Uncle Wooster Becomes Deputy Sheriff

Uncle Wooster Becomes Deputy Sheriff
Uncle Wooster manages to get himself arrested every winter so he can live off the County in Muddy Fork's warm jail. This year everything changes. He has been offered the position of Deputy Sheriff. Will this mean the end of Uncle Wooster?

A Muddy Fork story

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Muddy Fork, short story, humor
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It's rare that I pick at an author's work, especially one who has the likes of Twain written in his stories.

You have the makings of a The New Yorker story right here. There's just something about a down home piece of writing in a voice like yours that draws serious readers everywhere.

You have the characters. You have the setting. You have the dilemma. The initial draw, or hook. "Pa says uncle Wooster is the laziest man in... mehr anzeigen

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