Unravelling the Truth

New secrets, New love, New world Von:
Unravelling the Truth
A new start is what Kileshia gets, but it isn't the first time.
After years of trusting no one will she be able to let go and care for the people who are just like her... in her words she is an abomination but will she ever feel normal in a new world of fantasy?

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Add more..u have a good start so far.

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Gwinevere Keethley

Have you ever been really disappointed that your book has ended unexpectedly on you? That's what happened when I read your book. Sure, there are a few errors in correct grammar, but that never makes a good story bad. Great work, and good luck on the rest! ^v^

p.s. Can you tell me when you update next? I really like the book!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Ii will keep wriying im going to post it all together i fine it easier so i can go through and edit some things. Thanks for checking my book out

Wichtiger Beitrag

it was alright but i wish there was a little more to it
hope u keep righting want to now more

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