A Foodie's Fantasy

User: Zartaj
A Foodie's Fantasy

"You have no idea what you are signing up for" he said as he took a step closer, taking hold of her chin in his fingers and tilting her head up to look into his eyes.

"Oh! it doesn't matter anymore." she said as she closed the gap.

A foodie who is a sassy girl, bubbly at her work, a good daughter at home and an amazing friend. She always had a crush on this person, who is a celebrity chef. She always dreamed about getting a chance to meet him. But She didn't know that the chance she always waited for is not a piece of cake. What will happen when she starts obsessing over him? and a detail about him that is well known yet she overlooked! How will her life turn out to be? will she get what she wants?

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H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-zartaj-shaikh-a-foodie-039-s-fantasy

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Love this (๑♡∀♡๑) !!!

Please update it soon and let me know.

Can't wait for more!!

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H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?wc7f8b110fe5835_1498640507.0906109810

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