Different similarities

Different similarities
rosella and alinora calleen always thought they were normal.what they do not know and what their parents have not told themis that they are really from a twin populated world called twynsanthia.there is a war going on between the evil twins and the good twins so there parents took them away to earth so they could have safe and normal lives...this however was going to change.in twynsanthia everyone is given a soulmate unless they commit a crime or break a twynsanthia law...breaking one you will be deemed an evil twin.sarora and dupree bolshevik heirs to the throne have a dream about their soulmates who happen to be alinora and rosella...what will happen?...read an find out!!

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hey awesome book sow far can't wait to read more hope you do write more and by the way I'm a twin and i think that it is awesome what you did there

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