
Die Nueris. Die Entdeckung von Mensch zu Nueri und unbekehrt. Wie ähnlich sind wir uns und wie weit können wir uns verstehen ihne die gleiche Sprache zu sprechen?

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Kenwood, CA

More signs that trump's vindictive, hard-right authoritarian personality is
filtering down to punish the Average Joe that falls out of the Party line.

""The agreement ... limits the issues that can be brought up as a grievance
and eliminates a guarantee against retaliation for filing one.""

But resistance grows:
“And at this point, employees are willing to accept whatever fallout comes
with exercising a right to... mehr anzeigen

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Seattle, Washington

A bill which the Crazoid in Chief has now threatened to veto, thus shutting
down the government down all by himself. Trump promised to drain the swamp in
Washington, but it turns out he himself is the creature from the black lagoon.


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