

Hello everyone!


I am Zartaj Shaikh and today I am going to tell you all a story. Which is mine indeed!


So lets start shall we...?


Okay my story starts like this...


Imagine one fine winter morning in Mumbai, or Bombay for some. Now Imagine a residential tower with luxury homes in it. Now visualize a luxury apartment at the topmost floor of the tower giving a spiffing view of the city and the sea shore. Did you hear that noise coming form one of the rooms of the apartment well that's the alarm going off waking up the owner of the apartment in the process. Me! I wake up and shut the alarm off as I rub the palm of my hands over my face.


"Good morning" I say to the person on the bed beside me as I move her to wake her up. That's Snehal my best-est  friend and my partner in crime. Even though we have so less in common we have this bond where we understand each other without saying anything and know what we need to do without telling anything to each other. She turned around and woke up taking her phone in her hand and checked for time as well as her today's appointment's at her work as she got off the bed and headed towards her own room. Yeah we sleep together at times, in the literal sense of the word.


I got off the bed and headed towards the bathroom in my room and did the routine brushing teeth, having a relaxing shower, getting dressed for work, straightening my hair and applying subtle make up. After getting ready I headed towards kitchen and prepared some chai and Veg parathas for Snehal while I grilled some overnight seasoned chicken for myself. Yes you guessed it right Snehal is a vegetarian, while I enjoy being an omnivore. What can I say I love eating the juicy tender meat alot. So do I also love cooking for that matter.


I am a Chef at 'The Mug' which I opened along with Snehal as my partner. While she works on the management part I work on the cooking part. And I love it! Well I always loved the cooking part for as long as I can remember. But I only got to try my hand at cooking once I turned 8 not before that.


Well can't blame my mom for that now can we? since all she wanted to do was keep me from harming myself. She didn't wanted to see me end up cutting or burning myself.


But eventually everything turned out fine. I learnt cooking complete meals by the time I reached 5th grade. Also later on once done with school I joined for Hotel Management and learnt what I couldn't at home.


At first I worked as an intern at ITC Maratha for some time. Later once I had enough money to start with my own business I ganged up with Snehal and we opened up 'The Mug'. Now you all might be wondering what is so special about what I opened up. Well, let's have some patience about it?


We divulged into our breakfast while we discussed the news and today's affair's and events. Once done with that we headed to the parking area towards our car. Once inside I started with the ignition and we drove off towards our work place.


Since we have to leave earlier in-order to open up to be ready for other people's breakfast it was quite an easy drive. My assistant had just arrived to the work when we reached the place. Snehal headed off to her office while I entered straight into the kitchen. I started working off on my mug cakes while my assistant worked on the sauce that we use in our mug pizza.


Well I guess you got the idea about what 'The Mug' is? yeah we serve the food that can be made into mug's then be it cake or pizza. Mac n cheese  any one? And we are the first one's to serve such food in Mumbai. Hence we hit it off, quite easily. In the cosmopolitan city,  where people are so busy it was easy to work it out this way. People come here, order their meal, get it in one mug, they eat it and leave. No ruckus off any sort or waiting for half an hour for food or any off it. The food is ready on the go. People have it and simply leave.


But it doesn't end here, Students from colleges come here to hang out with friends, families come here together to catch up on the lost time in the busy life of the city. We also hold parties on Saturday Nights.


This is what my life is, or was until one fine day...


A/N: Hello to all my dearest readers.


From today onward's i'll work on this book and complete and finish this one first. for my other books they'll be stalled and i'll be changing their story line a bit and then put em up again.


please co-operate with me until then.


Thank you!


Yours sincerly,

Zartaj ^.^


P.S: Don't forget to add this book to your favourites. I'll be back with a new chapter really soon. until then take care pals! :) 





Well, we won't go directly to that day. Before that I need to tell you all about how that day arrived, right? Well something like this happened...


"Guess what babez..." Snehal said as she entered kitchen with a paper in her hand.


"What is it?" I asked her smiling as she tasted some Mac and cheese that was freshly out of the oven and moaned "it's good, isn't it?" I said with. Raised eyebrows.


"Oh! It's the best. Anyways here this is for you. And you will be really happy once you have read this." She said as she handed me the paper.


"What is it?" I asked her. She waved her hand saying "go on read it now will you!?"


I looked at her suspiciously, "this better not be one of your pranks gal, or you'll have to pay for it really bad."


I read the paper it was a letter from the editor of 'The Gourmet' magazine but what the letter said didn't register with my brain for the First time. I read it and reread it to be sure what was in there.


Dear Zartaj,


I Meera Patel, the chief editor to the gourmet, am writing this letter to you to inform you about the upcoming event that is going to take place and also would be glad if you have your permission so as to co-operate with us for the matter.


As you know that our Channel always airs different shows regarding food. We are starting with the shoot of a new show about the trending and upcoming food that has turned into a sensation on the social media, one of them being food porn. I would be really glad if you would co-host another one of our new show for us along with Michael Ryder.


If you would like to take this offer then please do me a favor by sparing some time to meet me. I would be coming to The Mug at 4 today.


Thanking you


Yours sincerely,

Meera Patel.


I was on the cloud nine after reading this. Well I always took Michael Ryder as my idol. The owner of Seamores and the co founder of the Meatballs, he really did know his work. But never in my life did I got the opportunity to meet him.


But now this, this was just insane but spiffing. Just what I had been waiting for since always. How could I let this offer just slip off my hands? That will only happen when hell freezes over. Once the realization struck me I squealed in delight. I jumped around looked at Snehal and hugged her tightly.


"Finally, I am going to meet him" I said as a dreamy sigh escaped my lips.


"I know right!" Snehal replied as she hugged me back even though she doesn't like being touched by anyone in any way. She sometimes makes an exception or two for my sake.


I am so lucky to have a friend like that of her. Just perfect!


"We need to go shopping babez" I said as I pulled back a bit and saw what we were wearing. Not a good outfit to make an impression on the editor of the best Magazine and the Channel most viewed by the foodies.


"Yeah you are right I guess" she replied a bit worried expression on her face as she paled a bit, even though the paleness was a bit difficult to see as she has quite a medium dark skin tone, somewhat honey brown, but I could still see the difference.


Well what can I say? I am shopaholic while my gal here is not that big fan of shopping, a bit impatient and lazy as she is, she avoids going with me, because that would me spending hours on getting a perfect outfit.


"Oh, okay I'll just get my handbag." She said as she hurried out of the kitchen along with the letter in her hand.

Okay, okay I know so I won't take to much time today and if possible I would simply get the outfit that I already have in my mind, that will save a lot of trouble for my deary friend.


So I remove my apron and have a talk with my assistant letting her know about what she must work on while I am away, rest she knows her work well enough.


I grab my hand bag and head towards the parking area towards our car where Snehal was already there waiting for me to join her. I quickly get into the car as she slides in I start the ignition and off we are towards the nearest shopping street. Well yeah so what? Shopping streets in Mumbai have better options to choose from, one can haggle for the price and be done with quickly.


After buying a black knee length tight fitting formal dress with black heels and similar outfit in white for both of us, we headed to a salon to get our hairs styled for a formal meeting, my waist length hair into waves and that of Snehal's into a sleek bun we were off to our work place back once we were dressed into our outfit.


It was exactly four when we pulled up into the parking lot of the mug. Checking my make up once in the mirror while Snehal did the same we were off into the serving area just in time to find Meera Patel making herself comfortable at one of the booths.


We approached her and said "Hello Meera glad you could come here, but-" when I realized she wasn't alone. He was there with her in a black suit with blue shirt sitting opposite to her with a smile on his face as he was looking at me. I wasn't expecting him to come here today, but, oh no no no! I am not at all complaining about this.


"Oh! Hello Zartaj, well this is Michael Ryder-" she was saying but I cut her of by saying "I know" I say in a dreamy daze when I feel Snehal Stomp on my feet.


I suppressed the urge to make any sound at that as I snapped out of my daze and entered into dealing the matter at hand in professional mode.




A/N: Hello my dear readers I am glad that you have taken out time to read my book I hope you like it. Michel Chernow is actually the owner of Seamores and co founder of the meatballs and I do admire him a lot....


I hope u all have a spiffing year ahead. If u wanna tell me anything plz feel free to msg me or leave a comment I wld surly reply back as soon as I can.

Until I see u all next time...

Take care people.


P.S: Don't forget to add my book to your favorites! ^.^


 Once the introductions were done we all sat together to discuss about the deal. Meera and Snehal on one side of the booth while Michael and I sat side by side opposite to them.


"What is the best recipe of yours?" Meera asked, even though she knew, she gave me a sly smile and I blushed a bit at this.


"Banana walnut cake with chocolate ganache." I replied shyly and smiled.


"I would love to try it" Michael said. I signaled a waiter to approach our table. Once he was here I asked him to get banana walnut cake with chocolate ganache for us to which Snehal interrupted me and asked him to get a Mac n cheese for herself.


Once we were done with our order the waiter left giving us a slight nod. I turn to Meera and we start discussing about this upcoming show, and about the dates of the shoot. I was also informed that I'll have to leave for New-York on a week's time so that we could start with our shoot. I was really glad that I finally, got the opportunity to meet the idol and the one I was waiting for since forever, finally. I sigh mentally for looking at the fine specimen in front of me was so surreal.


"So Michael where are you staying until next week?" Snehal asked as she took another bite of her Mac n cheese.


"At a hotel near by" he said with a raised eyebrow.


"I bet it is not as luxurious as our home is." She replies


"True, this gals have one of the best luxury homes in this city, no luxury hotel can ever be compared to it, trust me I have been there." Meera replies with a smile.


"And also I won't like the fact at all that we could serve u better than the hotels do yet we couldn't do so, my conscience just won't let that happen." I say as I turn to look at him trying my best to make him agree to stay with us.


"Yeah you can always stay with us, we also have a gym at our home." Snehal replied eyeing his biceps. I could see her almost drooling. Eyes off gal, he is mine. I thought to myself I didn't wanna say it out loud and make a fool of myself.


We continued to make a casual talk when Snehal's cell phone started to ring she excused herself and left to answer the call.


"I must say this cake is really delicious, I would love to have this cake again sometime-" Michael said "-also how can I refuse your request of hospitality at your place." He completed with a smile.


I was totally dancing around the room, jumping up and down and singing giddily. But all this was happening in my mind, while I was having a calm facade on the show with a gentle smile on my face.


"Oh! Thank you so much. That is just a spiffing news!" I exclaimed


"Oh I am sure you will be enjoying your time here in the company of this girls." Meera said.


"That's great" Michael said.


Just then Snehal joins us. "It was Sufiyan, he is having a party and wants us to join, Michel you should come to." Snehal said.


"When is the party? And where?" I asked.


"Oh he said it will start at 8 at Sugar n Spice." Snehal replied.


"So I guess I'll see you girls there then." Michael said as he got up to leave along with Meera. We hugged and said our goodbyes. Once they left we were back to our work.


I meet Sufiyan at Snehal's college at the cultural festival. I had participated in the cooking competition and Sufiyan was the said students coordinator. We eventually became friends over the period of the festival and still share this bond between us.


Once done with work we head home, change our clothes for the party and head to Sugar n Spice. Once the car is parked and we have entered the club we look around for fimiliar faces. They were all at the booth near the other corner of the club where we could get the privacy we need. Just as we were about to head there my phone rings, I see who it was to find Michael calling. I answer the call right away while mouth at Snehal about the call from Michael and ask her to go ahead I'll join her in a bit.


"Hello there" I say as I just took the step out the door to be able to talk to him.


"Hey Zartaj, I have reached the club, I am in the parking area and since I only know u and Snehal here I thought I better ask your whereabouts." He said.


"Oh it's totally okay, I'll join you in the parking area in just a few minutes and we can go in together." I reply


"Oh okay!" He says and then disconnect the call. I head over to the parking area and find him standing beside a Mercedes.


"Well hello there" I say as I reach him. He looks at me and smiles.


Oh My God! Oh My God! Did u just see his smile, isn't it adorable. And he looks so damn dashing and delicious like this chocolate cake that I love! I so wanna eat him right now. Urggh, stop it will you? I can't be distracted now.


"Hello to you to Miss" he replied as he took my hand and we started moving towards the club. Once in there I take Michael straight to our booth. Everyone looks up to see who joined them. They were all eyeing Michael now.


"Everyone this is Michael and Michael this are my friends-" I say as I turn to point at a guy with chiseled jaw and a dash to beard at the chin with a beautiful smile "this is Sufiyan"


Next I point to the girl next to him with hair straight and open oval shaped face with hazelnut eyes "that's Maria"


Next is this fair guy with hazelnut brown hair and high cheek bones worth pink lips "That's Moosa Next to him is Nadir and that's Eesa oh and u already know Snehal."


Once done with introductions and saying hi's and hello Sufiyan stands and comes up to me holding my hand in his he asks me to dance with him. I nod my head with a smile and we head to the dance floor.




A/N: hello to a my dearest readers.

I am so happy that you people are reading my book.

Don't forget to add it to your fav's and leave a comment about your views.


That's all for now. I'll update with next chapter really soon. ^.^



Once on the dance floor we were dancing while having the eye contact the whole time. In his eyes I saw what you can say as a sense of relief and was that longing? But it was a bit difficult to say so.


"So this is the guy Snehal told me about on the phone call?" He asks


"I guess so!" I say with a sly smile. He smiles back as he twirls me and then back into his arms. In his arms there was this sense of comfort and I always felt secure. It has been so since forever. Now that we turn around my eyes catches the glimpse of Michael by the booth looking at me.


He smiles when he catches me looking at him. Well I do the obvious and smile back. I suddenly feel this as if I am pulled and realize that Sufiyan pulled me towards him to hold onto me a closer as he leans down.


"I know you are here only for a week and then you'll be leaving, I don't think it would make much difference if I ask you to be with me for tonight." He whispers. A shiver runs down my spine at this sudden change in his behavior. He never did anything like this, ever.


"Sure" I reply sounding confident. at least I hope I sounded confident, because on the inside I was like this molten chocolate, all mushy.


I never knew this was possible, especially coming from Sufiyan, this is quite a surprise for me. Event though we were kind of friends with benefits, no one knows this it's our secret, not even Snehal, though I guess she has gotten her hint about it long back but we haven't ever discussed this. Well, the reasons are simple, it's just a fling, nothing serious.


I smile as we continue to dance through the night, and drink. After that I ask Snehal to look after Michael, and to take him home once done with celebration, she is a heavy drinker, and can hold alcohol well compared to the other people in our group. So I knw she will look after him well.


I leave the club with Sufiyan along with me and we head to the hotel room we booked for the night. Actually, Sufiyan booked it for our night.


Once inside and doors closed behind us, we just couldn't keep our hands of each other. We start kissing each other as I put my arms around him into his hair pulling and tugging them. While his hands explore my curves.


We were so entangled that we didn't know where we started and ended. Soon the next thing I knew was my back hitting the soft mattress on the bed.


Soon our clothes were off and as passionate and hot a mess we were, so was our night, spent in pure escatsy.

While we had several rounds of it through out the night, next thing I knew I off and asleep.



Next morning I woke up with arms around me as I look at the person who was with me in my bed. The innocence on his face, so peaceful he looked while in sleep.


As my friend 'with benefits' I still wanted the best for him. I wished he had the Peaceful life, not the stressed one he has right now.


Suddenly the memories of our night comes to my mind when my eyes land on the scars on Sufiyan's back, made by my nails, and now I am blushing like crazy.


"Good morning" Sufiyan says in his morning husky voice as he looks down on me and smiles.


"Good morning" I reply as I smile and kiss him. Soon the kiss is turned into another round before we leave our bed and get ready for breakfast.


We do our breakfast at the dinning area of the hotel. After that we decided to leave for our work. But not before we had another steamy, hot round in my car.


It was indeed a great start of the day. Once inside The Mug I straight away head into the kitchen.


It was just the start of the day, there was alot more to come. I had this inkilng that this is going to be one eventful day...




Texte: Zartaj Shaikh
Lektorat: Zartaj
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2017

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