
Kira thorne


Chapter 1

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. My lungs heaved as I pushed my legs to keep jogging. The muscles in my legs and abdomen pumped and ached with abandon. I always hated the protest my body makes when it simply doesn’t want to do anything but sit, drink, eat and sleep. It was a good thing I’m stubborn.
My black and blue Nikes didn’t make a sound as I ran on the damp soil in Epping forest. I wore a blue sweater that was zipped all the way up till it reached just above my breasts and the leggings that hugged my caramel skin sheltered me from the coolness of the morning. I followed the irregular paths that were made by old footsteps and wheels. My arms followed the same movement of my right arm that swung forward as my left arm swung back. The trees around me were uneven and their trunks thin. The crisp leaves that laid at every available space possible. I inhaled the wetness and dampness of the trees, leaves and ground around me from the rain. I’ve always loved mornings like this; the air mingled with basic earthy nature. No pollution. What you see is what you smell. It was also the fact that this is where my She-Wolf is at her calmest and since we’re sort of the same person, our emotions are usually on the same page.
I changed my path and decided to go through the tall trees that were widely spaced out, slowly losing myself in the freeness of running. The muscles that protested and ached muted and I knew that it was easy sailing from here –like my body decided to go with it instead of going against me. Finally. I let my Wolf hug me like second skin. I felt my eyes burn into yellow-ish amber. I held tightly to my human. I didn’t want to change, not yet. My Wolf stirred sulkily. She wanted out but right now, I needed to feel human –or at least pretend I was. I ran towards the trees that were close together and used my left foot as anchor, as I pushed off into the other tree. In quick motion, I bounced off from tree to tree –using my feet as anchor to push my body to move. Once I landed on the earth, I switched paths again.

The tree ahead of me was old and its trunk thick. The branches surrounding the tree were thick also but it arched with strain till the tips feathered the leaves on the ground. The branches spiralled up till it reached the top. I didn’t hesitate to leap onto the first branch and used the momentum to run up the spiral till the top. I finally let my body stop and as I rested, I leaned my back against its trunk and sat with my right leg swing freely. I forced myself to inhale air through my nose to stop my heart rate going up. I always hated the ending of any run I do. The relentless ache of muscle alarms you of its exhaustion and it was enough of it for me to shake just a little. Resting my forehead on my left knee, I started to search my Alpha. The mental bond between Alpha and the Pack. It was like invisible tiny threads connecting each of us but with the Alpha as the heart of all connection. Through him, we were able to communicate between any pack members. Handy isn’t it?

Searching for the heart itself, I felt him awake and near me. I couldn’t feel no other guards with him. Damn it. What the hell happened to them? Guarding the Alpha was the most important job you could do in the pack. Did Erik command them to go? I let out an annoyed grunt. Of course he did. Typical Erik. Erik hated guards. His point was that if he could defeat all other dominant males before him, he could damn well defeat anyone else if they’re stupid enough to go against him. My point was that everyone can get lucky. Erik is too much of an importance to not have guards. But no. He’s stubborn but I was a dominant. I could easily ignore his command. And when it came to his safety, I ignored Erik. He was the heart. He was Alpha.

I leapt off the tree and started running towards Erik’s direction.

So many things could happen to him. Ambushed. Murdered. Killed. Injured. Those possible outcomes alone made me run faster towards him. It was a good thing having a connection with Alpha and Pack because when we are connected, they act like a mini map in your head and if you want to find someone, you instantly know where they are. Erik was our Alpha, father-figure, mentor, protector and strength. If he was killed all of the Pack would feel the pain of the disconnection.

Ahead of me, I saw a figure that radiated masculine power. My alpha. He had brown waves and his tanned skin was darker than my light caramel skin by only just a little. The length of his hair reached to his shoulder-blades. His muscles were bulky but not so much that it made him look unappealing and added with his 6ft 8 height; you have your Alpha looking muscularly beautiful. His face was sharp and angular. He had a straight nose and his cheekbones only emphasized he was very much masculine.

‘Are you just going to stand there looking at me, Kira?’ Erik asked amusingly even though his back was turned to me. His voice was deep but held security and power.

I was back to being annoyed at that fact that he knew and even more annoyed at the fact that I just stood there and looked at him in the first place. He was centuries older than me and I was just seventeen. A crush. Now I knew I stooped the new low.

‘Where is your bodyguard? He is supposed to be with you everywhere Erik.’ I said in a firm voice.

‘Can’t an Alpha walk through his own forest alone instead of having his bodyguards follow him everywhere?’ Erik asked.

‘What if you get ambushed? What if someone was trying to kill you and the blow was fatal? You need your bodyguards.’

‘I am strong enough to defeat them Kira. And my bodyguard is here. I knew you were running so I kept close to you before I get on your bad side. See? I’m considerate of where to go.’

‘You should’ve called me. I can’t bodyguard if I don’t know where the body is to guard.’

This time he turned around. I saw his eyes soften and he smiled showing his dimples and teeth. He looked wolfish even.

‘I didn’t need to call you. You would be here regardless.’ He paused. ‘You are only seventeen and you fight like a grown man.’ Erik paused before he continued. ‘You are not indebted to me, Kira.’

This time I broke eye contact with him. I felt my body tensed and my jaws clenched. I softly said ‘Yes I am. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve…’ I trailed off because I wasn’t able to say it and that just bothered me more. I looked up and met his gaze. ‘I would’ve still been in that shithole.’

That was only reason why I stayed in the Pack and not become a Lone Wolf. No matter what Erik said, there will always be a debt and I don’t have it in me to walk away from this kind of debt. So here I am.

‘What happen to you so young was unfortunate but me seeing those eyes that matured beyond your age? It pains me.’ He said softly.

My face hardened against him. I felt my eyes bore into him more. Anger shook me hard as I tried to regain control of it. My Wolf screamed with displeasure. I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

‘Never pity me. I hate pity. What’s done is done; there is nothing more, nothing less.’ I said in a cold voice.

‘Be at ease. I wasn’t trying to anger you.’ He said gently. He sent me a wave of warmth and reassurance to me. I felt both the Pack and Alpha. I felt them howling for me in rejoice as I joined the pack. I instantly relaxed without invitation.

He unconsciously brought his hand to touch my arm in comfort. Werewolves need touch when they seek comfort but I was different. I learned to be aware of each touch that came in contact with me. I tensed when his hand touched my skin. I didn’t look away from his hand. I didn’t as much as move. My heartbeat slowed at an impossible rate and my Wolf was stilled. She and I were waiting like predators ready to pounce. We didn’t like being touched. Being touched makes you on the floor helpless and bloody as you were beaten raw. Erik sensed my distress and slowly let go of my arm.

‘You need help, Kira.’ Erik said quietly.

I shook my head at once. I didn’t need help. I didn’t want anyone to know what I’ve been through. I didn’t want a therapist. Through harsh reality, you don’t lean on anyone but yourself. Trust is a fairytale to those who are ignorant. I wasn’t.

‘If you were beaten raw into submission, would you ever let anyone touch you?’ I asked softly.

He thought about it for quite a while and the silence grew at my question. ‘No. I wouldn’t.’

‘I still have bones in my closet Erik. I’m not going to lie but I will figure it out myself.’ I said.

‘You are dangerous to the Pack, Kira. If one so much as brushes against you, you snap and let your wolf lose control.’

I smiled then. ‘They have learnt to stay away from me.’

‘You cannot let your past dictate you.’

‘The past made me who I am. I don’t regret what has happened. Shit happens Erik.’ It was true. I didn’t feel hatred for my past but accepted the injustice that came with it. It made me who I was today and defined me a little bit more. How can I hate something that made me strong and brave?

‘What happened to you was inexcusable.’

‘He is dead. There isn’t a better punishment than death.’ I reasoned. It was true. Death outweighs anything you have done in that past moment.

That was when I heard a twig snap. Immediately, my senses kicked in. I instantly positioned my body in front of Erik. I scanned the open-spaced area. I stood tall and my muscles tensed. I felt Erik annoyed at the fact of what I did but he didn’t object. As Alpha, he needed bodyguards. I was one of them, not a damsel in distress. The trees were close together and where Erik and I stood was in a ditch and the only escape was the way we came in. Logs and trees were around us. I looked at the higher land. I saw fast movements but not in a way I could see who it was. I inhaled the lingering scent. It was a werewolf. One of us. I didn’t take my chances, so I stood still and waited for him to come to me.

My body was motionless as my muscles were clenching. I coaxed my Wolf to come to me. I felt my eyes turn yellow-ish amber. I, at once, felt her anticipation. Her adrenaline kicked in and my hand slightly twitched at the need of physical hand-to-hand contact. I felt and smelt him coming near me. I didn’t move. Not yet. Not yet. I chided in my mind. Not yet. I smelt his blood and heard his heartbeat. He was near but not near enough. I closed my eyes as I touched my Alpha’s mind, and he responded by reassurance. My mind was acutely aware of the intruder. When he was a few centimetres from me, I made my move.

My hand shot above my head to curl and dig my fingers in my attacker’s neck as he descended from the trees, thinking he could catch me by surprise. He was very much mistaken. When I had a lock down on his neck, I quickly pushed the Alpha backwards as I pushed the attacker’s neck to the ground beneath my feet so he landed head first hard. I felt the earth vibrate as he groaned but quickly regained control. He punched me in the stomach and made my back arch but it didn’t stop me from the movement of my knee connecting with his stomach. His body reacted to it and I didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face. He growled at the pain he felt but I didn’t simply see how he looked like, when there’s danger, I tend to forget anything else but the combat. My instincts were to beat the shit out of him hoping to knock some sense into him.

Using his right leg, he brought his knee up so it hit the back of my head hard. That made me jerked forward. By jerking forward, my face was coming pretty close to his head which he didn’t hesitate to head-butt me. Son of a bitch. That hurt. My Wolf growled at such an offense. Whatever mojo I had on him didn’t last because now he was on top of me. My head throbbed in pain and I was just grateful at the fact I wasn’t human because right about now, I would’ve had a cracked skull. His hands pinned my wrists down and he used his lower body to pin the rest. Knowing it would be a bitch after this; I brought my forehead up in great speed and hit his nose. I heard his nose crack as he groaned. He loosened himself and I was able to break free of his hand. I didn’t hesitate to shove my hand through his flesh and went under his rib cage to his heart. Then I stopped. This was the time I took a look at him as I knew that with a single fluid movement, he would be dead. I wanted answers. I damn well will get it.

I widen my eyes at the man I faced. He was 6ft 5 and wore black cotton top and some pants that moulded his soft muscles. He was pretty fair for a werewolf. He had chestnut hair that had a hint of blond streak in it. Its length was up to his jaws but he tied his hair back into a tight small ponytail at the nape of his neck. He had rich amber eyes and a cut indentation on his chin. His cheekbones were soft but you could vaguely see the masculine lines. There was one small dent on each cheek that defined his dimples. He had a straight nose –well now slightly crooked as his nose was broken and his face was dripping of his blood. Both he and I were wet with sweat.

‘Alaric?’ I said as soon as I had the time to breathe.

Alaric was absolutely still. ‘Can you please remove your hand from my fucking body?’

I blushed a little and gingerly unclenched my hand from his heart and slowly followed the path I made. ‘Sorry.’

Alaric got off me as stood up looking at his gaping hole that was roughly in the middle of his body.

‘Your intention was to kill me?’ he said incredulously.

I noticed the wound was healing already, and then I re-focused my attention on my Alpha. My eyes scanned through his body to see if he had gotten hurt but he stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. His face showed that he was clearly amused. When I was happy with my inspection, I turned my attention back to Alaric –Erik’s second-in-command. He was bloody and I ruined his cotton shirt that now had a hole. I broke his nose, ruined his shirt and almost took his heart –literally. Was there anything I couldn’t get right? He was testing me. Damn it, I should’ve known that when I smelt him as one of us.

I shrugged carelessly, trying to act as if I didn’t give a damn. ‘I thought you were the bad guy.’

‘Didn’t you smell me?’ He said sarcastically.

‘When I heard the twig snap, my duty to protect the Alpha kicked in. I smelt one of us but I didn’t smell you.’

‘That alone should’ve told you it was a test.’ He said.
‘Better safe than sorry.’ I retorted.

He laughed this time. ‘I should’ve known better.’

‘Yes you should have’ I said politely.

I didn’t laugh at that. I didn’t think it was funny. I was rather upset actually. I could’ve killed Erik’s second-in-command. I was that close. Damn it.

‘Don’t frown. You did a good job. You passed with flying colours.’ Alaric said smiling down at me.

‘I could’ve killed you’ I said quietly. I hung my head down in shame suddenly. I was so close. So close into killing Alaric. There was no sense of honour in that. Alaric was a good man. I should’ve looked and been more careful. Damn it.

Alaric stopped laughing and I felt his gaze on me but I refuse to look at him. Erik’s gaze rested on me too. I refused to look at him either. I felt my hands shook violently when I realized my right hand was covered in Alaric’s blood. I instantly started rubbing it off on my black leggings. I felt unclean. Dirty. I series of curses ran through my mind because of my carelessness. I should’ve known, damn it. I should’ve known.

‘You almost did.’ He agreed. ‘But that’s a good thing. It shows you’re capable of beating one as powerful as I am.’ He said reassuringly and he took a step forward to me.

I took a step back and shook my head violently. ‘I could’ve had…almost had…’ I said, trying to finish my sentence but the word kill was something I couldn’t comprehend with right now.

‘There isn’t any need to be upset Kira. You have done nothing wrong. Be at ease.’ He tried again.

‘You should punish me’ I whispered. ‘You should punish me’

I kept taking a step back until my back it a wall of solid rock. My heart was beating rapidly. My Wolf was disgusted in herself and ashamed of what almost happened. Careless. Worthless. Not wanted. Monster. Freak. Ran through my head repeatedly. It was true. What the old Alpha said was true.

I felt Alaric coming towards me closely and cautiously, just in case I would snap. I felt that my hair-band was too tight so I took it off so my hair covered my stricken face. My thick brown-black hair covered the sides of my face. I used my trembling hands as my anchor to stay standing and not fall and cry. I leaned my body to the rock wall and forced myself to breathe in and out slowly. I forced my heartbeat to slow down. I didn’t look up but a series of words slipped out of my mouth.

‘Worthless. Unwanted. Freak. Idiot. Monster.’
‘Listen to me. You didn’t harm me. You stopped.’ Alaric said slowly.

‘Careless. Worthless. Honourless. Monster.’ I continued.

‘You are not worthless. You are courageous and full of honour.’ He said with a firm voice.

‘You should punish me. You must. Punish me. You have to.’ I cooed.

‘No. You did nothing wrong. I should’ve told you. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you.’

I felt him closer to me that was in reaching distance but that only made me dig into the rock wall behind me -to make myself as small as possible. I shouldn’t have his kindness. I didn’t deserve it. I almost killed him. I almost killed Erik’s second-in-command. Erik would be angry. Alaric would be angry. Maybe not now, but later. It would always be later.

I’m unstable. Crazy. I should leave. Far, far away from the pack. Somewhere isolated. Away from harm. To a place no one can find me, so I wouldn’t hurt anyone.

‘You didn’t do anything wrong. You were protecting me. I’m not angry.’ Erik said.

‘I should go. I don’t belong. I never belong.’ I whispered so brokenly.

‘You belong with us. You belong with the pack.’ Erik said. His voice was firm and held power. He pushed power into me so I felt the pack. I felt my Alpha. I felt Alaric. I felt their warmth and reassurance. I felt no anger. I felt pride from both of them. For me.

I slowly came back from my mental breakdown. I leaned my head back against the wall that made my neck arched and exposed. I closed my eyes as I recalled the memories of my past. I clamped it down and hid it in a black box. I still felt their gaze on me –their weariness of the situation.

‘I’m sorry’ was the only thing I could say. The only thing I could think of at this moment.

‘Its okay, Kira’ Erik said.

‘I have to go’ I said. I needed to get out of there. Alaric was here. He can protect the Alpha.

‘Wait a minute.’ He began.

Alaric brought his hands to my shoulders. I stopped at once and stood utterly still. I couldn’t do anything than look at his hands. Like before, my heartbeat dropped into a much slower rhythm. My body went tense and I squeezed my hands into tight fists. My Wolf stayed silent and waited for the next move.

‘Your hands’ I said quietly.

He slowly let go of my shoulders.

‘How are you handling ...what happened in the past?’ Alaric asked.

‘I’m handling it fine. I have to go.’ Maybe I should go –permanently.

‘You will come back, Kira.’ This came from Erik.
My back faced them and I refused to turn around. ‘Yes Erik. I will.’

With that, I leaped up in the air and I shifted in mid-air. I felt my bones pop, crack and dislocate as it fit the structure of a 250 pound wolf. My She-Wolf. My front two paws hit the ground first and my back paws followed. I didn’t miss a beat as I ran far, far away from Erik and Alaric. I had to. My wolf trying to tamper down my memories I had but I knew they’d come. My blackouts wouldn’t allow anything less. No matter how hard I try to not recall the past and try to accept it, it wouldn’t let me. It wouldn’t let me move on. I accepted my fate and didn’t hold a grudge against it but it didn’t want me to forget. To remain forever scarred.

Chapter 2
I ran faster as I tried to find some sort of shelter. I needed to find a place to lay my body when the blackout came. I felt the overflow of my own power trying to consume me. I ran faster, harder. I soon found trees closely together and more of uneven landing –steeper and deeper. I ran forward and leaped into a deeper, steeper curve on the ground. There was a tree that looked dead but its trunk still rooted to the ground. Most of the trunk snapped and bended to one side with its branches making an arch shape. There was a small opening and from the looks of it, it looked like a tent in some ways by the branches and leaves giving shelter to those wanting to accommodate it. The floor was hard dry soil and small dead leaves covered most part of it. Small bits of thin branches scattered on the ground.

I pawed up to it and already started the conversion of being wolf to human. The slow process this time was because I was simply too weak to make it as painless as possible. Bones snapped and lengthen to become the bone structure of a human. The fur changed back into my own light caramel skin and my brown-black thick hair fell over my shoulder, shielding my face. My breathing was hard and my heartbeat was beating a fast rate. I was on my hands and knees, too limp and weak to walk inside the shelter. I crawled inside naked. I felt multiple splinters digging into my bare knees and palm but I blocked the mild pain out.

Darkness was closing in on me and I somehow couldn’t breathe. For every breath I took sounded ragged and struggled. I let my body lean on the tree trunk and that was when I couldn’t move. The memories that I tried to push and push before finally came pushing back –forcing me to remember, to not move on with my worthless life. The power of my own Wolf overflowed me, even though she tried so hard to push it away from me. Both she and I tried to hold on to the world tightly but my brain didn’t want that for me, my own powers didn’t want that. Struggling to keep myself under control, I simply closed my eyes and let my body be engulfed with darkness and memories of my past. I knew there was no way to control the situation so I decided to go with it. I let go and drifted back in time of where I was with another pack and a different Alpha.

Pain exploded into my ribs as Joe’s feet connected with my body. I lay crumpled on the ground, on my side. I brought my right knee up towards me as my left leg was balancing my body from going flat on my back. I brought both my arms to my chest and writhed in pain. I smelt my blood that covered my top and washed-out jeans. Cuts and blue-black bruises were mostly on my face and stomach. Two of my left ribs were broken. I gasped for air. I didn’t make a move. I knew that if I moved, he would’ve beaten me more than usual –even though, my Wolf thought he should be taught a lesson. By right, she was stronger than him which made him submissive, like most men in this pack –no matter what age you were.

‘Worthless bitch’ Joe said as he spat in my face.

I didn’t answer. I just stayed still. So utterly still. I knew the other wolves in the room could smell my fear and that made their wolves excited. Fear always attracts to our monster. Always.

I felt another kick connect to the middle of my spine. That made my body convulse forward in pain. I forced myself to swallow the pain and not make a sound. My Wolf roared in anger. I knew she was more dominant but I couldn’t defeat ten of the werewolves at once. Ten against one was impossible odds. Not to mention I had to defeat ten healthy werewolves. It would’ve ended before it begun. My Wolf knew that and I knew that.

‘Answer when you are spoken to.’ Another said. He was the one who kicked me in the back.

I couldn’t stand lying on the floor being helpless. My Wolf couldn’t stand being into something she wasn’t –a submissive. Be damned the consequences. They were trying to make me something I couldn’t be –even with the beatings. I tried to get up. I struggled to keep up.

Joe kicked the elbow my whole body leaned on, sending me to the floor again. I couldn’t help my Wolf spreading her dominance into the room. Sending her anger. She was powerful and they didn’t like it –because I was a girl and because I was barely in my teens. I was a thirteen year old girl that was more dominant than most men in the pack. The Alpha didn’t like the sound of that –couldn’t and refused to acknowledge it. He was a sexist pig who thought women should be submissive little things that was only good for fucking and getting pregnant. Fucking. I tested that brutal and raw word in my head. It seemed fit enough. It seemed foul enough. He came up with the only solution –beating me into being submissive. Breaking me till I couldn’t be amended again.

Something hard and cool connected to me face. I heard a crack in my jaw. White-hot pain scorched through my body that made me shuddered violently. It smelt metal –iron.....

My eyes snapped open and I immediately went into a sitting position. I looked everywhere around me and I was still in the same place I let myself drift off into the memories I trapped in a black box. I looked over at myself and saw I was wet and covered with mud, with twigs and leaves stuck to it. The splinters in my knees and palms were really starting to hurt. I was stark naked and I didn’t have any clothes hidden anywhere near this place.

My hands roamed around my body unconsciously and when I was satisfied, I brought my knees up close together and wrapped my arms around them so they fit snugly to my chest. I leaned my forehead on my knees and closed my eyes for a moment. I felt the distress of my Wolf. Of what she and I had to endure. I sent reassurance and warmth to her. She and I were one and the same but were totally different people. My Wolf was dominant, strong and confident. I was fragile and quiet. I held on to my Wolf when she became my anchor to anything I faced. When I need power, my Wolf was there to reassure me.

I then tried to use my connection to the Pack to find out where they were and most importantly, where Erik was right this minute. I looked deep into the connection that was tied through my wolf and like a map, I felt where they were. Not the exact location but if I followed the bond made as a pack, it would lead me to them. It was like invisible thread weaving us together mind, body and soul. The heart of us that connected all of us as one was our Alpha. His deep sheer power and dominance that keeps the pack reassured and calm. I felt Erik, strong and powerful. He wasn’t near but I felt Alaric with him. I relaxed my tense muscles. Good. Alaric was one of the best fighters in the pack. He was the very one that trained my raw talent and made my skills excel to the highest capability. He saw I needed relief after my past, though I was barely in my teens, he understood that and treated me like any other adult because in his eyes, I was. Three years I endured it and that would’ve left a mark on you and aged you more than you should. When people say, ‘ignorance is bliss’, in these times, yes –it really is. I may be young at that time, but you have no control whether you’re dominant or submissives. I was the rare type to be born a dominant whereas, others worked their way up to become dominant by their own right –though I wasn’t a pureblood (born with werewolf gene), I was dominant by right as a human alone.

I started to crawl out of my newly found shelter. When I stood up, I started to look at my splinters in my palms first before I worked on my knees. I hissed every time I forced the splinters out of my skin. Splinters were a bitch when you spend so much time in the forest. I stood tall as I started to evaluate my surroundings. I was in a steeper, deeper part of the forest where I was at the bottom part of the uneven land. The trees were closer together than other parts of the forest and the lands were more uneven.

I closed my eyes and let my Wolf take me again and felt my bones snap, pop and dislocate to shape the body of a two-hundred pound wolf. I had a blackout. I was made to remember a part of my past. Now I can forget. My wolf can make me forever forget. In the body of an animal, we as a wolf itself are calm creatures and my animal is at peace. I’ve accepted and don’t hate my past but there are times when being human makes me more vulnerable. I sought solace from my Wolf. She was my protector, my tougher and stronger half. I needed her right now and she accepted me with open arms as she enveloped me, turning from human to wolf.

My Wolf took over completely while I simply watched through the same eyes as her. I felt the thrill of running through the woods. The smell of leaves and the scent of...blood. Deer. I stilled my body and inhaled deeply, double-checking if meat was on the menu. Underneath the scent of the earth, plants and pollutions, I did smell blood. Even when my ears twitched to get a better hearing, I heard the deer’s heartbeat. My Wolf gave a throaty rumble which was signs she approved. It was out of basic sheer luck we actually stumbled into it. I heard its pounding heart and sensed that it was near me. My stomach twisted in hunger and I felt my saliva thickening as my canines were loosely out in the open. It was nice to feel free. To feel the thrill of being with one with Mother Nature. The excitement of the hunt itself.

My Wolf slowed down and became predatory as she stalked the deer. I examined the creature. Its back was turned to me but I still saw its brown fur, still smelling the delicious scent of the deer. Its antlers were the colour of muddy-white. It was an all you can eat buffet. Its head was down, munching on leaves. Wolves, by nature, feed on weaker animals and deer was classed as a weaker animal for werewolves. My wolf waited a heartbeat or two before she lunged at the deer with full claws out. I landed on the back of the deer with my claws sinking deeply into its flesh. The deer yelped in pain as it tries to get rid of me. The deer started to run as fast as it could with a two-hundred wolf still on its back. The claw that was dug deep into its flesh was what I used as a lever. I pushed my body higher as I widened my jaws and bit deep into its neck. The feel of blood and flesh poured into me as both I and my Wolf groaned in pure bliss of the sweet richness. Only when the deer collapsed did I started tearing the juicy raw flesh that covered the organs and bones of the deer.

I felt my Wolf’s calmness as we ate our lunch. The flesh was hard to cut as I grabbed a piece of it with my jaws clenched down on it and started to pull until the meat fell off. After eating our lunch, all its left were its head, skin and bones. My Wolf didn’t like to waste food. I wouldn’t say the deer was licked clean by my Wolf’s tongue but it was clean enough that blood wasn’t everywhere, that much. I looked down at myself and saw the deer’s blood clinging to my fur. I start to lick my paws and anywhere I could reach. On my behalf, I forced my Wolf to look for a lake we could clean up in. Judging by the sound of water picking up, we were pretty close. Like any other animal, we both were sated and generally happy. Food does that to you whether you were human or not.

I came among a place in Epping Forest where there was only one small bit of the land beside the large lake. The earth was smooth and straight and felt the flat rocks beneath my paws. The water was in a shade of murky, deep green and trees right at edge of the lake towered the edges of the lake. The leaves of the trees were in the colour of deep green and its trunk, strong and ancient. From where I stood on the flat surface, it was a beautiful sight.

I came to the edge of the flat surface and gingerly dipped my paw, hesitantly, at first but then started to dip more confidently. When I was okay with it, I leapt in the air and dived in the lake. I swam in wolf form for a bit, hoping the dirt and blood were light enough that I didn’t need to scrub. I swerved my body from side to side and wriggled a bit, in attempt to shake off the dirt. I looked at the sky and it was already coming close to dark. I swam to the flat surface I once stood before I leaped into the lake and leaped back out with efficient gracefulness most werewolves had. I shook the remaining dripping water off me.

That was when I heard a sound. A very deliberate sound but nonetheless, I bared my teeth at the intruder. You never know if your friend is your enemy. My past has taught me to be cautious and never be naive and ignorant. The figure came out slowly with her hands spaced out, so there was a gap between her hand and hip. She wore simply jeans and a plain vest-top that hugged her slimness. Her body wasn’t curvy or chesty. In fact, she was very tall maybe close to 6ft. Her legs and arms were thin and in desperate need of more fattening food. Her face, like her body, was sharp and almost angular-looking. She had just-over-the shoulder length hair that was in the colour of deep plum. I smelt toxins in her hair, she dyed it. I could see clearly her sharp cheekbones and her eyes were a murky, deep green colour. She looked fierce and stunningly striking. Her legs long and her feet were in flip flops –hardly good walking shoes to walk in a forest, it wasn’t a beach but a place of wilderness. I felt her power radiating off her but not like Erik whom were raw and very much in-your-face sort of way. Hers were gentler, it shimmers out of her like sun rays bouncing of her. Both my Wolf and I recognized her. She, of course, was the Alpha’s mate. Natalya.

Natalya was a loving, soft creature. She was the whole structure of the pack. Her voice was soft and feminine. She wasn’t much of a fighter but she could hold her own. She was the omega of the pack. If she was in the pack, everyone felt at peace. She was neither submissive nor dominant. Omega brought peace to the pack. Something that was very hard to explain. Natalya was very protective over both submissives and dominants. Her latest subject was me. I did feel peace but I was forever cautious. I didn’t like the fact that she brought me peace. I didn’t like the fact that the only explanation why she brought me peace was only; ‘just because.’ It bothered and rattled both my Wolf and I to our core for the unusual sensation. We didn’t trust it and I always followed my gut. Even with the pack, I try to stay as far as possible away from her. If she tried to speak to me, I always made it short and get the hell away from her. I knew I hurt her with my rejections countless of times but I just didn’t trust it. She was a good mate and co-leader of the pack and most definitely one of the good guys. I knew that because I could see nothing but tenderness and concern for everyone in the pack but I just couldn’t, wouldn’t trust anyone. Not even Erik.

But you must trust someone said my Wolf. Her voice was my own but I could tell when it was me talking and her talking. A subtle difference but I felt it. My Wolf communicates with me but not frequently. It was true. Sooner or later, I would have to trust someone but I don’t. Not yet.

My eyes never left Natalya. She knew I was cautious of her and she made herself vulnerable to me, to show that she trusts me not to strike. She gave her keeping into my hands. Something I took very seriously. I was to protect the Alpha and his mate. I was Erik’s bodyguard but I knew if I let harm come to her, he wouldn’t be happy. He wouldn’t be happy at all. I felt protective over Natalya as well. It was my dominant side that felt very protective to those who were weaker than me and Natalya was the exception to it.

‘Easy Kira.’ She said softly. ‘I’m only here to see if you were alright and I’ve brought you some clothes.’ She lifted my backpack into my view.

I gestured to her, which meant a thank you. Natalya got that and slowly put the backpack down, still cautious of my uneasiness.
‘I’ll wait for you. Shout when you’re ready.’ She only said as she started walking away. I shifted as quickly as possible, one eye on the backpack and another on Natalya. I didn’t want her to walk too far. I had to be in reaching distance if there was an attack.

I unzipped the backpack and found wash-out jeans and a loose, plain black, long sleeved shirt. It was a fitting one so it was tight on my arms and hugged my waist. To my surprise, Natalya put in my wrist sheaths. Knives were my backup plan but usually when you’re a werewolf, you’re a weapon itself. I saw my Nike trainers in my backpack but I decided to go barefooted. It was quicker to protect Natalya that way. I was a werewolf, so nature was basically on my side.

Quietly, I paced up with her and slowed when she was only a couple of paces in front of me. I steadily looked at our surroundings and carefully looked if there were any signs of danger. My backpack was securely on my back as I walked steadily. I knew she knew I followed her because she would’ve smelt me but she didn’t comment. She didn’t push. She walked relaxingly through the forest.

‘You know, it wouldn’t hurt to walk next to me’ she said in amusement. Her back was still faced me.

‘I know.’ I only said. I didn’t know what to say to that. I knew it was a hint but I decided to play ignorant.

‘Then why don’t you?’ she said casually.

I thought about it for a moment. Why?

‘I don’t know’ was all I could say. I didn’t want to lie to her because, one, she could smell lie (any werewolf could) and two, I didn’t want to. ‘I don’t know’ was the truth. I knew I didn’t want to but why? I had no idea.

‘You don’t trust me. I won’t hurt you.’ She said sincerely.

‘I don’t trust anyone.’

‘You should, Kira. What happened to you was unimaginable and I can’t even relate-’

‘No you can’t relate to it. You don’t know how far you are from even relating one-tenth of what I have been through’ I interrupted.

‘I know I can’t’ she said quietly. ‘I just want to help.’

‘I know but I don’t want help. Just stop pushing.’ I said gently. Then I continued on to say ‘You can’t heal everyone –or at least, not me’

I knew what I said hurt her but it couldn’t be helped. There was really only two options, say it bluntly and hurt her a lot or say it gently and hurt her less than option one. Natalya had a nice gentle soul. She stood up against her mate but she cares about us, something that doesn’t happen often for me. But I didn’t want her help. I knew that it was just how she was and of course she would want to help me but I didn’t want it or need it. I was doing fine on my own. I’ve accepted my past and don’t so much as hate it. My past was forever with me alone, no one else has to know. I don’t want them to know.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push.’ She said.

‘Don’t apologize. It’s in your nature to help’ I said reassuringly and managed a smile that made her relax herself a bit.

‘When we arrive, there will be new members in our pack. Be sure to remember that before you go all protect-the-Alpha-and-his-mate mode.’

‘I do not go all protect-the-Alpha-and-his-mate mode.’ I objected with dignity.

That was when she paused to face me, with one of her eyebrows raised.

‘I don’t do it much’ I admitted.

‘You protect those you feel you owe debt to. That’s in your nature.’

‘Yes, I guess it is.’ I finally said.

We walked in silence for the rest of the way.

Chapter 3

The house was within four acres of land. It was detached and the walls were black. Black roof tiles and black-painted wood. It was modern and yet, it had essence of the old. By looking at it, the house looked at if it was divided into four separate blocks vertically. A balcony that covered two blocks, were stationed in the middle. The pyramid-looking roof that was placed in the middle of the balcony sheltered the wooden seats and table. The top half of the house had four squared windows that were spread evenly. The bottom half had seven small rectangular windows that were also evenly spread out. At the end of one side of the house held a wooden door. It was our house. It was Pack’s.

I inhaled various scent of people but most of all, werewolves. Natalya was right, there were new wolves in our pack. The thing that was alarming was that I recognised them. My Wolf went utterly still. I didn’t feel alarm in her but the coldness. She didn’t speak, move or even feel. I was the one that felt alarmed. Closing my eyes, I left her move closer to my skin. I strengthened and became unwavering cool because of my wolf and for that, I’m grateful for. I understood that this was the moment my wolf was ready to pounce. Numbness consumed me and my eyes darted everywhere. I was on high alert and that made it impossible for me o relax my body. I understood why Natalya warned me. They were the people who was about to be welcomed into the pack. They may be Pack now but I sure as hell will stay away as possible from them.
Natalya walked in first and I followed her. Natalya felt my uneasiness and gave me a don’t-do-anything-stupid look. I met her stare and simply looked at her unblinkingly. She held my gaze for a couple of seconds before she broke the eye contact. All of the pack was here to greet and welcome the new members of the pack. It was tradition and out of respect.

Erik and Alaric were the first to greet both Natalya and I. I felt Erik’s love for Natalya and the love returned by Natalya. Erik was very tall but Natalya was also very tall. Being 6ft came in handy. Erik gave Natalya a warm embrace and Natalya melted in his arms. I knew mates had a bond in which they can speak telepathically. I saw the frown he slightly gave me, which at that moment, I had no doubt that Natalya was telling him that I decided to remain closed about my past. He didn’t like very much that I didn’t talk to her or avoided her. He didn’t understand my uneasiness around her because the whole pack felt at ease –and that is the exact reason why I’m wary about her. She was the pack’s healer and mother-figure in a way but I don’t feel that way –not without questions. Feeling at peace because it was simply because of Natalya’s presence wasn’t enough. I sure as hell don’t trust it.

Erik was very gentle to Natalya; I could tell by the way they embraced each other. Erik was very possessive of his mate and if he thought a wolf of his so much as look at her the wrong way, he would make his statement very clear and very public. Natalya kept the most dominant wolf in check but even though he complains of the risks and danger she had without an escort and her disobedience towards him, he wouldn’t have it any other way. I stayed quietly back and looking at the floor. I was trying to locate the new wolves but my concentration was interrupted by Alaric. He was in front of me as he deliberately used his body to block anyone that was behind him with his wide shoulders and by that fact alone described how tall he is and how built he was.

I craned my neck up to look at him for a moment, then my eyes returned to starring at the floor.

‘Are you okay?’ he spoke below speaking levels of a human and werewolves could hear –and werewolves have very good sense of hearing.

I tried to put a small smile and said softly ‘I’m fine Alaric.’

‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want me to know, but don’t lie to me.’

‘I am fine. You can taste and smell the truth in my voice.’ I said simply. It was true, I am fine. For now.

‘I can feel your Wolf utterly still. I can feel her ready to pounce’ he said with slight conviction.

‘That’s because there’s new pack members and I...don’t feel right.’ Which was true but I didn’t tell him I recognised them. I didn’t know why but instinct told me not to.

I looked at how Alaric’s shoulder’s relaxed a bit. He knew there was something wrong with me and me not liking anyone to touch me was plain obvious. All of the wolves in the pack knew it and they kept their distance away from me. They were different from my old pack. They accepted my power at such a young age and the fact I was a girl. They showed kindness and the Alpha wasn’t sick or cruel.

I walked around Alaric and looked around at the room. Some of the pack members were here in the opened spaced area. The floor was wooden and there were blocks of wood that held the structure of the house from collapsing. It was opened spaced and the walls were white. There were multiple of love seats and sofas that was neatly arranged nicely by Natalya. The Persian rug had intricate patterns, which arched, interlocked and curled into one beautiful master piece. The main colour was in a deep shade of crimson that held nicely in the room. There were small tables that held different flowers, which was neatly arranged to fit the room. The room was supposed to be peaceful and relaxing.
I walked past the pack and whom hastily moved out of my way, careful not to accidently touch me. I ignored it. I knew I was a freak but being in a room full of werewolves, I was more of a freak than them. I liked to blend in and be ignored but I felt their gaze on me. Most of them thought I was a very dangerous untamed werewolf that guarded the Alpha. Most thought that Erik made a stupid move appointing me his bodyguard and of course, they openly spoke their thoughts –but Erik soon shut them up. No one questioned Erik. He was Alpha, he shouldn’t be questioned. His word was law.

I went into the kitchen. Granite countertops in the sides of the wall and the middle of the kitchen, cupboards were above the countertops and were secured on the plain white walls. The floor was square tiles that were in a dark grey colour. I walked over to the fridge and opened it. There was an unlimited supply of meat, fruit and other things I skimmed past. I reached and reached to grab a can of coke.

Someone placed himself behind me and towered my small body. I smelt male and I recognised his scent. He purposely skimmed through my arm to my closed hand around the can of coke. I went still, so very still and just waited. He grabbed the beer behind the coke and took his dear time to get away from me. I slowly straightened with the coke gripped tightly in my right hand but I made sure I didn’t press too much or it would’ve burst. I closed the fridge door and I didn’t look up until I took a couple of gulps from my coke.

Be calm. I shall protect you. My She-wolf whispered in my mind.

‘Joe’ was what I only said.

‘Philip. The new-’

‘I know.’ I said. That was when I looked up in surprised. He looked so much liked Joe and smelt like Joe. Something I was very, very certain of.

Joe had platinum hair and dark eyes. He was less than 6ft by a couple of numbers. He wore black pants and a black turtle neck top. His muscles were very soft but I didn’t doubt for one minute, he could kill me at anytime. His face was sharp and had an indentation in the middle of his chin. His teeth were white and put on the winning smile that made him handsome. He looked so much like Joe. His scent was Joe. He smelt like Joe, right?

Philip took a step forward and started to raise his hand towards me. I took a step back and assessed him in every angle. His smile faltered a bit and he took the hint that I wouldn’t return the hand shake, so he slowly put his hand back to his side. Philip stood still while I assessed him. I think he was trying to look like he wouldn’t hurt me. My Wolf still didn’t make a sound yet but I knew she was somewhere and seeing him through my eyes.

Joe’s dead, I thought. I knew Joe was dead because Erik told me he killed him. He promised me he had. Though both he and Joe looked and smelt the same, he couldn’t have been him –it just wasn’t possible. He’s dead and buried six foot under. There was a possibility that Joe resurrected by a Necromancer but I would smell the difference. I wasn’t right emotionally or mentally and I had to stop this. I closed my eyes and re-opened them. It’s not Joe I chided in my head.

I tried to give him an easy smile and said ‘Nice to meet you Philip. I’m Kira. Kira Thorne.’

‘Nice name. How long have you been in the pack?’ he asked

‘Thanks’ I said and swiftly dodged the question. I didn’t like being asked, people asking me stuff made me suspicious. ‘Welcome to the pack’ was the last thing I said before quickly escaping out of the kitchen.

I decided to go upstairs and I walked where the balcony would be. I rested both my hands on the railing and simply looked outside. I inhaled the scent of nature around me, while a recapped on what exactly happened. Seeing Joe, I mean, Philip was just too much for me. Was he in the same pack as I was? A brother of Joe? I shook my head of that thought. Joe had no brothers, just his sister who died decades ago. Do I really need help? Yes. Do I want it? Hell no. Would I get help soon? Probably not. I didn’t want help. Past is past, I can get through it. Takes time and healing. The ‘time’ part it probably going to take longer than a couple of months.
‘You saw Philip.’ It was more of a statement than question.

‘Why didn’t you tell me Erik?’ I asked

Erik was behind me so I didn’t see him. I continued looking at the beautiful scenery against the crescent moon.

‘I thought you said you were over it.’

I had no doubt he meant my past and I did keep it under control, I didn’t snap did I?

‘It was a test?’ I said quietly. I was trying to force my anger back down. I never ever thought Erik would let me go in blind so he can see if I was getting over it. Betrayal gnawed me and left me speechless. This was what you get when you let your guard down. Never again.

‘Yes’ he said truthfully. He knew as well as I that I could tell a lie. Normally, we werewolves can twist the truth into a different truth that wasn’t lying but viewing it from a different angle. This was a yes or no question, dodging it would only confirm it and would piss me off more that Erik didn’t have the balls to tell me.

‘How did I do?’ I said sarcastically.

‘You didn’t snap.’

‘You were watching me? You told Philip to introduce himself and that act he did when I was grabbing the coke in the fridge?’ I said incredulously.

‘I had to know.’ Was all he said. That made me grip the wooden railing just a fraction tighter.
‘Had to know what, Master? That there’s something wrong with me? Don’t you think I know?’

‘Don’t call me that’ Erik said.

‘Why? Would you like me to call you Alpha? My lord?’ I asked.

Erik didn’t answer. He stood there quietly. That pissed me off in more ways than one. I whirled around to face him and let my anger radiate off me.

‘That’s what you are at the end of the day, My Lord. That’s what you are –the leader and ruler of this pack.’

I looked at him squarely in the eye. Erik was a very tall person so I had to look up even though we were a couple of paces from each other. He was centuries older than me and I was seventeen. He could snap my neck if he wanted to. Erik didn’t move. His hands stayed firmly at his side but his posture had Alpha written all over it. His dominance seeped out of him but his eyes weren’t angry, it looked a lot like pity.

‘Don’t pity me, My Lord. I’m nothing but an untamed wolf to you right?’ I said quietly. This time I broke eye-contact with him and stared at the floor. I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to break down in front of the Alpha. Damn it, I won’t cry. I have nothing left to cry about. I opened my eyes but still stared at the floor.

‘What else is there but pity?’ I could barely hear him as he spoke in a faint whisper.

‘Why did you do it? Why did you bring Philip to your pack? Why does he looks so much like-’ my voice hitched up slightly higher and I felt my throat closed.

‘Like Joe? I killed Joe that day, Kira. The Marrock sent him here.’

The Marrock was Alpha of all Alpha’s.

‘Why?’ was all I said.

‘We don’t ask questions to the Marrock but only follow them.’

‘Not that, Alpha. Why didn’t you tell me he was from my old pack?’ that was something I was very certain about. I felt his old ties to my old Alpha.

‘Philip was from your old pack but when I defeated those who stood against me, the Marrock decided to take the rest them in, since they didn’t stood against to me that day. The Marrock told me that they are okay and that’s why he transferred four of them to us.’

‘I’ve never seen Philip in the pack but I smell it on him. I’ve endured the pack for four years and only a couple of months, the Marrock thought they was good to go? Not once have I seen him. Not once.’

‘Did you not smell his submissiveness? Your wolf was supposed to recognise it. Joe was a dominant but Philip isn’t.’

‘When it comes to my old pack, both of us don’t think. We stay still and wait.’ Then I paused for a bit to think. ‘Philip would’ve gone through the same shit as me. Our Alpha didn’t like submissive men. Beating the crap out of him was thought to toughen him up, be more dominant.’

‘You weren’t the only one they treated like that.’ He said.

‘But I was the worse.’ I said.

Erik didn’t object to that because fact is fact. He knew it was the truth as well as I did.

‘I’m sorry Philip’ I said softly, knowing he would hear me. I heard and smelt him quietly in the room, listening to what me and Erik said. I saw Philip walking towards me and that was when I felt his submissiveness. My Wolf and I instantly wanted to protect him. By nature, a dominant werewolf’s instinct was to protect those who were submissive. I felt Philip submissive now but his smell and how he looks was so much like Joe. Philip stopped so Erik was between him and me but Philip angled his body so I could see him. His eyes were down and his neck was bared. A submissive gesture that came from the instincts of a submissive werewolf.

‘There’s no need to apologize Kira.’ He said gently, sounded more baby-ish even. I saw his body tense though, just in case I did intend to beat him. Judging by how he stood, he looks like he would willingly let me beat him. He was clearly in distress but I saw that he was brave. Brave enough to talk to me even though I smelt his thickening fear for me.

Both my Wolf and I didn’t like that. On instinct, I sent him warmth and reassurance. That helped as he body became relaxed and he shoulders heaved lowly. Based on my instinct, my Wolf would cuddle him for comfort. Touch is common among werewolves when it came to submissives but I restrained myself. I didn’t like to be touched but submissives were an exception. Erik on the other hand, used his right arm to bring him closer to him and hugged him. Philip instantly put his arms around his waist and leaned into the comfort of our Alpha. Philip rested his head on Erik’s shoulder and I felt him relax. Happy.

‘How come I never saw you?’ I asked Philip.

‘He kept us far away from you as possible.’ His voice sounded like he was in pain and the sorrow made my heart break. Though he was older than me, he shouldn’t have endured it. He was a submissive and submissives are fragile. So very fragile. My eyes watered but I forced them not to fall. Philip should have never experienced that. Ever.

I only nodded because I wasn’t sure if I could control my voice. Erik’s gazed locked into mine but I broke it off to look at Philip. Pain and torture was so common with me back then and it was common to Philip. I could picture him in a small corner with his arms hugs his knees tightly to his chest, shaking and crying. I could picture the fear and pain he had to go through.
Philip grasped Erik’s hand tightly and both of them walked towards me. I didn’t take my eyes off Philip. Philip leaned into my small body and rests his head on my shoulder. I automatically pulled him into my embraced and wrapped my arms over his shoulder, cradling his neck and head. Since I was only 5ft 12 and him almost 6ft, I went on my tip-toes. I was very careful not to touch Erik. I sent my dominance to Philip. As a dominant, I was a submissives’ rock. Erik also sent his power to Philip and he still had his hand firmly in Philip’s. Comfort was a big thing in packs.

‘I’m sorry it happened to you. It should have never happened to you.’ I said sorrowfully. I should’ve known there was more. I was selfish and worried about only myself. Damn it, I should’ve known.

I felt his hot breath on my neck. ‘It shouldn’t have happen to you. You’re just a cub.’ A cub was those who were under 18 and Juviniles were those over 18. To get the title of an adult, it had to be earned within the pack.

I laughed at that. ‘Yeah, I am but I could handle it. As a dominant I could handle it.’

Chapter 4

I got past Philip being the look-a-like to Joe and I’ve stuck with him –literally. My wolf cared for Philip while I was still uneasy with him. Philip was one of the few werewolves to have touched me and for me not to snap at them but they all were submissives. Boy or girl, a dominant was a no-go for me. All of the pack was here to accept the new back members. We were all in a circle and in the middle of the circle were the Alpha and the new pack members. The four pack members kneeled before their Alpha with their heads bowed low and the Alpha stood tall and radiated his dominance as proof of his power.

‘We are here today to welcome Philip, Hunter, Maribel and Samuel into our pack.’ Erik boomed.

‘Who will stand as Witness on this day?’

Alaric, his second, got up and stood tall like the Alpha. ‘I do’

Erik slit his wrist with his knife and held it out to Philip first. ‘By blood oath, I swear to protect, welcome and guide you as your Alpha’

Philip did the same. ‘By blood oath, I give you my allegiance, my soul, my Brother-Wolf and body, if I betray you of my blood oath; I embrace death with open arms.’
Then both of them pressed the wrist together for the blood to make a bond from Alpha to wolf. Erik used his other hand to make the connection with Alaric. The rest of the pack joined in, touching each other and Natalya held my hand as I pressed my free hand on Philip again, linking everyone together. We were as one. The connection and the power jump-started through all of us into Philip. All of us gave warmth and welcome to Philip and just like that, he was one with the pack. It was like Philip being the velvet string and we as a pack, with our Alpha, was the hand to grab and grip the velvet string tightly. Not only Philip was blood bonded with our Alpha but now has the connection of the pack within his reach.

Erik then did the same with Mirabel, Hunter and Samuel. When it was done, Erik kissed all of them on the forehead, like a father would do. Then the pack came and greeted each of them while I stayed at the back and looked closely at the three. They were all from my old pack, sent from the Marrock himself.

Mirabel had curly frizzy red hair that tumbled down to her back. Her skin was in the shade of bisque and her lips in a pale pink colour. She wore a blue sundress with matching sandals. She was old and when I mean old, I mean back when women were the ones staying at home in dresses and corsets and petticoats old. She radiated off of innocence and arrogance. She was one that I actually remembered. She was one of the girls who looked down on me because I was different. They didn’t like that I was dominant and not submissive like them. I could hardly blame them because when someone tells you the same thing enough, they’re gonna believe sooner or later –it didn’t help that she lived in an era when women let their husband dictate their lives. Even though submissives were submissives, that didn’t mean they couldn’t be bitches at the same time.

Hunter was another one that I remembered. Hunter was the average tall and muscular wolf. He had ivory skin, floppy thick brown hair that draped over his emerald eyes. He wore a white fitted t-shirt and baggy dark jeans. He was a dominant. He was one of the many men who tried to make me a submissive wolf. Both my Wolf and I didn’t like him and in that moment, I decided to stay away from him. The Marrock might have said they were safe now but both of us were wary of that.

Samuel was my old Alpha’s fifth-in-command. He didn’t beat me or touch me but was there the entire time. He looked and observed but never joined in. Samuel was centuries old but he never been but fifth-in-command. He was quiet but intelligent. Samuel had the colour of warm sienna skin and was quite small for a werewolf. His muscles were nicely shaped and he wore similar as the other men in the pack –jeans and t-shirt.
Someone touched my arm and I automatically tensed but relaxed almost immediately when I smelt Philip. I turned my head slightly to look at him over my shoulder. I put on a smile that didn’t reach my eyes. Philip returned the warm smile but faltered a bit as he felt my Wolf. My Wolf was still and very fragile. His Wolf tried to send comfort to my Wolf. I smiled wider, this time it reached my eyes. This was what a submissive was very good at, comforting. It was in their nature. They were the ones that kept us dominants from turning into real monsters.

‘I’m okay.’ I said.

He was about to say something but something behind me caught his eyes which brought him to being afraid. I turned quickly, placing Philip behind me and in response to that, Philip weaved his arms around my waist and rested the side of his head on my shoulder. He held me tighter as he felt and smelt Hunter getting closer.

My wolf didn’t stay still this time. She was angry and pacing within my body.

‘Hunter’ I growled. The growl vibrated from my throat which made me sound more animal than human.

‘Philip’ he acknowledges.

Philip didn’t talk. He turned his head so his face was buried at the crook of my neck as I felt his Wolf afraid and felt his body visibly shaking. I placed my left arms on his forearm as a sign of comfort.

Hunter looked satisfied with the fear he put on Philip which made me more angry.

‘It’s good seeing you again, little wolf. I did enjoy our...time together.’ He tried to touch him but I forced both of us back. Then he turned to me and smiled cruelly.

‘I see you’ve changed but I think I preferred when you were in the corner hugging your knees to your chest while you shower us with your fear.’

I growled at that. I pushed my dominance into him. I was more dominant than him so I did it effortlessly. ‘I’m not that thirteen year old girl anymore.’

‘I guess old habits die hard.’

His eyes were flat cold but his smile still remained. He delicately put his hand on my shoulder and I just snapped.

I lunged at him with a snarl. I punched him in the face which made him go backwards and in blur speed; I jumped and aimed my feet high. My feet connected at the back of his head. The force made him fall forwards –that was when we were interrupted.

Alaric pinned me from behind, he overlapped his big arms with mine and forced me to back away. He had me in a very tight grip so it was useless for me to even try to break free of his hold.

‘Enough’ Alaric whispered fiercely onto my ear.

I looked down on Hunter. He turned so he could look up at me. He used his hand to touch his blooded nose and then he met my eyes. I growled at him but remained still because although I was angry and wanted to rip his Trachea from his damn throat, I didn’t forget Alaric was holding me. Touching me. My Wolf was back to going utterly still, I went still. I forced to push my anger and tried to remain a clear mind. I closed my eyes briefly then opened it. My face was expressionless as my eyes bored into Hunter’s.

‘I was only coming to talk to you about...the past.’ He said. He tasted truth but he was bending the lie to make it true. Yes he did come over and yes, he did talk a little bit about the past. It was the truth but his intentions were different.

‘Don’t touch me Hunter. Ever.’ I said quietly.

‘What’s going on here?’ Erik said quietly but it held power and authority.

‘I snapped’ I said blandly.

Erik looked over to Philip who was on the ground couple of paces behind me. I smelt his fear and my Wolf had the need to comfort him. I turned to look at him and Alaric followed my movement. I was on the floor with his arm bleeding. I looked down to my left hand and saw Philip’s blood, smelt it even.

‘And you hurt Philip in the process.’

My eyes soften towards Philip. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Sorry isn’t good enough this time Kira. You need help.’ Erik said even more quietly.

‘He deliberately tried to scare Philip.’ I said quietly.

Erik looked at me for a long moment. Erik knew what I meant. He heard the truth in my voice but then looked down at Philip.

‘Was Hunter trying to scare you?’ he asked gently.

Philip was trying to look at me for a silent permission.

‘It’s up to you.’ I said softly.

‘He tried to scare me and...touch me.’ he croaked.

Erik turned to Hunter but spoke to Alaric. ‘Let her go’ then he spoke to Hunter. ‘This is a warning or you will see my ruthless side.’

Hunter spat blood on the floor. ‘I thought you ruled by love’ Hunter said quietly.

‘I do but if love will not suffice then fear would have to do.’

Hunter bared his neck and looked to the ground. A submissive gesture.

Philip ran to me and embraced me in need for comfort. I poured my dominance, warmth and reassurance into him. My Wolf sought his. I met Erik’s and Alaric’s faces and saw surprise blatantly. I smiled at them and looked over at Natalya. She smiled and came into Erik’s embrace. I mouthed at her ‘help me’ but all she did was cover her mouth with her hand –to stop from laughing at me. I tried giving her the look but Natalya only grinned in amusement but came to Philip. She touched his arm and sent the powers of an Omega. Like a mother soothing a child, Philip let go of me and into Natalya’s embrace.

Then I turned to Hunter. I approached him slowly till my feet were near his. He looked up at me and met my gaze. I crouched in front of him and spoke softly.

‘Whatever wrongs you’ve done to me is forgiven. I’ve accepted that and moved on Hunter.’

Then I stood up and turned away from him and casually walked towards the house, ignoring the surprise on the rest of the pack.

‘Why?’ Hunter asked.

I stopped and turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder.

‘Because Erik is now Alpha. A new pack means a clean slate for you.’ I paused then continued, ‘But remember Hunter, I can forgive but I can’t forget’

Then I walked away.

Chapter 5

‘I don’t like this’ I hissed at Erik.

Erik wore a plain black shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. I wore black spandex pants that hugged my body, like a pair of tights, and a deep plum fitted t-shirt. My wrist sheaths were securely in place, my Wakizashi sword was in my hand and my Tonto sword strapped tightly on my upper left thigh. My Wakizashi was in its black stone surface lacquered sheath and the hilt was in braided in a pale pink oriental design and plain black leather. Thick black leather strips were tied on the sheath and was dangling from side to side. The blade was 60cm long and its blade was in the metal of silver. My Tonto sword was more like a long knife than sword. It was in its black-stone lacquered sheath and the hilt was braided in gold material and plain black leather. The blade was 15cm long and I used thick leather strings to secure it tightly on my thigh, that way the sheath would still be attached to my thigh but the blade would be in my hand. Like the other one, it was made of silver.

Alaric who was walking next to me wasn’t really a knife person but more of gun person. Alaric wore black pants and matching t-shirt. He had his hip-holster in place that held a Hi-Power browning. His Glock 17s were neatly placed in his shoulder holsters. All of his bullets were silver but like me, we didn’t need guns or knives to fight. We are werewolves, super-strength and endurance was in the package. These were all for show and nothing more than props to look menacing and looks like we can do some harm.

Erik looked at me over his shoulder and grinned, then went back to walking through the crowds of Le Cirque de Monstres. Le Cirque de Monstres was exactly what it said –The Circus of Monsters, this was owned by a master vampire called Mircea. He was one of the powerful vampires in the City and his specialty was wolves. Erik and Mircea were allies and why Erik came here was oblivious to me. Le Cirque de Monstres was basically a circus that shows how much of a freak we are –like seeing a person grow back their limbs again or a billboard sign saying ‘ever had sex with a rotting corpse?’ and by that, it meant literally rotting corpse for sick, sick people. This place creeps the living shit outta me but for Alaric, it remain expressionless –except for the pretty faces that walked by and for Erik, he was walking casually and breezy.

In a place like this, it had a no weapon’s policy but I was Erik’s bodyguard so the rule pretty much overrides Alaric and me. The Alpha was supposed to have body-guards –it was customary and necessary, and the supernatural rule book states it –yes there is some sort of book created to stop everyone from killing everyone.

We came to the seats that curled round at the centre ring. We sat mid-way from the bottom and top exists and made Erik sit at the last chair so no-one sat next to him. I sat the other side of him to protect him there and Alaric sat behind Erik. Erik started to protest until he got a good look at our un-moving faces. Erik sighed and muttered something low under his breath but sat in the seat.

The arena dimmed into only one spotlight. There in the centre ring was the ring master. He wore turquoise silk shirt that had ruffles at the front, he also left a couple of buttons undone to show his smooth white chest. His shirt was tucked into his suit pants and his very expensive shoes wore polished and clean. His curly black hair was tied back tight, defining his muscular cheekbones. The colour of the shirt made his sapphire eyes mesmerising and had no doubt radiated his power and age. His skin pale and his face was perfection and his tall, soft-muscular figure made him more beautiful. Vampire was the first thing I smelt when my eyes zeroed down on him. Master vampire came straight after as I sensed his power. Mircea looked at me for a moment, flashed his fangs, then roamed the audience. Whip in his hand, he merely flicked it and made a WATCHA sound.

‘Welcome to Le Cirque de Monstres.’ His voice boomed. ‘Tonight we may be using glamour or any type of Magick that is held in this ring or at the audience. If anyone disagrees, please leave now.’ He paused for anyone to get up –no one did. ‘Then I bid you good night and let the show begin.’
Once he stepped of the ring, another vampire was in the ring. He wore nothing but a pair of black paints. His sword in his hand and his bare pale chest gleamed. He snarled at the audience with his fangs bare for affect. I heard the front and second row gasp. I inhaled the musk of fear, anticipation and excitement. He gave us a cocky grin then stepped to the side. A snake-man slowly slithered out of the arena. He was the man version of Medusa. Tiny snakes attached on his hair were the substitute of actual hair and though his body from the waist down was snake; his scale was in the colour of jet-black. He was a rattle snake as the rattling sound came from the end of his...tail? Freaks never seem to stop surprising me. I mean, come on, it’s fucking Medusa.

‘You seem to enjoy the show, Kira.’ Alaric said amusingly.

I looked over my shoulder and said ‘it’s the fucking male version of Medusa. Medusa.’

He laughed and I growled and shook my head. ‘Magick doesn’t get any better than this, boys.’ I said.

Alaric snorted and said ‘We turn into wolves.’

I was about to say something snappy back before Erik interrupted ‘Shut up and just watch the vampire kick Medusa’s ass’

I snorted. ‘More like Medusa kicking the vampire’s ass.’ I was definitely on Medusa’s team.
That ended our argument pretty quickly since me, Alaric and Erik started to watch the fight. Erik was on team Vampire and I was on team Medusa. Alaric just watched being in the neutral zone, clearly amused at a more-than-a-century old werewolf being competitive with a sixteen year old.

The vampire got on with it pretty quickly as he used his speed and swung his sword down, slashing the flesh on Medusa’s chest. Blood oozed out of his skin but Medusa ignored that and used his tail to flatten him with the weight of it. Then he used his tail as a rope and brought him up into the air. Medusa used the vampire as a punching bag and punched the living shit out of him. I heard the vampires head snap back but, was snapped back into place. Medusa made a mistake of not securing his arms tightly by his tail. The vampire raised his sword high and plunged deep into his tail. Medusa screamed and let go of him. The vampire didn’t miss a beat, and ran up behind him, using his tail as a ladder up his body; he raised his sword high and plunged it deep into his back. Medusa arched forward in agony but used his hand to reach over the vampire, grabbing him by his blond hair and yanked him over his shoulder and connecting to the ground. The vampire slid across the floor while Medusa quickly grabbed the sword from the floor.

Like a snake, he slithered to the vampire quicker than I could blink. His little snakes on his head hissed and snapped their mouths at the vampire. When I blinked again, Medusa plunged the sword deep into his heart. Everybody went quiet as soon as the point of the blade hit his body. I inhaled the scent around me and zeroed down on the sword. It was iron, not silver but of course the audience didn’t know that. The vampire played dead and Medusa used the tip of his tail to nudge the vampire but he didn’t move –he was ‘dead.’ Vampires don’t burst into flames when they’re killed or turn into dust but they rot rapidly till their true age show –like if it was centuries and centuries old that died, they’ll probably will turn into dust but if they became undead for three days and died, then they die and would look three days old dead-dead not dead-undead. Humans were still wary of what to believe or not since the stuff they read in story books is real –well some of them are.

The Medusa raised his hands in victory and everyone at once stood up and clapped. I followed their suit and looked over my shoulder to Erik. I mouthed ‘told you’ to him and all he did was scowl. Sore loser, I thought.

Erik leaned closer to me and spoke softly, ‘Time to go see Mircea.’

I looked at Erik and nodded. I turned to Alaric and said ‘Let’s go.’
Alaric was walking behind us and I was walking with Erik. A lady past by and did a once-over on Erik then gave a once-over on me. I did my best to smile to look nice and harmless. The lady was in her mid-fifties and by the look of it, she was on team Vampire. Medusa was just the best except that this one couldn’t turn anyone into stone with a gaze. The lady had black hair that was tied up in a low pony-tail. She wore casual jeans and a pale pink blouse. Her eyes was in a hazelnut colour and she was human –at least she smelled like one. The lady smiled back and spoke, ‘You have a lovely daughter.’

Erik interpreted a smile that a father would be if a stranger called his daughter lovely. I heard Alaric snickered behind us. ‘Thank you.’

The lady unintentionally placed my black-brown hair behind my right ear. I tensed at the touch of her but I forced myself to relax because she was a lady in her mid-fifties and she was human. I couldn’t simply lash out at her, now can I? Not only would I have an executioner coming for my ass but Erik would come at me faster than I can run –in wolf form.

‘There you go, dear. No girl should hide their faces behind their hair.’

That comment made Alaric smirk a bit too loudly and now the lady had her attention on Alaric. I decided to role with it. ‘That’s my brother, Timmy’ I said gesturing Alaric. The lady smiled and gave him an once-over. I leaned closer to the lady. ‘I know Timmy’s got the short end of the straw when it comes to genetics but he’s a softy. One day, he cried when we were watching Titanic.’ I grinned at Alaric who looked very much like he was sulking. The lady laughed along with Erik.

‘I’ll get you back, little sister.’ He said very innocently.

‘You can try.’ I challenged.

Erik interrupted us, again, in our petty brother-sister fight. He politely said good-bye and we followed his lead.

‘Crying in Titanic?’ Alaric said.

‘Don’t worry Alaric, I know your Devil’s wear Prada DVD is under you mattress. It’s okay Alaric your secret’s safe with me.’

He gave me a look which made me laugh.

‘I don’t own Devil’s wear Prada.’ He said.

‘No need to lie. I know you have the movie, Just Like Heaven too.’

He growled.

‘You’re more than a century old and you still take the bait.’ I said laughing.

I met Erik’s eyes and he looked at me weirdly. I regarded him lightly and said ‘What?’

He shook his head but smiled. ‘It’s rare, that’s all.’

I frowned a little. ‘Rare?’

Alaric decided to answer for him. ‘He means it’s rare to see you acting your own age.’

I didn’t know what to say to that so I just gave a careless shrug and a smile.

‘It’s a good look on you.’ Erik said.

‘I just saw Medusa in action; nothing can burst my happy bubble.’ I said.

‘Calling the winner Medusa could get you on his shit list.’ A deep voice entered the conversation.

I didn’t make the effort to turn. I trusted Alaric to grab him enough for me to turn around and intervene. Erik was behind Alaric but I could see he wasn’t happy. I inhaled the scent and said ‘Back from the dead or should I say undead, again.’

‘What can I say? When I smelt a female werewolf at such a young age, I couldn’t resist.’

I turned to face him and assessed him. He had curly blond locks that touched his shoulder, pale blue eyes that contrasted with his pale face. He had sharp cheekbones and the face itself very angular. His lips were in the shade of pale pink and his nose straight. His face himself radiated masculinity and power. He wore a long-sleeved black fitted shirt that was open quite widely –since he left the top half of the buttons undone. His chest was hairless and showed off his soft muscles. He switched his black pants for a pair tight leather trousers whish was mostly covered by an over-the-knee leather boots that was held going up the back of his nicely shaped legs. The boots stooped just above the mid-thigh. He was strong but if Mircea was the ring master at the start of the show, he wasn’t as strong as Mircea.

I didn’t dare to look into his eyes. Vampires are well-known for mind-raping. There’s no way in hell would I ever let anyone control me. I settled focusing on his gold locks. I smiled plainly.

‘I should tell you that I’m on team Medusa.’ I said blandly.

I saw something move on his face, so I decided to look at his mouth instead. Turns out, he gave me a small knowing smile.

‘You don’t look at me in the eye.’ He that was more of statement than a question was. The sentence itself was pretty self-explanatory.

I shrugged. ‘It never hurt to be cautious.’

‘Never fear little one, I won’t mind-fuck you.’ He said.

‘Is that supposed to be comforting?’ I said sarcastically.

‘It should since I give my word that I won’t for tonight.’

‘Let’s hear it then.’ I said. Vampires are sly when they give their word and when they give you their word, they have to say it out loud literally or they can bend it to however they want.

His smile turned into a grin. ‘You’re a smart wolf aren’t you? Nonetheless, I give you my oath that I won’t mind-fuck you without your knowledge of it.’

‘And against my will or without my consent –for me and for my partner.’ I continued.

His smiled faltered just a bit but then rose again. ‘Fine. I won’t mind-fuck you without your knowledge, consent and your will.’

‘And my friend.’ I said.

‘And your friend.’

I switched to looking at him now. I gave a forced smile and said. ‘Thanks. Now excuse us, my Alpha is seeing Mircea.’

He raised his eyebrow and said ‘How do you know I’m not Mircea?’

‘Because she can detect power, Louise-Cesare.’ Said the ring master said.

The ring master came from behind Louise-Cesare. I was betting that he was Mircea. He was handsome enough and he had shitload of power than Louise-Cesare.

‘Are you saying I’m not of power?’ Louise-Cesare said.

‘No. Just stating that he’s more powerful than you.’ I said casually. Facts were facts. So I continued. ‘You’re also not from his line.’

He looked down at me. ‘How did you know that?’

‘You don’t have his smell on you.’

‘Aren’t a bit too young to be a werewolf? You don’t smell like a pure-blood.’ Louise-Cesare said.

Pure-blood. The thing most wolves get insulted by. Pure-bloods were those who were born werewolves not tainted with the werewolf DNA. Most wolves weren’t a pure-blood since so many females miscarry most of the time, due to the fact the change is too strong for the fetus to hold the baby.

‘I was an orphan. I was young when I started walking the streets at night. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.’

‘How old were you?’


That taken him by surprised and I couldn’t blame him. A lot of people die during the transition from human to werewolf, only the strong ones survived but, by miracle, you do get submissives. Not to mention I was still growing as any human should –which was weird. Though our age isn’t stopped forever, we grow old slowly –and when I say slowly I mean slowly. For me, I’ve taken a ‘growth spurt’ from it. Hell, my chest has grown from a pathetically small size of AA-cup to a B-cup. Though I’m small, at least I’ve grown into a healthy 5ft 12. So life in the ‘sprouting’ lane was doing wonders for me –life sucked a little less.

Chapter 6

‘Enough harassing my bodyguard.’ Erik interrupted. Erik crossed his arms over his chest and simply stared at Louise-Cesare. He deliberately pushed out his power of his dominance. He stood tall and he looked like he could beat the crap outta him anyway but not actually kill him because I felt they were both at the same power-level. If one died, I had no doubt that he would take the other one with him. Their egos were too big to be killed by a vampire or werewolf, depending on who actually was about to die.

I gave Louise-Cesare a small smile and stepped back from him and positioned myself in a stance where I could see both Mircea and Louise-Cesare. I bared my neck in submission to Erik even though my She-Wolf didn’t like it. Erik was our Alpha. Everyone is submissive to him. Erik simply skimmed the gesture to make it look like nothing but through our connection he sent me warmth. Erik didn’t like dominant being submissive in public if he can stop it. Dominant wolves had too much pride and ego for that but Erik was the exception to all of us –the only exception.
Louise-Cesare didn’t like the power gesture that came from Erik. He pushed his own power out till the humans kept glancing our way. Humans were Sensitives but very few were strong Sensitives. Sensitives were people that can ‘feel’ us. Every human had it but most of the population mistaken it as a ‘gut feeling.’ Strong Sensitives were humans that can only touch a live being or corpse to know what they were –that’s why strong Sensitives were the policies supernatural advisors in this City.

‘A 17 year old is your bodyguard?’ Louise-Cesare said disbelievingly.

‘You can bet your polished ass I am.’ I said.

Louise-Cesare laughed. I kept my face expressionless as my She-Wolf was just itching to just rip his tongue out from his damn throat. I deliberately pushed my dominance out and that took the smirk right out of Louise-Cesare. I was powerful –more powerful than Erik by my right actually but I had a sense of obligation and honour to Erik. I would never ever want to be the leader. I follow. The only thing I asked from him was being his bodyguard to him and his mate.
I felt Erik raise an eyebrow at Louise-Cesare. ‘Powerful isn’t she? She’s one of the best.’ Erik sounded like a father showing his kid off to the world.
I saw a fast quick movement forward but my head snapped at the direction of the movement and zeroed on Mircea. He was still wearing the turquoise ruffled silk shirt and suit pants. His curly black locks cascaded around his masculine face and neck. His eye pierced right through me. He even smiled.

‘I believe Louise-Cesare doesn’t believe that.’ Mircea observed.
I smiled at LC and said ‘I’ll be happy to give LC a demonstration.’

‘LC?’ LC said as he raised his brow at me.

‘Louise-Cesare is just too mouthy. LC it is.’ I said as I shrugged my shoulders casually.

‘We’re now at the stage of nicknames, Ma Petite?’

I looked back at Erik for translation.

‘Little one.’ Erik said.

I looked back at LC. I smiled broadly at him, making sure I showed my white teeth –big bad wolves don’t get to be in Red Riding Hood for nothing.

‘My nickname is going to change very soon Lucy-Lu.’ I said.

‘I like to see you try, Red Riding Hood.’ LC said.

I flicked my gaze back at Erik for a silent permission. He gave me a casual shrug. ‘Just hand his balls back to him in one piece. We wouldn’t want to hurt the vampire very badly, now do we?’

I then turned my gaze at Alaric. ‘What about you?’

In response to that, he grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and got out a couple of 20s out. ‘I bet on however much I have in my hand right now that Kira would kick Lucy-Lu’s ass.’
He threw the money carelessly on the floor.

‘Nice to see I have your faith.’ I said sarcastically.

He scoffed. ‘I trained you. Of course you’ll hand his balls back to him.’

I looked back at Lucy-Lu. He smiled and turned to Mircea. ‘It’s a challenge I can’t refuse.’
Mircea nodded and said ‘However much your wolf bet on Kira, I double it when Louise-Cesare wins.’

‘Rules?’ I asked. They always have rules.

‘No killing each other for real.’ Erik said.

‘And no metaphorical crap from either of you.’ Mircea said.

‘To win the fight, your opponent must stay down on the ground for one whole minute.’ Alaric cut in.

‘And no turning into a dog during out fight.’ Lucy-Lu said.

‘Sure I won’t. It won’t help your case any less, Lucy-Lu.’ I said cheerfully.

Chapter 7

I didn’t see him move when he pushed me back into the ring –hard. As my back connected to the sand floor beneath me, my body slide across the floor. Well that’s another way to give a head’s up.

I brought both my hands up behind my shoulders and used my legs as anchor to stand up again. I quickly switched my Wakizashi from my hand to my back as I used the leather straps to hold it there.

I didn’t make a move as I closed my eyes as I inhaled the scent around me. I skimmed through all the excitement and fear till my nose zeroed down on Lucy-Lu’s scent. I couldn’t hear his heart since it was non-existent ever since he became undead. His corpse gave a certain funk both me and my She-Wolf didn’t like.

I felt and smelt him coming closer with his vampire-speed. Just a semi-second away from giving me a very good bruising, I jumped and twisted my body in supernatural speed so that my heel connected to his jaw. I was satisfied by the cracked jaw I gave him. I quickly unsheathed my Wakizashi sword and dived down to go through the other side of his stomach. My blade only tasted the sand where Lucy-Lu should’ve been. Damn, Lucy-Lu moves fast.
That was when I felt my back arch towards the ground and Lucy-Lu raised his leg high and sliced through the air to hit my back. I let my whole body collapse on the ground and used my forearms to push my lower body up and lock my legs around his waist. As soon as I got a loc around his waist, I used my werewolf strength to push down. Lucy-Lu’s head slammed against the ground. I used my legs that was locked around his waist to push up into a kneeling position and turned my body side-ways to look at him. I clenched my fist tight and landed two good punches before his fist connected with my chest. The force pushed me backwards but because my legs were tightly around his waist, the back of my head slammed into his knee. The impact was so hard, I heard a distinctive crack.

I didn’t waste time to moan as I used the impact to bounce up in immaculate speed and head-butted him. That was gonna bruise soon. Then using my right hand, I gripped tightly around the hilt of my Tonto, I unsheathed it while I bounced back up from the impact of my forehead connecting with his nose and I slammed my Tonto home to the centre of his forehead. That made him howl in pain. I twisted my Tonto and applied more pressure on it as I dug deeper.
One thing I really like about beating the crap outta vampires is no matter where you stab them, excluded the heart, they can’t die. Stabbing Lucy-Lu in the brains didn’t make him go bye-bye birdie. I don’t know about brain damage but he was a vampire. He can heal –maybe a little while longer than usual since it’s silver but I’m 60% sure that he will just be roses. I made sure that the hilt touched his pale skin while the tip of the knife that went through his brain buried deep into the hard ground beneath him.

When I was satisfied, I stood up and walked over to Erik, while keeping my gaze on Lucy-Lu who was still struggling to pull my Tonto out –and to think vampires have super-strength buuuut, I couldn’t blame him because I paid good money for my weapons to be supernaturally useless to those who isn’t me. That meant that vampire-strength was worth shit. That also meant that no witch can take the weapon out by using Magick. Isn’t the supernatural community just dandy when you need it?

‘How long left?’ I asked as I leaned my back against the wall that separated the audience from the ring.

‘Thirty seconds left.’ Alaric said with clear anxiety.

I stared amusingly at Lucy-Lu as he still tried to get the sword out of his head.

‘If you haven’t realized yet; my sword is Magickally protected against those who are not-so-human.’ I said to Lucy-Lu.

‘And who do I have to thank for this?’ He said sarcastically.

‘Barbra. Could you imagine a witch hating vampires with passion? I got 20% discount just for saying that alone.’

‘Well bully for me.’

‘I know right?’ I said in a drawled tone.

‘This isn’t over, Red Riding Hood.’ He said.

‘It’s already over in about a few more seconds. And why do you keep calling me Red Riding Hood?’


I shrugged. ‘Humour me.’

‘Because like Red Riding Hood, she should’ve of listened to her mama when she said to not mess around with strangers.’

‘Well, lucky for you, I’ve got no mama.’ I said.

‘Is this the part where I get overly emotional and cry?’

‘You’re the hundred-and-over-year-old baby. You tell me.’
Alaric interrupted us. ‘Ten seconds left.’

I mentally started counting down and started counting out loud when it got to five. ‘Five’ I run to him. ‘Four’ I crouched by him. ‘Three’ I flipped him off. ‘Two’ I smiled at him. ‘One’ I wrapped my palm around the hilt. ‘Zero’ I yanked it out.

I stood up and sheathed my Tonto back in black. Then I grabbed my Wakizashi and sheathed it back.

‘I got beaten by a female werewolf.’ Lucy-Lu said in realisation.

‘Don’t knock it.’ I said sweetly. ‘Anyway, at least you’ll remember that I’m the one who nailed your head in the ground.’ I pointed at the gaping hole on his forehead. ‘You should get that cleaned up. We wouldn’t want any evidence that a female werewolf handed your ass back to you, now would we?’

He scowled while I smiled smugly. See, never underestimate a wolf -we’ll only bite harder. I glanced over at Alaric who was nicely counting his winnings, then my eyes zeroed on Mircea and Erik. Mircea was too close in Erik's personal space-bubble for my liking.

'Take a step back, Mircea. You're too close to my Alpha.' I said.

Mircea's sapphire eyes met my brown ones. I could tell he was amused by this but he took a step back.

Erik gave me a look saying that he didn't appreciate being babied and in return, I gave him a look saying he has no choice. Erik made an annoyed sound before he turned to Mircea.

'Let's get this business over with, shall we?'

'Of course, Mon Ami.'

At that moment, I didn't trust him as much as I can throw him -metaphorically speaking. I didn't know if the business was about Erik being a live blood-donor as Mircea eats him like a chew-toy or business as in something not-so-good is up.
I didn't like either of it but to survive in this city, you need allies -even if it means giving a little blood here and there. Since I didn't know which business Mircea was talking about, I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Chapter 8

Mircea took us into his office. His office went with the doom and gloom theme that was throughout the circus. The walls were painted black and the floor was of black marble that had small crystals embedded in them. His office was basically two rooms in one. The room was shaped to be a long rectangle. The first half we walked through was a living room/lounge. There were black leather loveseats and couch that curled around a 50-inch flat-screen TV. There was a small bar at the corner and by the smell of the room, Mircea had a stoke full of fresh bagged blood and alcohol –expensive alcohol.

We came to other half of the room which was Mircea’s office. He had a wooden desk and on it was full of papers stacked in a neat file and a laptop. There were two leather seats at the front and behind the desk was a larger leather seat. That was occupied and it wasn’t Mircea.
It was an Asian red-head. She had green eyes and her skin was in a caramel colour that was good enough to be a tan. From what I can see, she wore a plain black top and from the smell of her, she was loaded with silver weapons. From that alone, I positioned my body in front of Erik’s and Alaric took care from behind. Behind her, two vampires were dressed in black and both had guns with silver ammo and no doubt, knives.

The red-head didn’t give her face away but the way both Erik and the red-head tensed at the sight of each other gave everything away.

Erik gave a low growl and the red-head smiled at him.

‘Hello Erik.’ She said.

Erik inclined his head and said ‘Mistress.’

‘Scarlet.’ She corrected.

So this was the Mistress of the City. Rumours about her were everywhere around the City. Some said that she beheaded her twin sis (ex-Mistress of the City) because she wanted the position. Some also said that she hasn’t officially announced her title which meant that her title was up for grabs. Rumours in my pack were about her shacking up with a member of our own –Nikolai. A quiet but deadly guy. His baby blues showed that he was old and how much of a badass dominant he is. I stayed the hell away from him and he did the same. He doesn’t attend to the pack’s get-togethers much. He was practically an outsider but so was I, so who am I to judge?

Erik looked over at Mircea. ‘Why is she here? I thought we had some business we need to discuss.’

‘Oh, you do but as you can see, before you came along, we were having a little chat ourselves.’ Scarlet said.

Erik didn’t even glance her way but I felt the fury that possessed in him. I didn’t know who this lady-chick was but I didn’t like her already.

‘We were, Mon Ami, but we are finished.’ Mircea said in an almost-bearable tone.

‘I still need the alliance of the wolves, Erik.’ Scarlet said coolly.

‘Hell no.’ He said instantly.

‘The City cannot function right without the alliance.’

‘You should’ve thought of that when you killed Renee.’ He said.
Renee was one of the female werewolves in our pack. She was turned in a hiking accident through the mountains. In the meantime of her turning, she watched her friends being the wolf’s chow. She survived and killed a human. From what I’ve heard, she was executed by the ex-Mistress of the City’s enforcer. The way I see it, she had to be put down but knowing Erik, he couldn’t do that. Punish, yes. Kill, no –not unless it was beyond redemption.

‘She killed a civilian. She got what she deserved.’

‘I told you I would handle it but you didn’t even give me that.’

‘What choice did I have? A life for a life. It was justice.’ She got up and her guards followed.

‘When you’re over having your five year-old grudge, contact me.’
Then she walked out. I so did not like that female. She made Erik mad and I didn’t like that. You know what they; piss the alpha off, piss the whole Pack off.

Chapter 9

There was an awkward silence after the red-head chick left. Erik closed his eyes briefly and calmed his raging wolf that made his security and the rest of the pack really restless. Damn, Natalya would have his head on her mantle later on for this. Natalya didn’t like her mate being angry and closed off from her. If Natalya didn’t know why Erik was angry, she wouldn’t be very happy. She was the type of girl that wants to know everything in her mate’s life –good and bad. Erik was a guy, which meant that if he’s angry he stays quiet and tries to figure out just how to fix it or because he didn’t know. Soon, he’ll go hunt in wolf-form alone to figure it out.

‘Erik’ I prompted. I didn’t want to stay in this freak-fest any longer.
He snapped out of it and got down to business. ‘Why have you called me?’

‘Katra has been spotted in the City.’ Mircea said.
Erik’s face became expressionless and as I glanced at Alaric, he looked uneasy. Why? Who was Katra? And what did she do? Most importantly, is my Alpha in danger? If so, how do I kill her?

‘Are you sure?’

‘I have my people everywhere as my eyes and ears. Scarlet thinks you would want to deal with it.’

‘Well, isn’t she just generous?’ Erik said sarcastically.

‘You know why she’s here, Erik. You got into this mess centuries ago and now the past is biting back. No more running this time. You can’t.’

‘You saying that this is my fault?’ Erik was sizing Mircea up. Erik was bulky and a good height of 6ft 8. Mircea wasn’t necessarily lanky but he had soft muscles that are lethal. Afterall, he was a vampire. His height was inches shorter than Erik of about 6ft. Though Mircea had to look up, swagger owned him that still made him dangerous. I don’t know why but maybe it came with the undead theory.

‘You were the one that didn’t kill her.’ He said blandly.

‘Didn’t kill her? The only thing she did wrong was to fall for me.’ Erik shot back.

‘She’s not right in the head, Erik. If you would have let me, I would’ve hunted her down and kill her.’ Alaric said.

‘Who is Katra?’ I asked quietly. I didn’t like being out of the circle if it relates to Erik being lifeless on the floor in a couple of weeks or worse, days.
Alaric and Erik looked back at me. Erik looked like he was considering on what to tell me that wasn’t necessarily a lie, since most of the supernatural race were walking lie detectors.

‘You might as well tell me now since I’ll find out later.’ I said.
Alaric looked at Erik for permission and after a moment, Erik inclined his head.

‘While your security gets updated, why don’t they sit in the living area while we talk business in my office?’ Mircea suggested.

Before me and Alaric said the word ‘no’, Erik agreed to it. We both looked at Erik expecting he would change his mind but every Alpha has his pride and if we embarrass him in front of a master vampire, Erik will make us sorry for ever doing it. Not that I care but I respected Erik, so I wouldn’t do that to him.
Me and Alaric bared our necks in submission for a moment, and then walked towards the living room. I seated myself in a chair that had a clear view of the Erik and Mircea. Alaric seated himself so that he could keep an eye on the door.

Chapter 10

‘Where do you want me to start?’ Alaric said.
Without looking at him, I said ‘Who is Katra? What is she? And should I be worried about Erik?’

‘Katra is a witch and is one of Erik’s ex. Katra has a sick way of thinking obsession is love and has the whole routine of, if-I-can’t-have-him-no-one-will.’

‘Why is she bad news?’ I asked.

‘She’s not a pure witch.’ He said.

Oh. There are two different types of witches in this City. Pure witches and non-pure witches. Pure witches are those who wield Magick strictly based on nature. They are humans but if they’re a pure witch, it meant that they aren’t strong. Sure they can heal minor wounds and they can make a flower bloom but they can’t summon fire to blast out from their hands. Believe it or not, in order for a witch to wield it, they take a lot of energy and the user’s life force. Imagine if a witch is an immortal but still human-ish. That isn’t impossible but, with a capital B, it takes a lot of life force and energy to and to stay immortal means you need to do the ritual frequently. That’s where non-pure witches comes in. These witches are those who are driven by power and want more. How do they get more power? They have to take a life force and energy of another. Could be an animal, human and most importantly, any supernatural race. When they do the ritual, they are no longer pure. The power somewhat messes with their heads and makes them addicted. The witches are usually bitches and they can throw fire from their hands. They are also usually immortal. They can even control someone’s body entirely and they don’t even have compulsion like a vampire does. Like in really bad movies, they need a sample of DNA from the victim they want to control and then they need to go and get a life force.

‘Why did Erik even considering dating her.’ I muttered.

‘There was a century when he hated what he was and so, he thought that if he dated a human, he would feel normal.’

‘How did that work out for him?’ I said sarcastically.

‘Not that great. Erik didn’t know she was a witch. Katra was a local healer in her village but she had an evil streak in her. Her mother and sister was pure and kind. Though she was pure at the time, she craved for power.’

‘Then along came Erik on his black stallion.’ I said, as if I was setting the story.

Alaric ignored the sarcasm on my part and continued. ‘Erik was blind to see the truth but Katra knew the truth in Erik. She knew he was a werewolf and decided to exploit it. She wanted a lapdog and even though she had his heart, at the time, she wanted his soul. When she turn in to a non-pure witch, she started seeing Erik as an obsession.’

‘When Erik finally got the message it was too late.’ I guessed.

‘Exactly. Instead of killing her, he ran and hid from her. To this day, he thinks she fell for him in a messed-up way. That’s why he couldn’t and wouldn’t kill her.’

I gave a low whistle. ‘There are times when I think Erik has a lot of wisdom and there are times when I think the man is just plain stupid with a capital S.’

‘The man doesn’t believe in killing but if there is no other possible choice, then I will.’ Alaric said.

‘So Katra is in our City and she’s pinning for Erik. No wonder why the Mistress of the City wanted Erik to finish her.’

Alaric looked confused.

‘Mircea said Scarlet wanted to let Erik deal with it but not because it was Erik’s fault but because she will reveal herself sooner to Erik instead of anyone else. If we find her and she is as lethal and sociopathic as she sounds, she has the head of a killer. Killers are smart, which means they know how to hide and blend in. Why do think polices always finds the killer after a good six or seven years and some not at all?’

‘But they do catch the killer though.’ Alaric protested.

‘Because every sociopathic killer is insane. Insanity will bite them him in the ass and when it does, he’ll slip.’

‘So you’re saying that the Mistress of the City thinks that it will be quicker to find her because she’s pinning for Erik.’

‘Think about it. Erik would be perfect bait. Scarlet is dangling a piece of meat in front of a hungry wolf.’

‘Well, shit.’

‘Exactly.’ I said.

Chapter 11
I gave a low rumble that vibrated from my throat in an animalistic sort of way.

‘I don’t like this, Erik.’

Erik raised an eyebrow at me and looked amused as he placed his shirt on one of the loveseats.

‘You don’t like most things I do, Kira.’

‘That’s because you’re doing something stupid.’

‘She has a point, Boss.’ Alaric interrupted.

Erik looked more of an annoyed boy than the leader of the City’s local wolf Pack.

‘I’m centuries older than both of you. Don’t you think I know more of what I’m doing than you?’

‘You mostly do but even you make mistakes. A very stupid one you do constantly.’ I said.
Erik ignored me while he sat topless on the floor in-between Mircea’s legs. Mircea leaned against the loveseat coat with his pale long fingernails gently tapping the armrest of the chair. His other hand was gently rubbing back and forth on his jaw-line as if he was acknowledging an unusual situation. He looked amused. Very amused.

‘Then what do you supposed we do, Ma Petite Louve?’ Mircea said.

I eyes flickered at Alaric for translation.

‘It means my little wolf.’

My eyes zeroed down at Mircea who regarded me thoughtfully as if I was...useful for something. I inwardly snorted at the fact that there was no way in hell would I do anything for a vampire. Especially a Master Vampire.

‘I’m not your ‘Little Wolf’, vampire.’ I said.

‘Then what do you suggest? My alliance to Mon Ami’s pack was sealed centuries before you, yourself was born, little girl. Unless...’ Mircea trailed.

‘Unless what?’ I asked.

He looked at me squarely and said ‘Unless you act as substitute for your Alpha.’

‘No. I’m Alpha and we have this deal before she was even born. No compromising. I won’t let you allow it.’ Erik instantly objected. ‘Besides, I’m stronger.’

That was where he was wrong. Erik is Alpha and he is the only one that I submit to –but I allowed him to be Alpha. I allowed myself to submit to him. Erik worked his way up the food chain to be a dominant while I was born a human dominant by right, being a werewolf only intensified the dominance that was already there. Both me and my She-Wolf didn’t want to rule. We have no desire for power. The only person I think I am at the same power level was Nikolai. Both he and Erik have problems because Erik wanted to rule. As most dominants, it was in their Brother-Wolf to rule. Their desire. Nikolai was stronger than Erik but like me, he had no desire to rule. Erik was a good leader and I do follow most of his commands but this...this I won’t allow. Will not allow it if I can help it.

I closed my eyes and let my She-Wolf come close to my skin. I forced my core to push all of my dominance outwards. My skin tingled. My eyes burned beneath my eyelids and I knew my eyes were changing colour. I heard Alaric gave a struggled and compressed moan. He felt the power alright.

‘You’re Alpha, Erik. But this is something I won’t let you do. When you rescued me, I owed you. I made a vow to protect you and yours. I will uphold it.’

‘Kira.’ Erik gritted out. He pushed his power out to. His dominance. But compared with mine, I was stronger. Both of us thickened the air in the room.

I opened my eyes to only meet Erik’s silver eyes. He was mad and his wolf was close. His eyes said it all.

‘Go with Alaric, Erik. Mircea and I will be finished soon.’ I said softly.

‘Holy hell.’ Alaric muttered but he obeyed. He followed orders.

Alaric grabbed Erik’s arm and slowly pulled him towards the door. He eyes burned with fury and dismay. Erik knew I was a dominant and he knew I was stronger than him but he didn’t feel threatened. At this point, he did feel threatened. He felt threatened of his place in the pack and where he stood with me. I was not the enemy but in Erik’s eyes now, things were about to change very quickly.

Before Erik left, I softly said ‘I’m not the enemy. I rarely do this. I’m doing this to protect you, Erik. Nothing more.’

Erik didn’t say a word. He looked at me for a long moment and I met his eyes without flinching. Alaric was the one who pulled the door into a close, separating me and Erik.

‘Well, Ma Petite, how do you prefer to do this?’ Mircea asked softly, breaking the silence.

Chapter 12

I closed my eyes again and inhaled sharply. My She-Wolf didn’t like it and neither did I. I didn’t want to be anyone’s chow –especially a vampire but what can you do? Alliances in the super-natural world mean your blood is more permanent than any contract. Your blood is the contract. By acting as a substitute, I am now the contract.

I thought I could do this. I thought I could just stand there and let my Alpha be a live donor for a vampire but I couldn’t. I felt like I was breaking my vow to Erik. I will protect Erik and if he hates me for it, then so be it. I don’t regret the power-play we had because I am doing the right thing. I am protecting him. In my eyes, I am.

‘How would Erik do this? I have only been in the Pack a couple of months and this is the first time seeing you or even seeing a circus full of monsters as stars of the show.’

Mircea stood up in a fluent movement and used his vampire-speed to stand behind me. My hair was in a ponytail that left both sides of my neck bare.

‘You see, Ma Petite, I bite at the artery on Erik’s neck.’ Mircea leaned closer to me so his breaths tingled my right shoulder.

I tensed at the thought of it. At the thought of him touching me so he could bite me. No dominant touches me and Mircea was definitely a dominant. Well crap, I didn’t really think this through, now did I? As usual, both my She-Wolf and I stood utterly still and my heartbeat slowed to an impossible heart-rate.

‘My wrist.’ I said quietly. If he sucked on my wrist, at least most of my body isn’t touching anywhere on his.

Mircea gave a throaty laugh. ‘A master vampire never eats from the wrist, Ma Petite. If you cannot give me your neck, you are of no use to me.’

Damn, he is such an arrogant bastard. But I knew it was blackmail. If I don’t let him bite on my neck, then he’ll bring Erik in and chew from him. I won’t stand there while Erik becomes a chew-toy to a vampire, dammit. It goes against every sense of the vow to protect Erik.

‘Fine’ I said through clenched jaws. My hand curled into fists and dug into the skin of my palm. Every sense of my being is telling me to screw this and get out but my sense of duty kicked in. When I make I promise, I stick to it.

Damn me.

My gaze followed Mircea as he lazily strolled to the sofa and opened his legs to give my enough room. I got it. It was a silent invitation and I...took it. I walked slowly and coolly towards Mircea and sat in-between his legs with my back to his front. I didn’t make any move.

I closed my eyes to silence my Wolf as I felt the tingly sensation dancing on my skin. Do not snap. Do not snap. I repeated the sentence like a mantra. I did this for Erik. To protect Erik. After I found out Katra was coming after Erik, I couldn’t let myself sit through while a vampire suck him. Weakening himself. If Katra wasn’t a danger to Erik, I would’ve let Erik do this stupidity but Katra was in town and I sure as hell will not let his strength weaken when he needed it the most.

My legs were crossed as stared at my hands that were clasped on his lap. My Wolf was silent but I couldn’t stop the fear that seeped out of me. It couldn’t be helped. So I waited. For what Mircea wanted me to do. Jeez in that moment, I felt like a submissive. Something I was definitely not.

I felt Mircea move and my whole body tensed and the fear I can smell thickened. Great.

‘You’re afraid’ Mircea stated.

Gee, you don’t say? but I withheld myself from saying anything. I didn’t need to say it when you can damn well bloody smell it.

On my right arm, I felt Mircea’s cold undead finger caress my skin. All the muscles I possessed coiled up even more tightly. I do not like to be touched. But I endured. I didn’t flinch but I sure as hell dug my nails into my palms to keep from flinching away.

I got myself into this, I had to live with what would happen next. Didn’t mean I had to be happy or even like it. Didn’t mean I wouldn’t lose control –snap. I hoped with every cell of my body that I can make it through this.

‘You’re very tense, Ma Petite Louve. I can glamour you into relaxing. This process would be a whole lot easier.’

My response was barely audible. ‘No.’

‘It would be a lot less painful.’ His finger moved to follow the line of my shoulder to my jugular to my beating pulse. Massaging the beating pulse. Fuck.

I closed my eyes tightly and dug my nails into my palms even more. It drew blood. I smelt it, Shit. Would he lose control? I heard his breathing hitch as he inhaled the smell of my blood. My hearts starts to beat more slowly. More calmly. More numbly.

His finger stopped massaging my pulse and trailed down back to my shoulder, to my arm, to my palm. Shit. His hand held my wrist and pulled it towards him. This position was awkward and the joint that connected my arm to my shoulder started to mildly ache. I didn’t comment on it.

‘Turn around.’ Mircea punctuated each word softly. I turned around. This was way out of my comfort zone and every piece of me screamed me to run. But if I ran, then Erik would’ve had to substitute. I couldn’t let that happen.

‘Look at me.’ Mircea commanded. My Wolf bristled. We don’t do commands. We’re dominant. But I didn’t say anything. This was for Erik.

I looked up at Mircea and held his gaze. I didn’t blink nor did I move. I made damn sure my face didn’t show my fear, discomfort and my vulnerability.

He didn’t break the eye-contact but with his other hand, he pried my fingers from my palm apart. It was there in crimson. My blood that stained my palm. A droplet started to trickle to the end of my palm but before it fell, Mircea caught it with his thumb. He didn’t even pause as he put the thumb in his mouth and sucked my blood off. My lips thinned and I clenched my jaw, trying to restrain myself from snatching my palm out of his hold. I still didn’t say anything. Do anything. My face was impassive. Good.

Mircea mouth tipped upwards as if he was pleased that I passed a test. Was I being tested? I could see a glint in his eyes. He was trying to push my boundaries. Bastard.
Mircea brought my palm increasingly slow towards his mouth. I resisted. He paused. ‘You are no use to me if you cannot take it.’

A slow burning anger slowly succumbed me. ‘You’re playing with me deliberately.’ My voice didn’t show signs of panic which I was grateful but the numbness that seeped into my body every time someone touched me gnawed everywhere around my body.

‘I like to play with my food. Savour it.’ His voice seductive, husky.

I didn’t play up to the bait to the insult he threw at me. I knew he wanted me to talk but the reasons behind it were something I had no idea of. Wasn’t it supposed to be platonic? Did he play with Erik? Was he this...touchy-feely with Erik? It made me mad. Muscles that I didn’t realise that were relaxed because tense, tight, again. It was a huge disrespect to him. He was Alpha for crying out loud. Mircea didn’t have that right and I sure as hell would’ve killed him if it wasn’t for the fact the ties between the Pack and Mircea. He was one of the powerful vampires in the city. To kill him would be stupid and make the Pack in danger.

I made my decision.

‘With Erik, it ends.’ I said, very quietly and oh-so very cold. Erik was my priority. It was bad enough he had to give his neck to the bastard, he sure as hell wouldn’t disrespect him in the process. Not if I had anything to do with it.

‘And are you going to take his place, Ma Petite Louve?’

I broke his eye-contact and closed my eyes briefly. Shit was I really going to do this? I didn’t even hesitate. Yes, I would. For Erik I would. I...owe him. Everything.

I opened my eyes and stared at Mircea. ‘Yes.’

‘And meet all my requirements?’

Blood? I paused. That was the arrangement. I start being the blood donor if Erik wasn’t. ‘...Yes.’

‘How old are you?’

I started to frown. Why on earth did he want to know? ‘Seventeen.’

‘When do you turn eighteen?’

‘September 16.’

Mircea grins. ‘It’s in two weeks.’

I didn’t comment. I was confused but then it clicked. You had to be over eighteen to be giving your neck to a vampire. Though I was technically seventeen, I needed parental consent for those who were sixteen and above. I had consent –sort of.

Mircea looked at me intently. His sapphire eyes slightly glazed but that was normal. There was a reason why a vampire’s eyes were the most dangerous weapon –apart from their fangs. Mind-fucking was a bad bad thing. But I wasn’t worried about looking directly at Mircea’s eyes. If he tried shit like that on me, he would’ve broken the rules when Erik and his guards came. That didn’t mean other vampires couldn’t try. Just Mircea.

The palm he held, still had blood but the wounds were closed. Mircea moved my palm towards himself, making me remember my fear. I tense even more all over again. Mircea didn’t say anything. I wanted to but wouldn’t. I made a deal and I can’t damn well snatch my hand back. For Erik. I kept repeating like a mantra.

He moved my palm to his mouth and I saw him wet his lips. Shit he wasn’t gonna lick the dry blood off my hand, was he? I refrained myself from curling my fingers into tight fists. This feeling was unsettling. This situation was just not right and...wrong. So wrong in so many ways. Wasn’t it unhygienic to lick dry blood? For some reason I’d rather have him sink his fangs in my neck rather than lick dry fucking blood from my palm. It was sick but it was classically vampire. Any blood was good if it isn’t bagged.

Mircea kissed my palm and slowly, while holding my gaze, caresses his tongue over my palm. When blood touched his pink tongue, Mircea’s pupils started to dilate and his fangs elongated. My pulse quickened. My fear also thickened. The complete opposite to my reaction to being touched. But Mircea was the first after I escaped that actually touched my skin longer than I have allowed. Panic was honing into me. It was too close to home. Too close to my past. His touch was too much.

‘Calm yourself, Kira. Let the fear go.’

His words hypnotic. His voice was a caress that tingled over my skin. Then suddenly my fear was gone. My panic vanished. I relaxed. I couldn’t form words to speak as I was caught in his addictive gaze. I just stared like a numb doll, transfixed in her own illusions.

Mircea licked my palm clean and started licking my other palm clean. Slow licks moved in a...sensuous manner. Mircea finally broke eye-contact with me to close his eyes in ecstasy. His fangs the elongated scraped against my palm, wanting more blood. His left hand that held my wrist firmly but very gently rubbed my wrist over my steady pulse. Mircea pulled me closer till I was deeper in the V of his legs and he was cradling my palm. Was I supposed to react something to this? I never knew blood was something vampires love so much. Mircea laps his tongue on my palm over and over. The tips of his fangs kept scrapping my skin –making Mircea groan.

I had enough. This was uncomfortable and the site blood made me hungry. Blood and flesh was a trigger to our animals and since we’re carnivores meat and blood made our teeth sharpen. No matter what type of monsters we are, we always had one thing in common. Blood and meat attracted us without fail. The way Mircea was lapping over and over my palm made me want to sink my teeth in flesh. To feel the meat and blood flow through my throat. My wolf was so close to the surface that my skin constantly burned to the point of pain. But this burned good. I didn’t understand but I didn’t question. All I knew was that I needed more pain. I needed pain, meat and blood. And I needed it to burn.
A growl emerged from my throat. Mircea stopped and gazed at me. His face distraught in pleasure, his lips parted ever so slightly.

‘Forgive me, Ma Petite Louve. I cannot be gentle.’

Before I can respond, Mircea hauls me to him and with his hand yanked my head to the side to expose my neck and oh did the shot of pain electrified me. The hand in my hair fisted tightly, giving me a higher, more constant burn. It burned good. My hands that shifted into claws dug into his shoulders and with one quick motion, Mircea’s fangs roughly penetrated my skin. The pained electrified and burned tenfold and it almost made me surrender. With my head tipped back, my mouth bare with my canines springing free and my eyes fluttering close, I relished the burning pain that zapped me from head to toe. Mircea didn’t simply suck the blood out. He chewed. Eating my neck and I didn’t care because it was agonising. My claws that grabbed his shoulders were on his back, hugging him close to me. Making it more agonisingly painful. My claws dug deep in his back and started to pull outwards. Clawing his back. A growl escaped him but he chewed harder, dug deeper and made it oh-so excruciating.

If Mircea did this with a human, they would’ve been dead as soon as his mouth clamped around their neck. The pain would’ve made them pass out. This was barbaric, sickly even. Who gets off on pain? But I couldn’t help loving the burn. The excruciating, agonizing burn that came along with it.

Monsters had sex with monsters because of the needs that in the eyes of the humans seem sick, barbaric. What they fail to understand that blood and flesh attracts us. Makes us hunger. We will never be human. We’re monsters that are perceived dark, dangerous and powerful in books and movies. Not humans. Never humans. No human could withhold so much pain and enjoy it.

But my past never strayed far from and just like that, my fifty shades of fucked up slammed into me like a bloody bat to the face. Panic and fear intertwined.

‘I’ll make you submit you little whore. No member of the Pack of mine would hold this much raw power. Especially a female.’ Joe snarled.

His foot connected to my stomach. Hard. The pain shot through me and made me cried out, curling myself into a protective ball. Tears flowed freely down my blooded cheeks. When will this end? When will God make me die? How much longer?

Joe’s spit landed on my cut on my cheek. It stung. ‘Pathetic. Look at you, curled up in a ball. A dominant. You don’t deserve that power.’ Another kick but this time, the tip of his boots slammed into my face, making my head tip back at the blow. I whimpered. I didn’t have the strength to cry out loud anymore.

I heard Joe roughly grabbed my chin and yanked it to face his face. my swollen eyes that couldn’t open, were forced to open but Joe’s finger. The excruciating, stinging pain made me lightheaded. Something inside my broke a little more and a long agonizing wail, broken and all, escaped my lips. So much pain. When will this stop? It’s not my fault.

‘Look at your Alpha when I’m talking to you!’ Joe’s voice boomed.

‘Stop.’ I whispered. I couldn’t take much more anymore. ‘Please.’

But Joe didn’t. His eyes as cold as ice. His lips curled into a demonic grin. ‘I will break you and break you till there is nothing left of you.’

I cried out loud when the tip of a spiked whip sliced my back open. The pain stung and seared my back. The silver hurt. My eyes began to face reality again. Another of my blackouts. Before I started to process, the sound of a whip cracked the floor and slapped my back. I felt the silver spike cut and dragged across my back, causing me a constant burn. The burn this time was different. Better. Something I craved, needed.
The whip sliced me again and I cried out. In pain...and need. Oh god but this pain was better than Mircea’s bite. My body was tense and I found myself immobile. Sweat dripped from my face and I lifted my bowed head to see silver cuffs circling my wrists tightly above my head and were spread far apart from each other as possible. My feet were spread apart too but not too much that made it hard for me to balance. The thing that kept me immobile was like a metal doorframe with cuffs for both wrists and ankles on each corner. They were screwed onto the ground so it stayed. Secured.

When I tried to look at my surroundings, the bite of the whip possessed me again. Another cry fell from my lips but a growl also escaped. My Wolf was so close, so close to my skin. The sensation was more than tingly. It was simply more. The burning intoxicating pain nearly undone me but not yet. I could feel another one of my episodes unfurling inside me. Ready to whisk me away to the pain I endured that didn’t feel this need to realise. To surrender. I didn’t understand nor was a ready to but God only knew how much I needed an out from the cage that suffocated me. God only knew how this burned, this pain forced me to unravel my raw emotions and my need I never knew. To succumb to this. To succumb to this order to escape my past. To free myself.

Then I felt Mircea behind me. His breath tickled me ear. ‘Let go. Ride your past. Confront it.’

My body involuntarily jerked and my eyes rolled back.

Pain eradicated through me as my face slammed against the floor. Almost instantly, a strong firm hand grabbed me by my hair and forced my neck back. To look in his eyes. To make me see I had no doubt who brought this pain. Hunter. Those cruel green eyes bored down at me. The glint in his eyes told me enough.

A smile that would’ve made Lucifer proud was plastered on his face. ‘My turn.’

As soon as those words escaped, a growl escaped my mouth involuntarily. I was dominantly stronger than his wolf. My Wolf didn’t appreciate that at all. Hated it. Hunter’s wolf was close to his skin. His eyes already turning amber. His pupils dilated. I could smell the stench of a rogue wolf under the piss and vomit that surrounded this room I was held.

‘You bitch!’

My face slammed against the metal floor again until my skin broke. Hunter pulled my head back again.

‘Don’t.’ My forehead connected to the floor at a inhuman speed before it was yanked back up again. ‘Ever.’ Slam. ‘Growl.’ Slam. ‘At me.’ Slam. ‘Again.’ Slam.

Unadulterated pain seared me from my face to my whole entire body. I whimpered. I couldn’t speak. My throat burned and whizzed by the hot coals he made me swallow. I’ll heal alright but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. The crispy tang of copper I felt every time I swallowed. Hell, even breathing brought me pain.

But still my wolf was defiant. Dominant. And I held onto it for my dear life. With all the energy I possessed, dazed from the pain, I tried to smirk. ‘That the best you got?’
A roar escaped him. Primal. Raw. The stench of his wrongness thickened and made me gag. God it hurt but when Hunter stomped on my back, cracking my rib, I croaked in agony. Pure agony. Everywhere around my body was aching in pain. So much pain but not enough for me to blackout. For it to bask me in black I knew that won’t hurt me but suffocate me in a cage worse than this. My mind. My nightmares while my body was immobile to do anything about it.

‘You will submit to me.’ Hunter growled in my ear as his claws ripped my trousers from behind. ‘I’ll make your wolf submit to me. I’ll break you, bitch. Break you so good and that power of yours goes.’ Then he whispered in my ears. ‘I’ll break your fucking soul and mind.’

Then he rammed himself forcefully in me. Inciting every pain from the intrusion he forced through. I screamed. My womb tore and lightening pain jerked my body as he worked himself forcefully in me.

God, make it stop. Please make it stop.

I didn’t realise I said those words aloud because Hunter laughed. ‘God won’t save a worthless bitch like you. I’ll break you into submission like a bitch in heat.’

A long scream eradicated from me. Pain. Oh God the pain. Damn fucking Hunter. I released every raw primal need I kept locked inside me. The release tore through me. Hurting my soul, tearing it apart.

Pain sizzled and electrified through me from head to toe. The migraine became faint as the sensation burned me. Hurt me. I needed more. The emotional release was too much. Tears flooded my face that I hadn’t realised. I was too vulnerable. Everything I locked within myself, unfurl brutally, mentally and emotionally –mercilessly.

But Mircea didn’t crack his whip. I waited. God I waited for more. This was killing me.

‘Please!’ I sobbed out. Frantic for more. ‘Please.’

My body quiver violently. I couldn’t move and my head bowed low. It was too much. This was too intense.

‘Please.’ I said once more.

‘Shhh, Ma Petite Louve. Ride it. Feel it. Surrender.’

‘It’s too much.’ I sobbed. ‘Please! Help me!’

I felt Mircea glide his hand through my blooded back, inciting a stinging pain but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough.

Sobs after sobs rolled through my body violently. I couldn’t contain it. It poured out of me like a dam bursting open. My dam did burst open and for once, I didn’t know how to stop it.

‘Make it stop. Please make it stop!’

Mircea gave me that. The bite of whip slammed and sliced my back. I cried out in relief. More! I needed more. Another crack sliced my back again. The silver burned me so good. It hurt so good. The bite of the whip was so much more painful than the last. The pause made my back overly sensitive and made each whip stung a little bit more. Bite a little bit more. Again the spiked whip hit me. But it wasn’t enough dammit. This wasn’t enough.

‘Harder! Make it Harder!’ I whimpered. I needed the pain. Craved it with my dear life.
Oh did Mircea give it to me. Unleashing the full throttle of the whip with his vampire strength, the pain was agonizing. Excruciating. Again and again did I feel the bite of the whip. The excruciating sting it left behind on my back. It was almost to tip me over the edge and then the slice of the whip didn’t just break the dam, it busted it wide open and something inside me undid me. I released everything and my echoes of cries mirrored it. I surrendered. My head was thrown back and my back arched as my voiced escaped me till it left me so weak that the cuffs that were holding me, supported me. Leaning into the silver cuffs even more created more burn.

Sweat covered me and the silence around me deafened my ears. I was back to my head being bowed so low that if it wasn’t for the cuffs, it would’ve fallen all the way to the floor. I gulped air down as my chest heaved again and again. I was so very weak. So very tired.
I felt Mircea behind me as he undid the cuffs on my ankles and wrists. His arms encircled my waist as I sagged onto him. I was so weak. So incredibly tired and drained in every physical and mental state possible. I didn’t even respond to Mircea touching me, I was that weak.

I felt Mircea kiss my damp hair.

‘You did well, Ma Petite Louve.’ Mircea whispered. ‘Rest.’

I was too exhausted to do anything else and blackness consumed me but for once it didn’t cage me. I couldn’t help but feel peace. Real peace even for my broken soul.

Chapter 13

My eyes slowly opened. My vision groggy and my mind dizzy. I sat up and wiped my hand over my face slowly, massaging my temples, cheeks and lips as I slowly mode my hand down my face. I then pushed both my hands in my brown-black hair and slowly massaged the notes until my fingers could run through the strands of my hair rhythmically. Soothingly. When my mind and vision finally became present, I realised I wasn’t in my room. In my house.
Where was I? The bed I sat on was a lush black silk, so soft that a wolf would rumble in delight. Heck, even purr. The king size bed and the merry band of comfy, black-silk covered pillows rested all around me like a cocoon. The bed was a four poster bed, with the wood a deep oak and the craftsmanship of every detail carved on the deep oak, swivel and swirl in frantic delight. The curtains matched the bed as they were jet black but seemed light-looking that would flow and dance easily by the softest breeze. The walls were black but it was lined with silver and the furniture matched every aspect of this room from the cold white marble floor to the lush loveseat by the fire place.
I inhaled my scents around me and I knew. A hint of corpse and a hint of aphrodisiac every vampire radiated off themselves. This, all this, was Mircea’s. My breathing hitched slightly as I remembered my mental breakdown last night. The confusion of finding peace in all the exquisite pain astounded me. Fucking shocked me to my core. The...pain Mircea forced out of me, made me release something I locked within myself, buried so deeply that the extent of the release was violent.

‘Oh God.’ I whispered in horror. What sick fucker would find or even think this was a substitute for medicine. How could it bring calm and...pleasant. How can I feel so sated and for once, fully relaxed? My wolf barely touched or brushed me mentally, telling me how calm she was. Happy. Sated. Relaxed. Why?

The human part of myself was freaking the shit out. How could I let a vampire for Christ sake whip me? Degrade me? Chain me? Hell, touch me? I have never in my life let someone so much as accidently brushing against me. It was simple. I. Don’t. Like. Being. Touched. I learned too well of the consequences of being touched and never again would I let anyone do that.

Pushing myself back to reality, I realised I was shaking. I could feel myself losing control. Spiralling out of it and I didn’t understand but for the first time...I needed comfort. Touch. Something in me needed it and it was shaking my control. Why do I feel this way? Why do I-

‘Feel as though your whole world has been tilted and you don’t have a common ground you can gravitate on?’ Mircea’s deep voice quietly spoken through those pale pink lips.
Shit, did I just say that out loud. My eyes flicked over him. I flinched. The memories from last night unearthed something in me that I was afraid that it would explode. I needed to collect myself. Protect myself. Find away to close and lock the door that has been unlocked. What has he done to me?

‘Never again.’ I whispered shakily. I instinctively knew that if I allowed this to happen again, this growing dam would open wider. No matter my loyalty to Erik, I won’t let Mircea break me. It wasn’t part of the agreement.

‘Why, Ma Louve? Is it because you are afraid? Afraid of what I may unleash? The very thing that could free you?’ Mircea’s voice was seductive as always. Dark but always deadly. I could hear the predator loud and clear.

Mircea’s words hit too close to home. Not because he would free me but because he would unleash something so profound on this earth, I would seek nothing but death. He would make the poison inside of me worse; unleashing it’s full infected merciless self.
My eyes hardened. My lips firmed. ‘I don’t like to be touched. Not in anyway.’ Cold. Decisive. Unfeeling.

My bare feet touched the marble floor and my feet flexed in reaction to warm meeting with cold. My back was turned to face Mircea as I examined my clothing. It was a simple lacy dress that ended a few inches above my knee. Mircea must have put this on me. I pushed the shiver of displeasure out of my head and eyed the palm shoes tucked next to the bed. They looked about in my size. I was hoping they were.

I stood up, ignoring Mircea as I placed each foot in each shoe. Perfect match. I inhaled before I took a deep breath and started walking to the door, which was right next to Mircea. I calmly opened the door and was stopped at the cool hand place on my right shoulder. I stood still and just stared at the hand until it was removed from my shoulder.
‘Do not lie to yourself, Ma Louve. You’re frightened of what I have unlocked within you. You are like an infected wound. Last night, I have cleaned the pus out, removed the infection but the wound is still open. It is up to you to heal the wound or let it be infected again.’

I didn’t miss a beat as I walked away and followed his servant out of the house after his little speech. I don’t want to know. Right now, my feelings were stirred, strangled and strained in every angle possible. The whirlwind of emotion and panic came at me and I need something. I needed touch. I forced the emotion out of me but I somehow found myself in front of Alaric’s house. Unable to knock. I just stood there.

The house was small. A cabin really, engulfed by the forest. It was suitable for both man and wolf. This open space allowed your wolf to run and hunt. The sanctuary of a home to satisfy the human part. I never had a sanctuary or what the feeling of it supposed to be. Why, for once, had the very idea made my heart clench?

I stood there for a moment before I shook my head. It was ridiculous. Stupid. I have never needed comfort and I certainly don’t need it now. When have I ever needed comfort from another to help me? I turned around and walked two steps away before a felt the heat of Alaric’s body very close behind me but never touching me. He knew I didn’t like to be touched. So he waited. Waited for my permission.

‘What are you doing here, Kira?’ Alaric asked. His voice was alert, not the type who just woken up from bed. It made me question if he has been assessing my through his window. See if I knock on the door.

‘Did you watch me through the window?’ I asked.

He hesitated but answered. ‘Yes.’

Damn it. Even my sense of awareness in my surroundings is fucked up. What the fuck is happening to me? Why do I feel so damn unbalanced? That the foundation I have built to become stronger, to be tougher, is slowly shattering around me? It wasn’t a good thing. I felt it in my very soul.

‘Kira’ Alaric said softly. ‘You’re shaking.’

I clenched my fist. Damn it. Get it together. There wasn’t any need for Alaric to know I’m shitting a brick of breakdown.

I changed the subject. ‘Why don’t you let people call you Nathanial? That is your first name, right?’

I have never been the one to pry in people’s business but he’s seen me vulnerable. It was only fair if he shared something vulnerable too.

‘An evil bitch used to call me that. Nathanial makes me convulse and revolt. I hate the very name.’

‘She changed something inside you to make you feel that way. She got to you too.’ I whispered. I knew the Alaric understood that my last sentence was generalizing the common ground both me and him shared. Someone got to us. But difference was that he healed. I never did.

This time, Alaric didn’t hesitate but pulled me into his embrace so my back was to his front. I allowed him. I leaned into his embrace. His touch. Why was I revelling in it? I failed the strength to not close my eyes. I felt Alaric’s cheek rub against my. Comforting. Tender. This was Pack.

I realised that he slowly backed us up into the house before I heard the door close. Like a delinquent, Alaric led me to his room. Removed my shoes, my dress –until I was in my underwear. Through drowsy vision, I saw Alaric move to his draw and took out his t-shirt. Without hesitation or before I can protest, he pulled it over my head and removed my underwear. The t-shirt reached to my knees so it covered everything needed. Scent and touch was a sign of comfort. The shirt smelled of him. Pack. Alaric stripped off until he was in his boxers and led me to the bed. He tucked me in before he slid and curled around me like a vine.

I was still shaking but he ignored it. Knowing I needed touch. Knowing I needed comfort. For once, I let myself be comforted. For once I let Alaric’s touch soothe me. I let his dominancy seep into my skin. Alaric was the only one that has ever gotten this far without me breaking any bones for a dominant. I can never withstand a dominant’s touch but for tonight I let Alaric’s dominancy soothe me. My world was tilting and I don’t understand this new reaction in me. This need to touch. This rightness of a dominant soothing you.
I scented another wolf in the room. Phillip. I didn’t open my eyes to know that he was the one that dipped the bed or that he was the one that crawled toward us or that he was the one that rested his head on my stomach with his body between my legs and his arms tightly curled around my waist. I instinctively pushed my hand through his hair. A comforting gesture.

‘Hi.’ Phillip said softly while I softly played with his hair.
I opened my eyes to look down at him and gave him a smile. He looked adorable at that moment. With his hair moped messily and that contentment-look you see in a child. Those dark eyes gleamed with innocence somehow and my need to protect him seemed vital.

‘Hi’ I said at last.

Phillip kissed my stomach tenderly before he settled his head on my stomach again.

‘I don’t like you scared, Kira. Please don’t be scared.’

‘Me either.’ Alaric said so softly that if I wasn’t this close, I wouldn’t have heard him.
Phillip never fails to amaze me. My heart softened as I snuggled deeply into Alaric’s side. I felt the home of the Pack. Like I belong.

The scary thought dawned on me. Maybe Mircea did clean the infection and the pus. Maybe I was an infected wound all along, slowly becoming fatal. Now that the infection is gone, the only thing left is an open wound. That’s what making my world tilt and these confusing cluster-fucks of emotions inside me. I’m not an infection anymore.
Somehow there was a little part of me that didn’t agree. I built a foundation around after I was finally free to make me tougher. Strong. Mould myself to be unbreakable. In order to do that, I never touch a person because touch meant intimacy and intimacy meant more. Always more. I always keep people at an arm’s length. I also was always in control. Never out of it because when I wasn’t darkness spills out of me, it hurts someone in the process with the blackness I carry. I recreated something pathetic and weak and made something strong but I knew that at any given time, it could all shatter around me. Leave me broken. I did my very best to survive, to recover from my past. Maybe my very best is an infected wound. How can anyone force more out of me when I’m already at my very best? The best thing I can only do. How could that not shatter me into pieces and leave me in a place where I can never escape out of.

With that, I drifted to sleep and silently praying that all this would be gone and go back to the way things was. But I knew reality. Reality was a bitch and fate was one too. I’ll deal with it later but right now, I decided to not question it.

Chapter 14

I woke again with noises in the background. The smell and feeling of my Alpha was near me. The feel of an omega touched me mentally. I could smell Erik, Alaric, Phillip, Violet, Indigo and Misha. Misha was our third-in-command after Alaric. Violet was a submissive that I was close with and Indigo was another Pack enforcer. A different structure entirely made up of the Pack’s soldiers.

The Sentinels who was Erik’s most trusted soldiers, they were also given the task to take down Erik if he abused the Alpha status. Below them were the enforcers who protect the Pack and the Pack’s ground. Below them were the soldiers, mostly made up of the Pack’s dominants. It suited with the Pack’s structure entirely as well as they intertwine a structure that suited the Submissives.

Maternals’ and Paternals’ were the first in that structure. Though submissives, they have the heart and spirit of a dominant; protecting fiercely of the Pack and welfare spiritually. The healers were below them, be it mentally or spiritually, they heal the Pack. Strengthening the Pack. Finally, the Spirits. They contain most of the Pack’s submissive because down to a core, a submissive seeks comfort in Dominants as well as seeking them to heal them –like Phillip try to with me. They were the strength in the Pack, teaching us Dominants love and the very touch of them can calm us. Bring us happiness.

In reality, they were never the weaker ones in the Pack, the Dominants were. They help us from becoming the monster we fear to be. In return, every Dominant, down to a core, feels the strong, ingrained need to protect submissives. They were one of the precious and valuable things in a Pack.

I closed my eyes briefly before I opened them and sat up. The plain white shirt Alaric let me wear had my scent mingling with his. My feet touched the wooden floor and I just sat at the edge of the bed with my eyes squarely on the floor. There was another scent I smelled. Natalya. I knew exactly when she stepped in the room and my muscles tensed for either an attack or an escape.

I didn’t look nor did I speak to her. I didn’t say a damn thing, just concentrated the way the bones beneath my skin flexed every time I twitched my toes. My brown-black hair fell all over me so it covered my face. Breathe.

Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply. The mask of calmness slowly engulfed me and my senses sharpened, tuned. My She-wolf sent warmth to me. Though in her calmness, she was ready for anything.

‘Why didn’t you come to the house?’ Natalya spoke softly. By house, she meant her house.

I considered it and I knew the reason. I didn’t trust Natalya. Though she’s an omega and though her heart was pure gold, I didn’t trust her. Not with my state. I didn’t trust how an omega simply calms me.

‘I just didn’t.’ I replied calmly. It was as close to the honest-to-God truth without hurting her feelings –much.

Natalya didn’t speak. She stood still and breathed evenly. I smelt calmness, pity and sadness all wrapped up in one. And I hated it. Hated the pity.

Then I felt it.

Natalya reached out to my on a mental state, testing my mental barriers. But I kept it strong and unmovable.

I looked sharply at her, icily.

‘Back off.’ I said calmly.

But Natalya ignored me and tried to prod and push. I knew her heart was in the right place, that her duty as an omega was to heal the pack to both submissives and dominants so naturally she would try to reach me through a state where it isn’t physical but purely physiological but I simply didn’t care.

I started to push back the force that was trying to invade my mind.

‘Let me help you.’ Natalya pleaded. ‘I can feel you hurt so bad. Let me take the pain away.’ Natalya whispered.

She started to walk towards me with her hands outstretched. Like she was possessed, her instincts of an omega took over. Her greens are shone brighter –reflecting the power of an omega she possessed.

I got up from the bed and back away from her. ‘Back. Off.’ I said once more. This time my voice turned colder, frostier.

My Wolf leaped up and I allowed my Wolf close to me. I let my dominance fill the room until the room was stuffy with it. I pushed more. I pushed and pushed more of my dominance till Natalya dropped her knees to the floor and started to crawl to me with her neck bare.
I stood absolutely still, with my feet firmly placed on the ground. Natalya crawled towards me and curled around my left leg with her head nuzzling my stomach.

‘Let me in.’ Natalya pleaded. ‘Let me take your pain away. Please.’

I looked down and stared at Natalya. This was the thing about omegas. Even though they weren’t either submissive or dominant –they can be both. An omega suits the needs of every wolf –be it dominant or submissive but they cannot be controlled. Omega did what they pleased and every single member of the Pack, be it submissive or dominant, would lay down their lives for an omega. They bring peace to the pack, heal it but to the very core of an omega is to suit the needs of every wolf by instinct to heal the wolf.

‘Stop Natalya.’ I spoke, firm but gentle.

‘But let me-‘

‘Stop.’ I cut-in.

Natalya obeyed. She stopped her prodding and poking but she stayed curled to me on her knees and her face burrowing into my stomach. I smelt her distress, her vulnerability, her submissive streak. My instincts rose and my hand ran through her plum-coloured hair.

‘Why won’t you let me help you?’ Natalya whimpered, clearly in distress.

‘You cannot heal me.’ I softly spoke.

Natalya’s shoulders slightly rocked as I felt her tears dampen the shirt. My hands continued to run through her hair in attempt to soothe her submissive side. I understood her sadness. In her mind, she failed as an omega to help me but I couldn’t be healed by her.

My hands went to her shoulders in attempt to drag her up. She followed immediately, so tuned with her omega instincts. I framed her face with my hand and wiped her tears with my thumbs.

‘I know you want to heal me but you can’t. This is something you cannot heal.’
Natalya curled her hands around both of my wrists and her eyes pleaded me.

‘I know I can if you let me. Please.’

I shook my head but remained in eye contact. ‘I cannot give that to you. I can’t allow that.’

I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed her lips briefly in a sisterly affection.

‘Enough Natalya. Send your wolf back.’ I commanded.

I knew the instant her wolf backed when her eyes turned to their normal green, her spine straighter and any sign of distress vanished. She let go of my wrists and stepped away from me.

‘I’m sorry I-‘ Natalya tried to start but I cut her off.

‘But your wolf took over. I know.’ I said.

She nodded sadly. ‘I can feel your pain and me and my wolf doesn’t like that at all.’ She looked at me, clearly showing sadness in her eyes as she continued. ‘I tried to back away, hoping you’ll come to me and let me heal you but you didn’t...I...when I felt your agony I couldn’t...I needed to help you.’

I cocked my head. My eyes bored down at her and from right this second, I had the urge to strip and bare her soul right in front of me. Open doors that she didn’t want opened. Help her release from the defences she used on herself. The hair-dye and the helplessness she felt when she couldn’t help wasn’t right. It was hard to explain but I felt it with every inch of me and I knew she needed to let her darkness go in order to let go. Omegas were fragile, unpredictable.

My instincts as a dominant wolf kicked in. In order for me to help her and bare her soul, I needed her vulnerable and I trusted my instincts.
‘Come here.’ I spoke calmly. My mind was already resolved into helping her.
She took a step forward but I inhaled sharply in displeasure. Once more, I let my dominance seep out of me and my wolf reached hers.

‘Crawl to me with your neck bared.’ I guided her softly but firmly that it didn’t leave room for objections.

Natalya hesitated but I simply stared and waited. Waited for her to come to me. Consent it. Natalya slowly kneeled and bared her neck to me. Her eyes dropped in submission. I could see her body and feel her wolf reject it and force it through but I could also feel her need to submit. To surrender and lay her soul bare so it can be cleansed. The gremlins in her needed out and my wolf demanded it out.

‘Don’t make me tell you again.’ I said.

Natalya started to crawl towards me and her head nudged my knee when she got to me. A submissive gesture. Fear filled my nostrils as my nose flared at her scent. I let her scent and my instincts guide me to what she needed me to be. She could fear me and for what I’m about to do but I had a feeling that she feared releasing more. My wolf felt the need of her wolf in need to release it. Whatever her darkness is that is inside of her, it needed to be out.

I, the human, didn’t understand any of it but my wolf knew what to do so I let her close to me till my skin was tingling. I allowed myself to follow her lead.
My hand drifted to her bared neck and my fingers caressed her pulse. Then I let my fingers pass her shoulders and caressed her spine in a calm rhythmic motion. Instincts told me to calm her, to keep caressing her till she relaxed under my touch. So I waited and continued to caress her back.

Minutes passed and very slowly, I felt her muscles relax but instincts told me I needed to wait for something –even if I didn’t exactly knew what that was, I would know when the time came. My fingers whispered over her back, touching her; staying in connection with her. I made sure my scent was calm. Always calm. Scent and touch was comfort to a wolf.
Natalya gradually leaned into my touch and her head fell unconsciously on the floor –forehead resting on my feet. From my view, I could see Natalya kneeling before me, a pose a submissive would use. She moved her face to the side so her side was resting at my feet. Her eyes were closed, serene. By her scent, her fear increased.

Gently I pulled my feet away from her and back away slowly. Closing off all touch and in that instant, I felt her distress and when she went to move towards me I stopped her.

‘Stay where you are. Exactly how you are and wait for me. Do not move. Is that understood?’ I said.

I juiced my dominance even more, filling the room. Something told me I needed her to bathe in it for her.

‘You didn’t answer.’ I spoke again.

‘Yes.’ Natalya whispered brokenly. The cracks were beginning to show. I felt it.

She needs to feel restrained in order to let go, find something to do so little one, my Wolf whispered.

I understood instantly and I knew that in order for her to let go, I needed to wait her out. So I went to Alaric’s draws and started rummaging. My wolf needed Natalya restrained or the illusion she is restrained because Natalya needed to surrender and to do that she needed to know that I control it to give her the release of the blackness she needs. I demanded her complete trust that I will drive the darkness away. As confusing for me, the human, as it was –my Wolf understood and by her lead, I followed because I wanted to help Natalya.

I rummaged further and I found two ties. Both plain and both black. I slowly walked towards Natalya and I could really scent her fear but I also smelt anticipation. I stilled behind her and waited. I allowed her to feel my heat but know she cannot reach for it. I needed her to know I was there.

The silence was deafening but I stayed silent. I let her fear grew because when fear grows vulnerability starts to peak. To merely place a foot in the door –metaphorically speaking. When I felt it was time, I walked to her side and kneeled next to her.

‘Lift you head.’ I said softly.

Natalya obeyed and I slid the tie around her eyes to take away her sight. To make her feel trapped. I then slid the tie around her neck and applied pressure just right so she could breathe but she would feel the restrain around her throat –intensify the illusion of restraint and being trapped.

‘Place your head back down.’ Natalya obeyed and her breathing quickened.

I moved away from her then. I took my heat away from her and waited. Waited. The silence spiralled Natalya’s fear. And I smelt salt. Tears.

‘Kira. Please. Don’t move away, come back. Please. I need you.’ Natalya begged.

I stayed where I was and steeled myself. My wolf understood this far more than I ever could. I didn’t want to think. I wanted to help Natalya.

‘I won’t let your darkness consume you, Natalya. Give in to your wolf, let your wolf surrender to me. Obey me now.’ My voice was forceful, demanding.

By my voice alone –no, my sheer will, Natalya’s body began to shudder at my command. She couldn’t control it in herself and I felt her wolf kneel in submission to me. The cracks shattered and the illusion of being trapped, restrained came in full force as she pressed her face closer to the floor and her neck stretched so far that I could see the muscles stretch and flex.

Natalya whimpered and groaned as the darkness began to seep away from her. ‘Please. Please. Please.’ Natalya repeated and kept repeating.

This time I allowed myself to walk towards her and sat on the floor with my legs crossed. I gently rubbed her bare neck as I lifted her head on to my lap.

Like any other wolf seeking for comfort, she dug her face into my lap but didn’t move the rest of her body. I stroked her hair gently. Soothing her. Letting her know I was to grab her when she falls. To pick up the pieces that has been shattered. The soul I craved to see was bare and raw. So very raw. Her soul was beautifully opened and my wolf howled in approval. Her soul was in my care. She was in my care.

When she calmed, I untied the ties around her eyes and neck. The marks on her neck were visible but I knew they would heal. Her eyes remained shut while her body was limp. I stroked her hair and kept stroking her until she didn’t need it anymore. Until she was stronger.

For a while, we stayed on the floor with her head on my lap. My hand still petted her hair in comfort and I let the silence be. Silence was good at times.

‘There was someone I used to know that was like you Kira.’ Natalya said brokenly. Her face turned and her eyes locked with mine.

I didn’t answer her, I just listened and waited.

‘He hurt like you are Kira. He hurt so bad but he wouldn’t let me help him. He wouldn’t let me fix it. His hurt and pain grew worse and slowly I saw him simply existing. Never actually there, if you get what I mean but I still felt it.’

My hands kept moving in comfort and my heart clenched at the thought of her feeling pain for the memory she held.

‘He went rogue. I wasn’t sure why but I begged the Pack not to kill him. I was omega and I heal wolves. I knew I could heal him, I needed to. They gave me a month to fix him.’ Natalya’s voice turned to sorrow. ‘They killed him, Kira.’ Natalya whispered. ‘They didn’t give him a chance. I knew he was fighting the rogue wolf inside him but the worst part is that he begged them to kill him. He didn’t want me to save him.’

I leaned my head down so my lips touched her temple. ‘It wasn’t your fault, Natalya. Stop blaming yourself, you did nothing wrong.’

‘I failed him. And now I’ll fail you.’

My forehead rested against hers. ‘No you didn’t fail him and you won’t fail me. Some people are too far to heal. Scarred too deep to fade and wounds to bloody to recover. You can’t heal me Natalya but I won’t turn the way he did. You won’t lose me.’

‘I hope so Kira. I don’t wanna loose you.’ Natalya said softly.
I smiled down at Natalya to reassure her but I can’t help myself think that after last night, I am lost.

Chapter 15

Natalya entered the lounge first and I was close behind her. The lounge wasn’t much in this cabin. There was a fairly large, worn-out sofa that was more for comfort than beauty. A matching loveseat stood opposite to the sofa and a large fur rug was in the middle. No pictures or mementos sat anywhere in sight which made me think maybe there was more to Alaric than I thought. The walls were wooden and the floorboards were oak.
I inhaled the coffee-scented aroma in the room. Erik was sitting on the loveseat, Alaric, Indigo and Misha sat on the sofa while Phillip and Violet petted each other on the fur rug. Natalya walked over to our Alpha and sat on his lap and rubbed noses with him. Mated pairs always rubbed noses. It was a loving gesture between mate to mate.
Erik looked at me as Natalya snuggled into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder.

‘Thank you.’ Erik said.

I only nodded. I didn’t doubt that they heard everything and smelt Natalya’s pain and anguish. It sort of shocked me that Erik didn’t come barging in to protect his mate from me but somehow I knew that Erik understood. I also knew that events from last night either made Erik hate me for demeaning him as Alpha or kick me out of the Pack. I knew he’d be angry and the tension set in his shoulders as soon as I entered the room seemed to show and state the message clearly.

Cowardly, I know, I didn’t push Erik for comments on last night. I didn’t really like him being angry at me and quite frankly, the thought of Erik in distraught or distress made me want to hurt something. He was my Alpha and no matter the power-play with ourselves, I submit to him and him only.

I walked over to Violet and Phillip since they’re the only ones in this room I can tolerate touch and sat with them. They both didn’t miss a beat as Phillip positioned himself behind me so my back would lean on his front and Violet spread my legs so she could sit in-between them.

Violet had lavender eyes and a small, circle-shaped face. Violet had a button nose and a pale complexion but flawless of blemishes nonetheless. Violet’s hair was lush and curly as her hair reached her bottom. She was beautiful and her heart matched her beauty.
Violet starred at me through shy eyes. Though Violet wasn’t afraid of me, she was intimidated of me and my She-wolf.

‘Hi.’ Violet spoke quietly.

I rubbed my hands up and down her arms for comfort and gently placed her back against my front. I brought my right hand up and applied a little pressure on her forehead so she’d leaned against my shoulder. Violet snuggled and burrowed into the hollow of my neck and a placed a kiss on her forehead for good measure. I didn’t like the fact she was intimidated by me but its beats her being frightened of me any day.

‘Hi.’ I replied softly as I played with Violet’s hair as Phillip was playing with mine.

‘Are you feeling better?’ Phillip said in hushed tones so low that only I could hear.

I smiled and placed my free hand that was resting on my thigh, on his for reassurance and comfort.

‘I’m feeling better now.’ I whispered back.

And for a moment the lounge was utterly quiet. Uncomfortable and awkward but quiet.

‘We have to talk about last night, Kira.’ Erik said. Though he spoke quietly, his voice held power and firmness.

Damn, I hoped, futile as it was, he wouldn’t mention last night.

‘There is nothing to talk about.’ I replied. ‘I gave him my blood and he drank is like any other bloodsucker.’ I left out the part where Mircea whipped my back that actually forced things that shouldn’t be forced out and I had a pathetic, weak meltdown. Nahh, Erik didn’t have to know any of that. I can’t even comprehend with what happened and how it may or may not help me in the future.

Erik starred at me sharply. ‘That’s all he did?’

I made sure my face was expressionless. I didn’t want or will ever explain to him what happened. In Erik’s eyes, that was all that happened and the Pack’s damn eyes too.

‘That’s all he did.’

Erik’s nostril’s flared at the scent of my lie. I should’ve known better but it was worth a try. ‘Kira.’ Erik more or less boomed my name.

I struggled not to wince...or run....or shift. My body started to feel numb and ice filled my eyes. My She-Wolf started to scent my discomfort which overall made her think I’m in danger. And I sort of was. Danger of telling Erik my guilty, sick, humiliation.
I bared my teeth at Erik and held his gaze for more than a second before it dropped to the floor. It wasn’t a challenge to his status but it stated I wasn’t backing down either. I won’t.

‘What happened last night is my business and none of yours. I would’ve thought that you’d be more pissed at out power-play than my well-being.’

There. A subject that can overshadow Mircea’s feeding.

‘You’re a part of this Pack, Kira. My wolf feels no challenge towards you and both man and wolf knows that you submit to us, even if you get a tad bit more dominant sometimes.’
I let the surprise show on my face. Alpha’s were Alpha’s in the end of the day. It meant that if you challenge an Alpha and not submit –which I didn’t last night, they take it as a challenge to the Pack and the Alpha himself –because Pack and Alpha are one. The Pack backs the Alpha. It was the way it worked.

‘ sorry. I couldn’t allow it.’ I said, still shocked at the words he spoke.
Erik nodded his acceptance. ‘Though it doesn’t mean you can challenge me anytime you please. It doesn’t work that way Kira. Either I’m your Alpha or I’m not.’
‘You are.’ I said sincerely, putting as much of the truth scent in the air as possible. I even bared my neck for good measure.

‘Well if that’s sorted, let’s get back to pack business. Alaric?’ Erik started expectantly at Alaric.

‘Alpha Adam agreed to Pack Alliance as well as Alpha Maverick. The Alliance Ceremony has to be done soon and you need to meet with the Alphas to discuss guidelines of Pack Alliance.’

‘Good. We need to deal with the matter of Katra.’

‘Has she made any havoc in the City yet?’ I asked. I didn’t hear anything but then again, I don’t get out much.

Erik shook his head. ‘I’ve heard rumours that Katra has been forming some sort of alliance with the non-pure witches in this city. The wererats said something big is coming to hit the City.’

The wererats were the ones that knew the who’s, what’s and how’s in the City. The underground of the city was their territory and that meant nothing runs by them without their knowledge –even if it was little knowledge. I didn’t particularly think much of the wererats since they weren’t dependable and you never knew which side they were one. Though, who am I to judge? I hadn’t exactly met one.

‘So we need to find her before the shit hits the fan. Where do we start finding her? The City is way too big for the Pack to find her.’ I asked. Katra wasn’t stupid. Unfortunately she was the type to be smart and batshit crazy. Not exactly great combination to have since she could be potentially planning to kill Erik as we speak. There were a lot of things you can do to this City and especially this one, anything could happen. If it was a human, it would’ve been fine –a few kills and cause a little damage. A fucking non-pure witch, though bottom of the food chain in our world, can not only kill but kill millions. It can not only cause damage but a fucking apocalypse –literally.

Erik rubbed his face with his free hand and slowly shook his head. ‘I don’t fucking know. Katra isn’t stable-‘

‘No shit’ I snorted

Erik glared. ‘-But take the underground. Talk to the wererats. See what else they know. Go to the non-pure witches –see what they know.’

I leaned my head back against Philip’s chest. Great, it was like playing a game of tag. And damn it, Katra’s it.


Chapter 16

I looked at Alaric that had a shit-eating grin on his face.

‘It’s a sewer.’ I said dumbly as I felt the need to point it out. The damn wolf was even holding the lid.

‘uh-huh and I’m a wolf. Now jump in. We got an appointment with the Alpha Rat in half hour.’

I wrinkled my nose at the smell. ‘It stinks.’ I pointed out again. He was so not making me do this. No. Hell. No.

‘Is THE Kira Thorne scared to go in?’

I looked at Erik. ‘You said they controlled the underground –not the sewer system.’

‘The sewer system is below the City don’t you think?’

I just looked at him.

Alaric gave me a heavy sigh that kinda screamed women. ‘Where did you think they lived?’

‘Train stations?’ I guessed.

‘Get in Kira. If we’re late the Alpha rat is gonna be pissed and then that Alpha rat is going to tell our Alpha –then Erik is gonna be pissed. I am not having Erik giving me shit. Get in or I’m going to push you in.’

Thing I hated about his argument was that he was damn well right. For someone who isn’t an Alpha and is late to a meeting with an Alpha is some serious offense. Fuck sake.

I walked to the small hole on the floor and my sense of smell flared. God the damn smell! I gave one quick glance at Alaric before a jumped inside. Every part of my body cringed. I so didn’t wanna be here.   

When the damp, dirty, shit-smelling floor hit the tips of my shoes, my knees started to bend to lessen the impact. It was a long way down. Darkness cascaded everywhere as well as the damn smell –but what did you expect? It was a sewer. It was a one-way tunnel. I could have walked forwards or backwards but not right nor left. The walls I bet were filled with grime and I could hear actual rats. Everything inside me cringed. Small rats. Disgusting, tiny, furry rats. Ew. Every monster has something their afraid of right? Mine were damn rats and spiders.

I heard Alaric coming down so I moved slightly forwards so he didn’t hit me. I watched Alaric slyly out the corner of my eye. Even jumping into a sewer, Alaric can make it graceful. His chestnut hair perfectly intact and his silk shirt weren’t even rumpled. Alaric somewhat dressed for this occasion, wearing a fitted button-down shirt in black silk made his fair skin paler –more delicate. He wore black jeans and shiny shoes. When you’re seeing any Alpha, you dress up –if that is, you’re going to the Alpha without your Alpha. It was just bad etiquette to not make an effort to those higher than you.

Which is why, unfortunately, I was dressed up too. I wore a crimson silk blouse with a fitted double-breasted black blazer –courtesy of Violet’s help. My hair was too long for myself to be actually bothered to do something with it so Violet braided my hair till it reached to the middle of my back. Now, I drew the line to wearing a skirt and heels. It was impractical and both was just hard to run in. So I settled for tight fitted black jeans and over-the-knee boots with crimson-coloured ribbons criss-crossing from the top to the bottom.

We waited at the entrance for ten minutes before I lost my nerve. The Alpha Rat’s men were supposed to pick us up and drop us off to Alpha Rat. Like we’d know how to navigate these damn sewer tunnels. I looked at Alaric who stood casually for the care in the world –not minding at all the stink.

‘Where the hell are they?’ I asked.

Alaric sighed. ‘I don’t know.’ His answer wasn’t even remotely helpful.

I didn’t have anything nice or helpful to put into this conversation so I let it die. The silence was annoying and I liked silence. It was the dripping and scattering noise that echoed in the sewer that started to piss me off. We were on time so what the hell was the big hold up?

That was when the hairs on my neck stood. My hands itched for my knives but I remained still. We were being watched. My anger spiked up higher. I didn’t have time for games. I didn’t have time for rats to just sit and watch me while I wait for them to guide me to their king.

I checked my watch. Okay, plan B.

‘Your Alpha is expecting us. I would really appreciate it if you direct us to him’ I spoke aloud.

No one took the hint.

I cocked my head to the side. Trying to listen of anything. From anyone. Through the stench, I smelt them. They were near. What was this? A game? Observation? What?

My patience thinned and so did my control. Damn it. If they had to be difficult, I’ll find another way round this situation. Though the other way was a hell of a lot longer, it was a way to get things done. You don’t rely on people you don’t trust. Especially rats.

“That helped.” Alaric said dryly.

I turned and just glared. There really wasn’t need for that comment. Alaric just grinned and shrugged. Ass.

Something finally moved and I saw three figures coming towards us. Since I was part animal, I could see in the dark. Not amazingly well but well enough to see their faces. One obviously was leading the other two. I was guessing the latter two was his bodyguards. Or maybe his posse. I didn’t really care.

The leader of this trio was shorter than the two, which was weird. It seemed right to have the one taking the lead to be taller and simply more than the buddies that trailed after him. Maybe it was cliché but it made me alert. Maybe this Rat was deadlier than the rest. My guess was, he was about 5 ft 9. Saying the man was any higher didn’t seem accurate. The guy had brown hair and it was close-to-skin short. His skin tone was a darker shade of tanned and it looked like despite his height, he made up for the muscles plastered all over his body. The guy was ripped that seemed borderline unattractive for some but he didn’t look like that type of guy who worked out for the sake of making oneself look appealing. If that was his aim, he would stopped long time ago but I mentally shrugged at the thought, not my business to know. Apart from him muscles, his face was angular and could even say pretty –which was surprising since I the image of a rat-like appearance came to mind. His face was all angles and chiselled and his eyes were black. Not brown black but completely black. My gaze slipped to the two behind him and their eyes were the same. Maybe it was a Rat thing. The other two was different. For one, they were taller but not outrageously taller, maybe 5 ft 11 or maybe 6ft if I was pushing it. They had similar skinny build but not to the point that it looked lanky. However, I knew that underneath the black t-shirt and dark belted pants they all wore, it was all lean hard muscle. I knew there was strength in both of them –all wereanimals had uncanny strength.

The short guy spoke first. “Alaric and Kira.”

It was more of a statement than a question so I didn’t respond but inclined my head. I didn’t really like to talk to strangers, especially dangerous strangers so I much rather observe. To me, it was more effective and usually, it got shit done quicker. Most people didn’t like silence and mistook it for awkwardness. I never did.

The guy wasn’t one too and he looked us both over and something flickered in his eyes that I decided it was…satisfaction. Why? Satisfied we weren’t threatening to the Alpha Rat? I didn’t really know but the guy literally turned and looked at us over his shoulder. Ass.

“Follow me.”

We walked a few feet behind him and the other two waited for us to pass them so they followed us from behind. I kept a tight rein on control. I didn’t like to feel or be trapped but I got it. I would have done the same if positions were reversed. I didn’t mean I have to like it.

We walked through the tunnel and for one thing, the smell didn’t get better.  Then the guy stopped and turned to a flat wall. Like all the secret spy movies, a part of the wall we were standing in front of lifted. To say I wasn’t impressed or even thought the whole idea of a secret door that magically lifted up wasn’t cool would be complete and total bullshit. We all walked through and the door shut behind us. I knew this wasn’t a part of the sewer system. First, it didn’t stink and there wasn’t shit everywhere. Second, it looked nice. We walked on patterned stone floors and I don’t know how, but there was light –not the fire-on-a-stick light but ceiling lights. It was nothing extravagant but light was light. My sight was doable at night without light but having light was easier.

The tunnel was basically a straight line and we ended up in front of a steel door with a little code-panel next to it. It felt like I was stepping into a steel safe and to some, it would have been overboard because through the tunnels alone, that shit would get you lost –not to mention of never finding a secret door on some random sewer wall but they were wererates. Compared to a Pack of wolves or a Pride of lions, they would lose. That didn’t mean if worst come to worse, you trap yourself in a secret safe and hope the bad guy would go away. There was no plan B. If the need to escape arose, the word screwed just didn’t cover the situation.

We followed the Rat, passing several doors, which I was guessing rooms for the rat clan. Some even stopped and simply looked at us. A woman, in particular, looked at me. Her eyes widened and I smelt her fear. Submissive. The woman met my eyes but quickly looked down and bared her neck. I had newfound respect for this unknown woman. A submissive hardly looks at a Dominant when they’re not in your Pack. Looking directly in the eyes was a form of a challenge to any wereanimal and a challenge always ended bloody. For a submissive to look at a dominant, even only for a second, was a bold move. Especially since I was Wolf and she was Rat.

The Rat that was leading us stopped at the door and gestured to go in. The Dominance in the room was so thick, it took effort to hold back my own. I glanced at Erik and judging by his stone face, he was too. You don’t ever push your dominance on any Alpha. It was bad etiquette. It was a sign of a challenge and if either of us pushed our own out, Erik would be so pissed.

The Alpha Rat sat behind a desk that filled with paper work and my best guess was rat business. This Alpha was tall. His skin in a dark shade of brown, his eye black and his tight-curled hair was also. One look and I knew he was Alpha. The unadulterated power and strength was a dead giveaway. His face to a lot of people was scary but I only so fierceness. He wasn’t like the other pretty Rat I saw. His face was harsh, and the scar burns that covered his left cheek only added to that. His jawline was strong and his demeanour just screamed badass. This man had a past of pain and hardship.It wasn’t hard to see that he was absolutely ripped under the black shirt he donned. My thoughts on the Rats changed. Looking at this man, he was absolutely threatening and arrogant that matched any Alpha I have seen. My She-Wolf stood in alert. Her curiosity ran through me but also her wariness. She knew danger when she sees one. She and I were in total agreement.

Both Alaric and I bared our necks and simply waited. I felt his stare but I didn’t look up. I knew when to push and when not to and though it was my every instinct to look up, I didn’t. So my eyes stayed glued to my feet.

“Close the door Raphael.” His voice. Though he was speaking normally, it was so low and rough. Feminine appeal ran through me. His voice matched the badassness he wore like second skin. It was low, rough and scratchy. It held complete authority.

The door closed and the pretty Rat, Raphael walked passed Alaric and me and stood behind the Alpha. A minute passed and I felt his gaze on us. He was waiting.

“Welcome to my home. Sit.” Finally.

We both sat in the two empty chairs that were in front of his desk. Alaric looked up and spoke.

“Alpha Omar, my name is Alaric and this is Kira.” Erik gestured to me. I met Omar’s gaze and nodded. “We’ve come for information.”

Omar looked at Alaric and then at me. “It’s Omar.” He was still looking at me. “I possess a great deal of information, you need to be more specific.”

“We need inform-“

“I wasn’t speaking to you.” Omar cut it. He just kept looking at me.

Shit. I was only here for backup. Alaric was the talker. The one that didn’t have a mouth that would get deep shit. I observed not watched but I’m not gonna skulk away. It wasn’t who I was.

I looked at Omar. “We info on a witch that has entered the City. Katra.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You assume I have the information?”

I shrugged. “Your clan is known for the eyes and ears of this City. Nothing passes by without you knowing.”

“True. That doesn’t mean I’m willing to give information up.”

“Katra is a powerful non-pure witch that could potentially destroy the City for a personal vendetta. It’s in your best interest to share the goods you have on her or on any witch related activity because I can assure you she’s not here for a holiday visit.”

“Her personal vendetta is against your Alpha. Not me.”

I didn’t even blink. Of course he knew. “Then you know that if we don’t have info, Erik would be in danger and you also. You and Erik have a pack agreement by blood. This woman is destructive and since Erik’s the one lapdog that got away, her craving for him worsen. Now add the non-pure witch part that is centuries old which means she’s past batshit crazy and into the land of no return. If we go down all our allies in the City, including you, will damn sure fall.”

“And you are so certain?”

“If we fall, a new Pack stakes claim on our territory. If the new Alpha doesn’t want a pack agreement with you, what will you do? The City cannot function properly without a strong Pack, if we fall, chaos will follow and the vampires will intervene.” One thing any wereanimal had in common was we both shared a certain dislike for vampires.

He and I look at each other. I stared long enough to get my point across before I broke eye contact. I pushed it. I didn’t wanna bulldoze through it.

“Katra has been silent since she’s entered the City. She’s waiting. The witches spoke of something big that’s going to hit the City but they don’t know what.”

“That’s it? Something big is going to hit the City? It already has and her name is Katra.”

“If there was something out there. I would know. The witches blocked us out. Katra’s posse has been tight-lipped and never talks about anything important without being in a secure location where no one would overhear it. Shit is going to hit the fan. But I can tell you were she lives. Madame Angelica.”

Shit. She was the fucking leader of non-pure witches. She’s heavily guarded and the reason why she’s not dead is that she’s an asset to the Mistress of the City and there were no fucking crimes to link her too. If Madame Angelica has taken Katra under her wings then it would be a bitch to get through to her. Madame Angelica was not only a non-pure witch but she specializes in necromancy. Some humans have this ability but with a witch, their power of control tripled. She controls the dead but not the undead. Rumours speculate that her minions were ghosts she collected over centuries. Great. Just great. 

Katra didn't just have a fight to pick with Erik, she fucking wanted total fucking domination along with either Erik's death or Erik becoming a slave. Or both since her ally was a necromancer. Granted he would be a zombie but she’d get what she wanted. A tamed lapdog.

After we took our leave, we had a new problem. Not only are we dealing with Katra, we’re dealing with Madame Angelica. An even bigger problem was how to find her. Since most of the people in the City, humans not included, wanted to kill her, finding her was easier said than done.

I had a bad feeling about this. No one simply finds Madame Angelica unless she wants him or her to. What was she up to? More importantly, why does she need Katra? 

Questions ran through my mind but it made no sense. Katra’s arrival in the City would cause trouble. What type of trouble was something else entirely? If she wanted Erik, she would bid her time to kill Erik but what does that have to do with Madame Angelica? For her to ally with a very powerful necromancer could be an entirely different motive than her wanting to take revenge on Erik. Total control of the City? Revenge on Erik? Allying with someone powerful to live a little longer?

Madame Angelica caused havoc centuries ago, creating mini vampire soldiers as a necromancer could raise the dead and control them. Vampires were already dead so controlling them wasn’t difficult. However, necromancers were generally weak only able to raise one corpse and sustain the corpse for a few minutes. Angelica could not only raise an army full of undead but maintain they’re state for hours. Necromancers like her were rare and since they have the potential to control a vampire, the vampires made it their mission to kill them off. Last I heard on Madame Angelica was that she was one of five alive from the massacre. Which told me three things. She’s powerful. She’s smart. And she’s trouble.

I looked at Alaric. “How the hell are we going to find her?”

Alaric shook his head. “You don’t look for Madame Angelica, she looks for you. We need to grab her attention.”

I saw a glint in his eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“We hunt for her minions.”

I just looked at him. “They’re ghosts Alaric.” It was hard to hunt for something without it’s body or if they’re fucking invisible.

“Exactly.” He continued walking next to me. He didn’t elaborate but he got me curious enough to follow. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.04.2011

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To those that lean on their alter egos for strength and comfort. WARNING: there may be scenes that could be considered 'sick' and 'disturbed'.

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