Demon Memories

Demon Memories
Demon Memories is about a girl,who is 7 years old,loses her heart and goes on an adventure with her friend Sarah and a demon Alexander. But what problems lie ahead?

Demon, Heart, Soul
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This is a really good book :D very creative of you Silv, I hope you can keep writing more books! Good Luck!

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(°ᴗƪ) ➜ ︀↪ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?lalawong1013_1326083102.3961310387

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This is a really good book :D very creative of you Silv, I hope you can keep writing more books! Good Luck!

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I'm glad you like the book, i just uploaded the next chapter, i'll be uploading as much as I can everyday <3

Wichtiger Beitrag

this is a great are u going to add more too it i would love to see what happens next =)

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