
The New Infrarealist Manifesto

 We are small in a huge universe. We live in a lovely horror of death. Poor flies that conquer empires of dust. How the hell shouldn’t we be afraid? Fear is the second nature. And the first is the courage to accept them all. As they really are.

The spirit of the infrarealism is the one of the fallen angels. Orpheus - the first amongst the infrarealists, the one taming the beasts, has fallen torn apart by…women.

Not before going all the way to inferno, for his love. The infrarealism is orphic but also real at the same time. It’s a strange "in and out" or "bite and run" kind of situation!

The Infrareal is the unseen reality felt all of a sudden. In this consumerist world of today feeling is the very less consumed; how shall we infra or re-feel? There isn’t enough time to die. The result is stressful or rather delusional. We chill with our heads stuck up our asses or dream about change. The various attempts of vanguards divorce of post-modernism ended up lamentably in marriage pacts and towers of pixels. In poems with emoticons bloggers carry their free laziness.

Vanguard floated above reality and its falling was as deserved. They failed within the school books


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Copyright (c) to George Asztalos, 2014
Bildmaterialien: Copyright (c) to George Asztalos, 2014
Lektorat: Corina Papouis
Übersetzung: Corina Papouis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2010
ISBN: 978-3-7368-1331-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

to all the people waked up enough to realize their dreams, with love and friendship, George Asztalos. translated to english by Corina Papouis, London 2010.

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