
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Thoughts of Ice

Chapter 2: Thoughts of Fire

Chapter 1: Thoughts of Ice

“Frozen Memories”

Times long past,
And ways long cast,
People who came and went,
Things received and sent.

But what is it that lingers?
There, on the tips of my fingers?
It is a small flake of snow,
Of ages so very long ago.

What stories it could tell,
Of those good, and those well,
That it may inspire upon us,
Such a feeling as thus.

The tales of a true winter,
Where it flew and sintered,
Mingling with the trees, with ice,
Spreading glee to entice and entice.

Perhaps it roamed across the world,
Swirled and twirled, curled and whirled,
To the farthest reaches of the sky,
Simply to land on a very shy I.

And so what do I find?
What comes to my humble mind?
Why all the stories of this little snowflake,
All the places the wind may take.

And I wonder, and I wonder,
What it must be like to look from down under,
Instead of above, in the friendly clouds,
In the fluffy shrouds.

But I suppose I’ll never know,
Or in entirety ever show,
Any complete certainties,
For those free and frozen memories.

“Hate’s Rhyme”

The moon hovers in the night sky,
Its beams dancing on the ground below,
Rain falls from Heaven’s high,
Suddenly, a sharp howl of sorrow.

Follow the sound,
Feel the pain,
Lakes fill the ground,
From the falling rain.

See him now,
This creature of the night,
Miserable from his freshly broken vow,
The river of tears blurs his sight.

His love, lost to time forever,
Next to him, a soft whimper of fear,
Ties so strong, sever,
Soft sobs, as he pulls the child near.

His world stripped of dreams,
Because of this sick’ning crime,
Heart tearing at the seams,
And so begins Hate’s Rhyme.

“Plague of Society”

A malevolent flurry,
Encased in hellish fury,
Totally terrifying,
Yet sadistically satisfying.

It lies within each of us,
Deadly and destructive, and thus,
When we engage in this fatal epic,
There is no alleviating antiseptic.

This demonic manifestation,
Unique with each demonstration,
Attacks in devastating new forms,
To forever feed the eternal storm.

This circumventive force,
Yields no rendition of remorse,
Merely a presiding hate,
Which no action can abate.

It is the fuel of War,
This dynastic destroyer,
Consuming all in its wake;
Human spirit it shall break.

Humanity, the obedient victim,
Catalyzed by our own sadomasochism,
From which we become the Infinite Paradox,
Whom the master malefactor mocks.

How, though, is this what we have become?
Our own re-complicating conundrum?
And sadly, it is not easy to realize,
That it spawns from what we fantasize.

For it is we who are the shameless leader,
We who are the mindless reader,
The tasteless desecrator,
The hopeless fabricator.

Our forms are the written word,
The spoken sword…
The bleeding bullet,
The garroted gullet…

We are the creation turned vile,
That which will not – cannot – reconcile,
And so, what lies in our impropriety,
Is the very Plague of Society.

“Devastation of Doubt”

It is one of those…unseen powers,
That – granted – doesn’t readily show,
Yet, when unleashed, we cower,
For it is a disease of the so-called “Unknown”.

And here, of course, explanation must be given,
As the “Unknown” construct isn’t easily defined,
So from our “Known” haven, comes our best description,
“It is that we know to which we are unconfined.”

Herein lies irony of a great sort,
I mean, in relation to our “Known” – so secure,
That which provides us great comfort,
Should tantalize us with so lucid a lure.

And, thus, the question is proposed,
“How is it that – in life well protected –
Our very existence rapidly corrodes?”
The answer is lack of circumspect.

It beings in our readiness to cling to the “Known”,
Which sprouts our failure to recognize,
The possible benefits of the UN-known,
In this our imminent destruction lies.

For we do not allow ourselves a trained thought,
And in such overlook the true sacrifice,
Perhaps the panacea we’ve long sought?
Yet – for now, I suppose – current medicine must suffice.

But, THESE are the words of ages long forgotten,
In an era, where society may fritter and shout,
Where life has become lowly and downtrodden,
Is – quite truly – the Devastation of Doubt.

“Human Mathematics”

In our day and age,
We find something quite strange,
What is though?
Do you know, do you know?

Well, let me tell you then,
As surely we are close friends,
It is what we refer to as math,
Its numbers, and symbols, and graphs.

You speak not, yet your eyes inquire,
So I answer your curiosity’s desire,
“Think on it, is it all that it seems?”
Fiction, reality…true or dream?

Why are these simple numbers so complex?
How do they cast this confounding hex?
And that question I can answer as well,
So please, do come whilst I tell.

Math is an entity of times ancient,
Beloved family, yet we estranged it,
For Math brought with it a blessing and a curse,
A tangible, divine magic which sent many to their hearse.

Your eyes glint, seeking the magic,
Desiring to know what is so tragic,
And of course, I shall indulge,
The story that only I may divulge.

Math brought to us a grand epiphany,
One that sewed a great cacophony,
A tumult universally disruptive,
Dangerously and rapidly deconstructive.

It gave to us truth, reality,
A drug of great substantiality,
The result the same as all addictions,
A permanently scarring conviction.

It strips us of which makes us humane,
Confiding in us methods simply insane,
We are taught simplify, equate, evaluate,
Instead we complicate, complicate, complicate.

And herein lies that very plague,
Freedom from which we plead and beg,
It leaves us deprived and depraved,
Of a purity, an innocence that can no longer be saved.

Again your eyes shine in the mystic,
Contemplating, “Is this force sadistic?”
And so I smile and continue,
“No, Friend, this was not the intended venue.”

Our people were made to desensitize,
Taught to realize, not fantasize,
Bled of our most precious traits,
One which waits, and one which sates.

The first is our unsuppressed emotion,
From which spawns love and devotion,
A trait of immense and supreme strength,
That now treks towards its final breath.

The second, our unique imagination,
The human panacea to all dilapidation,
Replaced by Math’s science of medicine,
Where people scream, “Let us in! Let us in!”

The combination of these divines our humanity,
The imbuement, our feeling, understanding,
But no longer do we possess these,
As we sink deeper into our delicious disease.

We tried to defy a truly inhuman power,
Although it sought to aid, we now cower,
For we see what knowledge has incited,
A war, to which all powers are invited.

Now your eyes fill with sorrow,
As you look around our crumbling borough,
Tears free as the blinders finally fall,
And you now clearly see that which will appall.

Now at last you see clearly,
The betrayal of all you held so dearly,
And know the true, the felt value,
Of all the “progress” so shallow.

As I near the awaited close,
I display that which actually shows,
Understand there is no extravaganza,
In the care beheld in the final stanza.

Now I reveal your attitude, masochistic,
“So how does it feel to be a simple statistic?”
The final statement, I speak far more emphatic,
“To know you’re merely a human mathematic?”


I am all alone,
No one who will condone,
So, I must fight,
To remain in the light.

It is difficult, you must know,
To fight when you feel so low,
And this overwhelming dark,
It’s suffocating and leaving its mark.

It matters not what I do, what I try,
My heart inside screams and breaks and cries,
My first defense shattered, falls,
Away from Darkness to the light, weakened, I crawl.

I crawl away, past another wall, to a place I hide,
To a place stronger, more fortified, where I hope light will abide,
I curl up in fear as I hear it at my second barrier,
I hear and I see Darkness and its carrier.

The barrier holds a minute longer, then it breaks and Darkness rushes me,
To my final barrier, with all speed I flee,
My final barrier I reach, my strongest part, my soul,
As I reach it I turn around and watch Darkness come at me whole.

At first I laugh, triumphant, then I fear,
For as Darkness nears, I see its horrifying leer,
“Back, back” my mind screams, my legs barely obey,
I flee again, as far as possible from the fray.

Darkness comes at my barrier again, and again,
Fear, terror, afraid more than I have ever been,
Darkness makes one final strike, and down my barrier crashes,
When I see this happen; before my eyes my life flashes.

Then all I know is that my barriers are shattered, my soul lost, and my fire out,
I try to escape, but I can’t for mind, body, and soul have been caught in a rout,
Darkness comes over to me and in the end, swallows,
Forever am I lost in Darkness’ hallows.

My fire out, my life gone, my mind lost, and my soul shattered,
All my remains are totally tattered,
Lost eternally in Darkness’ terrifying realm,
Darkness has come, and its strength has overwhelmed.

“Tears of Blood”

One simple question, ask I.
One simple question, ask thou.

Have I done something to deserve this?
Is there something I have done to make things amiss?
I say, “There is not a thing I have done,”
Thou say, “Thou hath hurt far more than one.”

Why must I face this harm?
My body is sounding off a serenade of alarms,
Why must I suffer through this fear?
Thou say, “So thine heart may shed a single tear.”

More tears I must shed?
The very things that I dread,
Why must I cry?
Thou say, “To mourn those who die.”

“There are no more,” I plead,
My eyes have no more tears to bleed,
What do I sacrifice to please?
Thou say, “Fall to thine knees.”

I fall and from my eyes come a flood,
I cry the tears of sin, the tears of blood,
I fall and in terror and pain I weep,
Why must I suffer pain so deep?

Thou say, “To know the pain of another,”
I cry, “But why? I know the pain of others,”
For years I have bled and have wept,
For years I have not even slept.

I cry, “Why do these nightmares haunt me so?”
The pain I hide, so others may not know,
Thou say, “Thou are punished for thine crime,”
The pain I have caused others, the pain of time.

I lie now,
Having finally cried for thou,
Thou say, “For now I am pleased, but not sated,”
To cry the tears of blood forever, I am fated.

The tears I have cried,
Mourning those who have died,
Are now pooled,
With nobody fooled.

I no longer lie,
I no longer try,
I lie in my emotions, my own flood,
Now I lie in my own tears of blood.

“A Finale to Remember”

Sooner or later everything shall come to an end,
Some shall be small, others shall rend,
There will be one final play,
One last memory to stay.

The universe will one day have its final song,
When this comes, not a note shall be sung wrong,
It shall hold the melody of a siren,
The grand refrain shall be untirin’.

There will be one final performance,
A drama impossible of such conformance,
An amazing sight to be seen and remembered by all,
A play worthy of memory even at its final fall.

Remaining, shall be the glorious picture of the final glow,
No jewel left worthy to - on this crown - bestow,
The universe shall be left in all its heavenly glory,
But sadly, there shall be none left to hear the story.

The retaining sensation for all to feel,
Shall be the rending of the universal seal,
The warmth of the universe colliding upon them,
The splendor, left of the last gem.

The unending beauty for none to see,
For there shall sadly be,
None left to revel in the universe’s final height,
None left to see the last glorious sight.

Everything is reaching its grand end,
To the heavens we all pray to send,
The last step of the talented actor,
The universe’s last glorious factor.

The song reaching its last note,
The last line this poet wrote,
Now the universe left dim,
Everything dust, even in the outermost rim.

Chapter 2: Thoughts of Fire


Bird born of ash,
A flaming sash,
The fire of new life,
End of aged strife.

Creature of no death,
Brought to life in one breath,
Starting consumed in dark,
Covered in End’s mark.

A small flicker of light,
Still dark as night,
From the ash comes a faint glow,
Nothing remarkable, though.

Then sparks a flame,
Of which, lifelight came,
Spreading slow, burning soft,
Light moving into Darkness’ loft.

Crawling faster,
Moving outward from its caster,
The fire quickly grows brighter,
Light becoming mightier.

The bird nearing rebirth,
Almost burnt out of its hearth,
Darkness relenting by fire,
Truly a sight to admire.

Flame still burning,
Life still learning,
Light empowering,
New life flowering.

Thus it is reborn
From ash and death it is torn,
Finally at its flaming zenith,
Lives the resurrected phoenix.

“If Tomorrow Were Forever”

If tomorrow were forever,
Could we not do whatever?
We could go somewhere and stay,
We could be with our friends and play,
We could spin around ‘til we fall,
We could all go out to the mall,
We could be with each other,
We could stay frozen with one another,
We could show our true love,
We could show our faith in God above,
We could sing our hearts out,
We could let out a loud shout,
We could be together without a care,
We could have love that would never tear,
We could all live in a world made happy,
We could even get into something sappy,
Forever is a long time,
Forever is a big climb,
But if tomorrow were forever,
Should we say, “Never.”

“A Simple Romance”

Two hearts,
In harmony they beat,
Soon everything starts,
Each waiting for whom they’ll meet.

Everything starts normally, a usual day,
They each start their routine, doing what they’re accustomed to,
Then they leave, welcomed by Sun’s ray,
Their day begun, their minds nag for a clue.

These two-to-be have already met,
Though they do not know it,
Each now owes the other a debt,
Do not think it as negative, it’s a part of life, a small bit.

They meet again at their everyday place,
They see their friend and greet one another,
They’re going somewhere, where they hope they’ll meet, and the day will go like a race,
Arriving at their destination, they go separate ways leaving the other.

Through their day, they each proceed,
Their hearts aching with every passing beat,
One another’s souls screaming for their need,
Each waiting for their end-of-day treat.

Lunch comes and they both rush,
They meet once again and chat,
Other people came and went, and with glances catch a blush,
The bell rings and they both scat.

Still their day continues, seeming forever long,
In their final class, their hearts going mad,
Their willpower slowly getting less and less strong,
The final bell, still no one, all they feel is sad.

They each ride to their stop,
They don’t notice each other, too lost in pain,
Getting off they both feel their hearts drop,
Once off the bus they turn to leave again.

Before they leave, their eyes lock
Caught in each other’s dreamy stare,
Stuck staring, not returning even at a knock,
They came together slowly becoming a pair.

Lost in each other’s eyes,
Their wish slowly coming true,
Both staring, each release relieved sighs,
Closer they move, unto fruition, they do what they have wanted to.

They capture the distance and kiss,
Neither passionate or deep, merely chaste,
Finally content, with nothing amiss,
They end their first without haste,

Their hearts now a symphony of joy,
Subconsciously moving in a total trance,
Their hearts singing, noticing how they had been coy,
Just a simple romance.

Crown of My Heart

Before you it was dark,
My heart was cold as ice,
I bore the Exile’s mark,
Solo, my great entice.

Empty were my eyes,
Devoid of life,
I had lost my prize,
Just tear-shedding strife.

My life was Hurt,
Drowned in Pain,
Ignored every passing flirt,
Forgot everything vain.

Then I left all that behind,
And tried to start anew,
Old body, new mind,
Watched in a different hue.

Yet again, I fail,
I gave up, I quit,
Emissary of Lost hail,
Come deal me the final hit.

I was at the brink,
The last step off the bridge,
Ready to sink,
And fall off the ridge.

But I stopped,
I saw something,
Kept me from being dropped,
And what did it bring?

I saw another chance,
I saw something new,
Who holds this stance?
It is you.

You give me light,
A second hope,
A new sight,
No longer can I mope.

I was deathly afraid,
Cowered in fear,
Did all that you bade,
Just wanting you here.

You were struck,
I was there,
To give you luck,
And help you bear.

I wanted you to see,
Died for you to know,
Who I could be,
What I could show.

But I waited,
Ever-patiently by your side,
Told you, you were not hated,
Not once I lied.

Then came my turn,
I showed you how I felt,
Made you to learn,
And your reaction had my heart melt.

I said, I love you,
And I smiled,
You said, I love you too,
And we cried a while.

You are my love,
Beside me in joy,
My heavenly dove,
So sweetly coy.

With you, I see light,
Near you, I have hope,
Beside you, it’s so bright,
Along you, I’ll always cope.

My beloved mate,
My only desire,
Please be my fate,
Please kindle my heartfire.

Others may say you’re impure,
But you’re my virgin so-sweet,
Together we’ll endure,
Misery, we’ll defeat.

‘Til Death do us part,
Mate, purer than divine manna,
You are the crown of my heart,
My dearest Hannah.

“Midnight Meadow”

The sky made of colors, rich,
Stars shining high in the night,
Finally found our own little niche,
At last everything is all right.

I hold you in my arms now,
Whispering soft words of love,
My heart to you, I vow,
Thanking the Trinity above.

Lay your head over my heart,
Hear every gentle beat,
Nothing will tear us apart,
My love, my sweet.

I lean down and ask for a kiss,
You pause and brush my lips,
The one love I could always miss,
Across your cheek, brush my fingertips.

I pull away slowly,
A content smile lights my face,
I am yours wholly,
No longer need you chase.

We lie down in the flowers,
Holding each other, so warm,
Around us the trees tower,
No more emotional storm.

I hold you close,
My soft breath against your neck,
My delicate rose,
We no longer a wreck.

I sigh I love you,
Curling my fingers in your hair,
My love so true,
My heart, I’ll always share.

With you, I’m sure I’m safe,
I am secure,
Love no longer a wraith,
Our hearts so pure.

Lie your head against my chest,
Close your eyes and dream,
Now let your body fall to rest,
As I watch the stars gleam.

Together we shall live happily,
Following in Bliss’s shadow,
So won’t you join me,
In our midnight meadow?

“Star In The Dark”

When I came here,
I had nothing, was nothing,
Lived in constant fear,
Just wanted to be something.

I had no more will,
Awaited death,
Thought about that pill,
That final rest.

The world was bleak,
Mere shades of hate,
Chased away the meek,
Yet one light could abate.

One gentle soul,
Faint glow,
Could it make me whole?
Or deal me the final blow?

I chased after it,
This golden ember,
So darkly lit,
In that dreary November.

Followed the dream,
Saw it flame and saw it fade,
Ripped at the seams,
Still I stayed.

Stepped in faith,
Through months of waiting,
No longer a wraith,
No more agonized waiting.

The glowing light,
It was and is you,
Nearby, I’ve no fright,
One of so very few.

I asked for your love,
You did not reject,
Nor did you shove,
Both of us, less wrecked.

I asked your hand,
Please be my mate,
Beside you I’ll always stand,
To protect and to sate.

You are the light of my life,
Whom only I shall mark,
With you, there is no more strife,
You, my star in the dark.

“To Wolf”

Oh, why am I writing this?
For no unseen purpose?
It's just I simply don't know,
Any other way to truly show.

You've spoke and I learned,
You've heard and I yearned,
To find some kind of elegant praise,
To your amazing and simple ways.

I know I'm supposed to be good with words,
Buy my mind shouts like a thousands birds,
So here I am, desperately trying,
To voice without sighing or lying.

It's so much, these ways I feel,
It's been so long, it's so surreal,
But I'll try - I swear!
To put it all right there.

You mean so much, dear God,
Leading me where I thought I'd never trod,
Yet here I stand,
With you telling me that I can.

And here, of course, the words do stop,
So immense my mind might pop,
All I ask is read what's next,
All I ask is simply know this.

I love you so much - I love you infinitely,
I love you sweetly - I love you gently,
I love you fully - I love you dearly,
I love you, I love sweet, tender Wolf.

“Blazing Love”

A searing tempest of joy,
Of happiness, and people coy,
Where harm is hope,
And to hope is to cope.

A true pyre of indescribable emotion,
In which we imbue our infinite devotion,
For it is a masterfully mystifying power,
In which we all try to be showered.

It fills us with warmth and heat,
Races and raises our heartbeat,
Can you feel the deep-burning flame?
Roaring in all of us, wild and untame?

An inferno of purest tender,
A flagrance of divine mender,
Reeling, peeling, wheeling,
We’re all feeling, sealing, healing.

The oldest magic of our time,
The greatest inspiration of rhyme,
Yes, it burns and burns on and on,
Giving to each our personal sun.

What is it though? What is it?
It’s our strongest form of transit,
Free and pure as the airborne dove,
Why it’s our blazing love!


Texte: All rights reserved. Written by me, and I will not tolerate the use of my writings without my consent first. If broken, legal pursuits will be taken. I claim no rights to cover picture. I could not identify an owner/creator of the image. Once defined copyrights will be inserted. For permissions contact me at
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.01.2010

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To all my readers, and my beloved Tigress and Wolf.

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