
He woke with a start covered in cold sweat and shiverd. "Theres' some thing just not right to night" he wisperd to him self. Then lay back down crinkling his nose out of habitt, as he lay back down to try and get some rest. 'It cant be much past three so get some sleep you old goon,' his mind a whirl he rolled over in he bed closed his eyes but could not go back to sleep. He got out of bed, walking over to his medtion mat and lit a candle, his brown and gray hair whitch was reaching his shoulders was now in his face, as he used one hand to pull it out of his face. While lighting the other nine candles that surround his meditation mat. As he sat down he crinkeld his nose agin and sat up pefectly straight. He closed his eyes and began to breath in through his nose and out his mouth making sure to ues his diafram to breath in and out, in and out. The smell of the candels was just starting to calm him, when he heard litght and silent feet runing out in the hall. He ignored it of course till it knocked on his door as it ran past his room. He stood up, walked to the door un-bolted it and looked in to the hall, just in time to see a slim figure run a round the corner. "Im geting to old for chasing young pranksters around this time in the mornin," he mubeled as he steped out in to the hall, the same feeling that woke him up came flooding back to him. 'Yes' he thought to him self 'yes there is most definatly some thing not quite right' he didn't even pause for his slippers as he took of down the hall after the culprit who nocked on his door. When he got the end of the hall he rounded the corner, to see who he assumed was the man who knocked on his door.
The man he saw turned to look at him as if in trying to decide something, his golden eyes locking on to his for a moment. Then the man turned and leaped through the window. Finally when he came to his senses. After seeing a man leap out a filth story window, he ran to look out of the same window through witch the man had jumped. What he saw was not a mans dead body on the ground but the man standing on top of a two story house a-cross the way with his hood up over his head. The man took off running not looking back, leaping from roof top to roof top. The old monk just stood there watching him disapear into the night.
Amazed at how easliy the man he saw just leap away as he had, he muttered to him sellf, "never could i have done such a thing even with all my skills." a pang of jeliousy swept over the monk as he looked towards the spot where he last saw this man. There is only one man he knew could. The assassin he meet on his travels when he was twenty five years old, yes the man who saved me those years ago.
When he finally went back to his room he noticed the note hanging on his door. Which read, "in the chapel is my lifes gratest achivment take care old friend." 'I wonder what that means' he mumbled to him self. He crinkled his nose again and set off for the chapel. He went down the winding stairs through the maze of hallways. Then he finally made it to the main hall way. Pilers of marble reaching to the ceiling. He steped in to the center of the grand hallway on the red carpet that lead to the chapel he crinkeld his noes again as he made it to the big oak doors and the grand arch before the chapel. He layed his hand on the smoth wood of the door and held his hand there as if to try and see what was on the other side of the majestic doors. He pushed lightly on them as they swung in silently, and as all ways he marviled at how the dors did that when not once in the twentyfive years of working here had they been oiled.
He steped into the room the un-easiness washed over him again whitch was really strange since it was said that when the Church was builte that a spell was cast in the capel to help you feel at peace. Which troubled him all the more, "must not be true then," he wisperd to him self. But as he walked closer to the grand alter his un-easiness only grew. There was a chest at the bottom step with a basket on top. In side was a moving bundel with a sealed note on it. He stepped forward. A tiny "oh" excaped he lips as he noteced it was a baby in the bundel. "Your gratest achievement indeed my shadowy friend." He said to him self, a sly smile coming to his lips. As he picked up the note and looked at the waxy seal on it, two curved swords crossed with ribbons at the end of each handel, and a brid flying above them. He broke the seal and oppened the note.

Dear Max

You have all ways been my friend but now I must in trust to you my gratest treasure. For the organization has changed, it is has become corrupted by the leaders that control it . It no longer holds to it's true purpose of protecting the world from the shadows, for that is no longer its goal. It has become nothing but a band of cut-throats and theives.
They serve themselves and only themselves. Or who ever pays the most, at least I've been able to warn a few with in the orgzation about the change it has taken. Some have left it, some like me have taken a stand. The others won't listen to my pleas they call me a traitor to the creed they tell the others not to listen to my pleas.thous who did listen to me turned back or are dead. My friends, wife, and even my two sons are dead. I have no where left to turn. This is the last of my children, there he would have been brain washed. What would they tell him about me. Max, for the frist time in a long time, I'm truly scared, but not for me. For my son, I give him to you, please raise him well. Theres money in the chest, a long with a few valuable items for him.
The organization must not find him. If only because he inherited some of my more powerfull skills. You will have to leave the city, my friend go to a small town some where. I would do it myself, but I must stop them if I can. Don't tell my son, any of this. I don't want this life for him.Though this life may find him. Even if i succeed my son reamains in your care. I know the burden and responsbilty I have foreced you to take this night. But if you dont whant too raise him which, I sinserly hope you will then at least find a good family in some small town or village to raise my son. For though I'Il hope to succeed in my task, I fear I won't, in a few days time I'll most likely be dead. So as my last request I ask this of you my friend. Take care of him to the best of your is them who should now fear me. Now I have nothing left to lose.

Your Shadowy Friend

A single tear ran down his face as he read the letter. 'buy my old friend' he thought to himself as he sat down. Clutching the letter to his chest as if he could stop his friend from what was bound to be his last job.

Blade stood there holding his own son for what seemed like hours, his face a mask of nothing but true sadness. Memory's of his wife flashed through his mind but he shoved them aside as he lay his son down in the basket carefully so as not to wake the him. He turned and walked away once he reached the door to leave the chapel. He closed it silently not that it mattered. He could have slammed them shut and not a noise would be heard. He turned away ran swiftly and silently down the great hall. Through the winding monistary halls and up the winding stars to the top floor, he stopped when he noticed dim light comeing from the door. Brother Maxs' room he considerd telling Max him self but when he heared Max talking in the room he decide to stick with his original plan. He stroked his chin where some haire was growing in. he pulled out the small note and needle. Placed it on the door whith out stopping in his run he herd Max say some thing frome the other side of the door but didnt stop to wate. Around the corner he ran down the next hall stopped and opened the window. Wich he 'opened hesitantly once I leave I'll never see my son agin' the thought pained him more then he the death of his wife. he hesitated turned and saw max down the hall candle in hand. There eyes meet briefly. He thout once aging to tell Max in person but then turned and leaped from the window.
to landed three story's below across the street on the houes below landing on his feet and going diveing in to a role mack the impact less pain full he stood up pulling his hood up and low over face. And ran jumped grace fully from one building to the next. a shadow in the the night a shadow with an improbable task. To tack down the most powerful Guiled of assassin the world has ever knowen. Alone in this fight consider a traitor to every one in it. He made it to the city walls in a few minuts. Seeing the city guard coming he doped down in to shadows better. To hold prefrictly still. Knowing it wasint needed he held still any way they wouldn't have seen the shadowy figer in his dark blueish gray suit. wich hides a man in shadow beeter then thr darkest black could. he helled still none the less not whanting to be scene. his parinoa was what made him the beast for one. simple mistake could cost one his life in this job.
He slide quitly as possible and slipped over the roof holding on to its edge with one hand he pulled out his dart gun and shot at the solder on the wall the sleeping posine worked to prefaction. The guards in the street below tacking no notice of the moveing sadow above them walked on. One.... two.... three....four....five they wher far enofe a way he droped down be hind some boxs. They just past with out a sound landing in a coruch. he wated for them to move frerther a way. Six.... seven....eight he sprang and ran a cross the ally. Ran up thirty foot the wall all in the span of a few minutes. He wallked over to the sleeping gard pulled the dart out of his neck. Leaned the sleeping man agest the small wall behing him. so if any one saw him it would look as if he feel a sleep on duty. Jumping over the and down the wall.
Cralwing ever so slowly to get to the some what tall grass the getting up and runing in the forst. Only fity pace a way he sliped in to the woods un noteced. Then he noticed move ment off to the right and dive in to a side way role. throwing one two three throwing nifes at his. attcker with perrfict acuricey hiting his target with all tree throwing knifes.
roling in to a croche and simitansly drawing his replacement swords for he all ready hide his favorite stuff not to mention most power full stuff deadly enchantments on them made him even more power full. But because he didn't inted to succed let alone live he hide them for his. son wich even now lay sound a sleep in the monstary. When his asalint steped out of the shadow he emdently reconized him. Replaceing his wepons in his sheaths he ran for word and coute his seconde boren son. teras sterming down his face as he held his now dieing son in his arms. when he hered his son wisper " as good as ever i see dad" a smile spreding over his sons face cofing up blood. " son I-I thout You where dead. How did you excape." A miscives grin spred a cross his face. " I was trianed by the best dad is baby bro okay " "Yes hes with brother Max im keeping him as far a way form this life as posebull" teras came to his eyes as he watched him pul out a letter and place it in his hand. cofing up more blood he said they excuted every ne that belived in you> and he whent limep in his arm and closed his eyes for the last time. " rest in peace son"
The next day he bured his son and walked to the neresist town and bout a huores and took off in a hury his mind whriling. If one son lived could his first still be alive to?what his baby girl? twin to the son he gave up not long ago. This chages every thing he must fined out. and save them.If they hadnt been killed yet. his hope sowred for the first time in many days. His wife he knew was all ready dead. but his childern one survied mabey the others did to.

The next day brother Max woke up to the screming. Of Blades chiled and for the frist time he asked what he got him self in to. as he draged him self out of bed to attend to his now adopted chiled. "This is going to tack some getng used to that thout he mubeled to him self." whene he hered a knok on the door "enter " he said at last pulling on his trousers.
to monks enterd the room and instantly found the sourece of the crying. "Well this is akword" max said as they looked from the baby to him.
the confusin written on there face is told him that this was going to be one long day of story telling. As five more monks came in to the room. 'What am I to tell them that one of the worlds best assassin. was here just last night to give me his child. and what was he to tell the abbot.' He thoue then whent to pick up the child to comfert him as he quikly compesd his story to tell the abbot. They all leaft him to his privcy. he realized the child most like woke up most of his fellow brothers and sisters in the monestary. "Yes he said to him self this is going to be a long day. "
whene he was fully dressed he piked up the baby and whent to the mess hall wich by now was all ready filled up with others. he stood in line receving many curious stares. All wondering why he was holding a month old chiled. He twiched his nose and whent through the line. when he arrived at the end of the line and he quickly spoted brother Adm his best friend. And the gratest cook this church ever had. Brothre Adm gave one quick quizzical look his neerly bald head shook. And looked as if he might ask why the hell he was holding a childe. In less vulger wording of-cores. But he just shook his head and walde off in to the back room. His overly plump body making it look as if he was walkng like a Penguin. He retruend a minute later with some fomeula. But still didn't say any thing.
Max ate quikliy then put the bottel to the chiled to feed him but the suborn child wouldn't tack it. A few minutes later it was crying but when he tired to feed it it still wouldent eat. After a few minutes of distress Cassndra the positivitly most butifull sister in the inter Church. Walked over to him long brown hair falling behinde her. she asked if he need help. Maxs mouth just hung open. She laughed at him gesterd torwd the baby. And he said "oh yes im Farly new at this as one can see." She laughed aging he neraly droped the child in surpises. when she said "ho no you look like you been doing this for some time." He glared at her in response then asked " so you going to help or not" a bit more sharply then he intend. His face changed instaly and he stumbeld out a quick apoligy. Cassndra flicked her head to remove the hair that fell in her face. Then looked at him as if to consider the question then said. " Maby if you ask me nicely"
He look at her as if to say I dont know what your talking a bout. she lafed agin he loved it when she laughed. And her voice was music to his ears. Then be for he knew it she took the baby a way whispering to the child, All the while then looked him in the eyes "okay I'll help but not for you but this pore inacent baby" He blushed at this and watched her rocke the baby while feeding him. She notcetd him blushing "oh dear max is face is all red is the big strog Max blushing at me" see winked at hime sat down feeding the baby looking at it. the child opend it eyes while eating. Cassandra let out a gasp. He look at them and noticed that they wher just like his fathers they wher gold.
He quickly got over his shock but Cassndra didn't she looked at Max with amazement in her eyes. "He looks human but his eyes are gold" she said he smiled "so I see" responde max she asked a qustion that he him self did not see comeing. "Is he a half elf? for I never seen such eyes in a human child before." "no" respond Max "he's human" 'I think so any way or for the most part he is' he thout but didn't say. "where did you get him he's not from the nursery" she said a little to loudly.
"yes" another voice frome the crowed now gathering around Max and Cassandra "this child wasn't here yesterday. Max where did it come from is it yours"
max couldn't find the words to respond. Sweet strated down his brow. He stamerd some thing no one under sooted. "Well Max?" Asked Cassandra." "ummmm...." Max responded.
well Max responded he is not my chide exactly he only reacently came in to my life. You see last night I couldent sleep so I whent for a walk. I was in the main hall when I header a knock.
I opend the doors to see who might be knocking at the door. An old friend stumbled in. handing me his child asking me to tack care of the child. he looked worried so i said yes. I whent to fetch some him food and came back and he was gone.
The lie came to him easily enough but no one rely believed him. Any way but it only got them buzzed up even more. Then there was a loud thudreing voice that said. " Max come with me." the croud hushed and parted . A man came Threw the croued uesing his golden staff as a walking stick. bald head held up striate Abbot Renold.
had come walking in to there mist like a king thrue his army. "Ab..abbot.. sir ummm... " Max maniged to say. "bring the child and come walk with me'' said the old abbot. as he shuffled off down the mess hall. So Max did as was asked he took his now adopted son and follwed after abbot Renold. They walked in silenc for some time Max new that Renold.
Knew he lied for like a parent Renold all way Knew when Max was lying and to make it worse on poor Max. Renold was like the father he never had. the silince grew more akword by the minute. They where all most to the garden on the roof when Max started to explain. Then the old man stoped and listened to the tale of all thous years ago on the road and when he frist meat his shadowy friend Blade and what little he knew of the man. Renold listed intently as Max spune the his tail at a few part he even seemed to smile as if remembering the whole thing him self. "That dose sound like him to do such a thing." Renold said when Max was done. Max looked at the old man with a confused look on his face and twitched his nose.
"Excuse me Abbot but what did you say?" the Abbot looked at him with a big childeish grine. "Max you may not know this many don't but I know him to he saved me to from another yet equlliy skilled assassin when I was but nineteen years of age. Stop gawking at me like that! Max im not that old you know." Max was more confused then ever before the words that stumbled out of his mouth seemed strange in deed. "Abbot the man im talking a bout is at least thirty years of age like me he cant possibly have saved you wene you where nineteen."
at this the Abbot let out a laugh like he hadn't in since he was around fifty years old and looked at Max. there was a childish gleam in abbot Reanolds eyes. wich took a good number of years. A way form the old abbot. For a quick moment he saw a much younger man befor him.
Now Max was relay confused for shure he looked up in time to see the smile disaper frome Renolds face " I see" the old abbot said "so he never told you did he. Max my son come close and let me tell you of the man you think you know. he is ageless like the elves that once lived here long a go. But as you well know by now he is no elf. An old and ancient power runs throw his veins. More powreful the that of the elves even. Do you know what blood that is Max or shold I tell you."

He made it to the rocky valey to wich the keep of his order is set in carved out of the same granit that witch this canyon is made from. The moon was coverd by the cloudes witch would help him sneak close almost unnoticed by the gaurdes and watch men. For even thoue thies where men he once called brethren they where worriers of the night. 'Assassins they may be' he thout but they don't have my skills or eyes. With out even a concise effort called upon his powres his golden eyes glowed pulpels turnd in to slits like cat's do in bright light. every thing around him be came Cristal clear to him. in an instant he moved silntly thruoe the trees. Not even a wisper of a sound was made even when he steped on the old leaves that where on the ground. Up above he saw a golden glow from the life with in the birds nest. And another glow from grope of sleeping deer in the clearing up a head. 'Best to go aroud them he thout or they might get startled by my presences giving clear waring of to my enemy's. No That would tack longer.' he thout to him self he let hs power of sight leave him it darked instantly but he would alarm the dear. If he didn't surprise his powers long enof to sneck throu the tall grass and sleeping deer. When he was close to he dear he ducked in to the grass crawling thru the heard of sleeping dear. he whent silntily and passed only Inches fome the sleepimg deer sweet driped down his forehead. he was so close to one of the deer if he made just a slite a just movement with his arm to the right he would be touching one of the deer. He didn't even dare to breath. one wrong move he would be in the middel of a stamped. 'what a way to go' he thout a few mintes later he was back out and in to the trees. "Man that took soome skill to sneak thruo thuoes deer old freind."
At the sound of the voice he leaped forwarded starteld by the voice. He turd around throwing knives at he ready. Calling on his powers he saw clearly. The shadows welcomed his eyes. He saw the tall tell glow around there bodies of ten men. there where ten men. a slite blueish glow mixed in with the gold frome. The slite bit of Ki-re in there clothes and wepons. no wonder he didnt notice them not only where they whering the same buleish gray suit but theres like his was encanted just bit to help consile ones self in the dark and the encant --ments and there wepones. no doute where they all so magicaly enchanted to keep them sharpend. The man who spoke steped froword frome the shadows. Hood over his face to conscile it in the shadows but his face was easely visubule to him any way. "Long time no see Kar" the supries falshed brefliy over his face then was gone. "In deed it been to long and im truly impressed seanking thur the deer insted of going around them. Luckly me and the others. came to get some fresh meat. and saw you comeing. Brillent plan I might say. We thou of sooting at you to startle the deer but. You wold have been traplied to death. Lucky for you the conscile thinks you can still be swade to come back and that. you will see the truth agin. Or we would have done it."
There was movement of to is right a flash frome his risest and the man fell dead. "you under east a mate me Kar. And it will be ur last thats for shuer" then he move like a bluer sword draw fralshing in to night seven more men lay dead. "Now tell me kar what do you know of my family" fear showed plan on kar's face "there dead and you know it. only one got a way of coureses the counsile let your tratoress son get a way to draw you to them." the trator part came out in a sneer. "No! the councel are tratores they have be come crupeted and thuse doom them selves" a quik jurk of his arm and kar was dead. A nife producing from his heart. He tured to the last man frozen in his crouche feer planly showing on his face. "Man I would tell you that youlook constipated but that look on your face says other wise. Im I right if had ur pants down just a bit. you would not have a need to wash them latter would you" the man nod his head look imbaersed at his now soild pants. Well I sopeses i did just kill nine highly skilled assassins. So you have a good reson to be scared. don't you" another nod from the man "how old are you?" "seventeen sir iv only recently joined the rankes sir they truly under estimated you sir"
the the man said in a tremblig voice "did they well must be to boust the confidaencs of the reast of the men then. Am I right " the man looked about to fainte. "If you call me sir one more time I'll kill you understand. whats your name? come on out with it"
"Roger is my name si" he stopped caught himself before saying sir agin "there now you learn quick. Good now tell me what You know of my family. Do any still live?"
"Yes" Roger managed to squeek out " your youngest I believe the one born before her mothers death." 'So his twin sister did live even thou she was still born amazing.'
Now he had to go get her, save her, as he did her brother. Who he leaft in the care of Max, so far from where he's was at now. "Roger you're new to the order right" a brief silence then "Yes I am" " Tell me the code to which you swore your self in by." Roger did as asked and recited the oath and he noticed a slit change in it. "Roger did you put the Ring on yet"
"No sir they are in the process of puting the encantments of binding on them as we speak I was to report back tomorrow to swear in again" Blade steped closer and hit him directly in the nose. Roger whent sparling in the dirt. "I told you not to call me sir fills like im an old geyser who your helping to cross the sreet." Roger grunted and spit out some teeth on to the ground. "then what shall I call you." "you can call me Blade" he said while helping Roger up. real fear crossed Rogers face as if the name confirmed the identity of who was before him. "Im going to tell you the actual code. That witch the order used, ok, and when you swearing in tomorrow you will be bound to it insted of that twisted version you just told me. Which has been turnd just enough to suit the counsels needs. and seinc there going to swere all of you in tomarow at the same time they wont know the difference. between there version
and the one you will be saying. Not only that but I what you to have eight of your frindes or people You know and trust with your life to say it to. Can you do that for me Roger." Roger noded his head and thought about it for a while digesting what balde said to him. Then in a nice clear voice Said "Of cores I can." " Good" said Blade. he quickly told him the original version of the oath. Roger nodded. "I got it but after that then what" "Now Roger what I want is not going to be easy but after you say the oath. You will be bound to the code and not to mention it is an realy old oath in deed. I whant you and those you have do the same. Meet me in the town not far from here im going to tell you the true story which seem's to have got me in a lot of trouble lately. I will ask u and your comrades that come with you to help me try and stop the order do you under stand. I will be at the inn called the tankard yes I know its not the most imaginative name for an inn but I didnt name it. Just meet me there. Oh and I sewer by all that is holy if You betray me i'll kill you myself got it."

That night Roger returned to the keep and lay in bed piloting out. What he was about to do tomorrow and who to ask to go along with him in this crazy scheme that Blade thout up.
man what a night Blade had asked for his help. The legendary Blade probly the best assassin in the order. had ask him for help. His frineds where not going to believe this. Roger sat bolt right up whene he header some one comeing down the hall. Who ever it was passed by the room with out incident. A few nerve recking moments past then there was a soft nock at the door. He calmed him self down and said. "Enter" his eight friends that shared the room whith him came in to the room. Ok so they whernt all realy his frineds but at least four of them where. the others for whernt. As a mater of fact they where his enemies. At least the other four and at the for front of them all was kairist. His neatly comebed blond hair combed back as usual in his new dark blueish gray clothes neat black belt. stepted in to the room. all smug for only he of all his room mates got to swear in today. for the passed week the order had been. Recruiting more membered of corers only thous who where recruited knew. That this was an ored of assassins plus a few out side of it knew. Man was Roger surprised to find out what the order relay was when he was recruited him. He just thought is was a mercenary band as dose most every one not of it. Karirst walked passed him barging to the othre three. That falowed him the othes that came in whent strate to there beds.
When karirst finely looked at him. He saw him glaring at him. Karirst said "look roger's pouting cause he didn't get sworn in to day. man what a loser you are Roger."
one of his friends more like a followers said in a childes voice intednd to make fun of roger said. "aww look the littel baby Roger gonna cry hummm..." then they all laughed at him.
a voice spoke up frome one of the other beds said "shut up karirst we all are going to get sworn in tomorrow so your not that special karirst." at this kairist face tured bright red
"You losers can quit now while you still can. Or I'll beat the shit out of you right now!" Roger spoke for thr fist time "like to see you try kairist. considering you can't even kill a fly that is." Kairist leaped at him and just before he hit him notes-ed his all ready bruised face. "hey guys look at this Roger doesn't need a beeting tonight. seem to me he all ready had one." they lafed agin. "Or has pore little roger just stumbled down the stares agin" more laughter rang out frome his friends. When more people came in. "Enough Kairist if start a fight to night you'll lose and be in even more tubule then the rest of us if you told the councile about it. For as you have been bragging about all day you been sworn in all ready"
Every one turned at this to see Howey, Joe, Katelin and Kim come in closer to Roger. As the others stood up to to help if it broke out in to a fight. Kairist got up and started to go. Telling his men to fallow. As he stormed out of the room. His henchmen scooted after him. then all eye tured on Roger. Joe spoke up "where have you been you missed dinner." "no where Joe" Roger made a count of his friends. The four that where there before the confrontation with Kairist and now them eight. that would be just enough. 'Blade asked for eight he would have eight plus me' thought Roger. "Actuality can you guys keep a secrete." they all said. "Yes you can count on us." He quickly checked to see if Karirst was gone and not at the door. Then he told them of his encounter with Blade. Of course he left out the miner dilate of what happed to his pants. There was stund silence after words. Joe spoke up "yeah right stop yeanking are chains." Roger said nothing just sat there. finly Kim said "are you shure it was him."he asked in an exited tone of voice. Roger scoffed at this "yeah right down to the golden eyes and all. it was Balde for shuer Kim." And you guy should have seen him. the way went through those deer and he even killed kairist older brother"
More silence fallowed then Roger spoke agin. "So you guys in or what?" After a brief moment of silence he spoke up again. "look guys what could it hurt if we said the original oath comparid to the new one. Smitansly they all said "us!" kim spoke up next. "Look Roger this might be the concil testing us or some thing besides if we say it differently they will probably notice nine people saying the oath wrong." Roger looked at Kim "Kim there are few things you need to consider first. One how many legendary assassins are there with golden eyes. Two it the original oath sound's close to the new one. Three if we spreed out amongst the crowed no on will notice the difference. Four I don't whant to die. Five I don't got five reasons really I just whant to count to five. Sound's good to me piped in Howey. An hour later all of them agreed and had there plans set out for the next days event. They all went there own ways expiate the five that sleep in the room. soon kairist returned to the room and whent to bed. As well as his three lakeys.
The next day they all meet in the mess hall for breakfast. Wich was jamed packed full of people busing about nine dead assassin found out neer the end of the valley. kar kairist older brother among them. they all looked at each other bursting with nervous energy now covinced it was no teast set up on hem by there supriesor. Roumer was spreding thru the crowed. that it was Blade returnd for vengeince. 'Witch indeed it was but unknown to all' thout Roger 'He's all so back for his baby girl.' after eating brefast with his crue of eight frind they whent out in to the court yard. To what for the swaring in to the order. When kairist walked up to them. "well well well he said look who it is the losers have arived to be sworen in."
Katelin looked at kairisted and said i wouldn't worry about us we all herd. What happend to ur brother and we even hered how he pissed in his pants at the sight of Blade. You know the one hwo betrade the order. Hahaha you know ur wole family are cowerds." At this Roger shuffeld his feet thankfully no one noteced. ' true kar's bodey did retrun to the keep with wet pants. my pants witch I trade foe his before I came back man peeing in front of him was inbarising.' but befor any more could be said a man stept out on the balcony dressed all in black the lead counsuler.
every one who was to be soworen in to day. whent to the dots marked on the ground. roger and his frinds split up of coures. the blendin with the rest of the crowed as beast they could. in hope that the wouldnt be noticed or at least the slipe of the toung they made wouldent. Out one door came ten boxes full of nothing but the encanted rings. They passed the boxess down each row. one by one ring disseperd form the boxs. The man was holding that whent down the row. As he maid it to each of his frends he stoped for a brife second.
and said some thing they responde to him. He shuok ther hands brifly and moved one with his box. 'They didnet tack a ring from the box.' The man was know three pepol a way from
him. 'some thing frimiler about this man.' when he finly reached him he extend his hand lifted his head. Just enof to see his eyes under the hood they where gold. he took blades extend hand only to realizes there was a ring in it. The ring he would ues for the sarimony. that would was soon to begin. Then when Blade finshed passing out rings.
The man on the balcony said. you all redy sowr ur selfes in brother and sisters. but now we need you to binde your slelfe to the oath of this order and then we shall trully shal be one.
only then did he realize he hadnt tould his frineds the words to the oath thay need to say. The man on the balcony end his speach. And every one cheered. 'Oh man i missed the last part of his speach.' The every one all started to recit the oath. As he straned to here his frind who lukliy where saying the origanil oath. Blade must have told them it when gave them there rings.

Chapter 1

A few weeks later brother Max was siting at the head of his wagon. And all ready ariveing at the new. shaken by the truth of the man he thought he knew. And wondering if he was all ready dead. He pulled up to the small monistary in his new town. that would be his home for the next few years mabey longer. Abbot Renold chose this town becuse if the need to flee arous they could go in to the forst not far from here. where it is said that the elves still live. some time even come out of it and in to this town. Every few years that is to let the peopl of the world know they still live.
And Renold personly knew one of the elf lords. Liveing there 'who im soppesd to go find and talk to about this childes up bringing. And if he suold discover his powers he was to go train in the arcane arts with them.' For the most part this town seemed quite peace full and Charming. Pulles far enof out of the way that if. Blades Order learnd of his child they would hopefully not look for hime here mostly becues the elves know of the brack down in the orde. Witch as powerfull as it may be the elves with the secretes ki-ra or powers so to speak would not be messed with. Over the next few days. Max un packed and had the boy ceast of mony put in the vault of the monstary. Only to be retirvd when the boy grew of age. And geting to know the town better. the boy was to be put up in the tower room. To give the boy some privacy once he grew older that is.
Now that he had settled in to his new home. It was time to go viste his new frindes in the woods. When the boy was safe and snuge in his arms he set off in to the frost.
pack over his sholder. He walked not to far in and he felt as if he was being watched. witch more the likely he was. The boy moved in his arms "boy can't keep calling you boy. You need a name don't you. And I got just the name. I'll call you Drake yes that fits you perfectly. wouldn't it Drake. Yes that what. I'll call you." Max saied to him self as Drake began to cry.
he pulled a bottel of formula out of the bag. started feeding Drake just as Cassandra showed him. Drake ate hungrily. As all ways he drank the whole bottle. minutes after word he was crying agin. but this time it smelled the oder comeing frome the dipper. He wasn't hungery just emptying his tank. Max knelt on the ground. crinkling his noes in disgust at the smell. man
It stunk to high heaven. He un did the dipper. and removed it frome the child and wiped the bottom. With a rag. He gaged as he did so. There was movemeant from behind. now he must be carful for he knew that there where many bow's traind on him. He quikcly finished his work with Drake. He tuernd to see who was behind him.
There was an elf in a green shirt and pants and nice black bootes. Two swored at his hipes his hands drapied netly over ther handels. A pice of cloth tide arouned his forarm
witch Max new ment that he was set to be married. "Greetings to you and your men. Im brother Max and this is Drake." The elf didnt move just watched him. "Umm ok I dont know much elven. So Im not shuer what to say. " Then the elf said in a loud clear musical voice greetings to you to. You may not be a where good sir but you crossed the boder of the forest just a while back the border witch defines are realm." Max looked at him "oh no I knew
I crossed the border some time a go my good fellow. For how eals am I too find. Your fare city and speek with the lord of the nineth houes if i didnt come pass it. the only problem is frankly im not shere where im going. for this buttifuel frorest got me lost."
three more elves stepted out of the trees the marvilos bow comeing up to aim at him. there leader spoke up agin." what bissness do you have with the lord of the nineth houes. What is it that drives you that you seek my kin in the frist place. This I ask so as to know whether we should kill you for entering are lands. Or let you pass."
" Well I have stumbeld across a uniqe and gifted chiled. So another from my order. Sent me to seek out the lord of the nineth houes. His name name is Abbot Renold he say he once travled with the man I now seek in this fare land of your kin." Max reached in side his robe and pulled out a letter from Renold and held it out." If I can not see him then would you kindly deliver this to him for me and let me leave. Your woods In peac good sir elf." the elf thout it over for some time Max finly spoke up. "Well have you Decide then good sir elf"
"My name I dout you could pronunce it so pleas call me Siver And I will have to tack it up witn my freinds" the elf turned at started talking to his three companions in elvish. His blond hair falling from his sholders as he did so. Max started to get anouide when he listend to there converstion. " Well if I where you id go with purpel grapes when you have dinner. I dont really fancy thee green ones but thats just my opinon." Stated Max the elves turned in surprise at this. "You know how to speak in elven. The you should all so know most elves do not tollerat other listing to there converstion eather." "Oh yes I know that just checking to see how good my elvish is really and who better to practice with then actual elves wouldn't you agree Siver? now if you dont mind I must be going? Max tured and walked off one of siver three frined said he will be back. all turned to see her holding the chiled that Max for got. "Yes I think he will" Ten minutes latter max was back. Silve was lifting Drake in to the air and smiling. Drake giggling with glee his bright golden eyes now cat like while. Silve played with him. Max watched this intrested and wondering what to say to Silve.
Silve looked over at him "You left Drake here Max" Max looked a way a shamed at his forget fullness. "I feel so foolish, that child was intrusted into my care." "OH drake, max is so irresponsible, so ignorant. He just cant stop to pay even the least bit of attention to you can he? No he can't. Your paents didn't pick the best person to take care of you now did they? NO, but maybe they did and he's being a little off today. Yep, that must be it, Max is like this alot. Drake, never forget to make max work extra hard to take care of you. Should I continue to ignore him? pretend like he isnt there? Yeah, I think he needs to be ingored. always seeming to need someone to pay attention to him. Yep, your foster father is a needy little-" "okay, watch it, he doesnt need to hear all that, I dont care if you continue to ignore me but Drake does not need to hear bad things about me even if they are true, " "but-" Silve said a sad look on his face, like he really wanted to verbally bash Max in front of Drake. Drake began giggling as Silve held him higher in the air, his arms becoming lose frome the soft brown blanket. Max shighed heavilly as he gently took the smiling baby from the arms of the elf. "thats not the best idea now is it friend." silve said as he just looked bankly back at Max. "what do you mean by that" asked max right as Drake decided to pee all over him. "Dont say it" max said angrily as he handed Drake back to Silve. Silve smiled devlishly as he took the now sleepy child fron the hands of Max. because of the way that max was holding robe away from his stomatche Silve got the idea that he wouldnt want Drake back any time soon. Slive smiled again, this time he was looking at Drake. "This is by far the smartest kid that I have ever met." Silve said, his voice unnaturlly loud.
They silently agreed upon Silve watching Drake while Max very quickly changed his robes into some of the elvish atire. If it had been up to Max he wouldnt have changed at all. But no, while he had Drake in his care he had to stay clean, even if that meant that he was going to have to wear clothing that he didnt aprove of. Now, Max wore soft golden pants, and a light green shirt that tucked into his pants, his shoes were still his own, being a deep brown in color and delicatly worn in, he was more fond of these shoes than any others. When max went towards Silve, he found himself standing in what couldn't have been anything other than horse manure. "Oh shit, now i'm going to have to change my shoes."
The look on silve's face said that even he was unamussed. "Max! you tell me not to say suchthings to a child, and yet you do? and you are even a monk!" max just stared at Silve, willing his anger to come to a managable state. when it didnt he looked clamly at the elf, and stated, "I need new shoes now too, do you mind, could you kindly go get me some." The look on Silve's face was amusement now, as he carefully handed a now snoreing Drake to the monk. Who to silve's astonishment looked rather like the monk was comfortable in the silk elvish clothing.

Roger and his friends were on their way to the Tankard, awaiting them was a rather worn out Blade. Who's stomach needed to be filled with sweet mead. Blade's black hair began to fall infront of his face, he carefully tucked it behind his head and pulled the hood of his suit up, covering his eyes he began to non-chantly spin a knife on the top of a well polished table. The room was filled with the fogged smell of beer and tabacco, the tables were all round and recently polished. The chairs were all made of simmilar wood, and they too had been polished, their backs were well worn and still sturdy. the floors, weren't floors, just dirt that had been packed down so much that it was almost a rock. The solid oak door creaked as it swung open. Roger and his friends arived just as the sun was setting, the soft pink glow from the sky could only barley be seen as the door opened but only for a moment. As they looked around the small but full bar they noticed one, only one, man sitting by himself, all the other men here were either being entertained by local women, others were gathered around tables gambling, to talking too loudly with their friends. Roger motioned for his friends to follow him as he made his way over to Blade.
As they sat down at the remaing nine chairs at the rather large table. They all looked around as waitress came around. she was wearing an ill fitting gown, that drooped too low and was too short. Blade motioned for her to bring them a picture of mead, and that was all. She walked away, sulking that yet another person hadnt the respect to talk to her.
Roger felt nothing the for the waitress and tried to get Blade to tell the whole story. the room was buzzing with activity, and His friends seemed to look around the room as if expecting somone to jump out of the shadows. Kade looked around nerviously as they sat nerviosly at the polished wood table.
Kade was a tall person, with blonde, wavy hair falling in neat strokes down to his shoulders, brown eyes glancing feerfully at all corners of the room. Joe, who was looking at Blade with utter admireation, had russet hair and dull green eyes, his skin was fair and dirty. Katelin, who was looking longingly at Joe, had soft black hair braided down the center of her back, chocolate brown eyes and freckled skin. Howey, who was now spaced out staring at the empty wall, sat with a straight back, his hair was soft light brown, cut so short that he might as well have been bald. His eyes were a pale blue. Kim, was a short blonde, who had big green eyes. However, was a shallow person, with nothing much to say and thoughts to speak of. Sara looking tired and being the shortest one. hair was died light blue just like here eyes. and constenly spacing out. Sarth's family came frome the desert wat to the sout had dark brown skin showing his heritage. and no hair to speak of he eyes brown seemed to be tacking measure of Blade. And last to sit down was Parker who eyes where shut being tiered from the trip here. And with short black spiked hair. Finally after a couple of nerve racking minutes they all settled down with all eyes looking at the dagger which was still spining on the table, though Blade had stopped spinning it when they sat down. He reached for the picture of mead, not saying a word he poured him self a cup. Wating to see who would speak first. Joe reached for the tankerd to pour him self a glass. But before his hand ever reached it. Blade made his move so fast. Grabed the dagger while it still spun. threw it at Joe's out streched hand only to bury its self an inch into the table between his splade fingers. Joe, to stund to move, sat as he was. As Katelin let out a gasp, he almost hit Joe. She glared at Blade who was now siping from his cup as if nothing had happned. Joe sputterd out a few untagebull words. "You all most stabed my hand" Joe's face went white. "Ah but I didnt. And if you so much as reach for my mead with out asking. I wont perposely miss your hand again. Got it?" they all noded at this agrement, Blade looked up at them his eyes giving away his amusment showing in his eyes. "Roger your friend should learn his maners and quickly to."
He took another sip from his cup. As he looked at each of them in the eye. As if taking measure of them. Joe still not haveing moved from where he sat. Slumed back in his seat. Kim looked at Blade "Sir why are we here I mean if you had us recite the creed. Then have us leave the keep. To come to this place, you can at least tell us, why?"
"Ah so she dose have a tounge dose she?" Blade was quick to respond. All eyes turned on Kim her cheeks now red in embarsement. She looked away. " You all want an answer to that question then do you? Well thats simple enough all my old ears and eyes in that place you now call home, are dead. And my daughter, who was still born, is alive. Some how at least acording to Roger anyway. And the gulid has become crupted in it perposes. So I now need your help. So all nine of you have said the actual oath and put on rings witch are enchanted, almost like the others, like all the ones made before them but arn't tainted in there enchantments like every one elses are. Which holds you now to the creed. That you are now part of and this creed this oath. Which is very old mind you." "How old excatlly?" Joe asked as his voice began to trail off. "dont interupt me again, and old enough for you to not ask questions." Blade said, his eyes stone cold as they focused in on Joe. The room went quiet as they all stared at Blade, for them his out bursts were as rare as if he were to not show up here at all. Some of the workers were begining to think that Blade had lost it, but when he didnt say another word, they thought that things were normal.
As soon as the noise began again, Blade continued his conversation in a quieter tone of voice. "May be we should find a quieter place to have this discussion sir." Blade glared at Roger " what did I tell you about calling me that?" "Ummm...umm you said that you would kill me" blade smiled at this "so why did you call me that?" "My bad blade"Roger manged o stamer out. Joe reached for the tankerd of mead "May I have some" he asked in a shaky tone. Blade's nod was barely noticable, and most of the table gave joe a look that told him not to get any mead. When Joe ignored them they all gasped at him, like they all thought that he was a dead man. and when Blade did nothing to stop him, they were all flabergasted. It was like the world had frozen, the table went quiet once again. "your idea is a good one have this discotion in privet but they won't let me tack the mead up stares." wisperd Blade now you all had the the basic traning right." they all noded there heads. blade smiled at them all "good then I have no need to go over that guy for the next five years or so ill be your new teacher and during this time i'll tell all you need to know." he smiled like a littel kid about to do some thing incredbly dangers and stuped. Then picked up the tankerd of mead and drank the whole thing in one swig.

After two day of siting there in the forest with Silve. The other elves had returned with the news that he could see the lord of the nineth house.they set off at once Silve being the one to wtch drack more the not. for max seemed to be in aww of the forest around him. 'why not thout' Silve 'it is a butiful place let him look on in wondre at the land of my kin. besides id like to learn more of this child so named Drake. Man couldent Max at least come up with a better name. Or was that the work of your father. witch by all acunts he was an exlent man and the beast assassin this world had ever seen. of coures in the long tim that your father had livedhe was more then an
assassin wasnt he? To bad you will ever get to know him dear childe.' silve thout then smiled a sad smile.
After a nother few days of travel the had reached the clering to witch the meeting was to tack place. there was all rady a lavish tent set up in the clearing not far a way. made of elven silkes and whit as the snow that fall in the winter. th flage stood on eather side of the the entreance witch lead in to the tent. the emblumes of the nineth house clearly showning on them the bright red cloth fro witch they where made all most litarly poping out from the tent. then max was called in side it wolud be sveril hours before he came back out . as all way he leaft drake behind. silve looked at drake. " your father should have picked a better gardean to razie you drake"
He the fallowed Max in side the tent the meating had all ready started but hs uncel seemed to notic his entrance and then looked at both letters in his hands to contiue reading them his long dark brown hair tide in a neat littel pony tail. He looked up agin to look at Drake. The in a loud clear voice with a littel athority he said is this the chiled in qeustion Max is this Drake?" it took a while for max to figer out what he was talking about for he did not relize that silve had enterd the tent with Drake "yes it is" then the lored of the elveish lord spoke agin. "you know max your not very creative with names I mean drake why not... I don't know some thing a littel more elvish." "I agree my lord any one who know of his heriteg is going to get it Relly Max could come up with a better name for him."silve cut in every one in the tent lafed at this for elves love creativity "any way as for his powers whene he discovers. Them you may seend him to my city well tech him to control, fight and even defend him self with them. Are we agreed then Brother Max or is there more you wish to dicuse with us."
he said sitting up perfictly strate thuse trueing max of balince agin nowing that elves love fun they can go from be nice and fun to deadly sirous in an instant latter. "well your magisty
as for his name no matter what name I thout up. My mind keept going back to Drake any way it quit fitting. There is one thing his father asked that he know nothing of his own
involment in the assassin guild. And that no one in the guiled knows of his exsitence that is all my lord." "Ok tack the chiled back to town and we will set up an ancampment neer the edge of the woods. And seeing as how you and silve are such grate frindes he will be stastiond there." silve sputerd at this but my lord my time off garding the edge of the forst draws neer. And im set to be maryed in a month I can't do it!" "silenc!" shoted the lord as he glared coldely at Silve "It will be as I say and if She whant to still mary you then she may go with you a long with fifty others for even under Maxs care the boy needs to be safe. the gulld is not to be under estmated got that. And you must reman unditected as well for if they cath wind that we are camped neer the edge of are home land they. will send some to whatch us for only us and the dwarven nation can with stand ther might not to mention there nubmbers grow at grate rate. All the new recutis not bound to the old code they are indeed crupted. and if the get there hand on him there now telling what the could do. Or how much they really know about blades powers. He been wroking for the guild for a long time seeing as he was there at its benging." Every one went silnt with in the tent the authority for witch the elven lord could speak was aww.. inspiring. "Yes my lord" Silve responded.

"Now you nine have been stuck at the out post far frome the actual keep. This post only holds two hundred men means will be less likely that the councel will notice any thing amies. but harder to get my daughter back but easeyer to train you. One I killed the man that was to be your mentor there. And sence he was a new arivel there to now one will no the difince. long as wher a good discues and you call me buy his his name. ok you leve for your new home in five days. Andin five years we will strike hard and fast you grab my chiled I'll go for the evidence got it guys." Blade said in his ushuel way as if it was all going to be that easy to do. They all stared at him as if he where nuts. "Blade if I may ask why do we get the chiled and you the evidence." Blade lafed agin becuse they dont know i know of her exstenci the have less grarded the the evedence that and one of you will be come her gardian i got a filling that im not go to suced they know moren about me then I wish to admit. and I dont whant her dead they will us her aginst me at the first sing of trubule haveing nine of go after her is more likely going to suscsed then if i whent after her and they don't know your with me. yet you canget closer to her then me. with out notice that is. any other questions then?"
"Do you think she be alive by then?" kim asked her eyes closed hair tide up in two pony tails hand folded across her lap the assissn sute fit losely on her. a few wepons hiden in it. blade new where they where of coures. Every one looked at her as if she didnt know what they where even talking about. "Duh" responded joe his green eyes seeming to betray his gulit a moment later. As he looked at Kim katelin noticeing this blushed in anger at this her black banges covering her face. Hid this frome them for all but Blade noticed this action
'Ah young love' he thout to him self then winked at her macking her blush more. Kade glanced at the door to the room witch Blade had been useing the last week or so the looked at them agin floor boreds creeked at he turen his head in the direction at this brow eyes giveinh hint to his feer. he pulled his hood up over his head to hide his face so that any one spying on them. would have harder time recognizing him. Every one now busy and deep in conversation did ot bothre to tacke note. Blade motioned fror them to the fire place. withch was made of simpli stone and helld in place by dry mud. They all moved there chars over the same stile that all the chars in this place. fire dieing low as the did so. Yes Kim she will be alive fore they will mack shuer of that until they can find out what im up to. And stop looking so nervos" he wispered. Now I blieve it time you all whent back to the keep befor they send a sherch party fore you. just as they all where geting reafy to leav.
Nine assassin jumed in to the room armed with there nives and other wepons. Karirst at the lead "look at thies loosers guys. is this the inn you guys have been visting so much. they all sit here talking in secret like the roten apples they are." he let out an evel chucle. conspireing with the enamy guys now thats not good. you all are a where that he betared the order right? oh and just to let you know we got this place sruonded and sent a rider to tell the councel about this meating." he smiled trumpently at them as if he had just found the lost tresher off Jurices seventh king of the lost city of Kran'e. who's treasurer was said to equil that of the dwarves.
Blade steped foreword to speek seeming to be the only one not cuote off gured by the intrushen. then he did the strangest thing of all and smiled at him and that same look of amusment that Roger saw when he frist saw him. "Good Karirst I just knew you and your not so well trained Buddy. would jump in and spoiled my master plan. Man your more retread then i thout. Did you rily think I didnt see this comeing. hummmm..... Karirst oh yes im more then ready for you guys. all thoue I did expext some one more expernsed to come and deal with me. And my new found allies you know like kar or Farin oh no lets see she dead buy my hand.oh and get this i was the one who killed kar just a few nights ago isnt that right Roger he was there by the way." he didny pause long enofe for Roger to respond."Hey roger what was your faverit part of that in counter humm..? lets see mine was the part when Kar peed his pants" Roger cathching the beat now and now ing it was his pants that where really wetted that night. " I don't know Blade my faveorit part was when yuo told me all about what happening right now. Man to be that many steps ahead of your enmye asmzed me. to he dosnt know how easaly you took them all down or the easy at witch you did it. mabey it might the scared look on his faces right befor his brave act of pissing him self!" karirst ace whent red now ur in for it Roger i wass going to grant amnisty to you and your frinds but now your all dead!" he shouted at the top of his lung then signaled for more men in to the room jus at nine more assassins came thou the secret panile there hoods up over there face wepons drawn and ready. "Karirst You really dont have to do this."
Karirst paused for a moment to think this out. "Oh yes i do now not just for fame but for revenge to. I must admitt I all most bleved you about being that smart as to have planed this fare ahead on the night you killed my brother. But leting him in on it that tottaly blow up in your face now didnt it." Blade looked at Roger with hate in his eyes then throu a dagere at him. hiting his shoulder Roger fell to the flower in suprise and all gasped. "See!" karirst shouted at the reast "hes a tratore to the gulide and to you. Now who said are you on." Blade looked up with his golden eyes now cat like and with shuch cold hosiltly. If you joien in with Karirst i'll kill you first the him and his budys. Every one in the room froze Froe it wasnt spoke like it was a plan but as if it was a cold hard fact. Then Karirist butsted out lafeing at this wit only ahint of nervosness in his voice. " yeah Blade you think you can kill me then tell me this. what army are you goin to do that with?
then blade razied his hand "Lads tack off your hoods ever one in the room did so there sholder langth black hair and golden eyes showing for the first time. This army Karirst is the army I used to tack out your men. and the replace so when you came busting n to this room u did so with my shadows or if you still don'y get it my magicl clones."
he smiled a sinstere smile then said "Oh im noth the one you need to worry a bout killing you if you whant i'll let you let cha throu the window over ther by rogers body. Karirst diced he tack his leave and ran for the windo just as he jumped to go thoue it. Roger jumed up and ran his dagger thue his guts. colpesing to the floor bleading hand overe his stomick he wisper one finlle word of dinlle as he sliped in to obliveon "how" Roger answerd for him "it spill I chuate the dagger after he gave the signal for the thou" but he did not here the answer to his quistion for he was all ready gone. Blades clones fading in to nothing but a drop of blood then dispersed all to gether. whil the others stood there in surprise at at all that had transpired
still trying to register. as well the dume found looks told him it was going to be a long five years of traing. nine dead body's fell from the counseled spot witch the other clones came from.
Roger looked at him "How did you know id catch the nife in time." Blade wlaked too the door and stoped for a bit "I didnt" then left then room. Roger ran after him "not funny Blade not funny." but when he got to the hall blade was gone. and so was the bodys simply gone. he felt the nife one last time and his hand burn't frome the acid on it Then he let out a sigh.
'I didnt' ringing in his head over agin.

Chapter 2
visions from another land

They all stood on the battilmants of the post on gurd duty for the last time. Just the ten of them Master Zachary short brown hair buzzed as usually Brown eyes with a hint of what looked to be gold his assissin suite fiting perfectly two curved swords at his sides with there customary bright red strips of cloth tide to the promel of the swords. His hood pulled back he stroked his gote. as seemed to be his habbit. Katelin off to his left her soft black hair cut now to where it was just below the sholders. of coures she only had it cut. Becuse master made her cut it. A bit of frekels still showing in a bunched up line across her face from one cheak to the other right over her nose. of course she was looking at joe's ass. every one in the group knew she liked him except he didn't seem to know this. Joe standind at least seven feat taller his skin tanned as all ways. kade looking the same as ever. But with alot more confidince not as nerevose as he used to kim'a hair now a bit darkre and stadind just an inch taller then Kade. the rest Howey looking bored but looking more at easy with all the new skills he had lerdned of the last five years Roger being the leader of his squid Kade Kim And joe but the second in command over all hi companis only Blade aka Master Zachery. stood a bove him in ranke here he and his freinds now trarid where soon to retern to the keep With the rest of the guild meabers. Starting on actuality assiments and assassinations while secretly looking for blades little girl. to save her then all of them would leave the guild soon after in secret spreed across the world and blade would go in to hiding or have successful got the evdice of the guilds coruption. In wtich case he would. save the reast of the world from its evil. witch botherd him more then he let on. "For reasons unknown to any of us." thought Roger 'And I bet he know more about his daughter coming back to life as well. What secrets dose he hide. Why dose he hide them. And how dose he have that much ki-re ?' ever since he told them about ki-re and how to use it and fill it in the land and others around them. did this last question even come to mind. the closer it got to getting to go back to the keep thous same question nagged at them all. "Master when we are no longer on duty to day. there are some questions that we all would like to know the answers to."
the other all turned at the sound of his voice. while Blade just went on starring out over the wall not even a where. some Roger had spoke another thing that bothered them. for he never let he guard down this much. some thing was rely troubling him.
a look of concern crossed over there face then some thing seemed to reflect from his eyes. as if looking at some thing far off in the distance but out over the filled the was int any thing of interest and all of them new he was seeing some thing. A slit wind moved his
hair but other the that he didn't move.
Roger put his hand on his shoulder. they all watched as an golden glow suddenly sprung up over his hand. Roger stopped moving.the same glaze seemed to suddenly come. come to his eyes

The world around Him blurred his head was ponding. the world just started moving under
neath his as if he where flying he turd back to the rest expecting to see them looking at him as he left them far behind but there he was on the wall. the ground blow started moving faster and faster hills,streams,rivers,trees moved bellow him. Soon he found him self it was late after noon here a grate forest spreed before him it seemed to go on for ever. The forest of the elves Esmrale. Or some thing like that. elves all what had funny names for things it was the emerald woods. he soon was falling towards the small town that was right next to it edge. He closed his eyes as he descended. 'this going to hurt' suddenly he stopped. He was standing in a court yard of what he amused. was the towns church. but every thing seemed so blurry.As if not quite real. the yard was empty. all but for alone kid on the bench not far a way he sat cross legged and strait. his black hair going past his ears. eye's closed. he felt some one touch his arm he jumped and turned only to see. Blade as he relay looked.
And not that grand disguise. He had been wherein fro the last five years. his golden eyes lit with pried at the site of the child.
a voice rang out in the distance then an old man came round the corner neatly trimmed bread hair same as the boys at least in style brown with a lot of gray. cane in his hand he took a few steps closer tho the boy. and spoke but it was all a jumble to him. the boy looked up at the man and spoked some thing as well. things seemed to come in to focus around him. less blurry. " don't worry Roger your in a vision. it will all soon clear up" he jumped at the voice. only to realize it was Blade speaking to him. "Where are we?" he asked a bit Dazed and confused as to what happed. "where in a small town known as Zalmera. And don't worry it will clear soon you'll be able to hear what going on." he node at the boy. "Who Is he Master"
Look closely and if your as smart as i figure you'll soon know" He looked at him once more. the child was up and hugging the man now. His golden eyes a glow with sudden joy. can I really go out and play now Max." "yes you may Drake yes you may.
It suddenly clicked Roger mouth doped open.
He your son isn't he Blade" Blades nod was barley noticed but Roger all ready knew the answer.In an under tone he said "Max you could have at least piked a less obvious name for him. I mean come on use your creative mind and get my boy a bit more creative." Roger scoffed at this "look who talking Blade what kind of name is that" Blade glared at him "I'm called Blade Because I all way have some sort of Blade on me. So its not my name but my nickname ok." Then Drake ran past Blade and out side. The scene started to blur once more. they where in the air speeding a way from Zalmera. As fast as he had come going back to the out post.

when he got back he stumbled leaning on Blades shoulder. To gain back his balance as best he could. Blade let out a laughed at this "well Roger you look like I did my first time." every one froze there concern fading in to total confusion. not having seen any of that.
"so what was that master did we just see a vision of your son. Joe finely catching on to all this laughed as well. "Wow that was the first time. You went with him on his trance trip inst it!" every one else who was confused. now where even more confused then before. Katlin shook her head. letting some of her wind swept hair down. "Joe what in the world are you talking about?"Joe looked at her then she blushed as she did every time Joe looked her way. Well every once in a while guy's Master. goes in to a trance witch is more like seeing a vision of sorts most usually. when this happens he use his vision to check on Drake."Now Zachery shook his head at Joe. for as all way's the way he answerers any question Katilen asked but never caching on. to her crush on him never ceased to amaze him. "Sorry every one but seeing visions is the skill I thought Joe. So when I go in to the trance he could keep you guys from disturbing me. but I guess! he forgot to do that. And when Roger touched me it pulled him in to the same trance and or vision if you will."now every one nod there head at this figuring out what he was talking about. Kade shook his head being the only one to not get it.

He ran up the stares flung open his door and ran in to his room. over to his bed and garbed his his little cap and hat. he was as happy as could be Brother Max had said he could go play out side. It had been weeks sense he was grounded. 'Man where the guys going to be shocked to see me.' he put on his boots then raped his eyes with a piece of cloth. his golden eye still a little visible. He would be one of the Robers for suer this time. He rushed out of his room. Down the stairs of the tower. the out the bottom of tower. He ran for the big oak door. trying to mack it before. Max stopped him to have the Talk! With him again as he all ways did before he went to play.Right as he made it Max shout come here Drake let see how you look. 'Crape! he caught me.' Drake wander over to Max and looked up at him. "why aren't you the best little bandit." "yep!" said drake as he all way's did the chat was all way's the same. He didn't even have to here what was said but he knew what to say every time Max stopped in his speech. "Yes father, got it Father ok father, shall do,i wont be late father," man his foster father could talk. "Okay can I go now?" "Yes you may drake." and if you get any of your little head aces. you come strait back you hear me." To latte Drake had all ready vanished out the door.
he head down the main street. every one waved as he passed buy for every one in town knew who he was the only child with eyes of gold. some even said Hi to him. But he ran on with all his speed free at last. no longer held back in that boring church witch held nothing of intrset to him. He saw his friends smiling and shouting up ahead. 'yes it was a going to be a fun evening. Finley he made it to the end of the street. and his friends where on the run. To late he was the watch man this round. Off he went to chase jack by far the slowest of the group. and easy to find being the only one of the with blond hair. soon the were all out in the fields again heeding for the woods. when he finely caught him Drack shouted at the top of his lunges. "new watch!!!" and ran on to get a way. in to the trees he ran jumping over the fallen log. stooping behind the a big tree witch by the look of it. had at least three of them the all ready in it. once he caught his breath he was on the run again. The fresh air on his face soon he couldn't even here his friends calling out to find the hidden ones.
He finally stopped hearing some one sing in the distance and the sound of water not to far a way. the voice was beautiful. he stopped again to find witch direction it came from. he spotted some glow bug down the stream witch he just now realized was soaking his new boots. he climbed out of it. only to trip. when he looked up he found a girl staring at him while holding. A flower she was beautiful. he hoped up to wipe the dirt off. she looked at him with her bright green eyes her solder length hair. "Who are you?" she asked in a sweet musical voice witch he amused was be cues she was a girl. He stood there dume founded thinking he had stumbled upon an angle. She blushed and her hair fell in her face. "I'm Amaruth means beautiful star" she said. "oh im Drake nice to meat you Amaruth"
"where are you from" this confused Drake for the only place to be from was Zalmera unless you where an elf from this woods. then it hit him full in face. the girl be for him was an elf. "your an elf" he gasped at her. "well of course I am are you not an elf ?"" no im not an elf. Im from Zakmera" oh so your human then. curiosity now showing as she looked at him. why do you where the cloth a round your eyes?"now he was confused
"oh" he said nothing me and some friends where playing a game." "well then tack it off let me see your eyes then." "no thanks im must keep it on im a bandit. in the game it marks me as a bandit." she removed some hair from her face witch let him see the slitly point in her ears. "oh rally is that it then " she leaned foreword and snatched it off his face. The sun now just below the mountains in the distance. And barley
visible Thur the trees. His golden eyes nearly glowing in the dark. She jumped back in surprise. with an expression of amazement.
"Whats the matter?" feeling a little bit confused. and wondering why she looked about to faint he put the cloth over his eyes again rolling them as he did so. 'Girls'he thought and said "I must get going my friends probably wonder where I am by now" as he turned to leave her hand garbed his suddenly be pulled back. he fell over again. glaring up at her for making him fall. she shrieked back at the site.
some thing wild and furious seemed to be stamped on he face. eyes suddenly seemed to glow. From beneath the cloth. "What was that for!" he shouted angrily up at her. she stumbled back words. and tripped over nothing overparticular. He stood up all stat and proud as could be. wiping the dust of his clothes for the second time that day.He looked at her laying in the dust her self. he suddenly felt very ashamed of his shouting. he held out his hand face softening. as he looked t her he saw fear the likes of never be for stamped on her face.he looked at her leg witch must have been broken in her fall. he knelt down next to her. and as gently as he could. lifted her leg then put a rock and his hat on top of it. she was even more shocked at his kindness, Then his anger witch had now disappeared all together. He got up and left looking at the ground for some thing.He disappeared in to the trees only to come back moments latter with Three short and sturdy stick and one long branch witch he broke in half.Raping some cloth around one end.
then he took the tree others and placed them around her leg. Drake looked at her."this is going to heart quit A bit Amaruth. she nodded her head and the squished her eyes shut And his hand. "I'm going to need that." He said with a grunt and pulled his hand a way.
He took some more cloth from a small pouch at his side. wrapping it around her leg putting put the sticks back using them to straighten it. She let out a deafening scream as he did so then he wrapped more cloth tightly around the leg. tying it of enough so that it would stay put. Till she could get a proper split and bandage. "Where did you learn to do that?" she whimpered still in pain from her leg. I live in the church in town. see Brother Max do stuff like that a lot. figured if he could do it so could I. Well her you go." he said helping her up. As gently as possible she leaned on him for support. Nearly making them fall over again. he handed her the home made crutch. "Now witch way do you live." he asked she pointed in a northernly direction. Ten miles that way or seven not sure witch. They hobbled off to tack her home. not stopping to think that his home was closer. night was failing around them as they walked. "here let me guide i can see better in the dark then you." He looked up at the sky just noticing how late it was. "Shit Im gone be in big deep when I get back. The whole town gonna be lookin for me." he walked on not a bit bothered by the darkness. his eyes where glowing from beneath the cloth. "How can you see in this darkness let alone with your eyes covered?" he shrugged his left shoulder. and paused in there walk.
"I don't know... " it went quite "Never much thought about it. kinda like how we start walking its just some thing I Know how to do. I can no more guess why bird's know how to sing and not talk. then how I can see in the dark." she looked at him "well they can talk you just need to know how to listen to them. And they sing because they like to here there own voices."
he looked at her as if she had lost it "you can't a talk to animals." she laughed at this in that sing song voice of the elves. Making it sound like music to his ears.he looked at her smiling face trying to save it to his memory. "Can you teach me then?"

It had become late in the evening the kid's had come back. From playing there game and asked Max why Drake stopped playing with them. one of the Jack stepped foreword "Was it
Because he got another headache" "Well I don't Know ill go see if I can find him. He's probably in his room. Ill go see what he's Up to then. The rest of you go back to playing. I'm sher I can get him to come back out and play."
They all left when Ford stepped up. "Brother Max I was hiding Up in a tree with two other's
I saw him passed by and he was heading farther in to the wood's Maybe the others are right and he came back. but i think he still out there. and considering. His last headache he had might be hurt or lost." concern crossed his face being eight and the oldest kids of he group and drakes beast friend he Knew him better the even Max did. "Now Ford I Know you and Drake Are like Brothers but I'm sure he's fine.I'll go see if he in his room. you ask around town see if any one has seen him if he not up there we'll go and look for him" at this Ford took of asking every one if they had seen him. but know one seemed to know where he was. Max walked to the tower base and near his own room. The entered the tower stares well that lead up to the top. Dread came flooding in to him as he reached the top. Some how knowing he was not there. he pushed the door open the room was just as he had left it a mess. 'I'll just have him clean it up some when he comes back.'Max thought to him self and crinkled his nose.
and went back down. Another hour had passed and the kids had come back. now done from playing in the woods. Yet Drake had not come with them.
he and Ford looked around town again. more people had joined the search. The all garbed torches and headed for the forest. more the half the town came with. To help look for him.
After the sun was now just below the horizon. they finely called out the hound. given that name fro being the beast tracker around. Besides the elves that is. when he arrived there every on seemed to have lost there voice is by shouting. he walked up to Max tacking his hood off. to show his face witch had a big scare down one side of his face. story say it was from a time he got in a big fight with a bear. one eye was green the other was whitened.
a slit bread was creeping on to his face. "Max get all but five back to town. There only confusing my dogs." he looked at Ford with his scarred gaze."And you show me where you last saw him. then
get yea gone ur self lad. this for me and me dog not the likes of you." He moved with a limp in one leg. when they had reached the spot. ford left as quick as a wipe.You guys rune every thing. there piking up every one's sent. and the foot paths are criss crossing. why didn't you get me sooner."Max was caught off guard at this. "oh well do you have some thing o his my dogs can pike up his sent with." "The shirt he was wherein be for he left to play."said max in an undertone. He called his dogs over lend down and let them smell it for a while. "Hey boy you know this sent it your friend you know the one with the golden eyes." there head looked at hi with interest as if they under stood. what he was saying. Then they picked up his sent after a few moments. The sun had set as they fallowed the trail. Finely they made it to a small stream.and drakes tail seemed to have vanished. "Well it seem Drake went down stream. we will fallow the current. For a way and if we don't find his trail
soon. We will set camp for the night. a few minutes latter they found his tracks. witch lead in to a clearing. "Hey Max are we looking for two or one missing child." piped in one of the men fallowing them. Well lat i checked no one was gone but him why?" this part The Hound joined in look at the ground Dear Max there is another set of foot prints and there children's to. and from the pattern there. the kept falling down. One of them feet where litter then then the others barely visible. from the angle and that rock brook the leg. this other sticks and pieces of cloth drake tried to fix it. He even left his hat here. Buy the looks of it he helped his companion. leaning on Drake. And favoring the right leg. they went that way deeper in to the woods.and heading for the border in to the elves land.And if we don't reach them befriend then well lose the sent. The elves ki-re
is strong indeed. the put all sorts of enchantments a round there land.My doges cant fallow there sent and rarely do elves leave tracks not to mention the smell like the very forest around them so it hard to track the any way. But sense Drake is not an elf and the other is wounded. we might be able to find them if the spell around the land hasn't wiped there tracks yet as it dose after a good half an hour. And because one wounded they can't swing over on them vines witch them elves is so found of. So we should head for the nearest bridge they will have to use one of them.

"Well now what Amaruth we can't very well cross here now can we?" they had reached a river.That wasn't not to deep. But the current was fast and strong. "Well there are vines that I use to get across but with my leg I just don't know." they sat for a bit while Drake checked her leg. "how far till the nearest Bridge." well there is a secret one made bye my people Not far from here. Other then that it would be a good walk that way." she node her head to the left. "but if we use the other one we go the other direction. but If we do use that one then you must sewer never to tell a soul a bout it. And when we reach the spot you'll swing over and activate it." after moment of resting the where under way again.on the way there she explained how to activate the bridge. "Ok this is the spot. Gabe the vine there and swing once your out far enough grab the other one it will carry you across the rest of the way." He took hold of the vine and swung out the vine doing most of the work. but being in experienced with such this missed the other vine and let go. flying across most of the river. He then splashed. In to the water manging to land in the mud with the water above his head. struggling to free him self. Herring Amaruth shouting his name at the top of her lungs. His heart seemed to stop. He went though some exercise to calm down. he began to hear his own pules his head started to ace. 'Great why now of all time for this to happen.' Then one nose came to him above all other even the gurgling water, the pounding head, his hart beating. the one thing he heard was crying she was crying. Suddenly his hole body felt like it was one fire. He saw clearly in the dark under the water.the suddenly a rush of energy witch he new must be the ki-re Amaruth was talking about when she told him how to activate the bridge. With one good kick of his leg's he was free of the mud. He burst through the water's surface. He instantly swam for the shore. letting the river drag him some distance as he did so. he garbed a branch that was sticking out above the water. Using it to pull him self up on the river bank. He sat there socked and cold. finally musting the strength to stand. He got up stumbled over to a near by tree. Just to catch his breath when he realized that he luckily didn't breath in any water.
The strength soon returned to his wobbly legs a minuet latter. He pulled off hi shirt to ring it out. It was torn at the elbows and the shoulder's but the put it on again. Doing the same with his pant's and seeing the to had been tore in the knee's. just to check he looked at his under pant's no holes in them. he put his pant's back on. shaking his head hair flying and water come free of that to. he started walking back up the river. 'Ok she said it was a tree with a big scare on it' he looked around.'Oh duh i'm in the woods there going to be lots of trees. how dose she expect me to find the tree in an place a thats filled with nothing but trees.' He kept walking looking for the one with a scare on it. When he looked across the river and saw her siting there still looking in to the river. he smiled to him self with an evil little grin on his face. What was it that Hound had taught him. Some thing about moving your voice around to another location where your not at. 'oh yes she going to get it good for getting me lost and looking for a tree.'

She sat there quietly staring at the watter where he went under but to no avile.
she cried for ten minutes. And was about to nod off. when she herd his voice from behind her. she looked up and saw nothing. She had lost it and was hearing things. "Amaruth" his voice came from behind the tree in front of her. she looked up "oh drake your alive" hope fled from here a moment later when no one responded. she got up with the help of her walking stick.
and went to find him. When she got there she found nothing. "you killed me Ama you had me drowned" the voice came from where she was just siting her face went pale. He was dead at her doing and now hunting her. She began to cry all over again. "Oh Drake I didn't mean to I sewer I didn't" she sobbed "you killed me!" she could barely think now he was not going to drop the issue now. "Look at me look at what you have done" she look around tears streaming down her face. She looked for him but could not find him. His voice came from a cross the river now.
"You did this to me you did this to me Ama"
she looked once more to she him floating just of the ground on the other side suspend there as the specter he was. She froze in fear at the site of him and passed out.

he watched her pass out still hanging there a good ten feet of the ground. looking Over to see some one move in the tree he was tide to. "now thats a nifty trick to have there boy. The shadowy person said in a cold tone. "And that was not a nice trick to play on Amaruth." not only had the man seen him do it but knew who she was to.
"I'm sorry sir" he manged to squeal. "Oh not yet you arn't" said the man in the tree and knife gleming in his hand. he reached forwarded to the spot where the vine was that he was holding him up in the air. "no pleas don't do that!" he noticed him smiling now then a quike jerk of the hand and it was cut. Drake fell with a thud. He manged to groan out some thing.
The person jumped out of the tree. To land right next to him in a crouch. Her body perfectly formed and a face as beautiful as any thing he ever seen. "your a girl" she smiled at him "yes kid im a girl your not the only one who can play with your voice." she smiled at him again. And if you don't want me telling her what you did. then I suggest you listen to me. now whats your name kid?" she asked while standing up. Her tight leather jerkin just barley showing some thing that he was not supposed to look at. According to Max any ways. She shrugged at him as he stared at her. she wherein some tight fitting pants covered with leaves. he closed his eye as he garbed her extend hand. Witch was soft the touch. "My name is Drake" he said finally after manging to tack his eye of her He turned around. thanking the gods that he was still whereing the cloth witch kept her from seeing that he had been looking at her. "Mine's Kashsha" she said in the same sing song voice that he figured all elves must have. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find this tree with a scare in it would you?" Kashsha let out a laugh that sent his hart racing. "Yeah i know where I you could find this tree." he looked back at her this time making sher not to look below the neck. and try to glare at her but just couldn't find it in him to do so. after looking in to her eye 's the same damed eye's that Amaruth had bright green. "Well you going to tell me where its at or at least show me?" she looked at him as if trying to diced weather or not she should help him smiling. "Maybe whats it to you and what you willing to do for my helping you?" She lend against the tree behind her to witch Drake was tide to not long ago. He looked at her "for get I even asked."
he started to look at every tree near by. She watched him for a good ten minutes or so. While trying not to laugh the one tree he did not look at was the one she as standing next to witch just so happed to have the scare he was looking for. And she was hiding behind her back. Ten minutes latter he sat down on a rock defeated. "Maybe I should have asked her which tree it was be for she passed out." he muttered to him self. Finely he looked up at Kashsha exactly what would you have me do if you did help me. A twinkle lit her eyes at his defeat."oh so now he wants my help dose he" she said aloud as if talking to some one who was still hiding near by. "will you cut that crap out!"
his voice echoed off the tree's. Eye where glowing from beneath the cloth that covered them. Kashsha shrank back at this. in a scared and curios tone she manged to wispier. "What the hell are you?" this only serving to make him angrier at her. He stood up slowly still a kid and yet so scary at the same time. "I need the damned bridge" his voice softened. "So I can help Amaruth get home."
A fierce pride seem to emanate from him. "Yet just a boy" she wisped his hearing being as good as an elf herd this and set him off again. 'Great she's gone nuts.' He shook head and walked off. "Hey Drake" she said before he gone more then ten feet. All I ask is that you come eat dinner with me and Amaruth then stay the night. It's to late to walk back to your town any way's and I bet your hungry to. If you agree i'll tell you where you can find your tree." Of course she had to go know further then free food and he was all in. his belly of course it let out a big growl as if it where a hunting animal and not a child's belly. He stopped to look he was thinking it over idea of thinking but she knew it had worked. He looked up at her. "Kashsha you got a deal." She stepped a way from the tree. And pointed at it with dramatic flare. "There good sir is your tree." then she put in a bow for insult after words. With out missing a beat he said "Why thanks mylady what help. You have been to me." and just to piss her off he kissed her hand like the royal people do in the story's. He walked over to the tree and placed his hand one the scare. 'What a strange boy you are Drake. And what mystery do you hide? even from your self.' When she looked at him the tree shimmered. but nothing els happened.
'Why you seem to have the basic use of your ki-re to' she manged a small smile. Then sat down "Drake come here I want to teach you how to better get a hold
of your ki-re. He went and sat next to her. "you have no problem calling on your ki-re it's holding its that you need to learn." he nodded his head. "I figurer Amaruth tolled you how to do the pulling on and calling on it am I right." he shook his head. "No i kind a figured that out. When I was stuck in the mud under the water. just a while ago" she looked at him quizzically. for even among the elves it was hared to learn that on your own. let alone doing while in an stress full situation like drowning under water. "well if she didn't tell you how then tell me how your doing it."
He thought about it for a bit. Well when I was under there at first I was panicked. so I did some calming mediation I Learned form the church. once my mind was calm then one of my head aces came to me. I did my beast to push it a way. It wouldn't go a way so instead of fighting it I let it come to me. and whosh there it was." at this she listed "wait back up there
kid you say you had this head ace before it came to you?" She throughout over it for a moment and he nodded. "How bout this because you staying the night we'll do this to tomorrow and I'll open the bridge. this way I can see how best to help thous head aces."
A look of disappointed crossed his face. 'Man this suck guess it just elves and there way to say some thing then change there mind latter.' "He got up i'll do it my self. I want to do this. with or with out your help." He crossed over to the tree. took off the cloth and looking at the tree. He raised his hand. Calling on his ki-re he focused it on the tree. He got another ripple. He frowned and tried again and aging. soon his head was hurting from the effort. he saw the broken image of Amaruth right before she had passed out. He razed his hand again then out of no where word's that he did't re-call learning. Lept past his lips with a hiss that like of a reptile. Kashsh more learned then he. Knew this language but not how to speak it. And yet before her this five year old kid was specking it with out effort. As if it was his native language. she walked in front of him and looked him up and down. Then noticed his eyes where glowing again. His pupils where slits that like of a cat and the most stunning was that they where golden to. The tree simmered and the scare opened up. The bridge that was made out of ancient stones. that where carved by her own people long ago. enchantment's cast on them long a go. Kashsh still didn't notice this. He shouted with glee jumping up and down. Her mind was far a way at the moment going over the word's that describe one person famed in many elven story. The most power full assassin this world had ever known. And it seemed to come to life in front of her very eye's. she couldn't breath could barely think all that came to her was the same description over and over.'hair as black as a a crow, Eyes of pure gold . Ki-re that only the grate worms of legend could poses. for trough the same blood run in his veins.' The kid she saw before her was not him but there was know other explication. one word she whispered one name fit this child better then then drake did. What she thought she saw be for her. Was the one and the only "Blade". She wisped the name and it was as if he stood there in that place with her at that moment. when she looked for Drake she saw him coming a cross the river on the stone bridge. witch as he walked. Section by section slide back under the water. She knew who this Child was and who's child he was. It childed her to the core before her stood the child of thee legendary Blade. She had just tried to teach him to do the one thing that seemed to come natural to him. She had tried to teach the son of Blade.

He sat suspend there in the air watching Drake. Swing out over the river and to over shout the next vine and go under the river. His hart aced at the sit of it. his own flesh and blood was going to drown in a river stuck in the mud with only he and two other to witness it. Why din't the bigger elf try to save him. did she not here him splash in to the water. was she so out of it that she didn't here it. The little girl was weeping and so was he. Several moments passed and he surfaced clear down the river. Unnoticed by the little girl Or the other one. who was still weeping. he wanted to tell her he had made it out. Wanted to comfort her and be there for her. As he melted at the sit of her this up set over his son. 'What a soft hart you have blade.' He then lowered him self down to watch what drake would do Next. he was wherein his shirt but ringing out his pant's the checked his under where. for what seemed to be a tear. the when he took not of his son's clothe he saw the shoulders and elbows shredded. And laughed at it all in spit of him self. His son had used his draconian power and didn't understand it. Smiling at this only made him remembered his first time to and realized that his son was exactly like him self. He fallowed his son back up the river. He was looking for something. casting a slit spell to here what he was saying. finely he arrived at the scene right across the way from the girl. An sinter shin came to his eyes he was using ventriloquism and freaking the girl out of spit. 'yes just like me. he did his final stunt. hanging him self from a tree and talking to like a dead sprite. Man did she jump and scream. Max wasn't doing a good job at teaching not to treat girls meanly."you little devil you like her. you have a crush on her. He smiled at his son. noticing the other elf aging. she was standing in front of a tree now. while he was looking up and down every tree but that. They spoke a few word and she move a way making a sarcastic comment and bowing. He then took not of her brest witch were showing as she bowed and he could not tack his eyes of her. 'What the hell man! why is we guys all way seem to be looking at place's we shouldn't?...'he shook hes head and saw him kiss her and witch seemed to fluster her. he let out a laugh at this.'that my boy.'he was standing at the tree calling on his ki-re. useing it on the tree. with no success at that.The elf called him over she was sitting on the ground. they talked of ki-re. Drake seeming to be up set now at her whent back the the tree and tried again. Blade cast another spell using the elven tung and hand gesture's went over to his son and started to wiper. in dragon tung a spell of opening. Not knowing he was being talked to at all spoke it out loud. The bridge opened and he was happy as could be. He head the elf say his name and he turd think she used magic to detect him. But she was looking at his son. She had caught on to his son's parentage. And was stunned to know the truth. he flew back in to the air and to the out post. Where roger and the other waited to be told the answers to the questions. And it was about time he told them.

Chapter 3
Blades legacy

It was late he was late to the meeting that he called he walked in a silent rush looking over his sholder as he whent. No one must know of this he aproched the the foutin checking to see that he was alone one last time. 'There no telling what he's been up to for the last five years. Or how many new ally's he got whtere ther in the guiled or not. or if he was in this garden Right now. watching my every step a boute to stike me down. or if it some one elas doing his dirty work.' He thought to him self. he begain to move around the water foutiento its west side. And found what he was lookinh for just under the water a littel dimond with a skull carved in to the bottum. rolling up his sleev so not to get it wet. and sweting nervesly he reached under water. pokinh the eye's of the skull and lifting it up. there was a grinding sound as the wall shifted behined him. to open up to a secrte passage witch he enterd as qwikly as he could. for there was once a man who took too long and got smashed by the closeing door. looking at the ground he noticed some blood frome the smashed body a few feet further in to the tunel he found the man's bones or at least what was left of the. then it was dark as could be the door had closed so fast and with out a sound to. he imaged him self get smashed by it agin as he always did when he came through here. Shivering in the dark he stumled forwored hereing the crack as he triped. sicke filling came to him as he filt for what had broke his fall it was the up half of the remans the only part that did noy get smashed un till now. filling about to faint he stood up and puked all over the smam remins he just land on. pulling out a cloth from his poket wiping his mouth with it. "why do they not clean that up?" he said aloued to no one inpertculer. for noe was around to here him any way. filling his way along the wall he found anther skull carving. dping as he did with the one out side. sudenly all the torches where lit. he looked at him sleff noticed his new robes where coverd in dust and vomite. mutering a simple spell it was sudely clean agin. He started off down the tunle now seeing where he was going he made it to the the door paseing one last time be for entering he pushed it open. "Your late agin Hariel" a voice called out from the dark. "where are you he maneged to sputer out know the man be for him was not one of his own kin. But a drow and not alone eather. as all way he was surouned by at least ten of the vile things. as to why the concile even interacted with them was beyond his under standing. Yes ther was profet enough in thesis transe acttions mony, secrets, a slint trading patner, one that the concilers had been dealing with for many years. And it was set up buy Blade him self. but with him no longer aroung to keep an eye on them they have becom more daring and agresive. "Im right behind you" the vocis wisperd. he could be fill it breath now 'how had he done that'. and as if in respons to his thougt it wisperd we are drow and you will do well to remaber that" and im of the guiled you will do well to remaber that. now come where I can see you." ther was silence his threat had acttuly done the trick. So sudelly he apered the Hariel jumped back so sudly at the site he frogot to whatch his back one of the butiful wepons seemed to slide right through him and out his chest. he hered laughter right be for he passes out.

he looked arouned at his companoins as the laughter died down. he pulled the blade back out and bent over to give him a healing elixer. with puting him in ther magicly enchanted changes. bending futher over to wisper in Hariels ear. yes and they arent going to care a bout you comeing back they sent you to die. so we can mack a powerfull cage for Blade. just like the last fifty pepol who. hav come down here. you see it tacks blood to enchent it. For this must holed him and slowly drainhim of his Ki-re. Then he watched as he fatied agin hiw wound now whole once more. He spoke to him men in his own tuonge they piked him up and caried him a way. back to there dar home land. and finlly kill him and the others. he felt a littel pity for the man. 'But hey what one humen to one of his kin' the thought ate at him. 'for like he acuttly liked this one.'

Hiding not far from the clearing Roger and his friend sat waiting for him to arrive then the would attack. for they knew he came to this spot often science coming to the out post. There Patents was not test long. soon as he sit on the stump we mack are move. "To day is the day we win dear Blade." he whispered in to the air unknown to him Blade had herd thous words. And knew that they where going to try at him agin. undoing his belt he went off the path as if to mack a pit stop. once concealed from there view he pulled a hair from his head. whispered in the language of the elves. To sort of help move his Ki-re like a quick meditation then made the correct hand singes tossing the hair and then waited as his own image came to be before him. knowing to only be an illusion he the pricked his finger and speaking in elvish again to help his Ki-re flow throw him and making the same hand move movements. another shadow grew in to being this on being more then an illusion but some thing more soled. Having the shadow of him self go on to the path as if just finishing doing his duty.

Sara saw him coming back out and realized it was int him. at first though it was just a clone. but looking closer she noticed that the grass had moved under him. smiling at thought. Blade Had done just as they had arranged it to. He made a shadow clone. to trigger there trap and as bait. hence the where getting ride of it first. while Joe was to keep an eye out for the real blade. this is getting to predictable even for you Blade. She shied and rolled her head letting her blue hair fall from her shoulders giving Kim the singe that it was just a clone and stay on her guard. there was a nose in the tree to do the same for the rest to every one els. then she was out a black form moved back in to the bush. 'Dam he's good.' she herd a nosies and soon Kim was out to. the stunning attack would only last for 1 minute 30 seconds but to late to help the others he would draw them out in to combat soon. for they did not see his other clone across the way. or was it the real him?

Roger was the first to react as the Shadow clone sat in the stump. pulling the string and collapsing it in the clone was stuck but not out he pulled the other string and knife came from across the way as thrown from there it blocked it with it own blade. then Kate rushed rushed it did some fancy blade work with it. Kaed ran to fight as well throwing some small round thing at him six blades poped out from all of them. and out cam blades Sword. red red rebbion tied in place and blocked the as well. and Kade was ther woring his to small daggers well weaving and out with the sword Kate and kade working the shadow clone up and down all around he saw how skilled his Friends hand become. And yet how the paled in comparison with blade. As Kate took A swing the clone dispersed to late to stop it cut deeply in to Kade arm. His newly thrown knife went in to her gut. then with a loud and high pitched yell Joe was running in to the clearing slapping at him self. "Gee Get them offf!" there was nothing there. Blade came from the same spot that the Joe did blades drawn and ready to fight. stupidly Joe rushed him. there blades meet a few times and out came every one else except Kim and Shara. 'there stunned' his head meet his palm once again Blade would win.the where all fighting him and he was smiling as he tierd them down they all backed a way as Kim and Shara came at him from behind with there own swords pressing high then low. he was humming a tune now. Roger rolling his eye at this. Fighting to wounded and sex others and humming all the while some thing was wrong. he took a closer look and noticed that it was just an they where just fighting an illusion soon he could see him or hear him at all but they did and Joe was still failing a way. So it was only five fighting him the other who where hurt pulled a way shaking there head at the stupidy of the others. "Looks like Kade and Kim now know its fake and no one is there. As im sher you noticed by now Roger" blade whispered in his ear. "Yes i have" he manged to respond before he was hit under the arm stunning him. And crushing the smoke pelt in his hand. creating a smoke screen megeling with the smoke from his clone now gone. Blade stood there stuned when the smoke witch non of the other to note of was gone So was Roger. He shouldn't had been able to move at all. the it hit him as rogers foot went between his spine launching him in to the clearing with the others and landing on Joe to ruin the illusion he was seeing. Roger came out of the trees "that clone trike works wonders doesn't it Master." smiling at the expression worn on his Friends faces. and then blade hands move under him not seeing what he was doing Roger tossed a knife penetrating right under the arm to stun him. And more smoke filled the air. with a dead dear in his place. Every one froze "What the hell just happed" Kade said what the all where thinking.

Blade lite the fire in the fire place wile wondering how they where doing with all those shadows of his. he put the pot of water over the fire when it started bolling he tossed in some freshly made noodles. well dinner will be ready when the get back.

the all stood there for a while the and the clone they had been fighting them again .Roger forgetting it wasn't there fought as well. another ten minutes and they began to catch on to it. for it is not the scored a few hit and it was bleeding as it should but yet i berly slowed all of them where great fighters but this was just ridicules it was humming again. they came at it from all side may different way yet he had either move out of the way or parried. There weapons flashed and danced yet he was not slowing and they where. It became clear that this was the same they he watched earlier. " it not real guy is not even there look at it" no one heard him over the clash of steel on steel. The quick movement and fancy blade work was stunning. As they all began to see the truth of the enemy they face or the one the thought they saw. Blade actually rushed them from the side. or was it another clone or shadow Clone the all went on the defensive as three more came at them. was Blade really even here or had he left all to gather. tired and hungry they fought on. Soon they had that blasted toon stuck in there head that all the clones seemed to be humming finely one went down. And he and the others where so humming it them selves and fighting to it as well. like a dance rilly. And the all knew it to. the wher not fighters they had become dancer's. if any one was watching this from a distance the would have thought it all a dance while they where actually fighting for there lives against the best of the best who actually was back at the outpost cooking dinner.with out them knowing it. and using the same deer he had back at the clearing. and yet none had noticed this ether. the continued there training with the clones. all getting tired of it but knowing at the first slip up he would win yet again. Roger growing tired and frustrated finely took off in to the trees to tack a breather and watch carefully. the clones where slowing down and so where the others. Reaching in to a pocket pulling out some goop and putting it on his many cuts and bruise to easy the pain then raping banged's to help stop the bleeding. Tacking a hair from his head he focused on calling his Ki-re making the same hand motion's as Blade did he released the hair. so he stood face to face with him self. Sending it out to Fight some more.
he pulled Kade and Kim out and had them patched up as well and make shadows of them selves as well now there was four of them. three fake and one real one sending one out to help the others. one buy one the where puled aside with out notice. If needed they would be patched up. And do the same with clones. When Joe walked in. Katelin nearly fell over at the site of him his seven foot frame covered from head to foot with cutes. Sara being the most skilled with this stuff went to him and looked him over. Making Katlin glare a worried looked crossed of Sara face. " What Are you ok Sara." looking down he saw no serious wounds. "I'm fine" she manged to whisper. Once all rested the went back out trowing smoke bombs. There to extra Clone came with. now they where on a little more even terms.
and all to soon it was all over tired and worn out they high-fived each other in victory. There clones seeming just as tired as them. Roger took a deep sigh of relief only to notice there where two extra clones of him. looking at every one and counted theres as well again Two more clones of each. with no clues as to the where a Blade was. And the dear was gone. one thing blade had tolled them time and time agin was if you kill an animal you do so for food or out of mercy for a wounded one.
Yet he had killed one and used it in a spell of transportation. Shacking his head he let out a low laugh. "Guy's look like when we are done here we arrive in time for a feast." they looked at him there face giving hint that they where just now think what he had all ready thought. and then all including the clone let out round of rolling laughter. and dismissing there own clones. To face the fake one but witch where real and witch where fake. Joe striking first hinting the nearest thing starting an all out brawl every on hitting every one Katlin hit Joe and every one stopped moving. only for Joe to hit Roger. "every one fight only your self not each other." it stopped again and noded in unison they did as tolled.
and it all stated again.

Amaruth sat near by as Kashasha was telling Drake the basics of Ki-re and laughing every time he got confused it showed on his face making him glare at her and disrupting the lesson it was a beautiful day to be out side the sun was setting sinking in the sky the flowers smelling wonderful Kashasha went in side and came back out with some scrolls. "read them when he gets home to study and practice doing what they say in secrete." never let any one see these or know that they have them ether. leaving them alone again they looked at each other letting out a small smile. she came and gave him a hug one kiss to his cheek meet me tomorrow near the edge of the woods." then she ran a way blushing as he stood dum founded. Kashasha cane back with a white horse and to placing her hand on its neck she grace fully flipped on to it back picking him as setting him in front of her as she did so. they left the garden fallowing the secret paths through the trees that only the elves knew getting them to the same spot they had been the night before. whispering in elvish the horse trotted over to the scared tree. filling at easy with his new found friend. He smiled as she lend over to touch the scare and open the bridge. whispering to it one more time it took of again an hour latter he was all most home for what had taken hours on foot went buy quickly on horse back. when they got out of the trees she pulled the hood of the clock up. filling care free on the fast moving horse he wooped at the sight of the town. a crowd seemed to be gathering as the to riders approached.
they soon recognized Drake and went to fetch Brother Max. she whispered again and it stopped so suddenly that had Kashasha not had an arm around Drake he would have flown off all to gather. Drake looked at her with excitement in his eyes. "Can we do that again" she let out a laugh witch sounded like music to his ears. seeing the beautiful smile on her face. he could not help but smile back. whispering to him. "In three week come back to the secret bridge. And I will teach you more." he looked a way for a minute "Why that long?" because I have the filling the whole town going to be talking ab out this for ever and we don't want any one to know what your up to." looking at her once more a tiny and silent "Oh" came out. Nether wanting to depart but needing to leave before the crowd got any closer. She put him on the ground and turned and set the horse in motion. stooping at the trees she turned to look back her hart filled with joy she waved and he waved back. still smiling she turned and trotted a way think of him all the way back what a strange kid he was. Who named him Drake yes its fitting name but to obvious. smile remand in her thought all night long as well as Amaruth's as well.
and there smiles in his own thought's for who could for get the beautiful smile of two elves.

there was a pounding at his door and shouts out side. 'Why couldn't any on leave him alone he was packing to tack a trip to the elves in encampment. he and the other waited half the day for Drake at the bridge for Drake to come. and there had been no sine of his passing that way returning empty handed but Three Hours ago. He planed to seek the aid to find his son to find Drake. yet here they where knocking at his door bothering him. "Max's we know your in there!" he grumbled a few times continued to pack. come on max he back Drake's back and some one with him. That was all he need to here and he was out the door rushing with the others arriving there just in time to see the Rider vanish in to the woods. The Hound walking up to him. and his dog rushing forwarded in excitement. sniffing him up and down howling all the while tey had found there target and he smiled just lovely to there sharp Kayne noises. yet they remand at a distance. For just as he smelled wonder full they could since some something different. the power that now seem to lurk just below the surface. and none of the people seemed to tack note of it. But they where happy they had found him at last it was his smell they had fallowed last night. And though he came back they had found him. there master pated them on the head good job you two he said. witch made them run amuck even more.
But glader still was Max who ran too him tears ruining down his face. not even paying attention still looking at the trees He was taken by surprise when Max piked him up mubleling in to his shirt. "Can't breath" came his replay pulling away he looking Drake up and down noticing the different clothes for the first time. He knew who had brought him back. But was not going to steer up the all ready curies crowed behind him. Drake look at him with a small frown on his face 'Max you soaked my shirt" was all he said and every one stared dumbfounded at this and went quite. then burst out in laughter. Max Took him back to the church to celebrate. The town shouting and singing. And every one seeming just a curious as the others as to where he was. His friends all gathering. About him shouting Questions at him so it seem the whole town was up tables where out light where out kegs or grown up drinks. and some even for kids food was set. relay amazing how they could at any moment just start a party in town like this. nearly falling over in amazement at it all. Was this really all for him or was every one just exited and it turned out this way in the midst of the excitement. The bag was taken off his shoulder in that moment every thing seemed to stop even the music witch he had not even noticed was going. every one stopped and looked. Without even realizing it he garbed Max's wrist twisted it making him drop the bag and flipped him over his shoulder on to his back. Stunned at this he piked the bag up and ran to his room it seemed as ever on was going to attack him.
Ford saw this and took off after him seeing the look on Drakes face scared him. "what is in that bag? what happed out there that made him so jumpy. more importantly what with thous ridiculous close?' "Hey" he shouted as he ran faster to catch up to him "Drake wait its me Ford." Drake ran in to the church yard the party was going on there to. Running up to his room Ford fallowed half way up the stairs he paused to catch his breath. Herring the door slam shut he ran up to the top pushed the door open to find him sliding the tile over the whole where he all way hid stuff. "what is that you've got there he said." startled he turned around guilty look on his face."um nothing" he said a out of his mind. going over to check what's under the tile Drake shoved him back. "you are not to know. now ill be right out." i want u to leave for a minute. to late the hound and brother max stood in the door way. looking at him. With trubeld expression's on there faces. Drack looked at them as if this could not get any worse. in a tone no overly gentle but broke no debt. "hound Ford leave us pleas" they left the room Max hut sand locked the door. Ford left to a wait Drack at the bottom of the stats but hound knowing that was no ordinary rider that brought Drack back. but an elf after all ties years of staying in there woods one had emerged. Drack had all way's strange his had golden eyes told that much.
if this kid had emerged from elven Tartary there know knowing what he knew. stopping out side the door. he place his head on the door to list to what was being said. a loud bang on the other side of the door told him that he was to go a way. angry at missing the chance to learn of the elves he left the party still going on.
'shuer they town had thrown party like this before more for the sake of fun then or the calibration' he walked past ford sneering all the while. Ford shivered at this.


Texte: Illustration not mine, Words are.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Teddy, not my mom, Chris did help a little, Kacie, who is a random person, and has absolutely nothing to do with this book, ok so she is related to teddy, but so what. You need to stop typing everything that i'm saying....

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