Destiny's Decree

first of many Von:
Destiny's Decree
Blade, a legendary assassin, finds out that the people he has sworn allegiance to has become corrupted, and he now gives his only living child to be raised by someone else. Or so he thinks...

Being the heir of the legendary Blade but not knowing this he not just any kid he has inherited his fathers powers. As well being raised by a monk is fine life and all but when stranger appear in town his foster father flips and sends him to live with elves
there more to this he know it all has to do with his parentage then years later he must leave his home yet again who is it that seem to be after him and why do they follow him with such eagerness. why dose he need to run at all?...

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

i deiced to change that part in my book a talked about last night so... yeah

3 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

First you where grounded last week so i didn't know if you still where cues you never told me you got ungrounded
second if you need a break could have had a kitkat bar
third i thought you where going to see that movie with your sister
Forth I can't hit him he belongs to the government and he beat me up
fifth i know who Cloe is i was just bored need some thing to say
Sixth i do have a face book and last time i saw you we talked... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay im going to stop counting, first of all, im not grounded any more, secound, i needed a break, wont bw home till after next wendsay. Going to see Eclipse at 2:45am with my aunt and cousin, third, honestly i dont know it is third or fourth. Fourth, wes, tell chris hi again, and slap him in the face for me, because i said so , and fifth, your ados needs to slow down, and i didnt know you had a face book, i'll go look at... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

First It is still 11:06 and i'm bored now
Second my mom says hi
Third i'm not sher about the latest part of my book
Forth im really need... oh shiny...
sixth im skipping five
seven in my first comment it spoused to say
i wrote a wrote it
eight stop hight lighting as you read this.
Ninethly im out of soda (gives you a rilly sad) =( and i blame Casper for that
tenthly this is rely my nine the thing cues i skipped the five.
And last but... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This me being bored at 11:03 pm cant seem to think of any thing not sure about that last part n my book think i should get rid of it and go with my other one

Wichtiger Beitrag

First off i have bad spell you all ready know that.
Second you don't need to tell me how many errors there are
third u can count better then me.
Forth I know it amazing a wrote it with some help from some one name Cleo who ever that is u wouldn't happen to know her would you teddy.
Fith we miss spelled fith
Sixth dose it rely mater what every one thinks
Seventh im working on finishing it but it hared to do when my editor is... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

okay,first of all wes there were eight spelling errors in the message you left me, and secound Radella does love me or she wouldnt let me use her comp. Third, there are 19 spelling errors between 1-11, and yes i know i need to read it. By the way what i read of it is amazing, and you need to finish it. Fourth i like counting more than you. Fith, This is making me wonder what others think of us three sending messagaes like... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

First off she may or may not be Right about me being a dork secondly she is the one who mention the hole not me. and i was playing with it haha jkjk thirdly you is not spelled o u y but y o u. And fourthly i didnt know we need to tell you. fithly why are we counting. sixthly idk Seventhly i like this counting it fun. Eighthly teddy bear did you know your cousin loves you or at least she says.

Wichtiger Beitrag

first of all. Reese,Cleo, and or R.J Remkes you are a huge dork. secondly did have to bring up the hole thing? oh and Wes, cousin says hi :)thirdly Reese y ddint oyu tell me Wes had a bookrix account?! i love you my kooky cousin Reese.

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