
writer's thoughts

This story has been literally plagueing my mind. Here's a sneak peak, hope you enjoy :)


Dominic sat casually on a chair that had his gaze on all exits from the room and the Vampire and his two servants that stood behind his chair. 

The vampire was pale and his face sharp. Jaw-line defined and cheekbones prominent. Like most vampires he had an ethereal beauty that wove around his body like second skin. Though Dominic didn’t view men sexually, it didn’t pass his notice that the vampire was good-looking like most. His Blond hair was long and hung past his shoulders and eyes so blue that any could get lost in it -and those in his line of work, that would be very bad. Controlling a human’s mind was how they fed easily for willing blood givers. Dominic had special contacts that protected you from a vampire’s glamour –thank God for the Fays. Mind-fucking was not in his agenda tonight.

Like their master wearing a suit with shiny black shoes, which Dominic knew that costs three times more than his entire attire put together, his servants wore suits as well. Calm was the word he’d put it to describe the servants. No emotion splayed on their faces for him to analyse. Though, he didn’t think for one second that if he drew his weapon they’d instantly defend their master. Servants were fiercely loyal to their masters, be it by choice or by force. In fact, A servant who betrays their master or mistress would have the council on their ass and it wouldn’t be pretty. Vampires were good at holding grudges and since they have long-ass lifespan, their grudge goes on for centuries –literally. By their stance, they were on guard and by the bulk in certain places –they were heavily armed, just like him. 

‘I contacted you for a job I need to be done and I learned that you were the best, is that not?’ The vampire spoke. His voice oh-so smooth was annoying because he didn’t need any more powers coming from him. some say Balthazar had a voice of a siren that compelled anyone of his desire. He was one of the council. Of course his power would be as close to limitless. That didn’t help with the situation at all. Business with a vampire was always a tricky sort –you never can trust them. Monsters through and through –though, by the blood that stained his hands he was a monster too, a different sort of monster.  You had to tread carefully when business with them occurred. You never know when they’ll flip his switch and drain him dry. 

Dominic shrugged in answer but remained silent. Best or not, another will always come along and kill your ass. He wasn’t a modest man and acknowledged he possessed a very specific set of skills that made him damn bloody good but things change all to quickly for him to know that being ‘famous’ in what you do can bite you in the ass. Besides, he wasn’t here to talk about his skill set but business. 

‘It’s bad manners to not speak when spoken too.’ His voice arrogant and so typical vampire-like. 

Dominic didn’t bother to comment. Maybe it was bad manners but he searched for him –want something from him, not the other way round. Dominic did, however, raised an eyebrow at inquiry in remark.

The vampire laughed. With manicured hands pointing at him, the Vampire shook his head all the while laughing. 

‘You have spunk human, I give you that.’ The laughter stopped as quickly as it came. ‘But don’t push your luck with me. I can still rip you from limb to limb.’

‘You searched for me. Not the other way round. State what you want and I’ll give you my price.’

The vampire stilled and it was the first flash of pure predator Dominic saw. Vampires weren’t kind or misunderstood in stories or movies but predators and Dominic knew very much that he was the prey but that didn’t mean he was weaker, at least not without weapons.

‘You may be good but you can be easily replaced and dismembered if I will it.’

Dominic inclined his head in acknowledge. ‘That is not my intention but we have business. How can I help you?’ Dominic spoke in a calm voice that he made sure didn’t waver.

‘Farrah and I have a history but her usefulness has ceased. Get it done and make it quickly.’

Farrah was a Mistress Vampire. Dominic felt queasy and the pull of the prestigious Farrah. A quick moment, perhaps, but a memory that burned through his mind. What seemed like minutes felt like hours and he knew he should stay away from her but this was his job and Farrah was the assignment -like any other assignments he followed through.

Dominic nodded slightly to the vampire.

"Let's talk about prices." Dominic said finally.

Chapter 1

The dead vampire’s eyes bore lifeless to him. Dominic stared at the male. Pale, high cheek-boned and red rusty hair. He wasn’t a young vampire by far but he wasn’t smart either. You’d think all these centuries he would be a genius but he let the sense of superiority over humans become his weakness and there Dominic was, carrying out a sentence by a human client. Stupid really. 

However, the thought didn’t take away the knot in his stomach, the vile seeping through his blood like poison. This killing felt wrong but who was he to justify what was right or wrong. He was in all shades of grey. Drowning in it, actually. Dominic tried to shut it off but the splinters grew bigger within his head, heart and fucking soul. Hell he wasn’t even this sappy but he couldn’t shake it off.  

Dominic shut his eyes and straightened himself as he let the body fall to the ground. Inhaling and exhaling. Slow and easy. The urges became stronger, more uncontrollable and unpredictable. Dominic knew he was spiralling out of control slowly and the self control he prided himself on would shatter and soon his vision would only be a blur of red haze. 

‘Killing vampires without a sanctioned kill is against the law, Hunter.’ A feminine voice twirled around his senses that her voice itself had the power to taste like ambrosia and he would willingly taste the sweetness she poured onto him. 

Gathering himself together, he kept his back to her. ‘I’m no vampire hunter.’

‘Do not assume what you do not know, Hunter.’ The power behind her words held him at attention. Locked and caged around his body, he couldn’t help his fists curling inwards towards his palms. 

That was when he felt her. Heat seeped from her to him which was impossible. She was a vampire, he was sure of it. She grazed her hand over his back and with, what he felt, little effort she tore the blood-stained shirt away from his body. As if the piece of cloth offended her. Dominic felt the tips of, what’s got to be, claw nails caressing his back. Nice and slow. The tips of her long nails razor sharp held bite in her caress. If he could describe it better, it was more like petting. Like a prized statue to touch in admiration, to feel its beauty as well as seeing it. Dominic trembled. He was losing control. Something out of her touch made him want to fight back. Rebel. Throw her off him and beat her but not kill her. That confused him. Why would he give a fuck about her wellbeing? 

The silence wasn’t awkward but it held power and danger. Something Dominic was unwillingly okay with. 

‘I did not mean vampire hunter, Hunter. I meant hunter. One who seeks, hunts, his prey. Only by your hand is the prey executed but you’re a wounded hunter.’ That was when those pointed nails dug pass his skin and he felt blood drip down his back. He didn’t wince but felt the tingling bite of pain. ‘As a wounded hunter, you’re careless. Though I do not think you care. Not for your wellbeing. I say you’re willing to die. Waiting for someone that surpasses you so you can give up. Give in. That is the only way you know how because that is you. You do not give up so willingly, it is not in your nature.’

She continued to stroke him. Dominic didn’t understand or make sense of it. He concentrated on her nails trailing the scar battles embedded in ugly lines on his back that trailed down past the waistband of his jeans. 

‘I don’t understand.’ Dominic said and even then he  sounded strained. Weak. Pathetic. 

Dominic’s eyes raised in resolve. That wasn’t him. He wasn’t weak nor was he pathetic. He wasn’t about to let a woman defeat him with only her words. Hell no. 

The moment his eyes landed on her face, he stood dumbfounded. Her face round and skin was as if honey glazed over her skin effortlessly and was able to shine even in a dark alley. Dominic was about to see it. Her long, long hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail and fell all the way down to her back. It was smooth, shiny and not quite black but, in fact, with brown tints. He noticed them. Her face was a master piece. Cheek-bones defined and those piercing brown eyes staring straight at him without flinching or fear. God, her lips were like the Goddess itself took personal care on how those lips were created. The curve, the fullness and the ample slight dip at the top of her lip –shaping those lips perfectly. They were in a deep plum colour lipstick that shined.  

Couldn’t help himself but trail down, Dominic saw she wore a pure white suit in contrast with her honey skin. The blazer was double breasted and the material shaped the perfect curve of her small breasts perfectly. She wore no shirt beneath nor did she wear a bra. The line in-between her breast were clear to see  -all held together by on gold button with a lion insignia. Her pantsuit went straight down, barely kissing the floor. Though it didn’t form a close shape of her legs, the strength in her stance alone told him the toned thigh she owned. He imagined for them to be pencilled but the muscles noticeable that showed undeniable power and strength. Those hands of hers were as he thought –long and point-tipped. It looked like her fingernails were dipped in blood and stood that colour, strong and true. She was beautiful. Lethal and vampire. 

The slap came hard and fast across his check with such strength that whipped his head back. The pained zinged from his cheek and through his entire body. He brought his hand up to touch his cheek and three precision lines neatly broken his skin. Blood came out. Dominic was startled. Confused but he didn’t look. Something deep inside told him not to. 

‘You didn’t have my permission to look up, Hunter. The very sight of my presence is a privilege. You do not deserve the privilege nor do you have the right to ask for it yet. You haven’t earned it.’

Those very words stopped and contracted at his throat. He was about to ask her if he could look up. Let him adore her by his eyes. He kept his eyes down to her pointed black platform  heels.

She resumed her stroking. She continued to speak as if she didn’t just slap him and bled him. She didn’t ask or suggest. She merely presumed like nothing but her sheer will can only stop it. Time ends when she wills it. That was the power she had. Whatever it was.  ‘You are a hunter without a purpose. That is dangerous of all routes a hunter could go. Confused. Don’t know what he is seeking and more important, hunting. How can you hunt something you do not know, Hunter? Beyond your reach but in that time, your patience grows thin and frustration grows –spiralling yourself out of control like poverty.’

Demonic didn’t know what to say. Within minutes her words dug to close to home. Her understanding of him by sight alone was downright scary. He fought mentally against her words. Not wanting to hear it. To accept.

‘Ah, Hunter you are fighting it. Be it yourself or another.’ Her hand came up to enclose around his neck and applied pressure. Not enough to  stop the airflow but enough for him to work for air that had him feeling her power and strength like a collar. Enough bite for him to feel her. ‘But you can be guided a different path that will be better, Hunter. Lead a different way by someone who knows that their sheer will alone can, not command, expect you to follow because their will is what will motivate you, guide you.’ 

Denial rose from his throat but the female spoke over him easily. ‘But you will follow, Hunter because you know what they lead you to is where you want to be. You would do anything they ask for and you will beg for it not because you have to but you want to. To please them because what please them, please you ultimately.’

Dominic shut his eyes tightly. Trying to shut her out. Stop her voice echoing in his mind. Then Dominic needed to know something as desperately as he needed to breath. ‘May I know your name if I am worthy of it?’

He didn’t know how the hell that came out of his lips but it felt naturally saying as it was hearing it.

‘You may now since you asked elegantly. Farrah, Hunter.’ Then her lips were to his ear. ‘Do not die Hunter. No matter how much you want to. I would be displeased.’ 

And as if the world tilted on her axis, Dominic became resolved not to. Somehow, the thought of displeasing her was something he could not do.  

‘I-‘ Dominic said so brokenly.

‘Farewell, Hunter.’

With the speed of a vampire, she was gone. He knew immediately when the heat from her palm at his cheek left him. Coldness seeped in his place.  

‘Farrah.’ Dominic whispered. One word could make a vow and vow did he make. For her. Only for her. 


Farrah counted and strained for signs to direct her back to the car that awaited her. she also knew very well that Lucas would be there, leaning against the car, she would imagine. To this day she still remembered how he looked like. His body frame was 6 ft 8 and the muscle mass that cascaded all over his body made him broader. 

Her servant was a peculiar one. Where servants would follow their Lady or Lord dutifully without question, Lucas questions her –though not in a manner she won’t tolerate. Lucas was one of a kind to find as a servant these days. Lucas was a vampire servant in the oldest form. His deep-rooted feeling to want to serve another regardless of what type you were, be it vampire or human. But those like Lucas had unwavering loyalty to only one person in his/her lifespan. They were trained by the highest order to harness their knowledge into serving their Lady or Lord. Servants like Lucas would spend their life finding the one and only Lady or Lord they want to serve, protect and cherish.  

Farrah stood a few feet from Lucas. She felt him humming through her body and she heard the car. She knew this place well enough to know that Lucas wouldn’t see her. The outer edges of her lips curled into a faint smile. Lucas was given to her by her parents on her sixteenth birthday a millennia ago. Her parents were vampires but she was human -adopted when she was no more than a babe. Her parents believed human or not, their daughter would have a servant like any Vampire. Farrah always knew that on her twenty-first birthday, her parents would turn her and she consented it. It was her choice and she picked immortality.

Farrah smiled a little. She still remembered his blue eyes meeting her. They say that the eyes were gateways to one’s soul and boy, did she see it. Right before her eyes, she saw his resolve and his certainty in his eyes. She saw the unwavering loyalty kicked into place and that was when she learned true meaning of the word servant. It was instinctual and a feeling for a Lady or a Lord to recognise their one true servant. It was right there and then, Farrah knew she owned him, mind, body and soul of which was given to her willingly because that is what a vampire servant do. Give everything of his/her Lady or Lord and it was a Lady’s or Lord’s duty to keep it safe. 

Farrah heard the slight shift of his body and the change in the atmosphere to know that Lucas knew his Lady was near. It was instinctual. A feeling. 

‘It’s not nice to play games, My Lady.’ His tone held amusement and the beat of his heart slowed down. Farrah knew the predator in him slowly unfurling and that she allowed herself to be prey. 

‘Since when have I ever been nice Lucas?’ 

Farrah tilted her head as he heard a step and then another coming towards her. They were deliberate so she would hear him coming to her but she knew for a fact that he could conceal the sounds. Though it would still be useless. She may be blind but Lucas was her eyes literally and the fact that she had a mental bond that knew where his presence was.  

Farrah held her hand out to touch Lucas and he came into her hand without hesitation. Farrah felt her hand landing on his neck first. The position the was his neck was told her he had his head to one-side, looking downwards. A submissive pose –though the ironic part was that he didn’t have a submissive bone in his body.

Leisurely, she used her nails to caress his beating pulse. Farrah used feathery touches to stroke his pulse the way that sent him shivers. The delight feeling of knowing one’s submissive reacted to the barest of touches was gratifying. Farrah felt her fangs elongate but didn’t act on the urge to taste her sweet, sweet Lucas. She liked to wait it out because when claiming him would be so much sweeter. 

Lucas being in tuned with her, as always, Farrah felt his hand clasp over her hands and her pointed nails that was teasing him pressed down to his skin. Vampire servants were stronger, faster than a normal human. Being so, Lucas was able to push her nails into his skin till it broke skin and dragged it across his neck. Farrah’s nostrils flared in response. The scent of him was intoxicating as always. His blood always had the effect of making her mindless. Of course, Lucas knew this and he also knew his Lady wanted to feed and he would deny her none. 

‘Feed, my Lady. I know how much you want to feed. I can feel it.’ 

However, Farrah ignored Lucas. Her blooded nails drifted to his mouth and smeared his mouth with it. Farrah felt his breath hitch. She took a step forward and with her other hand, she encircled his neck and dug and finger nails into it. She loved the feeling for him straining to breathe, making him work for it  -making him feel her. Like a brand, a mark of ownership.  

Farrah moved her blooded nails to the side of his cheeks and felt his prominent cheek bone. Then she moved down passed his neck, following the line of his broad shoulder and to his thick arms. Her other hand let go of his neck to move her hand to his other arm.

‘Turn around.’ Farrah commanded and he did as she wished. 

When his back was to her, she continued her exploration. Lucas hasn’t said a word and he wouldn’t. He knew how much she liked to explore her servant. Predatory instincts rose within her. She needed him bound. Helpless to her. Surrender to her. The need for him to be restrained was carnal as a Vampire. Vampires, despite stories and movies, weren’t misunderstood creatures but monsters. Having her prey helpless, bound and in complete and utter surrender was something she craved and needed. Something she could not deny.

Slowly reaching to his wrists and playing with his rapid pulse with her thumb, she waited. She didn’t need to speak for she knew Lucas would know what she wanted. It wasn’t something she demanded but something she expected.

‘Back pocket.’ Lucas strained out. 

With one hand to hold both his wrist, her other moved to his back pocket and found a piece of long silk. Farrah knew it would be sapphire. It was her favourite colour and Lucas would try to please his Lady on all accounts. 

Farrah took the silk and ripped it into two. One piece was expertly tied around his hands to bound him and another lingered around his neck, tightening on it for only just a second before her hand was feeling her way to his lips and placed the other piece there –like a gag. She tightened it sharply and tied it at the back of his head. She knew Lucas needed her to own him physically as he knew she did mentally. Taking away his ability to speak, took away his choices –control. 

Farrah stepped back and let her nails trail around him softly as she slowly circled him like a predator to a prey. She didn’t bother hiding her fangs. She knew it would arouse him more. When she reached to his front, she palmed his cheek and he leaned into her. she pressed his cheek to her lips as she dragged her tongue across the blood-stained check. Licking him dry, marking him with her scent.

‘Kneel.’ Farrah spoke. Lucas did so without hesitation. On his knees, making his head reaching just below her breasts. 

It was a pity Farrah couldn’t see him, bound and kneeling. Every female Vampire would appreciate the view and not because Lucas had a physique was magnificent but because it was a servant. To be a servant doesn’t necessarily mean to follow. 

Farrah started to pet Lucas. She knew his hair was beautiful. He grew it out and kept it long for her pleasure and entertainment. And so she played with it. She let her fingers slid effortlessly through his hair, letting her nails bite into his scalp in a teasing manner. She then walked to around Lucas and trailed her nails on the muscular lines of his shoulders. She traced the scars she made along the regions of his back. Lucas being tall and muscularly proportioned, it seemed a waste not to mark him, scar him with his Lady’s nail marks. Farrah traced them now.

‘Beautiful.’ Farrah said. ‘My mark on you. You served me well for centuries, Lucas. Do you still remember how you begged me to use my blood on your back to permanently mark you? Scar you?’

Taking away his choice to speak, Lucas kneeled silently but Farrah didn’t miss the shiver running through Lucas. Farrah leaned down and traced that racing pulse she hears with her fangs. Lucas started whispering through the cloth.

‘Take me, feed me, bite me. My lady, I’m yours.’

Farrah didn’t wait any longer. Without permission Farrah bit down. Farrah didn’t need permission. No pretences, every inch of Lucas was her property. Taking without permission was what showed him  that she owned him. Mind, body and soul was all hers to do with. Whatever she wished because it was for her pleasure. 

Farrah swallowed Lucas’s sweet blood . his blood was ambrosia. So sweet, so addictive. Thick ropes of blood went through her throat and the thirst that was burning her for this feeding started to ease. 

Farrah caressed the other side of his neck, while she drank. Her mind deeply rooted in his mind because she knew Lucas. He would allow her to drain him dry if that meant he served her right, if it pleased her -if that was what she wanted. Farrah allowed her hands to drift to his locks and tugged, caressed and stroked his hair. She always had a weakness for beautiful -particularly on a man. A beautiful man such as Lucas. Her protector, her sanity, her heart. 

When Farrah knew that it was all Lucas could take, she swallowed deeply once more before she lapped the wound she created with her tongue until it healed.  Then Farrah leaned her head against his shoulder, while still caressing his hair. That was when Lucas's arms curled around her. Farrah smiled. The silk gave the illusion of being bound but never actually bound -she had no desire for that. Lucas knew she liked to be cuddle after a feeding and it soothed both of them. Lucas was no where near obedient but she knew with every ounce of her blackened soul that everything he did was for her. Always for her.

After a while, Lucas's arms tightened as he swiftly got up with her in his arms and she allowed him. She knew that Lucas liked to carry her -it was his way to care for her and she didn't mind at all. Trusting him explicitly, she closed her eye-which was something she never done unless it was with Lucas. It was a thing Vampires had. Never close your eyes in front of anyone, never let your guard down for it would cost you your life. Lucas would protect her while she rested -he always did. 

Lucas gently placed her in the back seat and secured the seatbelt. That made her smile but she didn't open her eyes.

"You always make sure I wear a seatbelt. Vampires are very hard to kill." 

"That maybe so, my Lady, but even vampires can be injured through a car accident."

Farrah held her hands towards his voice and he didn't hesitate to grab her wrist and place it on his stubbled check. Farrah stroked and petted with affection and care.

"I allow you to take care of me, Lucas. You care maybe too much for me." Farrah said absently. Caring for anything too much is dangerous in the vampire world. Caring too much could get you killed. Vampires may have been human before they were turned but, for most, remember how they're used to be was far harder. First and foremost, Vampires were Vampires. Territorial. Predator. Dangerous. Monster. Vampires are govern by harsher rules, less humane because her world would become to dangerous and destructive without it and that meant caring and tender emotions were something the Vampiric world would rarely have because her world is too harsh for it to be in our world. For a Vampire, forgetting the Vampiric world and the Human world and everything in-between was and will always be separate entities that co-exist was like asking for a death wish. 

Lucas's hand that was still wrapped around Farrah's wrist, pulled her hand to his lips and kissed tenderly before he put her hand to his heart. She felt the strong beat of his heart and she couldn't help but stroke his chest that held his heart. 

"I am Velaryan." Velaryan were human servants of the highest order. Those who had a Velaryan as their servants were lucky. They were taught to care and protect their Lord or Lady. The Velaryans were the rule to the excepting. One does not simply command for a Velaryan to be their servant but they're the one who choose who they serve. Some would walk through life without finding their Lord or Lady. They live by a code and when they do choose, it's like finding treasure or the rarest diamond -the cherish and they care. That was what  Velaryan was. That was what they are. "You are my Lady. One I chosen out of my own free will. You cannot control my feelings as much as you cannot control what you are. You do not need to understand my love for you and know I understand that you cannot love me back publicly but know that I know, my Lady. With every ounce of my soul."

His voice absolute. His words tender. His mind sincere. That made whatever heart she possessed flutter. Oh, her Lucas has alway had a way with words but he spoke out of terms and if they were in the presence of Vampires that could've meant his life. The thought displeased her immensely. 

"Do not assume what you do not know, Lucas. I'm fond of you but I'm not that fond of you to not kill you for your insubordination."

Lucas kissed my fingers again and placed my hand on my lap but not before Farrah felt him smile.  

"My apologies, my Lady." His voice sounded amused like he was humouring her. Maybe he was but Farrah didn't want to acknowledge. Things were already too deep -thinking about it would be more of a headache so she let it go.

Chapter 2

Lucas was a man that prioritise his Lady first before anyone else. Like it should be and will always be. While his Lady slept, he run over the days task with the maids, the butler and the gardener. He always make sure that everything was perfect before his Lady woke for the evening. Her 'night-garden' was something she visited everyday without fail. Lucas smiled. His lady loved her flowers so he made sure most of the flowers were flowers that only bloom in the night or flowers that exclusively release their flower scent his Lady, though she won't admit, go crazy for-for his Lady's eyes only. 

Her favourite flower was Saussurea Obvallata or known as Brahma Kamal. This particular flower blooms once every year. Some say once every couple of years but the plant that was in his Lady's night garden, without fail blooms only once a year. When its not blooming, the stems that holds the flower looks as if its trying to wove through its leaves. The actual bud is closed tightly in a teardrop shape which you can see clearly it is white but there was also a deep pink things that could only be described as tentacles surround the bud -as if to protect it. Even without it blooming it was still beautiful but when it did that one time, it was beautiful. When bloomed it was only white and the bud opens to reveal its petals and gave a sweet-scented smell that made it all the more alluring. Another was moonflowers. Simple and white but still beautiful. They were called moonflowers because they bloom only in moonlight. These flowers when not bloomed, were curled tightly closed and the shape from a birds eye view looked like an outline of a star with curled edges.

Lucas smiled at the thought of his Lady's pleasure in her night garden. Even when she was human, a girl sixteen years of age, she loved her flowers. Lucas could easily remember her garden her parents gave her, and the first time he saw her. Leaning over a red-thorned rose, holding the bulb with both hands and inhaled its scent. Lucas still remembered every instincts he held locked with recognition that moment he saw her. Even when she was young, still in puberty, she was beautiful. Honey-glazed skin and brown black waves down her back. Her hair was set with braids and was fashioned in the style suited a millennia ago. Her skin smooth, her lips in a mauve colour and her eyes wide with adolescent youth and curiosity. Though, clothing concealed her body, he knew that his Lady held curves -not yet defined maybe since she was young, but there nonetheless. 

Many servants visited the household of Lord Marcus and Lady Aria in hopes to be their beloved daughter servant but none were successful except him. The vampires allowed him to gaze upon their daughter from a distance before they allowed him to introduce himself. Lord Marcus was tall and built. His brown hair fell to his shoulders and he had facial hair along his jaws, just below his high cheek-bones and surround his mouth. Lady Aria was just as beautiful as Lord Marcus. Lady Aria was tall for a woman, reaching just below Lord Marcus's nose and Lord Marcus was a big man. Lady Aria had almond-shaped emerald eyes and platinum-blond locks tumbling down her back. Her nose were straight, her blond eyebrows were perfectly arched and lips a pale pink. Lady Aria had a slender body, more of an athlete figure. She was beautiful. Before she was a Lady, she was Lord Marcus's servant. Though it was rare to turn your servant into a vampire, it wasn't against the law. 

The council decreed that a servant may turn into a vampire if their Lord or Lady consented -and that was only after the chosen servant served their Lord or Lady for at least five hundred years. For a servant to be turned to a Vampire was the highest compliment a servant can have. Lady Aria held considerable respect from both servant and vampire. For a servant to gain vampire status was hard to achieve but Lucas understood. Lady Aria was as magnificent servant as her beauty. And she wasn't just a vampire servant but she was Velaryan. And now she was a vampire and there wasn't a doubt that though she was no longer human she was a Velaryan. Velaryan serve and protect their chosen and for Lady Aria, that meant should would always serve Lord Marcus. Not because she felt that it was her sense of duty to do so but because she chose to do so.

Lucas was proud of the fact that he was, is, a Velaryan. Being one meant that he had found his Lady to serve unlike some because some servant were not Velaryan. They did not have the privilege to choose who they serve. Some were forced to serve a Vampire as punishment. Some was an agreement between a human family. And the saddest part was that, the servants who were made servants this way meant they viewed serving their Lord or Lady as a duty and only duty -not because they had a deep rooted feeling to serve, to create a bond because a bond between Vampire and its servant was strong. So strong that should either the Vampire or the servant dies, the other would also die. Vampire and its servant were two halves of a whole. Always have been, always will be. Very few believed that or understood that. Lucas understood.  

Lady Aria knew that too and when Lucas watched his future Lady smelling flowers, Lady Aria chosen him. And Lord Marcus agreed. Unlike what many vampires think, a vampire servant's job wasn't a form of prison or enslavement but to serve and cherish. Always cherish above all else. A vampire servant was to care, cherish and love their Lord or Lady because their world, the rules and nature of a vampire, was too harsh for a vampire to have it. To a vampire, their servants were their hearts in the world they abide by and it was a servant's job to protect their Lord's or Lady's heart.  

And his Lady's heart was something Lucas would protect and cherish, always cherish until the Goddess herself put him to the ground. 

Don't speak of death, Lucas. Not where you are concerned. You are mine and the Goddess herself cannot have you. 

Lucas's smile turned into a grin as his Lady woke him from the reverie he was having. She didn't deny his thoughts and the possessiveness to that was every inch as predatory as his Lady herself, warmed him. Though he knew that his Lady would never speak of such things to him or aloud because of her world she lives by, but he knew. Always known.  

Eavesdropping again, my Lady?

His Lady completely ignored that comment. Your thoughts fascinate me. You fascinate me

Lucas chuckled. I've been your servant for a millennia and yet you still find me fascinating is beyond me.

His Lady paused, hesitant. Lucas felt it and he didn't like it.  He was hers, plain and simple. 

My Lady?

Every time I enter your thoughts, you always go back to the first day we met. Why?

Lucas relaxed. His Lady was always curious but as Vampires, feelings were not in their nature and when they feel, they try to make sense of it. Emotion was something Vampires never really grasped because they were practical. Predators of their kind were always practical first before anything. 

 Because that was when I knew you were my Lady. The one I will always serve until the day I die. And Lucas left it to that.

Lucas,  I can turn you if that is what you wish. You have served me well-

And I will always serve you my Lady. He interrupted. Lucas always knew his path and it was with his Lady. If he turned, that might not necessarily be the case. Lucas didn't like that at all.  

But don't you crave more? I can give you immortality, power and riches

And it will all be meaningless if I am not serving you. Relax, my Lady, I'm content and I'm happy. It was all true

Lucas could feel his Lady sigh. I can't always protect you. Before he could reply, she continued. Enough, just know the offer still stands but I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Lucas allowed her to retreat. He knew his Lady's limits and he knew when to push but this wasn't the time to push. Very well, my Lady, then sleep and when you wake I will be there.

Lucas knew when his Lady finally gave in to sleep. It was just instincts.  

Leaving his Lady to sleep, he went about his errands of the day and when he had to leave, he made sure there were guards surrounded everywhere. He had a meeting with the werewolves and werelions. Another part of being a servant to a Master Vampire who ruled this City, since it was her territory, he had to deal and manage those under her rule and if it needed her attention, he would discuss with her later tonight when she woke.

 In a world were myths and legends exists, there was hierarchy because his Lady's world were too harsh without one. Rules they lived by the Council of the Vampiric kind decreed. Etiquette. For example, without notifying and asking to enter a territory of a Master Vampire was a sign of not only bad manners but the possibility of wanting to take the territory. Any Vampire knows that if one cannot even protect their own territory, one should never have one in the first place. There was two ways the Master Vampire of the territory can react, one by killing the vampire without question or two, allow them to leave but to do that meant you are acknowledging ones superiority over you. Something no predator would ever do.

 In the Vampiric World the hierarchy was simple, members of the Council were first, then Master Vampires, then Vampire Lords and lastly, Minions. Vampire Lords were Vampires given status by a Master Vampire who ruled them. The Vampire Lords run a part of the territory for the Master Vampire and whatever matters are discussed to the Master Vampire, in his case, his Lady. Minions were the term for Vampires without status, the foot soldiers who must abide by the rules of the Master Vampire in whatever territory they were staying. And since any Vampire can have a Vampire servant, the servant's Vampire status will also be their status in the servant world. Lucas was lucky that his Lady was a Master Vampire because that meant, in his Lady's territory, his rank was the highest and that meant all of the Vampire servants in his Lady's territory was under his command and his responsibility. 

 Being a Master Vampire's servant meant that he took care of territory in his Lady's place. That included, meeting with servants who's Lord or Lady seeks the attendance of his Lady or problems that he needed to dealt with. That also included other beings in residence in his Lady's territory. The Wolves and Lions lived in his Lady's territory and swore allegiance to his Lady by being blood-marked, it was one of Lucas's many duties to deal with them because a Vampire doesn't. For his Lady only deals with them only with important matters but to attend most meetings in person meant that she acknowledges them, equalises them. In this world, Vampires ruled and was the strongest except for of course demons and angels. Those who can shift into animals were strong but didn't compare to Vampires. In all the time Lucas has lived, his Lady only acknowledged one and was also her second-in-command were the Dragons. Dragons were rare but they were the strongest, biggest and most fiercest. Dragons were rare because you are only a dragon if you were born a dragon. Dareios Dracea Draco, the Alpha of the a dragon clan, had something very rare between Vampire and being -an Alliance. It signifies acknowledgement in strength and equality but also allies and friends -something the Vampiric world rarely have. 

Lucas checked his watch while he drove into the wolves' land. Shit, he was going to be late. Being late to anything was bad but being late to Alphas of both lion and wolf was an insult to them. It would be more of a headache to Lucas but no matter, he'd deal with it. Lucas drove into the wolves' land until he found a place to park the car in front of the woods. Deep into the woods was the Pack house and it was the wolves turn to host the meeting. 

Lucas got out of the car and begun to walk toward the makeshift path until he saw Dareios leaning against a tree. Dareios wore loose jeans, black boots and a plain tee. He looked more bodyguard than leader but the intensity and knowledge his blue eyes showed he was more than a fighter but to Dare himself, he believed he was more a fighter than leader, which explained his bulky physique since he used to be his father's bodyguard when his father ruled the dragon clan about nine hundred years ago. His face were all hard angles and rough which could've been attractive but it came off as I-will-eat-you scary that could be considered off-putting. His hair was thick, brownish-red and shoulder length that he kept in a tight ponytail at the nape of his neck. 

"You're late" Dareios wasn't the type of man to be subtle. If anything, he was as straightforward as they came. Partly because in the world of badass and were-animals, he was one of the strongest so he could afford to be straight forward and partly because he enjoyed calling on people's bullshit or calling on anything that would just amuse him but piss whoever off.

Lucas ignored the comment. "How did you know I was going to be here?"

Dare tapped his forehead. "Lady Farrah." Dare shrugged. "Told me to be here at the meeting so I came."

The information wasn't even useful. "Did she say why?"

"Only to guard your ass because you were late and I came willingly because you're the few that can not only tolerate my shit but actually like me."

"So you mean, there was dragon business you needed to attend to that you didn't want to so you used me at an excuse?" Lucas said as he raised an eyebrow at Dare.

Dare smiled. "You know me so well." 

"I'm guessing the business is about your future wife." Lucas made it more of a statement than question because he knew that nothing could make Dare retreat faster than the idea of an arrange marriage. For dragons, it was custom for royalty to have an arrange marriage. The Draco family were one of the seven royal bloodlines. Actually, Lucas didn't even know how Dare put his marriage off this long but Dare's motto was if telling no doesn't work than scary them to leave you the fuck alone worked just as fine too. 

Dare's smile turned into a scowl. "They're going to force me to marry into the Drayckos clan. Her name is Drayamira Drayckos."

Lucas couldn't help but laugh. Drayamira Drayckos is the fiercest female dragon warrior in the dragon society. Her fighting skills were legendary and her temper too. 

Dare growled. "I'll forget that I'm suppose to accompany you to the meeting, fuck the alliance and eat you whole if you don't shut the fuck up."

Lucas didn't even hide his shit-eating grin. "I'll make sure that Lady Farrah clears her date for your wedding."

What made Lucas laughed harder was the fact that Dare literally had smoke coming out of his nostrils. Dare might think otherwise but Drayamira would do him some good. Dare was not an easy man to live with and if he was paired with a weak, little, meek of a dragon, Dare would no doubt eat her alive whole. The Leader was always the one that needed someone the most because they sacrifice the most for the ones in their care. Like always, Lucas drifted his thoughts to his Lady, she was the body but he was the heart -her heart that he will always keep safe.  

Dare blew smoke at Lucas's direction before turning to the direction of the Pack house without further discussion on the matter. 

"One of these days, Luc, I'll forget that you're my friend and I'll kill you." 

Lucas shook his head as his laughter died down. "No you won't because apart from Lady Farrah, I am your only friend who can tolerate you without killing you."

Lucas heard a tiny roar. "You can be easily replaced."

Lucas only chuckled as he followed Dare to the Pack house.


Dominic looked at the road sign before he drove past it. 

Welcome to Lady Farrah's City. Enjoy your stay.

Dominic snorted. Enjoy your stay. That was a sick joke but then again, he wasn't here on a holiday trip but on a job. The only thing he'd be enjoying is cleaning his toys after his job was done and leaving this City and move on into another one. It was almost repetitive, his lifestyle. There was a routine. Do the job. Get the money. Move on to the next. 

Dominic considered about getting a hobby but who had time for that shit. Dominic ignored the voice in his head saying LIAR and got back on to brooding. His gut was saying it was a bad idea. Hell, he knew it was a bad idea but the money was good. Yeah, that didn't even sound convincing. Maybe he should do a pre-killing before the main event. God knows, he needed to fight and beat the shit out of something to take the edge off. Dominic was so tightly curled up in knots that where his control was concerned, it would give him a mental fuck you. 

Violence. Blood. Alcohol. That's what he needed. 

Dominic checked his watch; it was close to midnight. He knew who would be up and about to give a call to. Grabbing his phone from the seat next to him, he dialled Ben's number. A human who customised in weapons but he also knew 'special' events that weren't exactly legal but then again, what he did wasn't legal either. He ruled the underground of Lord Raphael's City but he always had connections with other undergrounds in different cities. Ben was a greedy little fucker and when money or power is concerned, it was shit he didn't mess with. Connections with other undergrounds meant it was good business.

He held the phone in his ear and let it rang until its reached voice mail. He knew Ben.

"Pick up the phone Ben." 

Dominic instantly heard Ben's voice. "Jeez Dom, would it kill you to ask instead of demand?"

"Would it kill you to answer the phone?" 

"You know it would. I'm on Lord Raphael's hit list, which reminds me, care to help out a friend?"

Dom shook his head. "What did you do to piss Raphael off?" 

"You mean aside from hosting illegal underground fights or selling food?" 

Food were drugs but not normal drugs like weed or heroin. It was a type of drug that not only got you high but gave you abilities. Makes you stronger, faster and heal quicker. Like the latest news case was a kid jumping off the top of a fifty story building that should've killed him but it didn't kill him or even injured him. Though what did kill him was that the drug backfired and killed him. You needed a drop of that liquid on your tongue and it'll do a solid on you but more, it would kill slowly -you just wouldn't know it because the high feels too good. On the street market, the drug was worth millions.

"Yes, dickwad, aside from that."

"I sold weapons to the Resistance."

Dom cursed. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking how the money was good. I have a family to feed, man!"

Dom shook his head at Ben's stupidity. The Resistance were a group of anti-vampire ruling. It was the most wanted group in all Cities. Going against the Vampires were stupid because all it would do was piss them off. The group held a mixture of humans and others -all for one purpose, kill the Vampires. The group thought themselves as Vampire Hunters but Dom met the Vampire Hunters who were legal executioners of the Vampire kind. They worked outside the Vampire law, living by a code to uphold the law -that meant that they were within their rights to kill a member of the council if they were deemed law-breaker. They were vampires who hunted vampires but they were hunters of their kind for a reason and thats because they have a talent in killing and passing judgement. For vampires, the hunters were judge, jury and executioner.    

"You stupid fuck, you got yourself in this mess, get yourself out of it and my price is too high for you to afford anyway. That wasn't even the reason why I called. I'm in Lady Farrah's City, wheres the underground here?"

"Like most undergrounds. The Blood district." 

Dom gave a sigh. "Figures."

"Want me to make some calls?" 

"No. I'll see what my mood is when I arrive."

Ben laughed. "In that case, I'll make the call." 

Dom hung up and dropped the phone onto the seat next to him and started to drive to the Blood district. The Blood district was where the nightlife usually took place. Blood Whores, Fur Fuckers, Demon Bangers and any other type of being that isn't human, humans wanted to fuck. There were pubs, clubs, brothels and other entertainment that ran down the Blood district. That meant fighting too.

Passing through the buildings and people, Dom needed to find a place to rest first before he cleared his head. Dom drove further into Blood District in hopes of finding a place to crash for a week or so, which surprisingly enough, lacked. Blood District was one of the hot spots for tourists to visit. Reading the buildings, Dom turned his car to the first inn he saw. Papa Bear's Pub and Inn. Dom turned off the engine and looked at the building, it seemed decent and didn't look like the place that as soon after he left, they'd break into your room and steal your shit. Thank god Dom was hunting that day, so the only thing he left behind was his duffle bag of clothes. The Building wasn't that big, figured it only held no more than six bedrooms. The design of the building reminded him of old-fashioned England, with the walls white and black wood criss-crossed each other that made the Building authentic in a way.   

Dom got out of the car, and grabbed two black duffles, both in his left hand -his weaker hand. One for weapons and one for clothes. There wasn't much he packed because Dom didn't own much. He wasn't a man who kept things -even in his own home there wasn't much. No homely objects that made it look like a home and definitely no pictures of loved ones.  Come to think of it, it was just a small square box that had the necessities. A clean bed, food and a bathroom. Dom wasn't even a TV guy.

Dom walked through the doors. He knew instantly what this pub and inn was, a place where anything not humans came to have some downtime. It was all beefy men that looked like they were trouble, the majority dressed in all-black and the minority dressed in almost all-black. Dom made a quick sweep of the place. The pub was filled with wereanimals -not exactly sure what type of animal but they all had the same characteristics; the eyes. Their eyes were close to animal than human and if he didn't see their eyes, it was just his instincts going DING! DING! DING!. The ones on tables were mixed; demons that could be spotted because of their skin colour and if not, their horns on their heads and their tails, a few vampire minions and other wereanimals.

And all those eyes turned to Dominic.

Dom stiffened. He didn't like attention to him -especially those that could snap his neck. No matter how good he was, he was human and he wasn't stupid. One against all of them that has super strength, speed and power -yeah, no thanks. His finger twitched for his machetes attached to his back. Dom contemplated whether he should drop his bags so he'd have both hands free but quickly pushed the thought away. There wasn't a need to start something. Dom tried to look non-threatening and non-violent as he plastered a smile on his face. 

Dome slowly walked to the bar with eyes still on him. A huge man that was 6 ft 9 was behind the bar stared at him. The guy was a pale brown colour and his hair jet black. The intensity of his amber gaze meant if Dom was an enemy or not. Dom really hoped he was the latter. He needed a place to crash or at least put his shit in and leave to go to the underground.

The huge bulky man stared a few more minutes before he spoke. "What's your motive?" His voice was deep and his whole bulky tall frame reminded him of a less exaggerated version of Hulk. 

Dom didn't even falter. He dropped the smile and allowed the predator to show through his eyes. "A place to crash for a week. 

Hulk looked Dom up and down. "Why?"

Dom shrugged. "Sightseeing the City."

Hulk didn't seem to want to drop it. Well, to damn bad. "A human male that came through my doors past midnight is not a tourist in this City." 

"Well this one is." Dom didn't flinch as he stared back. He allowed the numbness to seep in and let the darkness spread through his body. Dom held to halves inside him. One a killer and the other Dom. The ability to separate yourself was something he had to learn and learn quick. 

Dom dropped the bag to the floor. If he needed to fight, he would but he needed both hands for it. 

Hulk's eye narrowed dangerously. Wereanimal. Dom was right. By the size of him, he was feeling towards a bear. His gut clenched. No, he was sure it was the animal of the bear he possessed. Hulk flashed his big teeth at Dom. My what big teeth you have. The better to eat you, my dear. Dom didn't know why he was quoting red riding hood -maybe he should be quoting Goldie Locks instead; it had bears.  

"No one speaks to me like that."

Dom shrugged. "It's none of your damn business what I do here. I need a place to crash, if you don't have a place for me then I'll be on my way."  

A demon laughed. "The boy's got spunk, PB." 

Dom felt something shift and his instincts took over. He drew one of his machetes out while he swirled to see his attacker. Before Dom knew it, the machete was on the male's neck. He studied the man who stood still. He looked very similar to the man behind the bar. Son, Dom assumed. The son had the same hair and colour of Hulk's eyes. The son was slightly smaller but his body was the same bulky frame and he was very sure he was a bear too. He was the spitting image of Hulk. No matter, Baby Hulk would become a dead bear if he came any closer. 

Baby Hulk starred at Dom before he crossed his hands over his chest. He cocked his eyebrow. "You do realise I could kill you from here, right?"

Dom shrugged. "Just as fast as the machete would remove your head from your body." Dom's voice never wavered. He was used to threats but the outcome turned out the same, he'd be the one alive and they'd be headless bleeding on the floor in front of him.

"Be careful who you're pointing the knife at, Human. You don't wanna die here." This time Daddy Hulk intervened. 

Dom coaxed his head. His gut was telling him he was close to Dom. Now, that just won't do, will it? 

"I'm just fine who I'm pointing at, Asshole. Take a step further and I'll kill your son."

"And I'll kill you." Daddy Hulk growled out every word. 

Dom shrugged. "But he'll still be dead." It didn't really matter to him where his life came to play. 

Baby Hulk stared at Dom and something flashed in his eyes that Dom caught. The kid just realised he wasn't bluffing.  

"You'll do it won't you?" Baby Hulk sounded as if he was surprised. Maybe he was but then, who was he to judge.

It was his turn to lift his eyebrow. "I don't threat unless I'm willing to see it through, boy."

 Dom so movement behind Baby Hulk and it looked like the whole bear family came to join. Three males that all had similar features if not, identical, to Baby Hulk. The difference was the height but they all held the legs-shoulder-width-apart-and-arms-crossed-across-their-chest pose. It was battle stance pose. Dom tightened his grip on the machete handle. He did not like being backed at a corner. A tall female was a step forward more from Baby Hulk's brothers. The female looked like the feminine version of Daddy Hulk; short, crop, dark hair that curled slightly under her chin. She had a shade darker skin than her brother but her height was no less than 6 ft 6. Her eyes held the same amber anger glare that was directed at him. He didn't blame them for the glaring but Daddy Hulk started this mess in the first place.

The silence didn't last long as Baby Hulk's siblings started to crack grins.

"Back off pops. He's solid." Girl Hulk said and that surprised him but it surprised him more when the other to siblings nodding in agreement. 

"He has a damn big knife at your brother's throat." Daddy Hulk growled out. 

"Nothing that he didn't deserve. Brock shouldn't have intervened in the first place. That'll teach him about his ego being way to big for himself."

Baby Hulk scowled. "Shut up Ren, this doesn't concern you."

Girl Hulk eyes showed amusement. "I'm not the one who has a knife at my neck, little brother."

"What the hell is going on in my pub?" The voice it came from was another female. The mother, Dom guessed, or the owner. 

The female was slightly shorter than Girl Hulk. She had her hands on her hips and scowled at the entire situation. She had brown black hair all the way to her back in waves, and her eyes glowed in amber. Her was was feminine but there there were sharp angles on her face. Her cheekbones and jaws were very prominent. The female completely ignored the fact a knife was at his son's throat and glared at Daddy Hulk.  

"What did you do, Andrew?"

"Woman, do you not see a knife at your son's throat and you blame me?"

Ah, mother, wife and owner. Momma Hulk. 

"The man wouldn't have put it there if he didn't feel threatened. And Brock is stupid most of the time. The boy has no common sense."

"Hey-" Baby Hulk started to protest but was cut off by Momma Hulk's death glare. 

"Shut up Brock." Momma Hulk's voice sounded pissed.  

Dom didn't know what to do. Momma Hulk seemed to got the ass-whooping forward but he didn't let the machete drop though. You can never be too careful and this confused the fuck out of him. Dom wasn't sure how it came to this and what to do.

Momma Hulk wasn't finished with Daddy Hulk. "So god help me Andrew, there's been two fights inside this pub already, and if I see one more, I will have your balls for this." Daddy Hulk just growled louder and that just seemed to piss of Momma Hulk even more. "Don't you dare growl at me."

Momma Hulk brought her attention to Dom. He didn't know whether it was a bad thing or not. 

"You can put your machete down, mister." Momma Hulk glared at everyone in this pub. "No one will harm you here."

From the silence and the cast away looks, Dom believed her. The was a hell of a lot of feisty in the woman. Dom slowly moved the machete away from Baby Hulk's neck and slide it back in its sheath.  Dom remained silent as Momma Hulk assessed him. She looked him up and down before she asked "How can we help you?"

"I need a room to crash for a week or so." Dom didn't need to say more. It was self explanatory.

Just as quick as her temper started, it was just as quick to vanish.

"Of course, I'll show you to your room." Momma Hulk moved forward and held her hand out. "I'm Irene but known as Momma Bear but you can call my MB." She jutted her chin towards her husband. "Thats Andrew but known as Papa Bear but you can call him PB. The stupid one is Brock, my daughter Rena, my sons -Ethan and Garrett." 

Dom shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Dominic."

MB nodded her head and walked behind the bar to a key case. Grabbing one, she walked back to him. 

"Come on then. I'll show you to your rooms. Brock can get your bags."

Dom shook his head. "Bags stay with me." As Dom picked up his bags and started to follow her.  

MB shrugged and kept on walking. "Makes no difference to me."

MB lead him upstairs and stood in front of door. She unlocked the door and walked in. Dom did a quick sweep of the place. There was a bed, table and bathroom. It wasn't much but the sheets were clean. Dom dropped the bags on the bed.  

MB dropped the keys on the table and turned to him.

"The room is fifty a night, can be paid by cash or card."

Dom nodded. "I'll pay by cash" Dom opened his wallet and gave MB enough money for five night. Before MB left, she looked back at Dom.

"I know you're not a tourist and it's not my business to ask questions but there is one rule this pub lives by. No violence on the premisses or you're out of here. I run a business and I don't need trouble or danger at my door where my family works and lives. Do we have an understanding?" 

Dom nodded and that was enough for MB as she walked out and closed the door behind her. Dom put his weapon bag under the bed and brought his clothes bag in the bathroom. Dom figured he would have a quick shower and a change of clothes before he went to the underground on Blood District.


Texte: Ain shawal
Bildmaterialien: Ain Shawal
Lektorat: Ain shawal
Übersetzung: Ain shawal
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2013

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