The Deplorable Love Story

User: Zoraida
The Deplorable Love Story

An unfortunate love story between two main characters, Maliyah and Skylar. But little does Maliyah know that he has more involvement with a mysterious case then what he is leading on to be. Choices between broken hearts, right and wrong, and life and death all comes into the mix as the story gets untwisted. Everyone knows that there are 3 sides to the every story; Skylar's, Maliyah's, and the truth. Who's side will you fall for first?


This book is unfinished, but more chapters will be added as time goes on.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

A nice start for a love story, mostly because you give such interesting details about the main characters' back-stories.

To make this flow even better, you might want to consider using italics when the character's words are internal. Putting them in quotes is confusing, because it looks as if another person is speaking, but you forgot to start a new paragraph. Just remove the quotation marks and italicize the internal... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

Thank you so much for all of your suggestions! I will make sure to make go back and edit some more, and hopefully the story would have made some improvements! I appreciate it!

The whole bar things, I was sort of picturing a restaurant/bar type of place, and I never saw it that... mehr anzeigen


You're welcome. And you're right - there are many bar/restaurant establishments, so you have to not only explain that this was such a place, but that there was a noticeable division between the dining area and the bar. That's the only way children accompanied by parents are... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

some time i think there's no love i want to know true is there

1 Kommentar

I'm sorry I'm not understanding, can you phrase that in a different way?

Wichtiger Beitrag

zoraida you know what its same my life i like your book i did enjoy to read your book thanks to make this book i feel good to read your book

4 Kommentare

That is really sweet! Thank you for your comment, it truly made my day.


no need to say thanks Zoralda actually when i read this book i felt good because its same like my life i felt you write my life


That's really sweet. I appreciate that!


you are most well come

Wichtiger Beitrag
Ingeborg Kazek

It sounds quite interesting. I guess, the story will be continued. Is he a stalker? Or may by the murderer of her mother, or is he to be the future lover, or is he somebody who has to do with an unknown dark side of the mother? Some errors are in the text and there should be a break from time to time, at least for my eyes. I like the your fluent style.

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! I appreciate it so much! Some of your questions will be answered once I get deeper into the story.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

It's an interesting premise to write a romance in the style of a mystery. So far it sounds interesting but I think you realize there are many errors. I would suggest you do some reading of experienced writers and study their style. I'll check back with you.

1 Kommentar

Thank you!

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