Too Much Love

If you had to chose...Your child's life....Or....Your Happiness? Von:
User: Anastasia
Too Much Love
Okay, so a lot of teens have problems and my friend decided, in the heat of the moment, to write what she has been trying to get out of her system for a long time. She doesn't know that because she only thinks that her mom just made her want to scream, but instead wrote about her feelings. So, If you ever need a shoulder to cry on and don't have it, or just need someone to agree with you 200%, then this book is for you! Read it, Love it, I don't care.

PS- this is not a book to criticize you or put anyone down, its just a word of advice and help when needed. Neither of us are even out of high school yet, so this is powerful in a way!


Love, Too Much, Sacrifice, Wish, God
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