
Chapter 1

I stared at him as he walked into my bedroom acting like everything was perfect. And let me tell you something, It wasn't.

He didn't notice me and just collapsed on the bed like he just finished cleaning the Eiffel Tower.

I cleared my throat. He jumped with surprise.   'Chrissy, I didn't notice you were here.' He said coming up to me and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I didn't change the expression on my face.  'So, what's new?' He said while getting a book from the shelf and sitting on the chair, next to me.. I'll tell you whats new. A black hole on your eye when I'm finished with you, I thought.    

'I saw you with Lisa.' I said finally. He shot up, looking at me with confusion.   'So?' He said, looking back at his book. I could see that 'oh no, i'm busted' in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes.   'I told you to stop meeting her.' I said, looking at him.   He smiled. 'No way, I love-'

  'You love her?' I laughed bitterly. 'Do you know what love is?' I said. 

He looked at me and shrugged. 'Its a feeling?'  

'Right.' I said, sarcastically. 'And do you know what that feeling is?'  

'Chrissy... I don't want to fight.' He said, already getting tired. 

'I don't want to fight too,Callum. But I hate it when your with her. Do you know how mad I get.' I said angrily. 

  'I can't believe your going to talk about this again.' He mumbled, putting the book back.  

'Well, lets get it done with it. Get rid of her.' I said. 'I'm your girlfriend and I have a right to say what I think is right.'  He put his hand through his hair. A way of saying he was frustrated.  

'Well?' I said.   

'You know, we are talking about a cat, right?' He said finally.

  Yep. He was right. We were talking about Lisa the cat that Callum loves.

You see, it started a few weeks ago. I'm not going to give you a flashback because I'm pretty mad right now. Callum is my boyfriend and a massive pet lover. I'm Christina. But everyone calls me Chrissy. And I am allergic to fur. Yep, believe it or not.

But our relationship was a disaster at times, but it still worked. I loved Callum and he loved me to bits that he gave his animals away when he started living with me. I'm 18 and happy.     Until Callum found a cat in the streets. Instead of giving it to the pet shelter, he made a little wooded house for the cat to live in. Wait for it.. In my garden! So here I was, getting into an argument that I would normally win in. 

'If its just a cat, why don't you give it back to the shelter?' I continued. 

'Because...' He looked down. He mumbled something quickly.  'What?' I said.  

  'I love cats, okay?' Callum said. 'I love them to bits.' He sat down, defeated.  

I would have said 'well don't you love me?' and we would have started a bigger argument than usual. But I didn't. He meant it. He loved animals but had to keep it on a down low when I came in his life.

I sighed. Maybe I was being harsh. I separated this man from his second love. Animals.  I sat on his lap and lifted his head. 'You must hate me.' I whispered.

His blue charming eyes widened.     'Are you crazy? Why would I hate you?' He said, putting my blond hair , behind my ear. 'Your everything to me.' 

'I am?' I said. He nodded. 

  'Everything.' He said again. He put his lips to mine and sent butterflies to my stomach. Even though, I kissed him a lot of times, It never got old. It was different every time.  We kissed for 10 minutes. Looked at each other for 5 minutes and then laughed about the argument for 20 minutes.  

'Come on, I want to see this cat that stole my boyfriend.' I said while dragging him out the room. 

  'No way, your allergic remember?' He said making me stop.

  'So what? I won't die from a few sneezes.' I said. He stopped completely.  'Chrissy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bought this cat. Remember the last time? You were ill for a day, and it was my fault. I let one on my friend's dog lick you.' I laughed.  'Callum, That was when I met you. Remember? You were walking with your friend and his dog. And the dog was trying to get the biscuit off my hand.

And when I gave it, the dog licked me to death.' I said, remembering. It was the most annoying but important moment in my life. It was the day I met Callum.     'Oh yeah. Even though it was 3 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday.' He said. 'You looked beautiful that day.' He said giving me another kiss. 

'Oh, really?' I giggled. 'How did I look?'  'Amazing.' He kissed me passionately.   We stopped when i heard Callum's stomach growl. I smiled. 'I'll get you something to eat.' I said before going to the kitchen.  'You don't have to.' He said behind me. 'I don't want you to do things for me.'

  I looked at him. He was so handsome with his black hair and blue eyes that I could stare into for hours.     'I thought its the girlfriends job to cook for the boyfriend.'

I said getting the things out to make shepherd pie.  He put his arms around me from the back and put his chin on my shoulder. 'Don't you mean its the wife's job to cook for the husband.' He whispered. 

'It means the same thing. Wife and girlfriend.' I said, too busy getting him off me but he wouldn't budge.  'So you think theres no difference between a wife and a girlfriend.' He said tightening his hands around my waist.

  'Yep.' I said. I turned myself so that I was looking at him.  

'So, if I proposed to you right now, nothing would change?' He said cheekily.  I kissed him on the cheek. 'Nope. I would still be the annoying fur allergic girlfriend.'   He looked at me, trying to act serious. 'But really.. what do you think?' He said. 

I bit my lip and looked at the ground. What will I think? Callum, the guy who I've been with nearly 3 years and have loved for 6 years. Yep, I will love to marry him. It's just he's never asked me. We've always joked around about it but then it goes no where. So I pretend to not care, eventhough i've always dreamed of walking down that isle and having him there, next to me.

  'You know what I think?' I said. 'I think you should make the Shepherd while I go to sleep.' I said giving him the over gloves. He looked at me like I told him to eat a wooden table. 

'What?' He laughed.  I yawned. 'I've had a big day today, finding a perfect dress for Lily.' I said. Lily is my sister. Shes getting married and is a right pain at the moment. It took 15 hours for her to find a perfect dress and still, she didn't feel satisfied.

'So, you eat whatever you want and I will take a nap.' I said, getting out of the kitchen and going to my bedroom.  He followed me and jumped on the bed before I could sleep on it. 

'What are you doing?' I said, laughing. He smiled.   'I love you.' He said while I budged him off the bed.  

'I know.' I smiled cheekily. He rolled his eyes.  'You know what we should do?' I said, coming closer to him. 

'Whats that?' He said, biting his lip. 

'We should...'   

'Yeah?' He said, looking at my lips.  'Play Monopoly!' I said happily. 

He frowned. 'Monopoly?'   'Yeah, what else?' I said, getting the game from my wardrobe.  'Fine then. I'm the shoe and your the Iron.'  I looked at him and made a face. 'Iron? Are you crazy?' 

'No your the crazy one who wants to play Monopoly.' He said helping me set them.  'We haven't played once.' I said, getting the board out from the brand new box. 'Its like we are too old to play games.'  He laughed. 'I'm 20!' 

  'So?' I said looking at him, like he said that trees make paper.

'I'm 18!'  He sat on the other side, while we both started to play.  

'The winner has one wish!' He commanded.  I rolled my eyes. 'Do you know how long this game goes for?'  'Fine, the person who gets a-'  'Lets just forget the wish, for goodness sake!'

I said, setting the thing up.  'Okay.' He said, taken back. 'Someone hates wishes.' 

'I don't hate them. I just don't believe in them.' I mumbled.  'Right.' He said, looking at me in that 'you're weird' way.  Before I could shout at him, my phone rang. 'Hello?'  'Hey, honey.' It was Mum.    

'Hey Mum. Whats up?' I said, rolling my dice.  'When are you coming?' Mum said.  I frowned. 'Coming where?'  I heard her sigh. 'You forgot? Darling, we are having an family dinner today, remember? We planned it weeks ago.'  'Oh yeah! I forgot.' I said, feeling stupid. 

'Okay well, its started so get here fast.' I got 2 on my dice and on the monopoly, I was put in jail. Callum laughed out loud. So loud that my mum heard.  'Is that Callum?' Mum said. I sighed.   'Yep. We're playing monopoly.' I said.  'Darling, what do you see in that boy? Hes making you play childish games.'

  'Mum-'  'Today is monopoly, what will it be tomorrow? Playing in the bouncy castle.' Mum said, angrily.    I made sure Callum didn't hear. My mum doesn't like Callum. Yes, when I met him, he used to be the naughtiest but not anymore. Matt works for a decent job as a architect which he only chose to keep my mother happy. He never told anyone but I know him.  'Mum, I wanted to play and we'll be coming.' I said, kind of angry. Callum is trying to be perfect for my mother and my mother doesn't care.  

'Hey, who was that?' Callum said, looking at the game.  'Mum. She said we have to go to a family dinner.'   Callum looked at me. 'Cool.' 

He got up and went to the wardrobe to find something to wear. He hates going and I don't understand why he always says he wants to go. 'What do you think I should wear?'

  'You don't have to go, you know.' I said.  'I know. I want to.' He said, giving me a smile. 'Anyways, its been a while since I met your family.'  'Callum.' He faced me. I got up and hugged him. 

'Hey, whats up, blue?' He said. He calls me blue whenever I'm sad. Its his way of saying that he understands.   'I just wanted a hug.' I said. It came out as a muffle because I was holding him so tight. 'I'm sorry.'  'For what?' He said.   'I don't know. I'm just sorry, I guess.'  He put his hands on each side of my face. 'Don't. Don't be sorry.'  I nodded.  

  'Right. What shall I wear?' He said, sounding like a girl.  

I laughed. I picked up my blue heels. 'Maybe these to match your eyes.'  He put his hands on his hips. 'Hmm, you sure about that? I was thinking red and a tiny dress to show off my curves.'  I looked at him strangely. He makes good impressions of a girl. Then all of a sudden, we burst out laughing.


Chapter 2

This dress was a big deal. Not only will my parents be there who will be watching poor Callum like a hawk but my sister's in laws will be there.

They are really different. I mean, Ted, my sister's fiance is cool but his parents are worser than mine.

They are really rich and will be watching my sister Lily like a hawk too. So everything has to be perfect. I put my black dress on with a cardigan.

I hate wearing dresses, specially dresses that are really short like this one. But I had to. Callum wore a suit which I bought him a few months ago. He looked great. His brown hair was pushed back which was both cool and suitable for this evening.

My brown hair was all pushed back. 'Don't you think you're trying too much to impress them?' Callum said. We were in the bathroom. He was combing his hair and I was well, wearing makeup.

'I'm not trying too much.' I said. He smiled. 'You're wearing makeup when you NEVER wear it and your wearing a dress that is really tight.' I looked at my dress. 'Its not that tight.' I mumbled

. 'Yeah, right.' I went to him and sorted his tie out. He put his hands around me.

'Lily's in laws are coming so be on your best behaviour.' I said.

'Oh come on, just because they are rich doesn't mean they need special treatment.' He said.

I sighed. 'I know but Ted's family is well, very strict and you've seen how much Lily loves Ted.'

'True.'He said. 'And anyways..' I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything was fine.'Ted has a brother so maybe there will be 2 weddings this week.' I teased.

He smiled. 'Oh really?' 'Yep. Lily said he has a crush on me.' I said, feeling proud. He put a strand of my behind my ear. 'I guess I have competition then.' 'Yep.' I looked at my watch. 'We should be going. We don't want to be late.' I said. He got the keys from my bag.

'I'll drive.' 'Are you crazy? You are not driving my car.' I said, rememebering the time he crashed into my grandmas garden. That was another reason in my mum's hate list for Callum. 'Chrissy. Would you let it go? That was years ago.' Callum said as we walked to the car. I had a blue car.

Let me tell you something about blue. Its my favourite color. If you bought me an ugly sweater, I wouldn't take it but if you bought me a BLUE sweater than I would take it. 'Chrissy, you there?' Callum said, waving his hand in front of my face.

'Hmm, what did you say?' I said. I took the keys from Callum and went inside the car. 'I said that you should forget about the car incident.' I smiled. 'How can I forget?' It was halarious.' I said, remembering my grandmas face when she openedd the door to see a car parked on top of her tulips. He put his hand through his hair. 'I would have thought it was halarious if it wasn't me. But it was.' He sighed.

I guess he felt bad when he did that. I hit him on the forehead. 'Ow.' He shouted. 'What was that for?' 'It makes all your bad memories transferred to my head.' I said. 'So you have nothing to worry about.' He laughed. 'You're crazy.' I smiled. It worked. Whenever we have a bad memory of something in the bad, we tap eachother's forehead so we don't feel hurt by it. Its weird, everytime we do it, it helps. I drove to my parents house. When we got there, there was a mercedes in front of my parent's house.

Oh no, Ted's family must have already came, I thought, looking at my watch. I took Callum's hand and we ran to the front door. Before I went in, I looked at myself in the mirror that I had in my bag. I ate some chocolate cake in the car and I made sure I didn't have bits stuck in my teeth.

Callum looked at me weirdly. 'Are you really trying to impress that Ted's brother? Because if you are-'

I smiled. 'Sometimes you take a joke really seriously.' I said, rolling my eyes. I straightend his tie and knocked on the door to my parent's house.

Chapter 3: Lily's P.O.V

(BTW, Lily is Chrissy's sister)


I looked at myself in the mirror.

I had the dress that Ted bought me on. Ted. When i saw him a year ago, i never knew i would marry him. He seemed too unfunny whereas i can't stop having fun.  He seemed strict like my dad and 2 faced like my mum but then when i met him in the party, he looked like the guy of my dreams. And he is. I smiled, thinking of his dark hair and brown eyes.  I loved him and in a few days, he will be my husband.  

'Lily!' I looked to see my crazy sister, Crissy looking at me. She looked great with her black dress and her brown hair was all pushed back which made it easy to see her green eyes. We have the same eyes but hers were lighter. 

'Hey! You look great.' I said hugging her.   

'You too.' She said, looking at my dress. 'Why aren't you downstairs where your fiance is?'  

I smiled. 'Yah, i was going to go but i couldn't find that necklace you gave me, you know, the one with the word 'love' in it.' 

She nodded. 'Have you checked your drawer?' 


  'Under the bed?'


  'Jewellery box?'

  'Yep.'  I looked away.

That was the most important necklace and i lost it. How could i?  She put her hand on my shoulder.

'You'll find it, don't worry. Lets go downstairs. They must be waiting and i need to help mum with the dinner.

  I sighed. 'You're right. Lets go.'  We both went downstairs. I could hear Ted and my mum laughing about something. I smiled. He really has a way of being friendly to my mum. My mum loves him to bits.   We went into the living room. At the corner of the room, ted, his family and mum were talking. Dad was on the phone as always about work.  

On the right, there was Callum, just sitting there alone. I thinks hes great but my whole family dont Agree. Hes got an awesome job and he is very handsome.

I cant lie that he flattered me at times.  

'I'm just going to help mum, okay?' Chrissy said. I nodded and she went. 

I went to Callum.  'Hey idiot.' I said  He smiled.

'Hey idiot.'  I sat next to him. 'I heard you got in trouble from you boss.' 

He laughed. 'And how did you know?' 

'Ermm... I know people who know people who know people who know-'  

'Chrissy told you didn't she?' 

'Yep.'   He smiled but there was  something distant that was causing him trouble. Maybe the fact that none of my family came to greet him. Why dont they understand that its been 3 years since he was with Crissy and she will marry him someday.

I really dont understand. Me and Callum talked about random stuff. Hes always been my best mate.

  'Can everyone come to the dinner table, the food is ready.' Mum announced. We all did as we asked. I sat with ted and Callum on the other side.

Next to him was Chrissy and next to her was my mum. Dad went out for work i guess.   I looked at the food on the table. Wow it looked delicious.

I wanted to eat it all up but i knew i had to diet for my wedding. There was lasagna, curry and a spaghetti. I was about to eat when i felt a hand hold mine. I looked to my left to see ted smiling at me. Normally when we meet, we would kiss but since our family is always around us, holding hands secretly is the best we could do. He came close to my ears.

'You're looking beautiful tonight.' He whispered.  I smiled and blushed at his compliment.  On my right, i could see Crissy putting food in for Callum. 'Have some more lasagna, its your favorite right?' Chrissy said.  Callum smiled and said,' thanks, did you make it for me?'   'No i made it for the neighbors cat, of course i made it for you.' She said.  They both started laughing. I smiled.

Callum and Chrissy are a match made in heaven. They love each other to bits. More than me to be honest.  Mum heard them laughing. Actually everyone did. They stopped laughing when they saw that the whole dinner table and Kevin the cat were looking at them.  Mum cleared her throat.

'So Callum, did you know that ted is a famous businessman worldwide?'   I can't believe this. Mum was bloating about Ted to Callum. I seriously cant believe this.

Chapter 4: Chrissy's P.O.V

I looked at lily and she was thinking the same thing as me.

She always did this. Mum that is. She always humiliates  

Callum just because hes not the best architect in the world.  'I never knew that, Mrs lane. Thats great.' Callum said.He smiled at her and i bet a thousand pounds that he knew my mum was being mean to him.

 'Not to be mean or anything,' my mum continued, 'but his salary in a month is more than you can make in a year.' 

Everyone except me, sis, ted and Callum understood how mean she was being. Ted's family was busy talking to my dad who finally came back from work.

 'Mum, there was no need for that.' I said, hoping she would eat and stop talking. But once my mum talks, she doesn't stop until shes proven a point. 

'But Christina, I'm just saying a fact, isn't that right, Callum?' He nodded. I was easy to tell that he was hurt.  

She laughed. 'Callum is a good boy. Or shall i say man. You are 2 years older than my daughter.'

 'Mum-' 'But you seem young with the clothes you wear at home. All of them shirts. But what do we expect, you are living off a small architect job.'

 'Mum, stop it.' I warned her. She shook her hand at me.  'Darling, i forgot to tell you, teds brother couldn't come today.'

 'Yes, it was his friends wedding so he had to attend that.' Ted said, trying to change the subject. But nope, instead it got worse. 

'Oh good. Talking about marriages, what do you think of them?' Mum said.

 That's it. Shes crossed the line. She always had this problem with me and Callum living together without being married.

I told her we want to take this relationship slow but when does she ever listen. I was about to open my mouth to tell her to shut up when Callum held my hand. He looked at me and shook his head, to say that he doesn't want me to defend him.

 He smiled at my mother. 'I actually don't know.'  

My mum frowned. 'At the age of 18 you took my daughter and now you're saying 'you don't know?' 'Mum.' 

'What?' She said to me, annoyed that i interrupted her.  

 'We are leaving.' 'What?' She said. 'But you didn't take one bite of your lasagna.'

 'After the things you said about Callum, i think I've lost my appetite.'  

After that, i grabbed Callum's hand and we walked out of the room.  Lily and ted ran after us.  'Chrissy, i don't know what's up with mum. Please come back.' Lily said. Callum put his hands on my shoulder. 'I'm fine, Chrissy. Lets go back.' He was about to take me when i moved his hand away from me. 'You go. But me? I'm not going to come back until that women is happy with who I'm with.'  I got my cardigan and went out of the front door. I heard Callum walk behind me. Tears fell down my eyes. 

Chapter 5

 We were at home. We were on the sofa watching TV.

Ever since we left mum's house, we haven't said a word to each other.

 'How can you talk like that to your mum?' Callum said suddenly. He got up from the sofa and faced me. 'Its normal for her to hate me so you should understand.'

 I looked at him. His happy eyes were now filled with confusion. But he needs to know. 'No Callum. It would have been normal if she hated you on the first day we were together. Maybe the first week or even the first month. But 3 years. 3 years she hates you. Don't you think that's un fair Callum, even a tiny bit?'

 He put his hand through his hair with frustration. 'But still Chrissy-'

 'No. Callum i love my my mum. I love her to bits but when she says stuff like that to you. That you cant handle yourself or you have a lousy job, it makes me feel like shes insulting me.' I wiped the tears away.  Callum had his back on me.  'Callum, look at me.'

He wouldn't turn.  I faced him and then i saw it. Callum looked really sad. He looked at me. 'But its true. How can you live with me? I cant get you a house to live in, i cant buy you presents. I'm just not good enough for you.'

 I hugged him. 'Don't you dare say that. You give me something that no one else can give which is happiness so don't.' I wiped away his tears. 'I love you till I die.' I said. That was in my favorite TV shows and ever since then, Callum used to say i love you like that.   Callum smiled. I love you too.' He kissed me on the lips lightly before hugging me.  'Okay.' He said. 'Lets stop this cheesiness and play some monopoly.   I laughed. 'I thought you hated it.

 'Its okay i guess.' He said.  'Fine lets play it.' I kissed him Again before getting the game from the wardrobe. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2013

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