Ice and Fire

Ice and Fire
A book of poetic outbursts both frozen and heated. The ices of memory and the flames of love.

Poetry, Winter, Dark, Love, Romance
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Chris P.

Well I have to say that I'm impressed. I really like your work, it's amazing! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

nice metonymy

''The river of tears blurs his sight''

nice meditative got my vote

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Thank you for participating in our
poetry writing contest "Winter & Poems".

BookRix - your place to read, write and
network free literature on the Internet.

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Hey Zachary, thank you for sharing your work with me. I found the story interestng in that it seems to deal with a boy who has suffered the loss of his family in a most savage and brutal way. Worse yet he has been forced to watch the carnage. I found the writing a bit hard to follow, but I'm an old fart so maybe it was just me. Ice and Fire was a bit harder for me as I'm no poet. Some of the poems I enjoyed and others seemed... mehr anzeigen

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A nice collection of poems straight from the heart. Keep up the good work.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I especially liked If Tomorrow Was Forever. The font was a bit small and the background made it hard to read parts of the poems. You have a lot of potential!

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