
It was April 20 2009. Graduation is almost here and im not even ready yet. I have so much on my mind. God why did i have to get picked to do the speech? Well i have to be ready. Im trying to figure out what I'm going to say when i here a knock on my door.I stand up to open it, and its Hope my best friend.
"Man. Can you beleive we are finally graduating?!?!?!"
"I'm really excited too. But you know i have this speech to do remember?" i say, giving her my best annoyed look.
"ya ya i know, iknow" she says, rolling her eyes.
Hope is the only one who actually knows of my condition.Ever since i could remember i've had these strange visions about this man. And let me say he is so hot in my imagination.(sigh) But i know its just to good to be true.
He just came out of the ground of the carpathian mountains.~Derek~ What the hell was that?? It sounded like a women's voice.No it couldnt be. yah i gave that up years ago.
"you okay Derek?" his brother Mike asked
"yah, yah im fine" at least he thought he was.
Danielle ,Mikes lovemate pats him on the shoulder.
"you sure?"she says.
when i look at her i feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because my brother found his lovemate. The one women that was meant to be with him. His true love.
Sad because i gave up searching for her. My lovemate,the one true love that was meant for me. But hey, if i cant find her then, well, i'll just have to giv in to the beast inside me. And i wiil never know what its meant to be loved.
Chapter 2

Jream sat up fast from her sleep.
sweat soaking her forehead.
Its happening again. The visions, its all comeing back.Jream sits up and graps her clock.
ugh.....its still early...
i cant go back to sleep. hes going to invade them.what to do....what to do....
i know what....I'll jus take a morning jog. yah i could use one.
she gets upp puts on her sweats and heads out the door.the cold morning air feels soo good against my face. ok, now lets think abt what im gona do- she didnt get to finish the thought because someone snatched her up against a hard chest. Before she got the chance to scream,something sharp pierced her skin in the hollow of her throat. Then there was only blackness.
Derek was just lookin for someone any person he could drink from to get enough strength to help his brother hunt the sanguisuga. Bloodsuckers who kill without regret or feelings. When he turned the corner he saw a women jogging. Well at least her back is to me. He snatched her up and bit down into her throat. He was just taking what he needed, but what he ddidnt expect was to suddenly feel emotions he has never felt his whole life. He stoped and looked at the women in his arms.
His women
the women made only for him
The sudden possesiveness hit him hard. He never thought he would find her. But now that he has,he will let no one take her awy from him.

Chapter 3

Jream woke up light headed. What the fuck was that? waht happened last night? Shit....she opened her eyes. when she looked around. This isn't my room. There were candles around her. No windows. The bed she was on was soft,with the soft fur blankets around her. It was a very pretty room,but why the fuck arent thereany windows?
Man,this is realy weird. And wahat is that smell? Hmmm it smells like a man. A sweaty, earthy and sexy scent. What the hell? theres a sudden ache between her thighs. Crap...why the fuck is she getting soo horny?
Then ,there was a movement behind her. she turned and saw that it was a man. But not just any man, no this was the man from her visions.

Derek just sat there and watched her wake up and look at her surroundings. She was truely the most beautifulest women he ever saw.With her pitch black curly hair that was cut right below her shoulders, her skin was a little pale,creamy. Her body was beautiful too. With her long smooth legs, her breast were full,perky and plump,her buut was full,round and big but not too big at the same time,her body was all curves.Her eyes was still a mystery though. but when she woke he will find out. But when she sat up and looked around he could smell her arousal and his penis hardened in response. When she looked at him, he could feel himself drowning in her eyes. He never saw anything like her eyes. They were somewhat a mix between blue and green he couldnt tell. They were misty too. but beautiful.
when he walked over to her she flinched back.
" What do you want from me?!" she said on a sob
"I am your lovemate" he told her. He held out is hand to her,bt she backed away from his touch.
"My what?!?!!"
"Your lovemate,you were born for me,and me alone," his eyes held possesiveness in them,"you are meant to be with me for eternity,you brang back feelings to my soul, you belong to me."

Chapter 4

Jream stared at him in shock. She was lost,maybe this is just a dream. I mean he couldnt be real,no he is just a figment of my imagination. yes thats it. But damn he is so fucking sexy. with his hair being blue-black cut short but side comed. He is well built i must say. With him just standing there with nothing on except a shorts. As i look at his body i can tell he has an 8 pack,his chest looks smooth,his arms and legs all mustle but not to buff.His eyes are amazing though. Silver,yah thats what color they are,yah. OMG jus looking at him makes me ache for things i shoudnt even think about.but i cant help it,oh and when i see his erection coming out from his shorts i just want to burst. I pull my gaze from his erection to his lips,and i notice they are full, i wonder what they taste like,because i cant help it i lick my lips. At that single movement i see his gaze move to my lips.What the hell is happening to me? Crap...snap out of it. ok.
"no...look i dont even know you ok? why dont you just leave me alone and let me go home...and plus i have a boyfriend ok?" i hope he gets the message
His eyes blazed fircely " you are mine and no others"
"Ok umm can you let me go home now?"
"No you will stay and wait till i arise again"
he starts going into a rectangle shaped hole in the ground, i didnt even notice that. Ok this is getting weirder by the minute.
"Ok, idk who put you boss but i am not staying here"
but he was already covered.
ok im gona jus go. She ran to the door opened it and ran into the day.

Chapter 5

once she got out she had no idea where she was but she just kept running. When she came to a road she knew she had to go left.
When she got home she was still shocked, she didnt know what to believe. When she looked at the clock it was 10:30
shit i gota get ready.

Hope came a little later to pick her up. when they got to school they had to get ready for graduation.
"So did you do your speech??" Hope asked
"hmmmm,oh yah i finished it yesterday" i answered
" JreJre are you ok? you seemed out of it ever since i picked you up. What is it?"
"oh umm nothing i just nervous"I told her. I cant really tell her abt HIM. Hell i still cant believe it myself.
Then arms came around my waist.
"Hi babe"

"hey Chris"
My boyfriend the one i love. I tippy toe to bring my lips to his and kiss him. He pulls me tighter against him and kisses me passionately.With each stroke of my tongue he responds with his own.

"umm..hello,geez get a room" Hope says making us break apart.

"you ready?" Hope asks me

"yupp. i am"I tell her.

Derek just arose. it is the evening and his mate ran off.Damn it i told her to stay and wait. but she didnt now i have to find her.


Jream is walking home . its already 8:00 pm and im tired. man im finaly done with high school. But i broke up with chris. i have no idea why though. I mean, werent we the perfect couple? where the hell did all my feelings for him go.All of a sudden i felt disgusted by just kissing him.ugh,just dont think about it. Derek, i've been thinking about him all day. i cant seem to take him out of my head. i have these feelings for hi-her thought broke off when she heard footsteps behind her. She looked back but wished she didnt. it was a man, tall with very sharp teeth. you could tell he used to be handsome,but not so much now. And what is that all over his it cant be,BLOOD.
Then she ran.
But she didnt get far,she ran into a wall of mustle. When she looked up it was another one.
He smiled, showing his bloody sharp teeth,
" Hello "
And he bit her.
she felt the pain, then she felt nothing, im going to die,she thought.

Chapter 6
Derek felt her pain as if it were his own.
he shapeshifted into his wolf form and ran. He followed her scent, but when he found her, he saw that a sanguisuga was feeding on her. He lunged for the man that held his mate. The sanguisuga dropped Jream and dodged him.
" Long time no see Derek" the sanguisuga said
Derek turned back to his regular form.

"Nice to see you too kaleb" with that Derek charged
they threw a few punches at each other but when Derek punched kaleb through his chest Derek ripped out his heart and burned it in his hand. The sanguisuga's scream was deafing until Derek shut him up.

Chapter 7

Derek picked up Jream in his arms.
He knew she didnt have a lot of time, so he ran all the way to his brother's house.
Jream opened her eyes and looked up. Derek......he was the last person she thought who would have came to save her.
" Derek " it was just a whisper but he heard her.

"you have to fight, you cant die i need you, i dont even know your name." He said to her

"Jream Johnson "it was hard for her to breath. it hurt her throat when she tried to swallow.

"Thank you" she told him

" No, No ,no!!! we're almost there, hold on just a little longer!! you have too!!"He was crying,he hadnt cried for centuries
Jream closed her eyes and drifted into the darkness.


Jream was on the bed in Derek's brothers house. Danielle was healing Jreams wounds.

"She needs blood Derek" Mike told him,"You have to change her now or we will lose her"

"I cant, its my fault this happened"He let the tears run down his cheeks.

" You have to, or she is dead for good"Mike said and left.
He sat there alone.
Then because he didnt want to lose her he bit her on the neck and took her blood. After that he bit his wrist and put it against her mouth. He lay next to her in the soil on the ground and covered themselves to heal.All he could do now is wait till tomorrow evening.

Chapter 8
Derek woke up to nibbling kisses on his penis and it jumped in response.when he opened his eyes he saw Jream kissing his cock.He caught her arms and pulled her under him.

"I thought i lost you" He told her

"well you didnt, and thank you" she said

"for what?"He asked

"For saving my life idiot" she laughed

"im not an idiot,an its your fault for not staying when i told you"

"well its not my fault you scared me"

"I love you" he told her

"I love you too"She said kissing him

His hands raomed over her breast stroking her. he had one hand on her breast and the other moved lower to her pussy. his fingers seperated the slick folds and found she was ready for him. He slid one long lean finger into her. Moving in and out. another joined his finger. She panted beneath him.And when his mouth left hers to replace his fingers she was sobbing.Each stroke of his tongue got litter whimpers from her. But when he made his
tongue straight and dart it out to lick her clit she begged for completion. he lifted her up and thrust himself into her. with each hard thrust off his hips she cried out in pleasure. Then with one more hard thrust he took them both over the edge.


Jream woke up to a well toned body next to her.
"Derek" she said stroking his cock.
he groaned as she straddled him.

"Good morning My love" He said to her

she kissed him. and she knew he loved her and she loved him.
He could feel that she was already wet as she straddled him.Then she guided his rock hard cock into her once more.

Chapter 9

Derek introduced Jream to his brother and his lovemate.

"Jream this is mike and his lovemate danielle"

"Hi" she said

"welcome to the family" danielle said hugging Jream

"so in two weeks me and Jream are getting married" Derek told them.That got him a lot of huggs and congrats.

Two weeks later

"Omg!! Danielle im pregnant!!! OMG!!! and on my wedding day too!!!" Jream cried

"No way!!! congratulations!!" Danielle said

Later that day after the wedding Jream and Derek made love. And when Jream told him the news they made love again.

The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2010

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