapers so they were stronger and faster. But they can only turn things to dust by touching them. Were the Reapers faster than the bullets? He dodged a bullet fired at him. The bullet had grazed his shoulder. If he was almost killed then what about the others? He turned and saw dying Reapers everywhere. It was time for Plan B. If Plan B did not work, he surely wouldn’t be able to make Plan C since he’d be dead by then. It was a gamble he would take.
Damien could not find Cam’s torture rooms. He sighed. He felt worthless and especially helpless. Then somebody suddenly injected him. He collapsed on the floor. Before his consciousness left him, he was sure the one who injected him had the scent of a Reaper. So there was a traitor in the midst.
He woke up and cursed when he saw he was tied up. After a few seconds later, everything that restrained him was all turned to dust. He flexed his hands. Damien was in a sort of a metal room with a television and a spy cam above. The television turned on. Was he in a horror movie? It was his sisters and his parents tied up and bruised all over. Anger and concern flooded him. With his powers, he can leave the room any time. But he cannot leave his family.
“If you do not want your family to die, bring me Tanya Everstone. You only have until tomorrow night. Bring sweet Alice to my tea party, White Rabbit, and we’ll have a trade. Tanya for your family. Let’s meet at the amusement park. Stay in the horror house until closing time. I don’t care how you do it. Time is running, Damien. Time to make plans for a date and if our secret comes out they’ll be the ones to pay,” laughed a man with a jester mask.
His family screamed his name as the Mad Hatter laughed. The television turned off.
The building crumbled around them. He had almost led them all to their deaths. Cam was sure the Mad Hatter had already left and had just left behind his goons. The building continued to crumble while he concentrated on eliminating every person who was not a Reaper. After a few minutes they had completely won. He breathed a sigh of relief. They had almost lost. What if he really had died? He could not bear the thought of never seeing Tanya again. Then he realized it. How could he have been so stupid not to realize it for so long?! He was in love with Tanya Everstone.
Damien went to Headquarters. He knew Tanya would be arriving from school soon. He sat on a red cushion near Tanya’s room. Could he really do this? Could he sacrifice Tanya for the sake of his family? He was in love with her but not really that in love to sacrifice everything for Tanya. He closed his eyes. He really was going to do it. He would never be able to make Tanya fall in love with him now.
“Is she alright now?” Iris asked.
Damien stood up and saw Mirabella carrying a sleeping Tanya going upstairs. He ran and took Tanya from the elder sister. Tanya’s body was light and unresponsive to him. She looked as though she had cried herself to sleep. Guilt and worry engulfed him. Had someone hurt her? He tried to push the though away. He was going to be the next one who’s going to hurt her even though he really didn’t want to.
“What happened to her?” Damien asked.
The siblings explained to him about the guy named Raphael while he carried Tanya to her room. He wanted to beat the shit out of the guy if he was still alive. He frowned as he laid Tanya on her bed. He was going to tell the siblings where he planned to take her. It was up to them to put two and two together. He tucked Tanya inside the comforter.
“Tell her I’ll be taking her out to the amusement park tomorrow evening” Damien said as cheerfully as he could muster.
“You’re planning to take her out on a date! Alright then,” said Mirabella.
“What a great idea! We’ll take her out shopping tomorrow, Damien,” Iris said.
He left knowing the siblings probably thought it was a way to cheer her up. If only they knew it was a trap just for their new best friend. He never planned to kill the girl he wanted to marry.

Cam was surprised at the turn of events when he was absent at school. He should go to Tanya now and comfort her. He felt strangely happy. Must be the realization he had yesterday. He was in love with Tanya and he wanted her to fall in love with him too. He smiled as he knocked at Tanya’s door. There was no answer. Was she still asleep?
“Miss Tanya is not in Headquarters, Lord Ashraic,” said Rick who was passing by.
“It’s not a school day. Where is she?”
“Uhh she went with the girls from her squad. They said they were going out to prepare her for a date with Sir Damien,” said Rick who clearly wanted to flee from his presence.
He cursed. Rick flinched. So the bastard was one step ahead of him. Guess he should just wait for his princess to come home. He sighed. Is she still wasn’t Damien’s queen.
Tanya wanted to turn the mall to dust. It was already late afternoon and her companions still haven’t found the right attire for her. It was very tiring but she never had so much fun in her life. They laughed at the ridiculous clothes they found and tried almost every dress they could find. So they decided to rest first. Even Reapers get tired too. They were at the food court and people were staring at them. Mirabella was wearing a sleeveless beige top with a white skirt and gold high heels. She had gold jewelleries on and her long caramel coloured hair made her look like very elegant. Iris was wearing a red kimono top and a black frilly skirt. She had matched her pair of black doll shoes with the red stones and the result was a beautiful breathing doll. Tanya was wearing a black top with a gold zipper dividing the middle. She was also wearing black leggings with her black boots. She looked like a very seductive huntress.
“People are staring,” Tanya said.
“Let them, sweetie” Mirabella laughed.
“Tanya dearie, tell us. Are you in love with Damien?” asked Iris.
Tanya was startled of the directness of the question. The two had been using endearments to her too. It made her feel precious to them and she knew she really was.
“No, I’m not in love with him. I…also plan to tell him that later,” Tanya said.
It was the truth and she was no longer confused.
“So why did you agree to this?” Mirabella asked.
“I…know this is his way of cheering me up”
She looked down. She knew most people would view her as someone who’s just taking advantage of Damien. The siblings hugged her.
“We know you’re not using him, Tanya darling. You’re just going on a date to have fun!” said Iris.
“Are you in love with someone else, sweetheart?” asked Mirabella.
She blushed. The two squealed.
“Who is it?” insisted Mirabella.
“Friends can have secrets too”
I winked and ran off. They chased me laughing and pleading all the way.
Damien looked at his watch. He was still early and the night was young. He smiled grimly. This was the night he would sacrifice sweet Tanya for the sake of his family. If he had never come, Tanya would never have become a ransom. He was nervous as hell and he tried to look normal as he looked at his reflection in the large mirror by the hallway. He looked alright but his eyes contained fear. He frowned. Tanya wouldn’t notice something was wrong, right? It would be dark and the rides would surely distract her.
“Take care of Tanya or I’ll kill you Damien”
He turned around. It was Cam. Guilt stabbed him. He tried to laugh it off.
“I heard girls are afraid of horror houses,” Damien said.
“Tanya’s not that kind of girl,” Cam growled.
“I’ll make it our last destination. Heard people go mad inside,” Damien laughed.
He was dropping hints. He felt ridiculous but he was frantically searching his mind for the right thing to say to save Tanya.
“I’ll…drop her here by 11. If she’s not here by then, she might have become a ransom or something,” Damien said.
“You should wait downstairs,” Cam said.
Something was wrong with his friend but he could not quite tell what it was.
“The Red King should go see Alice too”
He shrugged. They waited and both of them were speechless by the sight of her. Her long untameable white hair had been cut just above her shoulders with bangs which made her look younger and more…alive. Her lips were glossy and a faint gold eye shadow was applied on her eyes. She was wearing a long sleeves light blue dress with black ribbons, black ruffles and black laces. She was also wearing a pair of blue high heels. Her slender neck had on a black choker with a blue stone. She was enchanting. She was captivating. Cam turned his head away. Tanya had not made herself beautiful for him but for Damien this night. She smiled shyly.
“Tanya, you look like a fallen angel!” exclaimed Damien.
Tanya laughed and looked at Cam. What should he say? That he wanted to steal her away and that he wanted to show her how much he loved her? It was fucking impossible. Jealousy was killing him inside. He put on his sadistic facade.
“So Warren dies and you go to Damien. That’s not really angelic, right?” Cam sneered.
Hurt flashed at Tanya’s face. She recovered at once. Cam wanted to comfort her. He gritted his teeth. They left without another word and he felt like the biggest asshole in the universe.
It was almost closing time. They had tried every ride in the amusement park already. Damien clutched Tanya’s hand.
“Let’s go to the horror house,” Damien said.
She frowned.
“It’s almost closing time, Damien,” Tanya replied.
Damien laughed.
“Come on, Tanya”
They ran to the horror house and went inside. He was going to do it.
“Damien, why are you stopping?” she asked.
He covered her mouth and her nose with his drug-soaked handkerchief. She tried to scream and turn him and the handkerchief to dust but the drug was faster. She fainted at once and he carried her.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Some guards were inspecting the horror house. He hid inside a coffin. After an hour, he knew it was time.
“MAD HATTER!!!” he shouted.
An eerie laugh filled the horror house. The exchange was made very quickly. The Mad Hatter’s people took Tanya and his family was safe once again. He left the territory that very night. He would never be able to show his face to Cam or Tanya again. He could not sleep despite the luxury and comforts provided by his private jet. He could not forget sweet Tanya’s last scream.
It was midnight already. Cam cursed. Something had happened. He tried to reach their cell phones but they were turned off. He pushed the speed limits just to reach the amusement park quickly enough. He tried to decipher everything that Damien had said. He could not understand it. He turned the lock into dust and ran to the horror house. Damien had said this would be their last destination. Why did he know something would happen? Then he found a handkerchief lying on the floor. He knew it was Damien’s because he saw him using it before he left. Were they in danger? Then he smelled the drug and Tanya’s scent. No. They weren’t in danger. Only Tanya was because of Damien. Then everything made sense. Heard people go mad inside. She might have become a ransom or something. The Mad Hatter had made Tanya a ransom. Where could have they taken her?
Tanya’s head felt like someone was trying to crush it open. Her head ached and she felt that she was underwater. Where was she? She tried to rub her eyes but she found that she cannot. Panic and clarity sunk in. She was in a human-size aquarium filled with water. Oxygen was attached to her mouth and hundreds of wires were attached to her whole body. Some were filled with her blood and others were giving her some kind of fluid. She was wearing a strait jacket and a white jumper. Her feet were bare but her ankles were chained on the metal flooring. Who did this to her? How did she end up in it, anyway? She tried to recall what happened. It was Damien. He had delivered her to the Mad Hatter. She vaguely remembered hearing the exchange. So the Mad Hatter had finally got her. She pounded the glass. The glass wasn’t breaking at all despite her strength as a Level 999. If she still had strength left. She felt as weak as a leaf! It must be the wires. She tried to remove them. Electricity flowed through her. She screamed if that was possible. She let go. The wires would be killing her before she had removed even one. She tried to turn the glass into dust. Electricity ran through her once again. So efforts of escaping would just kill her. The water was freezing and they were continuously taking her blood. Her aquarium was in a sort of a laboratory and everyone was wearing a Grim Reaper mask. No one was paying her attention. The connection! But she can only use it to alert a Reaper that she was in danger. Could they possibly find her? Then she knew how. If she can connect with a Reaper, she can turn to dust the path until it would lead to her. It was only a small amount of power to make a path on the ground but the distance would probably kill her. Cam would be probably worried sick of her right now. She smiled and closed her eyes. Yes, she’d do this for Cam. She summoned her power searching for Cam. Electricity ran through her and she screamed and fainted once again.
Cam felt her. He was in his room waiting for news of Tanya being found. He had sent all his Reapers to find her. He had questioned Mirabella and Iris and found that they never knew of Damien’s plan. Tanya was trying to reach him. Just like the night she had turned his stained glass windows into dust because she was in danger. Then he looked at the floor. A long crack from where he was standing had formed. He followed it and it reached the Headquarters’ gate. The crack ended with a form that looked like it had exploded. He frowned. Tanya wanted for him to follow it but wasn’t able to finish the path. Something had prevented her. Had they made her too weak already? Was she being tortured? Frustration and panic clawed at him but there was nothing else he can do but wait for Tanya to continue the path that would lead to her.
Three days must have passed already. Tanya knew she was getting weaker and weaker by the minute. The Mad Hatter thought she was just trying to turn them all to dust. She realized he did not know of the connections Reapers have with each other. He did not know that the path she has made was getting closer and closer to his lair. This would be the last day she can use her power. The electricity shocks every time she used her power were always life threatening. They were draining her blood to make more of her kind and were only keeping her alive with drugs. She fought a wave of sleep that was trying to overwhelm her in vain. She had never slept ever since she had been captured. She knew that if she slept there was a huge chance she wouldn’t be able to wake up again. She gathered all her power. She awakened her level 999 virus with her last ounce of strength. She summoned all the power she can and concentrated on finishing the path she has made and lead it to the very room she was held. She heard the scientists panic and the alarms go off. She opened her eyes and saw the path she has made right in front of her. An extremely high voltage of electricity ran through her. It was higher than she had ever felt before. It was so high that even the lights inside the room were flickering. Muffled screams came out of her. Her whole body shook continuously. Pain ripped her apart inside and she quietly just wanted to die. Then the electrocution stopped. The alarms stopped. The pain stopped and she feared her heart might have too. She finally let go and drifted off to sleep.
Cam ordered his Reapers to surround the area. The lair was underground. After three days of waiting for the continuation of the path, it had started once again with intense speed and led them straight to the lair. He knew the Mad Hatter might have escaped already with the alarms going off. Ha and his Reapers turned anyone who was not Tanya to dust. He ran ahead following the path. He prayed that he was not yet too late. He entered a laboratory and turned all of the Mad Hatter’s scientists to dust. Then he saw it. The path ended in front of a human-size aquarium with someone in a blue dress imprisoned inside. He ran to it and confirmed his fears. It was Tanya. She had oxygen attached to her but he could not see even a bubble coming out of her. Her eyes were closed and hundreds of wires were connected to her. Her feet were chained to the floor. He pounded on the glass. Tanya did not even stir. He turned the glass into dust and a wave of water crashed into him and on the floor. He caught her and felt her pulse. It was extremely faint but it was there. He removed the oxygen and found that it was not functioning anymore. He kissed her and transferred life to her. It was more powerful and more effective than any other method of resuscitation. He continued to kiss her and transfer all the life sources he had consumed so much for both of them. She was not waking up. He was not going to cry. Hell, he wanted to! He could not bear to lose her. He wouldn’t be able to live not to see her smile at him again or call him Cammie. He would not be able to live without making her hear his thoughts the last evening he had seen her. That she had looked like the queen of faeries herself. He would not be able to live without her. He was crying already. He was lucky his Reapers were just stationed outside. Then he shook her like someone would shake someone to wake up a sleeping person.
“Damn it! Wake up, Tanya Everstone! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DIE ON ME!!!” he shouted and kissed her with more intensity.
Then he felt her pulse began to speed up and began to go back to normal. He stopped kissing her but he held her and continued the transfer. Then her eyes opened.
“Cammie, I’m in love with you too,” Tanya whispered.

Dear Mr and Mrs Ashraic,
You have done great damage to all of my plans. Rest assured that I would not be targeting your wife anymore. A level 999 is too hard to experiment with. A masterpiece that even in my best efforts I cannot remake anymore. The government is using us both, leader of the Reapers. I wish for us to join forces for our own sakes. The time that they would hunt you Reapers is fast approaching.
Sincerely yours,
Mad Hatter


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.03.2012

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