Picture Perfect

Book 1 Von:
Picture Perfect
A girl who is trying to get great pictures of wolves, ends up finding out some thing she never wanted to deal with.Read on to find out more.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Picture Perfect Saga"
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Picture Perfect
Book 1
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

ya i know it does when im trying to change that and i will be trying to fix the mistakes. it might be alittle like twilight but i dont know yet.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Nothing against you or your book but it sound sorta...Twilighty. But that's okay! There were a few grammer and spelling errors but it's good. Keep it up :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

You have a good hook. Why is she in the woods, why the strange behavior of the wolves, who is the boy. So continue to build your story. You are doing well. Keep it up. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was written well.
The use of the particular font is pretty but it is not easy to read. I would suggest changing it to make your story more credible.
You have a great start to a wonderful story./joeparente

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