Missing You

If your love is strong enough.. then maybe..just maybe...you'll win. Von:
User: BlueBird
Missing You
Callum and Chrissy have been together for four years and planned to together for more but when a tragic accident takes place, will their love still be as strong as before? Will there be a happy ending for both?

love, lost, tragic, hurt, memory
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Great!! book ;)

1 Kommentar
Gelöschter User

I love this book!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Okay, there are quite a few grammar and punctuation mistakes but that can be fixed easily. The beginning is interesting, you had me fooled with thinking Lisa was a human, yet although interesting it is kind of slow going in the pacing department, and it's hard to see where the story is going.
I like how you're not telling us how Callum and Chrissy's relationship is, but showing us through their interactions with each other.
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2 Kommentare

Thank you so much! I will work on the grammer and the other feedback you gave me:) Thanks a lot!!

Gelöschter User

You're welcome :)

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