
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Gothic Poetry

Chapter 2: Nature Poetry

Chapter 3: Romantic Poetry

Chapter 4: Gothic Haiku

Chapter 5: Light Haiku

Chapter 6: Nature Haiku

Chapter 7: Romantic Haiku


“A Soul Turned Black”

I am anger, the living, eating parasite.

I exist inside you, your mind and soul, hiding in the shadows of the darkest depths, swirling and creeping.

My favorite colors are red and black, the colors I am known for and the color I turn your soul when I am freed.

I disguise myself with whatever my host wears.

My job is to bring harm to others and empower my host to become stronger.

My family and friends are hate, pride, wrath, envy, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust.

I vacation to wherever you are when you free me from my prison held with locks.

I have no favorite holiday except for whenever something is destroyed and life broken and hate freed.

I creep through your body, rising ever slowly, waiting for the moment you unlock the door then I dash out full force and speed to break out to Earth and cause pain and shame.

I am anger, the thing you can conceal, but not contain.


This thing I must find,
This thing which I crave,
This thing destroying my mind,
This thing digging my grave.

As soon as I see it, it is no longer there,
As soon as I move to it, it fades,
As soon as I near it, it is nowhere,
As soon as I catch it, it turns to blades.

It is gnawing at my sanity,
It is attacking my thoughts,
It is awakening my vanity,
It is sounding in my brain like shots.

It shall take me away,
It shall bring me to my last resting place,
It shall soon leave to my dismay,
It shall never let me see its face.

This thing that I desire,
This thing wondrous as fire,
This thing, beauty not matched,
This thing, never to be snatched.

For one small thing I ask,
Yet I am denied this easy task,
One simple favor, a mere glance,
But I am not allowed the chance.

All I ask is one simple favor,
All I beg for is a sight to savor,
All I desire is one thing,
All I need is a song of which to sing.

It takes away from me what I cannot give,
It deprives me of what I need to live,
It denies of me of “me”,
It gives me the ability to “see”.

I fall to my knees and beg,
I fall and have no leg,
I hold up my hands and pray,
I hold up my hands and they do not stay.

It looks at me with disgust,
It sees with me distaste,
It says I am unworthy of trust,
It hears my heart beat in haste.

It looks at me with one final glance,
It gives me no second chance,
It takes the blade honed fine,
It stabs the heart of mine,

There is one last beat,
There is one last breath,
There is one ultimate defeat,
There is one morbid death.

A craving that stole my heart,
A craving that I couldn’t fend,
A craving that tore me apart,
A craving that spelt my end.

“Eternal Abyss”

I walk the edge of the abyss,
Down below, a place we know as Hell,
Look down; see the souls no one miss,
The eternal home of the Fell.

The place was, is, and shall be; existing for eternity,
In the abyss a flaming plain, and a river of magma main,
The lost souls below, a part of an agonizing fraternity,
Members of this god-forsaken group forced to endure unimaginable pain.

Watching, overseeing below, on a throne of bone is their master,
Master of all damned known as many: Beelzebub, Lucifer, Devil,
From his throne the demon master bellows, “Faster, faster,”
In front of their lord’s horrible presence, they must revel.

The lost souls are subjected to this place eternally as penance,
Souls that choose to repent, regret for they know existence is misery,
Repentance matters not though, these souls are entrapped tenants,
No souls escape, for Lucifer is always around with watchful visery.

Those who attempt to escape, are brought back “home”,
These poor souls shall suffer ‘til they scream,
They are forever trapped, forever watched no matter where they roam,
Constantly wishing, begging, crying these souls say, “Please be a dream, a dream.”

They are wrong to wish though, and they know it,
Their afterlife’s job is to forever suffer,
To burn in the very depths of Hell, in the flaming pit,
To forever submit, surrender to the stronger, the tougher.

I have now walked the edge of the abyss,
Heard the souls screaming pleas,
Seen the horror, agony, and depression while their immortal flesh hiss,
This is the eternal abyss; flame as a plain, and magma for seas.


A burning flame,
Concealed within,
All done like a game,
A wonderfully horrible sin.

A beautiful thing which sews much pain,
A terrible thing which reveals fear,
An amazing thing whose enemy’s blood is stain,
A horrible thing whose devilish head shall rear.

It is more than a mere “thing”,
It is a power,
A power, whose choir of demons shall sing,
And whose suffering shall blossom like a flower.

This power shall bring an end to life,
No matter how hard they try,
A power that shall bring all down with the swing of a knife,
Whether they’re hidden, or whether they’re not all shall die.

Its power growing,
It shall become more,
Its true face showing,
It is a creature of lore.

This creature bears a blade of fire,
It is spawned from the depths of Hell,
When it arises, the situation shall be dire,
It is a threat that you cannot quell.

It keeps progressing, growing all the time,
The more it kills, and the more it takes,
The more it gets, the stronger it is, the more who fall to its deadly rhyme,
It shall turn flourishing fields into flaming lakes.

This thing no more a creature, but a god,
A horrible power of myth,
He razes the ground where he trod,
A god not to be trifled with.

This god spawned of Hell, all maleficent, none benign,
It shall reap the souls of this world and send them to the next,
The mortals shall be slain, with his blade made fine,
Those in his path, are the living now hexed.

Fury shall be the bane of all,
The annihilation of humanity shall come,
His blade shall destroy us without stall,
The last sound the blade of Fury’s deadly hum.

Caught in Fury’s gaze there is no salvation,
In the end he shall end us and we won’t be saved,
Souls reaped by Fury’s blade, receive eternal damnation!
The road to Hell has been paved.

Fury shall lead the way to Hell’s gate,
Damnation shall consume this demented world,
Fury shall be the one to determine our fate,
Into the depths of Oblivion we shall be hurled.


I am all alone,
No one who will condone,
I must fight,
To remain in the light.

It is difficult, you must know,
To fight when you feel so low,
This overwhelming dark,
It’s suffocating and leaving its mark.

It matters not what I do, what I try,
My heart inside screams, and as it breaks, the pain makes it cry,
My first defense shattered, falls,
Away from Darkness to the light, weakened, I crawl.

I crawl away, past another wall, to a place I hide,
To a place stronger, more fortified, where I hope light will abide,
I curl up in fear as I hear it at my second barrier,
I hear and I see Darkness and its carrier.

The barrier holds a minute longer, then it breaks and Darkness rushes me,
To my final barrier, with all speed all I flee,
My final barrier I reach, my strongest part, my soul,
As I reach it I turn around and watch Darkness come at me whole.

At first I laugh, triumphant, then I fear,
For as Darkness nears, I see its horrifying leer,
“Back, back” my mind screams, my legs barely obey,
I flee again, as far as possible from the fray.

Darkness comes at my barrier again, and again,
Fear, terror, afraid more than I ever have been,
Darkness makes one final strike, and down my barrier crashes,
When I see this happen; before my eyes my life flashes.

Then all I know is that my barriers are shattered, my soul lost, and my fire out,
I try to escape, but I cannot my mind, body, and soul have been caught in a rout,
Darkness comes over to me and in the end, Darkness swallows,
Forever I am lost in Darkness’ hallows.

My fire out, my life gone, my mind lost, and my soul shattered,
All my remains are totally tattered,
Lost eternally in Darkness’ terrifying realm,
Darkness has come, its strength has had the power overwhelm.

“Tears of Blood”

One simple question, ask I.
One simple question, ask thou.

Have I done something to deserve this?
Is there something I have done to make things amiss?
I say there is not a thing I have done,
Thou say, “Thou hath hurt far more than one.”

Why must I face this harm?
My body is sounding off a multitude of alarms,
Why must I suffer through this fear?
Thou say, “So thine heart may shed a single tear.”

More tears I must shed?
The very things that I dread,
Why must I cry?
Thou say, “To mourn those who die.”

“There are no more,” I plead,
My eyes have no more tears to bleed,
What do I sacrifice to please?
Thou say, “Fall to thine knees.”

I fall and from my eyes come a flood,
I cry the tears of sin, the tears of blood,
I fall and in terror and pain I weep,
Why must I suffer pain so deep?

Thou say, “To know the pain of another,”
I cry, “But why? I know the pain of others,”
For years I have bled and have wept,
For years I have not slept.

I cry, “Why do these nightmares haunt me so?”
The pain I hide, so others may not know,
Thou say, “Thou are punished for thine crime,”
The pain I have caused others, the pain of time.

I lie now,
Having finally cried for thou,
Thou say, “For now I am pleased, but not sated,”
To cry the tears of blood forever, I am fated.

The tears I have cried,
Mourning those who have died,
Are now pooling,
With nobody fooling.

I no longer lie,
I no longer try,
I lie in my emotions, my own flood,
Now I lie in my own tears of blood.

“A Finale to Remember”

Sooner or later everything shall come to an end,
Some shall be small, others shall rend,
There will be one final play,
One last memory to stay.

The universe will one day have its final song,
When this comes, not a note shall be sung wrong,
It shall hold the melody of a siren,
The grand melody shall be untirin’.

There will be one final performance,
This drama impossible of such conformance,
An amazing sight to be seen and remembered by all,
A play worthy of remembrance even at its final fall.

Remaining, shall be the glorious picture of the final glow,
No jewel left worthy to, on this crown, bestow,
The universe shall be left in all its heavenly glory,
But sadly, there shall be none left to hear the story.

The retaining sensation for all to feel,
Shall be the rending of the universal seal,
The warmth of the universe colliding upon them,
The splendor, left of the last gem.

The unending beauty for none to see,
For there shall sadly be,
None left to revel in the universe’s final height,
No one left to see the last glorious sight.

Everything is reaching its grand end,
To the heavens we all pray to send,
The last step of the talented actor,
The universe’s last glorious factor.

The song reaching its last note,
The last line this poet wrote,
Now the universe is left dim,
Everything dust, even in the outer rim.

Echoing, the last song the planets sang,
Before everything went out with a final bang,
Now the universe lay in a state of dismember,
Truly, a finale to remember.

“If Tomorrow Were Forever”

If tomorrow were forever,
Could we not do whatever?
We could go somewhere and stay,
We could be with our friends and play,
We could spin around ‘til we fall,
We could all go out to the mall,
We could be with each other,
We could stay frozen with one another,
We could show our true love,
We could show our faith in God above,
We could sing our hearts out,
We could let out a loud shout,
We could be together without a care,
We could have love that would never tear,
We could all live in a world made happy,
We could even get into something sappy,
Forever is a long time,
Forever is a big climb,
But if tomorrow were forever,
Should we say, “Never.”

“A Simple Romance”

Two hearts,
In harmony they beat,
Soon everything starts,
One another waiting for whom they’ll meet.

Everything starts normally, a usual day,
They each start their routine, doing what they’re accustomed to,
Then they leave, welcomed by Sun’s ray,
Their day begun, their minds nagging for a clue.

These two-to-be have already met,
Though they do not know it,
Each now owes the other a debt,
Do not think it as negative, it’s a part of life, a small bit.

They meet again at their everyday place,
They see their friend and greet one another,
They’re going somewhere, where they hope they’ll meet, and the day will go like a race,
Arriving at their destination, they go separate ways leaving the other.

Through their day, they each proceed,
Their hearts aching with every passing beat,
One another’s souls screaming for their need,
Each waiting for their end-of-the-day treat.

Lunch comes and they both rush,
They meet once again and chat,
Other people came and went, and with glances caught a blush,
The bell rings and they both scat.

Still their day continues, seeming forever long,
In their final class, their hearts going mad,
Their will power slowly getting less and less strong,
The final bell, still no one, all they feel is sad.

They each ride to their stop,
They don’t notice each other, too lost in pain,
Getting off they both feel their hearts drop,
Once off the bus they turn to leave again.

Before they leave, their eyes lock
Caught in each other’s dreamy stare,
Stuck staring, not returning even at a knock,
They came together slowly becoming a pair.

Lost in each other’s eyes,
Their wish slowly coming true,
Both staring, each release relieved sighs,
Closer they move, unto fruition, they do what they have wanted to do.

They capture the distance and kiss,
Neither passionate or deep, merely chaste,
Finally content, with nothing amiss,
They end their first without haste,

Their hearts now a symphony of joy,
Subconsciously moving in a total trance,
Their hearts singing, noticing how they had been coy,
A simple romance.

Gothic Haiku

Pain lives eternal,
Why I suffer for many?
Unbeknownst to all.

Coveted beauty,
Desire that can’t be purged,
Never-ending want.

All-consuming need,
A wonder that leads to pain,
Destructive pleasure.

A blazing fury,
A place of fire and pain,
Agony always.

Humanity judged,
The unfortunate descend,
Damnation in Hell.

Self-importance above all,
Dominating all.

“Greed II”
Everything is owned,
By one, and this one alone,
The more the better.

The last always fails,
Survival race, fail and die,
The slow shall be damned.

Constant consumption
Necessity for feeding,
Damned for eating, why?

Laying around, bored,
Decided to do nothing,
The lazy are damned.

“Mental Abyss”
A place in my mind,
The fell rise beyond chaos,
Their reign beginning.

This storm destroys all,
A tempest I am caught in,

Distanced desire,
Coveted far beyond life,
A need that sews pain.

“Deadly 7”
Seven sins that kill,
Guaranteed damnation too,
May the souls suffer.

“Power Struggle”
My two sides compete,
One light, one dark; paining war,
All a mere charade.

A meteorite,
A fire to end all life,

A horrible past,
A painful experience,
A lasting damage.

A sad thing indeed,
An end brought to start anew,
Joy or misery.

The start’s life essence,
It shall slowly leak away,
And we shall all die.

I have many names,
Assassin, demon, killer,
A blade in the night.

Do not dare come here,
This place where chaos rules all,
Beware this doomed place.

The great sin of man,
Sin that ruptures, destroys, kills,
Sin that everlasts.

I stand behind you,
Soundlessly I follow you,
And then you are dead.

I’m in your pocket,
Yet you don’t know, I’m silent,
Thanks for the coin, sir.

You cannot catch me,
As I slowly fade away,
And exist no more.

“Human Instinct”
We are deceptive,
The greatest killers on Earth,
We are the humans.

We laugh, smile, hope, love,
We make you believe, trust us,
But we trick, we lie.

I am dying now,
You don’t notice; you don’t care,
You leave me to die.

I want to escape,
Escape this painful world,
Flee to happiness.

Light Haiku

May you be heartened,
Always by your blissful ways,
Live in joy and peace.

A beauty up high,
Where the angel choirs sing,
Happiness always.

“Heaven’s Light”
Light of Heaven, shine,
Shine on us, purify us,
Save us from Sin’s clutch.

“Angelic Savior”
I am being crushed,
I try to flee, I ask help,
Angels come, I live.

“Guardian Angel”
Angels watch over,
Shield us, protect us from Sin,
Save us from Hell’s flames.

Nature Haiku

A mystical thing,
Harmful and helpful wonder,
Beauty in the flame.

Romance Haiku

“True Love”
A wonderful joy,
An everlasting beauty,
Entwined forever.


As the title of the book describes this is poetry that I wrote in my FRESHMAN year in HIGH SCHOOL. To again, quote the title it is that of an ASPIRING freshman at that. This book is in "dedication" to my entrance into the world of writing and moreso the world of poetry. I appreciate all those who take the time to read the atrocity that is this year, and encourage you to see the progress made in the succeeding years.

Again. Thank you.

"Peace is the cause, Voice the way, and Light the lead."


Texte: Written by me, and I will not tolerate the use of my writings without my consent first. If broken, legal pursuits will be taken. Cover picture property of Brothersoft.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.01.2010

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I don't think I would dedicate this as it is not the most positive of books. But I think that I shall dedicate it to those who read. For those who read, I wish to grow.

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