Poetry of an Aspiring Freshman

Poetry of an Aspiring Freshman
A simple compilation of my poems from Freshman year. They are far from the best things I have written, but they were my outlet in a time I didn't know how to handle things.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Poetic Progress"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Poetry of an Aspiring Freshman
Poetry of an Awakening Sophomore
Poetry of an Aloof Junior
(In Progress)
Haiku, Poetry, Freshman
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

A good attempt worth inviting a vote of
course, which I have added as a star and so
I expect you to reciprocate impartially at
your leisure and pleasure, please to
pontificate your observations on my
"Compendium of All Poems" and the short
story book "A Family Tree"!

1 Kommentar
Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht.
Wichtiger Beitrag

A good attempt worth inviting a vote of
course, which I have added as a star and so
I expect you to reciprocate impartially at
your leisure and pleasure, please to
pontificate your observations on my
"Compendium of All Poems" and the short
story book "A Family Tree"!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Aw. Thank you so much. I'm certainly going to edit it to the best of my extent. I'm not editing the actual content otherwise that affects the truth of the writings.

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