The Zechian Experience

The Zechian Experience

A human planet is conquered.   All humans are ordered removed.  Eventually they are on an unpopulated planet, given their own island.


Human nature being what it is, the situation is bleak.


For the conquerors, a political situation begins to emerge, The possibility of eDapktchoy, the ruler of the planet, becoming the god/king, is live, which would thwart the expectation of others.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Right Thing"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Right Thing
Part 1
4,49 US$
Great Space Pirate - II
part 2 of the Sequel to The Right Thing
4,49 US$
Small Steps to War
Sequel to the Great Space Pirate
4,49 US$
Organic Robotics - II
The Second Part of Organic Robotics
4,99 US$
Battle for Xenos III
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The Inclusion of Xenos III - Part 1
4,99 US$
The Inclusion of Xenos III - Part 3
Denying Them the Cure
4,99 US$
End of War
4,99 US$
Not Making it to Earth
5,49 US$
The Journey
4,49 US$
The Time On KeyTash
The 12th Part of The Right Thing
3,49 US$
The Possibility of Zechia
The 13th Part of The Right Thing
3,49 US$
The ReBirth of Zechia
14th Part of The Right Thing
3,49 US$
The Zechian Experience
5,49 US$
Inexorable Conclusion
Final Part of The Right Thing
5,49 US$

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5,49 US$
king, new planet, conflict
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